measuring instrumentswith the introduction of standard units comes the terjemahan - measuring instrumentswith the introduction of standard units comes the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

measuring instrumentswith the intro

measuring instruments
with the introduction of standard units comes the introduction of measuring instruments. Rulers, scaled instruments (scale, graduated cylinders, thermometers), and clocks are the tools of standard measurement. Children have problems with these instruments unless they understand what they are measuring and what it means to measure. It is wise to begin with simple versions of the instruments, which are marked only with the unit being used. For example, if the unit is the centimeter, use a ruler that is marked only with centimeters (no millimeters). If the unit is an inch, use a ruler marked only with inches (no ½, ¼, and/or 1/8 inches). Be sure the children understand how units are marked. For example, on a ruler, the numbers come after the unit, not before. Even most 9-year-olds will say that the ruler illustrated is 5 inches, rather than 6 inches long. You must be sure children understand each number means that many units have been used. Children need many experiences measuring objects shorter than their ruler before they move on to longer objects with which they will have to measure, mark, and move the ruler. They also will need to be able to apply their addition skills. For example, if they are using a 12-inch ruler, and they measure something that is 12 inches plus 8 inches, can they add 12+8? To measure to the nearest ¼, 1/8, or 1/16 of an inch, they must understand fractions.
Scaled instruments present a problem because every individual unit is not marked. For example, thermometers are marked every 2 degrees. A good way to help children understand this concept is to have them make their own instruments. They can make graphs using different scales or make their own graduated cylinders. The latter can be done by taking a large glass and putting a piece of masking tape down the side as shown in the following illustration:
Take a smaller container, and fill it with spoonfuls, count how many it holds, and empty it into the glass. Mark the level of the water and the number of spoonfuls. Fill the small container, empty into the glass, and mark again. In the example, the small container holds 5 teaspoons of water. This measure can be used to find out how much other containers will hold.
Clocks are one of the most difficult instruments for children to understand. Although there are only three measures (hours, minutes, and seconds), the circular movement of the hands makes reading the face difficult. Children vary greatly as to when they are finally able to read a clock face accurately. There is no set age for being able to tell time. Skills needed to tell time must be learned over many years and through practice with clock faces with movable hands. Digital clocks are easier for read but do not provide the child with the visual picture of the relationship between time units.
Money also offers difficulties because the sizes of the coins do not coincide with their value. That is, the dime is smaller than the penny and the nickel. Bills provide no size cues but do have numerical designations that related one bill to the other. Relating the coins to the bills is a difficult task for young children.
Measurement activities
This section includes activities that will help children construct the concepts of linear, volume (capacity), area, weight (mass), temperature, time, and money measurement using standard units. Always refer to earlier units for the comparison and arbitrary (nonstandard) unit experiences that need to be done prior to introducing the standard units. Also, remember to work on the concepts of the units used for each type of measurement as well as actual measurement.
Standard measurement: linear
Objective: to be able to use standard units of measure to compare lengths of objects; to discover that the smaller the units, the more will be needed to measure a distance; and to learn to use a ruler to measure objects.
Materials: rulers (inch/foot, yardstick, centimeter, meter stick), tape measures, paper, pencils, crayons, markers, poster board.
Activities: these activities are introduced following many exploratory experiences with comparing visually and with arbitrary units. The same objects can be measured using both methods to emphasize the need for standard units. The first activity is designed to develop an understanding of this need.
Follow-up: do many more linear measurement activities using standard units as suggested in the resources at the end of the unit.
Standard measurement: volume
Objective: to be able to use standard units of measure to compare volumes of materials; to learn that the smaller the units, the more will be needed to measure the volume; to learn how to use standard measures of volume such as teaspoons, tablespoon, cups, pints, quarts, and liters (figure 26-3).
Materials: containers of many different sizes (boxes, basket, buckets, jars, cups, bowls, pans, bottles, plastic bags, and so on) and standard measures of volume (set of customary and set of metric measuring cups, liter and quart measures, customary and metric measuring spoons).
Activities: these activities are introduced following many exploratory experiences with comparing visually and with arbitrary units. The same container’s capacities can be measured with arbitrary and with standard units to emphasize the need for standard units. The first activity is designed to develop an understanding or this need.
Follow-up: continue to do exploratory measurement of capacity. Also, continue with cooking activities giving the children more responsibility for selecting the needed measurement materials.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
measuring instruments
with the introduction of standard units comes the introduction of measuring instruments. Rulers, scaled instruments (scale, graduated cylinders, thermometers), and clocks are the tools of standard measurement. Children have problems with these instruments unless they understand what they are measuring and what it means to measure. It is wise to begin with simple versions of the instruments, which are marked only with the unit being used. For example, if the unit is the centimeter, use a ruler that is marked only with centimeters (no millimeters). If the unit is an inch, use a ruler marked only with inches (no ½, ¼, and/or 1/8 inches). Be sure the children understand how units are marked. For example, on a ruler, the numbers come after the unit, not before. Even most 9-year-olds will say that the ruler illustrated is 5 inches, rather than 6 inches long. You must be sure children understand each number means that many units have been used. Children need many experiences measuring objects shorter than their ruler before they move on to longer objects with which they will have to measure, mark, and move the ruler. They also will need to be able to apply their addition skills. For example, if they are using a 12-inch ruler, and they measure something that is 12 inches plus 8 inches, can they add 12+8? To measure to the nearest ¼, 1/8, or 1/16 of an inch, they must understand fractions.
