
Methamphetamine "Shake N' Bake" Gui

Methamphetamine "Shake N' Bake" Guide

**WARNING** Combining these chemicals can result in fire, explosion, injury, death, or arrest. I do NOT use illicit narcotics, nor do I condone the use of illicit narcotics. This post is for informational purposes only. I take no responsibility for anyone who misuses this information and blows themself up, burns down a structure, or gets arrested. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. ****DO NOT DO THIS INDOORS****
Now, on with the show.

You will need:


2 2-liter bottles (Clean & dry, with lid)
1 1-liter bottle (Clean & dry, with lid)
1 20oz bottle (Clean & dry, with lid)
Approx 18" aquarium tubing
Needle-nosed pliers
Small pipecutter (Or snips)
Measuring cups (1/3 and 1 cup size)
Small tupperware container with lid
Utility knife or razorblade
Coffee filters


1. 1/3 cup Ammonium Nitrate (Get by cutting open cold packs. It's the little white balls. Be careful what you buy, some cold packs are ammonium nitrate-free.

Other materials can be used, but we're going to do it this way.)

2. 1/2 cup 100% Lye (aka Sodium Hydroxide. Available at hardware stores in the drain cleaner section. - Drano Crystals, or any other powdered lye works)

3. 3 cups Coleman Camp Fuel (Engine starting fluid [diethyl ether], or VM&P naphtha can also be used)

4. 3x Lithium strips (Get by cutting open Energizer AA Lithium batteries - This YOUTUBE tutorial video shows EXACTLY how to get your Lithium strips)
YouTube - Get Lithium Metal From an Energizer Battery

5. 100ml NP solvent of your choice (Xylene or MEK is recommended - easily found at your local hardware store in the paint section)

6. 3-4 boxes 120mg 12-hour pseudoephedrine HCl (PSE). The highest count you can find. (Sudafed or a generic equivalent. MAKE SURE PSE IS THE ONLY ACTIVE INGREDIENT.)

7. about 1/3 cup iodized salt 8. 4 capfuls sulfuric acid (Available as liquid drain cleaner.) OR muriatic acid (Also sold at hardware stores)

9. Denatured alcohol or Isopropyl alcohol

10. 1/8 cup of distilled water (Poland Spring or any bottled water can also be used)


1. Take the 20oz lid and cut a hole in it big enough to fit the aquarium tubing. It should be snug.

2. Cut one of the 2-liters in half. Discard the top.

3. Crush the pills into a fine powder. Use a coffee grinder, blender, or if worse comes to worse, hand crush them with a pair of pliers or something. Put the powder into a baggie. The beauty of "shake n bake" is you don't have to clean your pills to extract PSE. Just crush and toss in!

4. Measure out and crush the ammonium nitrate (optional). If it is dry enough, go ahead and crush it. Not important that you do this, though. It helps ensure

even cooking, but is not imperative. Put it in a baggie.

5. Measure out the lye. Be careful not to touch this stuff. It eats anything organic (YOU) and also reacts with metal. Put in a baggie.

6. Measure out the Coleman fuel or Naphtha. Put it into the 1-liter.

7. Cut open the batteries. You must do this quickly because lithium reacts with moisture in air and will become hot, possibly catching fire if it is very humid outside. Use the pipecutter to cut the outer housing of the battery. Use the needle nosed pliers to peel down the housing to expose the strip. There will be a black strip in between 2 pieces of paper. This is the one you want. BE CAREFUL. LITHIUM STRIPS MAKE A SPARK WHEN THEY COME INTO CONTACT WITH METAL.

DO NOT TOUCH THE STRIP WITH YOUR BARE HANDS IF YOU CAN AVOID IT. DO NOT GET IT WET!!!!! Once you get the strip out of the battery, it can be stored in denatured alcohol, and will no longer react with air as long as it is capped. Lithium strips burn VIOLENTLY when they come into contact with water. Be CAREFUL!!

Go time

1. Pour the ammonium nitrate into the 2-liter bottle (the one you didnt cut in half).
2. Add pills. Shake up to mix them together.
3. Add your 100ml Xylene or MEK solvent

At this point, you will see the ingredients starting to react, it will produce bubbles in the bottom.
4. Add the lithium strips. Take them out of the denatured alcohol, tear them into smaller pieces, and add them to the mixture.
5. Add your lye MAKING SURE to cover your Lithium strips.
6. Add the 1/4 cup of water. The water kicks off the reaction, but YOU MUST GET THE CAP ON IMMEDIATELY AFTER ADDING THE WATER. Remember Lithium reacts intensely with water and is potentially dangerous. The lithium-water reaction at normal temperatures is brisk but not violent, though the hydrogen produced can ignite. Do not add the water if your Lithium has not been buried and is UNDER YOUR LYE.
7. Add the Coleman fuel or Naphtha to this mixture.

