George W. BushThe airborne terrorist attacks on theWorld Trade Center, terjemahan - George W. BushThe airborne terrorist attacks on theWorld Trade Center, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

George W. BushThe airborne terroris

George W. Bush
The airborne terrorist attacks on the
World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and
the thwarted flight against the White
House or Capitol on September 11, 2001,
in which nearly 3,000 Americans were
killed, transformed George W. Bush into a
wartime president. The attacks put on
hold many of Bush’s hopes and plans, and
Bush’s father, George Bush, the 41st
president, declared that his son “faced the
greatest challenge of any president since
Abraham Lincoln.”
In response, Bush formed a new cabinet-
level Department of Homeland Security,
sent American forces into Afghanistan to
break up the Taliban, a movement under
Osama bin Laden that trained financed
and exported terrorist teams. The Taliban
was successfully disrupted but Bin Laden
was not captured and was still on the
loose as Bush began his second term.
Following the attacks, the president also
recast the nation’s intelligence gathering
and analysis services, and ordered reform
of the military forces to meet the new
enemy. At the same time he delivered
major tax cuts which had been a
campaign pledge. His most controversial
act was the invasion of Iraq on the belief
that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
posed a grave threat to the United States.
Saddam was captured, but the disruption
of Iraq and the killing of American
servicemen and friendly Iraqis by
insurgents became the challenge of Bush’s
government as he began his second term.
President Bush pledged during his 2005
State of the Union Address that the United
States would help the Iraqi people
establish a fully democratic government
because the victory of freedom in Iraq
would strengthen a new ally in the war on
terror, bring hope to a troubled region,
and lift a threat from the lives of future
Bush was born in New Haven,
Connecticut while his father was
attending Yale University after service in
World War II. The family moved to
Midland, Texas, where the senior Bush
entered the oil exploration business. The
son spent formative years there, attended
Midland public schools, and formed
friendships that stayed with him into the
White House. Bush graduated from Yale,
received a business degree from Harvard,
and then returned to Midland where he
too got into the oil business. In Midland
he met and married Laura Welch, a
teacher and librarian. They had twin
daughters, Jenna and Barbara, now out of
college and pursuing careers.
When George W. Bush, at the age of 54,
became the 43rd president of the United
States, it was only the second time in
American history that a president’s son
went on to the White House. John Quincy
Adams, elected the sixth president in
1824, was the son of John Adams, the
second president. While John Adams had
groomed his son to be president, George
Bush, the 41st president, insisted he was
surprised when the eldest of his six
children became interested in politics,
became governor of Texas, and then went
on to the White House.
During the early part of the 2000
campaign for the White House, Bush
enjoyed a double-digit lead in the polls
over his opponent Vice President Al Gore
Jr. But the gap closed as the election
approached and though Gore finally won
the popular vote by 543,895 votes,
victory or loss of the presidency hinged
on Florida’s electoral votes. That struggle
through recounts and lawsuits worked its
way to the Supreme Court. In the end
Bush won the electoral count 271 to 266.
His new administration was focused on
“compassionate conservatism,” which
embraced excellence in education, tax
relief and volunteerism among faith-based
and community organizations.
Bush was challenged in his re-election bid
in 2004 by Massachusetts Democratic
Senator John Kerry. The election was a
good contest, but Bush’s contention that
the invasion of Iraq had made the world
more secure against terrorism won the
national political debate. Bush was re-
elected with 51 percent to 48 percent.
On the inaugural stand, George W. Bush
set the theme for his second term: “At this
second gathering, our duties are defined
not by the words I use, but by the history
we have seen together. For half a century,
America defended our own freedom by
standing watch on distant borders. After
the shipwreck of communism came years
of relative quiet- and then there came a
day of fire. There is only one force of
history that can break the reign of hatred
and resentment, and expose the
pretensions of tyrants, and reward the
hopes of the decent and tolerant, and
that is the force of human freedom –
tested but not weary… we are ready for
the greatest achievements in the history
of freedom.”
The Presidential biographies on are from “The Presidents
of the United States of America,” by Frank
Freidel and Hugh Sidey. Copyright 2006
by the White House Historical Association.
Learn more about George W. Bush 's
spouse, Laura Welch Bush .
Did you know?
