Material known as numerology or arithmetic have been known and Obtained by students ranging from primary school to secondary level even at the high school level. But in fact there are students who are weak in arithmetic calculating material, whereas integer operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is very helpful of other subjects. From the results of observations made by the author to provide questions integer multiplication on a class VII student turns after observation of students' work found Several problems, Among others: (1) of 15 questions that must be completed by the student, it turns out as many as 40% of students have not been Able to resolve a given problem precisely and perfectly, and (2) students working on the addition, subtraction, and multiplication in a conventional manner so that it takes a very lama.Berdasarkan Reviews These observations, the authors try to use tools / props monographs and rods Napier as one variation penjumlalan learning , subtraction, and multiplication of integers. By using Reviews These tools is expected to Attract students and to assist students' Difficulties in learning addition, subtraction, and multiplication of integers, so that the students Easier and more skilled in math without using a calculator. Monographs and stem Napier was first discovered by a Scottish Nobleman named John Napier (1550-1617). How it works quite see monographs props available without counting. How it works is very simple Napier rods that by translating the problem into a multiplication problem sum. The workings of monographs and Napier rods can be seen in the illustration Figure 1. . . How to use monographs quite interesting. Create a straight line that passes through the line numbers a, b, and c, and students can calculate the exact integers. Rules of use are: (1) a + b = c, (2) c - a = b, and (3) c - b = a. For example, if a = 3, b = -5, then to find the result of a + b so students only need to draw a straight line from the point on a number line 3 and line number at point b -5. results can be seen on the number line at point c -2. To use the Napier rods, there are some things that need to be observed before performing the multiplication process. As an example: 36 × 45. Means Necessary Numbers 36 horizontal bands containing the numbers 3 and 6. While number 45 requires a vertical tape that contains the numbers 4 and 5. For more details, see figure 2. . . . CHAPTER III RESEARCH PROCEDURES This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Kedokanbunder in class VII of the semester of academic year 2006/2007, the which consists of three classes with a number of 120 students. Research conducted in August and September 2006. This study was conducted According to the following steps: First, the preparatory phase. This stage consists of: (1) to report and ask for permission to the principal, (2) conduct observations of students with addition problems, subtraction, and multiplication of integers, (3) identify the problems of observation and action plan, (4 ) prepare the required facilities, and (5) developing evaluation instruments. Second, the implementation phase. The implementation phase is divided into two cycles. The first cycle consists of the following activities: (1) implement the teaching and learning activities with the action on the use of monographs in addition and subtraction of integers, (2) monitor / guide the learning process, (3) provide about addition and subtraction of integers, (4) Evaluate the implementation of action, and (5) if the cycle is not the maximum initial result, then proceed with the second cycle. While the second cycle includes Several activities, Including: (1) implement the teaching and learning activities with the action on the use of stem Napier in integer multiplication, (2) guiding the learning process, (3) provide about integer multiplication, and ( 4) evaluating the implementation of the action. Stages study concludes with the preparation of the report. Data collection techniques in action is to use questionnaires and tests. Provided questionnaire in this action five alternative answers are Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S), Regular (B), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (STS). While the acquisition criterion scores of the questionnaire can be seen in Table 1. . . Tests are given in this action is a matter of completing a written test using integer multiplication monographs and Napier rods. The test is used to Determine the student's skills in using monographs and rod action Napier at the end of each cycle. . CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION RESULTS Cycle 1 was conducted with a focus on learning to use monographs. Learning activities to solve problems of addition and subtraction of integers using Reviews These monographs do against three classes totaling 120 students. In this cycle, after the act, held the test to Determine the level of student mastery of addition and subtraction of integers using monographs. Obtained results from tests conducted on three classes can be seen in Table 2. . . In the implementation of this cycle, the author was assisted by partner teachers in charge of conduct observations of learning activities. Based on Reviews These observations it is known that (1) the activities of teachers and students in learning activities are Appropriate to the students motivated in learning activities, (2) the implementation of the action plan is Appropriate, and (3) the response from both the students so as to create a fun learning environment. While the results of the test students in solving addition and subtraction of integers found a problem that there are some problems that can not be solved by the students. This is Because students have trouble with the monograph primarily for reduction. Another difficulty is that there is still a lack of student work Appropriate Because it is not accurate in seeing the positive or negative sign. And to Overcome this difficulty conducted a second cycle. In the second cycle, the authors implement student learning to Overcome the Difficulties in solving the problem at the beginning of the cycle, using Napier Rods for multiplication. Basic multiplication taken from the fields in the rod Napier. Previously students were had instructed to Observe the column on the stem Napier, then concluded multiplication patterns found In These columns. Furthermore, to Determine the extent of students' understanding and skills integer multiplication using stem Napier, students are given a test. The results of the test on the second cycle of this can be seen in Table 3. . . While the results of the questionnaire given to students in may result in Table 4. . . From the results of tests conducted at the beginning of the cycle to 3 classes can be argued that the average value of each class is good enough or can be said to have been skilled students use to complete monographs addition problems, subtraction, and multiplication of integers. to help the student Difficulties, used the way integer multiplication Napier using rods and ends with the final tests. Information Obtained from Reviews These tests that the students Obtained very satisfactory. Average value Reached 84 students. This shows that students are more skilled in calculating a matter of addition, subtraction, and multiplication of integers using stem monographs and Napier. While the views of the results of the questionnaire can be Noted that: (1) many students are included in the criteria are very interested totaling 72 students, or 60%, (2) many students are included in the criteria of interest amounting to 31 students or by 25.83%, and (3) many students are included in the criteria cukupberminat totaling 17 students or by 14 : 17%. From the results of the questionnaire were not found in the category of students who are not interested and very interested. By Comparing the percentage of the student questionnaire results above, it can be said that the students were very interested and motivated to learn using integer multiplication and stem Napier monographs. This is Because The students were delighted to learn while playing so that students do not feel bored during learning. In addition, students Also had the pleasure of knowing any other way to solve the integer multiplication other than as long as they get. . CHAPTER V CLOSING CONCLUSION Based on the above results it can be concluded that the monographs and Napier rods can be used as a variation in learning addition, subtraction, and multiplication of integers so that the students get to know other ways to solve problems in addition to the conventional way of integers. In addition, based on the results of the questionnaire can be said that the use of monographs and Napier rods can MOTIVATE students in learning so as to improve students' skills in solving problems integers. . ADVICE From this study, the authors expect a few things , Among others: (1) for the co-teacher of mathematics in particular, the author hopes to popularize monographs and Napier's rods as a variation in learning addition, subtraction, and multiplication of integers at the primary level and secondary level and (2) the teacher is always creative in the search for and find other interesting variasivariasi that students are always motivated to learn mathematics. 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