I do not cer­tainly think that she has the fa­vor­able im­pres­sion to terjemahan - I do not cer­tainly think that she has the fa­vor­able im­pres­sion to Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I do not cer­tainly think that she

I do not cer­tainly think that she has the fa­vor­able im­pres­sion to me, that keel sword belt the sword wheel was cut­ting al­ready fell on my body week, how many her strik­ing power will not com­pare me to lower ab­solutely, a sword di­vided my 5 W + HP, but my tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity sword fierce storm, di­rectly has also made into the rem­nant blood her, this lit­tle girl courage was too fat, ex­hausts ef­fect that three times Jian­feng has ad­vanced, un­ex­pect­edly also dared the wave?!
Saw that HP of sky rose less than 20%, I lift the hand am Big Dip­per, the sky rose retro­cedes, while looks at my Big Dip­per po­si­tion, was too in­tel­li­gent, avoids the eye po­si­tion de­sir­ably, skices the back­lash, but I dodge to ar­rive at the benet­nasch po­si­tion, the but­ter­fly sword let go, the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin kills.
„Helps me keep off!”
Sky rose drinks ten­derly, im­me­di­ately two ride the war is the player kept off in the front, shield „clang clang clang” the re­frac­tion the but­ter­fly, how­ever one after an­other was ac­tu­ally pen­e­trated by the but­ter­fly, speed that but also the drag­ging of enor­mous de­gree the sword blade edge op­er­ated but ac­tu­ally, I also can only look help­lessly the sky rose was hid­den in the crowd, left to draw back anx­iously, si­mul­ta­ne­ously lifted the arm, Lei Guang flees in re­fer­ring, di­rect thun­der­ous nine days stran­gled to death in the crowd.
When I retro­cede some­what re­turns to full HP the time, the sur­round­ing melt god cav­alry had also over­run.
In the crowd, the cav­alry sol­diers of war sharp knife blade trade union bran­dish the pointed weapons in abun­dance, every other counts the sword time, „brush­ing” can wield to­gether the hur­ri­cane at­tack, can form the fan-shaped at­tack range in 30 yards, there­fore, hun­dred deep pools ride, kamikaze to ride at all are not the matches of op­po­site party, melted the god cav­alry to be able using the fly­ing gen­eral + the speed­ing away ef­fect to spell with it only.
„Strong gale rides.”
The Lin Wan Er vi­sion like the water, said: „172 lev­els of ghost nian step BOSS level sad­dle horses, were higher than 2 lev­els to use Level our [Zhan Long] melt god cav­alry, every time cuts to strike 4 times to ob­tain strong gale to cut the ef­fect, the strik­ing power is strong!”
The dis­tant place, Ran Min raises tor­nado of tom­a­hawk in the crowd to cut, rides to surge to fly one crowd of strong gales, I show a faint smile: „Mediocre, is care­ful be­hind their crowds! Saves to fly the re­con­nais­sance!”
Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing, slowly as­cen­sion.
Strong gales cut, the Tian Ling Em­pire player buckle re­sults in the speed to be much quicker . More­over the mo­bil­ity and tech­nique and tac­tics op­er­a­tion of sky rose are topest, Jian­feng ad­vanced 3 ad­vance ef­fects to make her be ac­cepted after pass­ing an ex­am­i­na­tion in ten thou­sand armed forces clumps the sev­ered head in 25 sec­onds sim­ply just likes has taken some­thing out of the pocket, mas­sa­cred Xu­anyuan Feng, one sec­ond of hero, to swim the baby and Tang Qi, Sword Tears et al. one after an­other, but we can do was strikes to kill more strong gales to ride to take re­venge!
The fight of dike peak turned the su­per­heat­ing com­pletely, the sky rose al­to­gether has trans­mit­ted over 3000 peo­ple using Vare­lia quartz, but the sky rose def­i­nitely does not think that the player in Chi­nese war zone so will be strong, goes against their 3000 state-of-art play­ers dead to fight does not draw back, be­cause we sim­i­larly were the Tian Ling Em­pire strongest teams.
When our elite team war one group of times with iron skull city, the maple­wood was drunk the per­son who ac­tu­ally led to go on an ex­pe­di­tion the world to come, the con­verg­ing at­tack, in­stan­ta­neously made us fall into a very dif­fi­cult re­gion, at this mo­ment, aw­fully came.