In 2002, President George W. Bush’s
State of the Union was the first to be
live broadcast on the Internet. In 2011
and 2012, President Obama’s State of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
George W. BushThe airborne terrorist attacks on theWorld Trade Center, the Pentagon, andthe thwarted flight against the WhiteHouse or Capitol on September 11, 2001,in which nearly 3,000 Americans werekilled, transformed George W. Bush into awartime president. The attacks put onhold many of Bush’s hopes and plans, andBush’s father, George Bush, the 41stpresident, declared that his son “faced thegreatest challenge of any president sinceAbraham Lincoln.”In response, Bush formed a new cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security,sent American forces into Afghanistan tobreak up the Taliban, a movement underOsama bin Laden that trained financedand exported terrorist teams. The Talibanwas successfully disrupted but Bin Ladenwas not captured and was still on theloose as Bush began his second term.Following the attacks, the president alsorecast the nation’s intelligence gatheringand analysis services, and ordered reformof the military forces to meet the newenemy. At the same time he deliveredmajor tax cuts which had been acampaign pledge. His most controversialact was the invasion of Iraq on the beliefthat Iraqi President Saddam Husseinposed a grave threat to the United States.Saddam was captured, but the disruptionof Iraq and the killing of Americanservicemen and friendly Iraqis byinsurgents became the challenge of Bush’sgovernment as he began his second term.President Bush pledged during his 2005State of the Union Address that the United
States would help the Iraqi people
establish a fully democratic government
because the victory of freedom in Iraq
would strengthen a new ally in the war on
terror, bring hope to a troubled region,
and lift a threat from the lives of future
Bush was born in New Haven,
Connecticut while his father was
attending Yale University after service in
World War II. The family moved to
Midland, Texas, where the senior Bush
entered the oil exploration business. The
son spent formative years there, attended
Midland public schools, and formed
friendships that stayed with him into the
White House. Bush graduated from Yale,
received a business degree from Harvard,
and then returned to Midland where he
too got into the oil business. In Midland
he met and married Laura Welch, a
teacher and librarian. They had twin
daughters, Jenna and Barbara, now out of
college and pursuing careers.
When George W. Bush, at the age of 54,
became the 43rd president of the United
States, it was only the second time in
American history that a president’s son
went on to the White House. John Quincy
Adams, elected the sixth president in
1824, was the son of John Adams, the
second president. While John Adams had
groomed his son to be president, George
Bush, the 41st president, insisted he was
surprised when the eldest of his six
children became interested in politics,
became governor of Texas, and then went
on to the White House.
During the early part of the 2000
campaign for the White House, Bush
enjoyed a double-digit lead in the polls
over his opponent Vice President Al Gore
Jr. But the gap closed as the election
approached and though Gore finally won
the popular vote by 543,895 votes,
victory or loss of the presidency hinged
on Florida’s electoral votes. That struggle
through recounts and lawsuits worked its
way to the Supreme Court. In the end
Bush won the electoral count 271 to 266.
His new administration was focused on
“compassionate conservatism,” which
embraced excellence in education, tax
relief and volunteerism among faith-based
and community organizations.
Bush was challenged in his re-election bid
in 2004 by Massachusetts Democratic
Senator John Kerry. The election was a
good contest, but Bush’s contention that
the invasion of Iraq had made the world
more secure against terrorism won the
national political debate. Bush was re-
elected with 51 percent to 48 percent.
On the inaugural stand, George W. Bush
set the theme for his second term: “At this
second gathering, our duties are defined
not by the words I use, but by the history
we have seen together. For half a century,
America defended our own freedom by
standing watch on distant borders. After
the shipwreck of communism came years
of relative quiet- and then there came a
day of fire. There is only one force of
history that can break the reign of hatred
and resentment, and expose the
pretensions of tyrants, and reward the
hopes of the decent and tolerant, and
that is the force of human freedom –
tested but not weary… we are ready for
the greatest achievements in the history
of freedom.”
The Presidential biographies on are from “The Presidents
of the United States of America,” by Frank
Freidel and Hugh Sidey. Copyright 2006
by the White House Historical Association.
Learn more about George W. Bush 's
spouse, Laura Welch Bush .
Did you know?
In 2002, President George W. Bush’s
State of the Union was the first to be
live broadcast on the Internet. In 2011
and 2012, President Obama’s State of
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

George W. Bush
Serangan teroris udara di
World Trade Center, Pentagon, dan
penerbangan digagalkan terhadap Putih
rumah atau Capitol pada 11 September 2001,
di mana hampir 3.000 orang Amerika
tewas, diubah George W. Bush menjadi
presiden masa perang . Serangan mengenakan
ditahan banyak harapan dan rencana Bush, dan
ayah Bush, George Bush, yang 41
presiden, menyatakan bahwa anaknya "menghadapi
tantangan terbesar dari presiden sebelumnya sejak
Abraham Lincoln."
Sebagai tanggapan, Bush membentuk kabinet-baru
tingkat Department of Homeland Security,
mengirim pasukan Amerika ke Afghanistan untuk
memecah Taliban, gerakan bawah
Osama bin Laden yang terlatih dibiayai
dan diekspor tim teroris. Taliban
berhasil terganggu tetapi Bin Laden
tidak tertangkap dan masih pada
longgar Bush mulai masa jabatan kedua.
Setelah serangan, presiden juga
menyusun kembali pengumpulan intelijen bangsa
dan analisis layanan, dan memerintahkan reformasi
pasukan militer untuk memenuhi baru
musuh. Pada saat yang sama ia menyampaikan
pemotongan pajak besar yang telah menjadi
janji kampanye. Paling kontroversial
tindakan adalah invasi ke Irak pada keyakinan
bahwa Presiden Irak Saddam Hussein
merupakan ancaman serius bagi Amerika Serikat.