Scaled instruments present a problem because every individual unit is not marked. For example, thermometers are marked every 2 degrees. A good way to help children understand this concept is to have them make their own instruments. They can make graphs using different scales or make their own graduated cylinders. The latter can be done by taking a large glass and putting a piece of masking tape down the side as shown in the following illustration:
Take a smaller container, and fill it with spoonfuls, count how many it holds, and empty it into the glass. Mark the level of the water and the number of spoonfuls. Fill the small container, empty into the glass, and mark again. In the example, the small container holds 5 teaspoons of water. This measure can be used to find out how much other containers will hold.
Clocks are one of the most difficult instruments for children to understand. Although there are only three measures (hours, minutes, and seconds), the circular movement of the hands makes reading the face difficult. Children vary greatly as to when they are finally able to read a clock face accurately. There is no set age for being able to tell time. Skills needed to tell time must be learned over many years and through practice with clock faces with movable hands. Digital clocks are easier for read but do not provide the child with the visual picture of the relationship between time units.
Money also offers difficulties because the sizes of the coins do not coincide with their value. That is, the dime is smaller than the penny and the nickel. Bills provide no size cues but do have numerical designations that related one bill to the other. Relating the coins to the bills is a difficult task for young children.
Measurement activities
This section includes activities that will help children construct the concepts of linear, volume (capacity), area, weight (mass), temperature, time, and money measurement using standard units. Always refer to earlier units for the comparison and arbitrary (nonstandard) unit experiences that need to be done prior to introducing the standard units. Also, remember to work on the concepts of the units used for each type of measurement as well as actual measurement.
Standard measurement: linear
Objective: to be able to use standard units of measure to compare lengths of objects; to discover that the smaller the units, the more will be needed to measure a distance; and to learn to use a ruler to measure objects.
Materials: rulers (inch/foot, yardstick, centimeter, meter stick), tape measures, paper, pencils, crayons, markers, poster board.
Activities: these activities are introduced following many exploratory experiences with comparing visually and with arbitrary units. The same objects can be measured using both methods to emphasize the need for standard units. The first activity is designed to develop an understanding of this need.
Follow-up: do many more linear measurement activities using standard units as suggested in the resources at the end of the unit.
Standard measurement: volume
Objective: to be able to use standard units of measure to compare volumes of materials; to learn that the smaller the units, the more will be needed to measure the volume; to learn how to use standard measures of volume such as teaspoons, tablespoon, cups, pints, quarts, and liters (figure 26-3).
Materials: containers of many different sizes (boxes, basket, buckets, jars, cups, bowls, pans, bottles, plastic bags, and so on) and standard measures of volume (set of customary and set of metric measuring cups, liter and quart measures, customary and metric measuring spoons).
Activities: these activities are introduced following many exploratory experiences with comparing visually and with arbitrary units. The same container’s capacities can be measured with arbitrary and with standard units to emphasize the need for standard units. The first activity is designed to develop an understanding or this need.
Follow-up: continue to do exploratory measurement of capacity. Also, continue with cooking activities giving the children more responsibility for selecting the needed measurement materials.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dengan pengenalan satuan standar datang pengenalan alat ukur. Penguasa, instrumen skala (skala, lulus silinder, termometer), dan jam adalah alat pengukuran standar. Anak-anak memiliki masalah dengan instrumen ini kecuali mereka memahami apa yang mereka mengukur dan apa artinya untuk mengukur. Adalah bijaksana untuk memulai dengan versi sederhana dari instrumen, yang ditandai hanya dengan unit yang digunakan. Sebagai contoh, jika unit sentimeter, gunakan penggaris yang ditandai hanya dengan sentimeter (tidak ada milimeter). Jika unit ini satu inci, menggunakan penggaris hanya ditandai dengan inci (tanpa ½, ¼, dan / atau 1/8 inci). Pastikan anak-anak memahami bagaimana unit ditandai. Sebagai contoh, pada penggaris, nomor datang setelah unit, bukan sebelumnya. Bahkan yang paling 9-year-olds akan mengatakan bahwa penguasa digambarkan adalah 5 inci, bukan 6 inci panjang. Anda harus yakin anak-anak memahami setiap nomor berarti bahwa banyak unit telah digunakan. Anak-anak membutuhkan banyak pengalaman mengukur benda pendek dari penguasa mereka sebelum mereka pindah ke benda lagi yang mereka harus mengukur, mark, dan memindahkan penguasa. Mereka juga harus mampu menerapkan keterampilan Selain mereka. Sebagai contoh, jika mereka menggunakan penggaris 12-inch, dan mereka mengukur sesuatu yang 12 inci ditambah 8 inci, bisa mereka menambahkan 12 + 8? Untuk mengukur dengan ¼ terdekat, 1/8, atau 1/16 inci, mereka harus memahami pecahan.