Air­borne, Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing, said: „Ram
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I do not cer­tainly think that she has the fa­vor­able im­pres­sion to me, that keel sword belt the sword wheel was cut­ting al­ready fell on my body week, how many her strik­ing power will not com­pare me to lower ab­solutely, a sword di­vided my 5 W + HP, but my tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity sword fierce storm, di­rectly has also made into the rem­nant blood her, this lit­tle girl courage was too fat, ex­hausts ef­fect that three times Jian­feng has ad­vanced, un­ex­pect­edly also dared the wave?!Saw that HP of sky rose less than 20%, I lift the hand am Big Dip­per, the sky rose retro­cedes, while looks at my Big Dip­per po­si­tion, was too in­tel­li­gent, avoids the eye po­si­tion de­sir­ably, skices the back­lash, but I dodge to ar­rive at the benet­nasch po­si­tion, the but­ter­fly sword let go, the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin kills.„Helps me keep off!”Sky rose drinks ten­derly, im­me­di­ately two ride the war is the player kept off in the front, shield „clang clang clang” the re­frac­tion the but­ter­fly, how­ever one after an­other was ac­tu­ally pen­e­trated by the but­ter­fly, speed that but also the drag­ging of enor­mous de­gree the sword blade edge op­er­ated but ac­tu­ally, I also can only look help­lessly the sky rose was hid­den in the crowd, left to draw back anx­iously, si­mul­ta­ne­ously lifted the arm, Lei Guang flees in re­fer­ring, di­rect thun­der­ous nine days stran­gled to death in the crowd.When I retro­cede some­what re­turns to full HP the time, the sur­round­ing melt god cav­alry had also over­run.In the crowd, the cav­alry sol­diers of war sharp knife blade trade union bran­dish the pointed weapons in abun­dance, every other counts the sword time, „brush­ing” can wield to­gether the hur­ri­cane at­tack, can form the fan-shaped at­tack range in 30 yards, there­fore, hun­dred deep pools ride, kamikaze to ride at all are not the matches of op­po­site party, melted the god cav­alry to be able using the fly­ing gen­eral + the speed­ing away ef­fect to spell with it only.„Strong gale rides.”The Lin Wan Er vi­sion like the water, said: „172 lev­els of ghost nian step BOSS level sad­dle horses, were higher than 2 lev­els to use Level our [Zhan Long] melt god cav­alry, every time cuts to strike 4 times to ob­tain strong gale to cut the ef­fect, the strik­ing power is strong!”The dis­tant place, Ran Min raises tor­nado of tom­a­hawk in the crowd to cut, rides to surge to fly one crowd of strong gales, I show a faint smile: „Mediocre, is care­ful be­hind their crowds! Saves to fly the re­con­nais­sance!”Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing, slowly as­cen­sion.Strong gales cut, the Tian Ling Em­pire player buckle re­sults in the speed to be much quicker . More­over the mo­bil­ity and tech­nique and tac­tics op­er­a­tion of sky rose are topest, Jian­feng ad­vanced 3 ad­vance ef­fects to make her be ac­cepted after pass­ing an ex­am­i­na­tion in ten thou­sand armed forces clumps the sev­ered head in 25 sec­onds sim­ply just likes has taken some­thing out of the pocket, mas­sa­cred Xu­anyuan Feng, one sec­ond of hero, to swim the baby and Tang Qi, Sword Tears et al. one after an­other, but we can do was strikes to kill more strong gales to ride to take re­venge!The fight of dike peak turned the su­per­heat­ing com­pletely, the sky rose al­to­gether has trans­mit­ted over 3000 peo­ple using Vare­lia quartz, but the sky rose def­i­nitely does not think that the player in Chi­nese war zone so will be strong, goes against their 3000 state-of-art play­ers dead to fight does not draw back, be­cause we sim­i­larly were the Tian Ling Em­pire strongest teams.When our elite team war one group of times with iron skull city, the maple­wood was drunk the per­son who ac­tu­ally led to go on an ex­pe­di­tion the world to come, the con­verg­ing at­tack, in­stan­ta­neously made us fall into a very dif­fi­cult re­gion, at this mo­ment, aw­fully came.Air­borne, Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing, said: „Ram
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya tidak pasti berpikir bahwa dia memiliki kesan yang baik kepada saya, bahwa pedang keel sabuk roda pedang memotong sudah jatuh pada minggu tubuh saya, berapa banyak kekuatannya mencolok tidak akan membandingkan saya untuk menurunkan benar-benar, pedang dibagi saya 5 W + HP, tapi mengambil keuntungan saya dari badai ganas pedang kesempatan, langsung juga dibuat menjadi darah sisa, gadis keberanian kecil ini terlalu gemuk, knalpot efek yang tiga kali Jianfeng telah maju, tiba-tiba juga berani gelombang ?!