The mixture will be rolling now (it will look like it's boiling real hard). NOW THIS IS THE TRICKY AND MOST IMPORTANT PART: The reaction builds up necessary pressure inside the bottle, don't worry - you will need to let this react WITH THE CAP ON for at least 2 minutes. Let the Lithium do it's thing for a full 120 seconds. Venting or releasing pressure within the first 2-3 minutes will greatly affect your final yield. After 2 or 3 minutes you will see the Lithium starting to get smaller, shriveling up into small Bronze foil looking balls with holes throughout. This is when you MUST VENT by slightly unscrewing the cap to release the gas.


You can gently swirl (not shake!) the bottle side-to-side if you want, you don't have to. Swirling can only help the reaction.

Be careful! The gas coming out of the bottle is straight ammonia. Do not breathe it and keep it away from your eyes. AVOID KEEPING THE CAP OFF OR VENTING THE BOTTLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

You may have to add more lye throughout the process to keep the mixture rolling. Once every 20 mins or so. You may not have to, though. If you do, add about half of the amount as in the beginning, and do it quickly.

For at least 45 minutes keep venting and swirling the mixture until it stops rolling and you have hard whitish balls (called bones) in the bottom of the bottle. This is a signal that the reaction is over. Let the contents react until you notice the whitish balls - sometimes will take 1-2 hours. Put a cotton ball in the funnel hole and 2 coffee filters over and filter the liquid into the 2-liter (the one you cut in half). Dispose of the trash accordingly. Use caution, the bottle and trash are noticeable waste items. Try to dispose of it in different locations. The trash can still be fingerprinted. USE YOUR HEAD.

Gassing the liquid

Now that the dangerous part is over, on to the DOPE!

All ready smelling success? wait and see.

****This is a smelly and violent process so you should do it outside if possible.****

**WARNING** ***HCl GAS IS NASTY STUFF AND WILL RUST ANYTHING IN SIGHT! Make sure your tubing is completely airtight because you do not want leaks!****

Take the 20oz bottle and put about 1/3 cup salt in it. Add 4 capfuls of sulfuric acid (or muriatic acid) and put on the lid you made with the aquarium tubing. Make sure it's tight. This is your gassing gizmo. Put the end of the hose just under the surface of the liquid and squeeze the gas into it. You will see the meth dropping or "snowing" to the bottom of the liquid. Such a beautiful sight. Pull out the hose and let the 20oz fill back up with gas again.

Repeat this until the meth stops dropping as much. Filter the powder out of the liquid. This process is known as a 'pull'. After the dope is filtered, you can do up to 3 more pulls from the same liquid. Usually the second pull is the best (most product, highest quality). You will have to re-mix the salt and sulfuric acid in the 20oz using fresh ingredients, because it won't last long. Make sure not to suck up any of the liquid into the 20oz, or you will have to make a new one. The gas inside the 20oz is a bad little dude itself, so use a twist tie or a rubber band to keep the tube closed (fold it in half and tie it).

That's it. Let the meth dry on the filters, scrape it off, and voila. You can even use the filters in drinks to get high. The highest the dinosaur's ever been is off filters.