Saddam ditangkap, namun gangguan
dari Irak dan pembunuhan Amerika
prajurit dan ramah Irak oleh
gerilyawan menjadi tantangan Bush
pemerintah saat ia mulai masa jabatan kedua.
Presiden Bush berjanji selama tahun 2005-nya
Negara Alamat Uni bahwa Amerika
Serikat akan membantu rakyat Irak
membangun pemerintahan sepenuhnya demokratis
karena kemenangan kebebasan di Irak
akan memperkuat sekutu baru dalam perang melawan
teror, membawa harapan ke daerah bermasalah,
dan mengangkat ancaman dari kehidupan masa depan
Bush lahir di New Haven,
Connecticut sementara ayahnya
menghadiri Yale University setelah layanan di
Perang Dunia II. Keluarganya pindah ke
Midland, Texas, di mana Bush senior
memasuki bisnis eksplorasi minyak. The
anak menghabiskan tahun-tahun formatif ada, menghadiri
Midland sekolah umum, dan membentuk
persahabatan yang tinggal bersamanya ke
Gedung Putih. Bush lulus dari Yale,
menerima gelar bisnis dari Harvard,
dan kemudian kembali ke Midland di mana ia
juga masuk ke bisnis minyak. Di Midland
ia bertemu dan menikah Laura Welch, seorang
guru dan pustakawan. Mereka memiliki kembar
putri, Jenna dan Barbara, sekarang keluar dari
kuliah dan mengejar karier.
Ketika George W. Bush, pada usia 54,
menjadi presiden ke-43 Amerika
Serikat, itu hanya kedua kalinya dalam
sejarah Amerika bahwa presiden anak
pergi ke Gedung Putih. John Quincy
Adams, terpilih sebagai presiden keenam di
tahun 1824, adalah anak dari John Adams, yang
presiden kedua. Sementara John Adams telah
dipersiapkan anaknya untuk menjadi presiden, George
Bush, presiden ke-41, bersikeras ia
terkejut ketika anak tertua dari enam nya
anak-anak menjadi tertarik dalam politik,
menjadi gubernur Texas, dan kemudian pergi
ke Gedung Putih.
Selama awal 2000
kampanye Gedung Putih, Bush
menikmati memimpin dua digit dalam jajak pendapat
atas lawannya Wakil Presiden Al Gore
Jr Namun kesenjangan ditutup sebagai pemilu
mendekat dan meskipun Gore akhirnya memenangkan
suara populer oleh 543.895 orang,
kemenangan atau kehilangan presiden bergantung
pada penilaian pemilihan Florida. Perjuangan itu
melalui menceritakan dan tuntutan hukum bekerja nya
cara untuk Mahkamah Agung. Pada akhirnya
Bush memenangkan count pemilu 271 ke 266.
administrasi barunya difokuskan pada
"konservatisme belas kasih," yang
dianut keunggulan dalam pendidikan, pajak
lega dan kesukarelaan antara berdasarkan iman-
organisasi dan masyarakat.
Bush ditantang dalam upaya pemilihan kembali
pada tahun 2004 oleh Massachusetts Demokrat
Senator John Kerry. Pemilihan adalah
kontes yang baik, tapi pertentangan Bush bahwa
invasi ke Irak telah membuat dunia
lebih aman melawan terorisme memenangkan
debat politik nasional. Bush kembali
terpilih dengan 51 persen menjadi 48 persen.
Di berdiri perdana, George W. Bush
menetapkan tema untuk masa jabatannya yang kedua: "Pada ini
gathering kedua, tugas kami didefinisikan
tidak dengan kata-kata yang saya gunakan, tapi oleh sejarah
kita telah melihat bersama-sama. Selama setengah abad,
Amerika membela kebebasan kita sendiri dengan
berdiri menonton di perbatasan yang jauh. Setelah
kapal karam komunisme datang tahun
relatif tenang-dan kemudian ada datang suatu
hari kebakaran. Hanya ada satu kekuatan
sejarah yang dapat mematahkan pemerintahan kebencian
dan dendam, dan mengekspos
pretensi tiran, dan hadiah
harapan dari layak dan toleran, dan
itu adalah kekuatan kebebasan manusia -
diuji tapi tidak lelah ... kita siap
prestasi terbesar dalam sejarah
kebebasan. "
biografi Presiden tentang adalah dari" The Presiden
dari Amerika Serikat, "oleh Frank
Freidel dan Hugh Sidey. Copyright 2006
oleh Historical Association Gedung Putih.
Selengkapnya tentang George W. Bush 's
pasangan, Laura Welch Bush.
Tahukah Anda?
Pada tahun 2002, Presiden George W. Bush
Negara Uni adalah orang pertama yang menjadi
siaran langsung di Internet . Pada tahun 2011
dan 2012, Negara Presiden Obama dari
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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