Melihat bahwa HP dari langit naik kurang dari 20%, saya angkat tangan am Big Dipper, langit naik retrocedes, sementara terlihat pada posisi Big Dipper saya, terlalu cerdas, menghindari posisi mata diinginkan, skices backlash, tapi aku menghindar untuk tiba di benetnasch yang posisi, pedang kupu-kupu melepaskan, tajam pisau pisau berputar spasial membunuh.
"Membantu saya tetap off!"
Sky naik minuman lembut, segera dua perjalanan perang adalah pemain terus off di depan, perisai "dentang dentang dentang" pembiasan kupu-kupu, namun satu demi satu sebenarnya ditembus oleh kupu-kupu, kecepatan itu, tetapi juga menyeret gelar besar tepi pedang pisau dioperasikan tetapi sebenarnya, saya juga hanya dapat melihat tak berdaya langit naik tersembunyi di keramaian, meninggalkan untuk menarik kembali cemas, secara bersamaan mengangkat lengan, Lei Guang melarikan diri dalam merujuk, langsung gemuruh sembilan hari dicekik sampai mati di kerumunan.
Ketika saya retrocede agak kembali ke HP penuh waktu, sekitar lelehan dewa kavaleri juga telah dibanjiri.
dalam kerumunan, kavaleri prajurit perang yang tajam pisau pisau serikat pekerja mengayunkan senjata tajam dalam kelimpahan, setiap hitungan lain waktu pedang, "menyikat" dapat menggunakan bersama-sama serangan badai, dapat membentuk berbagai serangan berbentuk kipas di 30 yard, oleh karena itu, seratus kolam yang dalam naik , kamikaze naik sama sekali bukan pertandingan partai berlawanan, meleleh dewa kavaleri untuk dapat menggunakan umum terbang + efek melaju pergi mengeja dengan itu saja.
"kuat gale naik."
The Lin Wan Er visi seperti air , mengatakan: "172 tingkat kuda pelana hantu nian langkah tingkat BOSS, lebih tinggi dari 2 tingkat untuk menggunakan tingkat kami [Zhan panjang] meleleh dewa kavaleri, setiap kali pemotongan untuk menyerang 4 kali untuk mendapatkan puting beliung untuk memotong efek, mencolok daya yang kuat "!
tempat yang jauh, Ran Min menimbulkan tornado dari tomahawk di kerumunan untuk memotong, naik melonjak terbang satu kerumunan angin kencang, saya menunjukkan senyum samar:" Biasa-biasa saja, berhati-hati di belakang kerumunan mereka! Menyimpan terbang pengintaian! "
Yue Qing Qian adalah mencambuk sayap, perlahan-lahan kenaikan.
Kencang kuat dipotong, Tian Ling Empire hasil pemain gesper di kecepatan menjadi lebih cepat. Selain itu mobilitas dan teknik dan taktik operasi langit naik adalah topest, Jianfeng maju 3 efek terlebih dahulu untuk membuat dia diterima setelah melewati pemeriksaan di sepuluh ribu angkatan bersenjata rumpun kepala terpenggal di 25 detik cukup hanya gemar telah mengambil sesuatu dari saku , dibantai Xuanyuan Feng, kedua pahlawan, berenang bayi dan Tang Qi, Air mata Pedang et al. satu demi satu, tapi kita bisa lakukan adalah pemogokan untuk membunuh angin kencang lebih kuat untuk naik untuk membalas dendam!
Pertarungan puncak tanggul memutar superheating benar, langit naik sama sekali telah dikirimkan lebih dari 3000 orang yang menggunakan Varelia kuarsa, tapi langit naik pasti tidak tidak berpikir bahwa pemain dalam zona perang Cina sehingga akan menjadi kuat, bertentangan mereka 3000 state-of-art pemain mati untuk melawan tidak menarik kembali, karena kami sama adalah Tian Ling Empire tim terkuat.
Ketika kami elit tim perang satu kelompok kali dengan kota besi tengkorak, maplewood itu diminum orang yang benar-benar menyebabkan pergi pada ekspedisi dunia yang akan datang, serangan konvergen, seketika membuat kita jatuh ke dalam wilayah yang sangat sulit, pada saat ini, sangat datang.
Airborne, Yue Qing Qian adalah mencambuk sayap, mengatakan: "Ram
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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