Note: Rinsing your meth with DRY ACETONE (dry your acetone by baking Epsom Salts at 400f for 4 hours, pour the baked epsom salts into your acetone container and let sit overnight) If your meth burns leaving residue in your pipe and tastes nasty, a dual solvent recrystallization is highly recommended.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Latin) 1: [Salinan]
Methamphetamine "Shake N 'Bake" Guide WARNING ** ** Simul haec chemicals potest resultare in ignem, CREPITUS, iniuriam, mortem, vel arrestationem. Illicit horum non utor, nec remittere horum usus illicitus fiat. Post haec notitia voluntas sit tantum. Nee hac officiorum qui adsumpserit verberibusque themself sunt constitutae incenditur, vel se coniecit. PRAETEMPTO NON domi. Nolite facere verbum INTRO **** **** Sane cum maxima spectabant. Et necessaria hardware -liter utres II II (Clean & sicca, lid) I I-liter utrem (Clean & sicca, lid ) I 20oz utrem (Clean & arida, cum lid) proxime XVIII "aquarium tubing Needle simae pliers Small pipecutter (Or snips) Measuring pocula (1/3 et I calicem magnitudine) Infidibulum Small tupperware scrinium cum lid Baggies Utilitas cultello vel Razorblade Coffee filters Ingredients 1. 1/3 calicem Ammonium Nitrate (Get concidisti aperta frigus sarcinas. Suus parum albi balls. Nihil solliciti sitis quid emeris, aliquo frigido sunt sarcinas ammonium nitrate libero. Other materias adhiberi potest, sed erant 'iens ad hoc facite.) 2. 1/2 calicem C% Lye (aka sodium hydroxide. Available in hardware thesáuris in in exhauriunt lautus section. - Drano Crystals, aut aliqua alia opera nitro puluerem) 3. III pocula Coleman Camp Fuel ( engine incipiens fluidum [diethyl aether], vel VM & P naphtha adhiberi potest) 4. 3x Lithium denudat (Get concidisti aperta Energizer AA Lithium batteries - This YOUTUBE video ostendit MAXIME quam impetro vestri Lithium denudat) YouTube - Get Lithium Metal From an Energizer Pugna V. 100ml NP idonior optio vobis datur (xylene vel MEK commendatur - deliciae faciles vulgataque ad vestri locus hardware store in pingunt section) VI. 3-4 boxes 120mg XII-hora pseudoephedrine HCl (PSE). Supremum comitem inveneris. (Equivalent Sudafed vel genericam. MAKE SURE PSE solum activa ingredient.) VII. fere 1/3 calicem iodized sal 8. IV capfuls SULPHURATUS acidum (ut liquido Available exhauriebat lautus.) OR acidum transmutari (Item vendiderat hardware thesáuris) IX. Denatured Vocatus vel Vocatus isopropyl X. 1/8 calicem distillant aquam (Polonia ver aut bottled aquam adhiberi potest) Prep I. Tolle 20oz lid et interficiam in eo foramen, satis magno, ad summouendos hostes aquarium Tubing. Sit foverentur. II. Cut-II liters ex dimidio. Abiicias verticem. III. Contere pills in tenuissimum pulverem universa. Uti capulus molentis, blender aut deterius peius manum aut forcipe par contere eos. Pone puluerem in baggie. Speciem "n movebit coquamus" Non est vobis pillulas extrahi PSE purgandum. Just conteret corripere ac distento sago in! IV. Modum et confringitis ammonium nitrate (liberum). Si arida satis grassor et comminuet eam. Quod facere haud licet. Iuvat accumsan tincidunt et, non necesse est. Pone in baggie. V. Metiri nitro. Cave ne ista contingant. Comedit omni organico (te), et quod reagit ac metallum. Ponere in baggie. VI. Metiri Coleman cibus vel plures Nephi. Pone in I-liter. VII. Cut aperire gravida. Te oporteat facere hoc quia cito lithium reagit spargunt lumen in aere et fieri calidum, ignem si forte apprehensa est extra ipsum humidum. Uti pipecutter secare exteriores habitationi altilium. Uti acus transire simae forcipe ad cortices descendit habitationi exponere habena. Erit nigrum medium oramque II pieces of paper. Hic vis. CAVE. RATIONEM LITHIUM denudat SPARK egressae CONTAMINO metallum. Ne attingas STRIP TUA vitabis si nudis manibus IT. DO NOT GET IT WET !!!!! Quondam vos adepto de habena ariete denatured arcu condi possit, et non amplius agere cum aer quamdiu pinifer. Lithium denudat adolebit INIMICE dum veniunt in contactum cum aqua. Esse CAREFUL !! vade tempore I. Ammonium nitrate infunde in II-liter utrem (quem didnt incidi). II. Add diripio. Concussisse pariter commisceri. III. Add your 100ml xylene vel MEK solvent In isto puncto, vos mos animadverto ingredients incipiens