instrumen Scaled ada masalah karena setiap unit individu tidak ditandai. Sebagai contoh, termometer ditandai setiap 2 derajat. Cara yang baik untuk membantu anak-anak memahami konsep ini adalah untuk memiliki mereka membuat instrumen sendiri. Mereka dapat membuat grafik menggunakan skala yang berbeda atau membuat silinder sendiri lulus. Yang terakhir dapat dilakukan dengan mengambil segelas besar dan menempatkan sepotong selotip di sisi seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam ilustrasi berikut:
Ambil wadah yang lebih kecil, dan mengisinya dengan sendok, menghitung berapa banyak memegang, dan mengosongkan ke kaca . Tandai tingkat air dan jumlah sendok. Isi wadah kecil, kosong ke dalam gelas, dan tandai lagi. Dalam contoh, wadah kecil memegang 5 sendok teh air. Langkah ini dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui berapa banyak wadah lainnya akan terus.
Jam adalah salah satu instrumen yang paling sulit bagi anak-anak untuk memahami. Meskipun ada hanya tiga langkah (jam, menit, dan detik), gerakan melingkar dari tangan membuat membaca wajah sulit. Anak-anak sangat bervariasi seperti ketika mereka akhirnya bisa membaca wajah jam akurat. Tidak ada patokan usia untuk dapat memberitahu waktu. Keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk memberitahu waktu harus dipelajari selama bertahun-tahun dan melalui praktek dengan jam wajah dengan tangan bergerak. Jam digital lebih mudah untuk membaca tetapi tidak memberikan anak dengan gambar visual dari hubungan antara unit waktu.
Uang juga menawarkan kesulitan karena ukuran koin tidak sesuai dengan nilai mereka. Artinya, uang receh yang lebih kecil dari sen dan nikel. Bills tidak memberikan ukuran isyarat tetapi memiliki sebutan numerik yang berkaitan satu tagihan yang lain. Berkaitan koin untuk tagihan adalah tugas yang sulit bagi anak-anak.
Kegiatan Pengukuran
Bagian ini mencakup kegiatan yang akan membantu anak-anak membangun konsep linear, volume (kapasitas), area, berat (massa), temperatur, waktu, dan pengukuran uang menggunakan satuan standar. Selalu merujuk pada unit sebelumnya untuk perbandingan dan sewenang-wenang (tidak standar) pengalaman unit yang perlu dilakukan sebelum memperkenalkan unit standar. Juga, ingat untuk bekerja pada konsep satuan yang digunakan untuk setiap jenis pengukuran serta pengukuran yang sebenarnya.
Pengukuran Standar: linear
Tujuan: untuk dapat menggunakan satuan standar ukuran untuk membandingkan panjang benda; untuk menemukan bahwa semakin kecil unit, lebih akan dibutuhkan untuk mengukur jarak; dan belajar untuk menggunakan penggaris untuk mengukur objek.
Bahan: penguasa (inch / kaki, tolak ukur, sentimeter, meter tongkat), pita pengukur, kertas, pensil, krayon, spidol, papan poster.
Kegiatan: kegiatan ini diperkenalkan setelah banyak eksplorasi pengalaman dengan membandingkan secara visual dan dengan unit sewenang-wenang. Obyek yang sama dapat diukur dengan menggunakan kedua metode untuk menekankan kebutuhan untuk unit standar. Kegiatan pertama ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan pemahaman tentang kebutuhan ini.
Tindak lanjut:. melakukan lebih banyak kegiatan pengukuran linier menggunakan satuan standar seperti yang disarankan dalam sumber daya pada akhir unit
Standard pengukuran: Volume
Tujuan: untuk dapat menggunakan standar Satuan ukuran untuk membandingkan volume bahan; untuk belajar bahwa semakin kecil unit, lebih akan dibutuhkan untuk mengukur volume; untuk belajar bagaimana menggunakan ukuran standar volume seperti sendok teh, sendok, cangkir, gelas, liter, dan liter (gambar 26-3).
Bahan: kontainer berbagai ukuran (kotak, keranjang, ember, botol, gelas, mangkuk, panci, botol, kantong plastik, dan sebagainya) dan langkah-langkah standar volume (set adat dan set cangkir metrik pengukuran, langkah-langkah liter dan liter, sendok ukur adat dan metrik).
Kegiatan: kegiatan ini diperkenalkan setelah banyak pengalaman eksplorasi dengan membandingkan secara visual dan dengan unit sewenang-wenang. Kapasitas yang sama kontainer dapat diukur dengan sewenang-wenang dan dengan satuan standar untuk menekankan perlunya satuan standar. Kegiatan pertama ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan pemahaman atau kebutuhan ini.
Tindak lanjut: terus melakukan pengukuran eksplorasi kapasitas. Juga, lanjutkan dengan kegiatan memasak memberikan anak-anak tanggung jawab lebih untuk memilih bahan pengukuran yang dibutuhkan.

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Bahasa lainnya
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