reflecti, erit producere bullae in imo compingantur. IV. Adde lithium denudat. Sume ex alcohol denatured erue eos minor frusta addere mixto. V. Add your nitro condita certus velabitis Lithium denudat. VI. Adde 1/4 calicem aquae. De aqua calcibus elit, sed immediate Oportet CAP additis aquae. Memento Lithium reagit impensissime aquam et potentia periculosum. The Lithium-normal aqua reactionem at temperaturis alacer sed non esse violentum, cum hydrogenio genitas procrescere posse ignire. Ne addas quidquam aqua sepelitur si non habes Lithium fullonum. VII. Adde Coleman cibus vel naphtha huic mixtum. Et erit mixtio motum gyratorium adepturum nunc (is mos vultus amo suus 'ferventis realis difficile). Quae furta ac maxima parte: reactio facit opus pressura intra utrem nolite solliciti - vos mos postulo ut hoc saltem II minuta reflecti cum aper pilleatus intrasset. Sit Lithium facere scriptor rem plenam CXX secundis. Instigabant aut exsolveret pressura in primum 2-3 minutes multum afficiunt ultimus cedat. Post II aut III minutes videbitis Lithium incipiens adepto minor, shriveling dividebant se in exiguas Bronze foil vultus balls per pertusum. Hoc est, quando vos MUST VENT leviter unscrewing cap dimittere gas. *** POST LITHIUM avertat BRONZE planto certus ut Habeas semper oculum super THE pressura intra BOTTLE! Facile BUILD audivit surgit cito et EXPLODE NISI ERUPTUS PROPRIE *** Vos can leniter gubernantis duxerit (non commoveantur) utrem latus-ut-latus si vis, non habent. Modo gurgite auxilium elit. cave Vestibulum ipsum egredientem de recta ammonia. Ne respirare ab oculis tuis custodi. Ne in scrupolis pileum vel utre QUAM MAXIME saeuiendi. Habetis addat nitro mixtum per modum servare volubilem. Semel XX mins vel. Non poteris habere licet. Id si feceris, adde dimidium quantitatem, sicut in principio, cito facite. XLV minutes Saltem retinent et saeuiendi gurgite mixto premit usque pilae volubilis et durus albidis (vocantur ossa) in profundo utrem. Hoc est signum quod motus est. Sit contents reflecti donec vos animadverto balls albido - quandoque tollet 1-2 horas. Posuit a risus pila in infundibulum foramen et II coffee filters et filter liquidum in II-liter (quem vos interficiam in dimidium). Disponere nugas secundum. Adhibenda est cautio, et utrem quisquiliae sunt notabilis deserta items. Conantur uti in diversis locis. Quisquiliae potest adhuc fingerprinted. Uti in capite tuo. gassing liquor nunc ut periculosum est pars, ad DOPE! Omnia parata odoratus cogantur euentum? expectaturus. **** foetida et hoc tam violentus processus fieri posset foris. **** ** ** *** MONITUM HCl felis NASTY STUFF AERUGO et aliquid in conspectu oculorum tuorum Planto certus vestri tubing omnino airtight quia nolo effluo! **** tolle lenticulam 20oz et imposuit 1/3 calicem sal in ea dispergeret. Add IV capfuls SULPHURATUS acidum (vel acidum transmutari) et induite vos lid cum aquarium Tubing. Planto certus suus 'stricta. Hæc est enim vestra gassing gizmo. Pone sub finem fasciolis superficies liquoris vapore exprimunt facit. Videbis meth omissis vel «ninguit" fundum liquoris. Tam pulchra aspectu. Tu autem excute hose et replete 20oz tergum sursum iterum cum gas. Repetere hoc usque ad meth distillans quantum desistit. Filter puluerem de iure. Hoc est notus ut a viverra. Postquam dope percolantur potes III magis ad liquidum eodem trahit. Usitas secundum viverra sit amet (maxime productum, et sapien vehicula nonummy). Habes iterum in SULPHURATUS acidum salis miscere 20oz novis utens rebus, quia non diu mansit. Cave ne quidquam de exsugere liquorem in 20oz aut novum facere oportebit. Intra exiguum dude Gas 20oz malus, sic uti iuvantis cohortis torquent tie vel servare clausa tubo (duplex medium et ligabis ea). Quod suus eam. Sit meth siccitas in odio, radere, et voila. Vos can quoque utor odio bibit in altum. Summis dinosaurum umquam fuit is off filters. Note: rinsing vestris meth cum DRY acetone (sicca acetone coquitur Epsom Salts at 400f pro IV horis fundent coxit epsom salium in acetone continentis et sedere nocte) Si tibi voluerit persuadere meth ardet relictis reliquum fuerit in vestro tibia canentium, et gustat turpis, a dual solvent recrystallization enixe commendantur.

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