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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
PRESENTASIKenalog di Orabase adalah cahaya yang buram, cokelat lisan pasta yang mengandung0,1% triamcinolone acetonide.INDIKASIKenalog di Orabase (triamcinolone acetonide gigi pasta USP) diindikasikan untuk pengobatan ajuvan dan untuk sementara bantuan dari gejala-gejala yang terkait dengan lisan lesi inflamasi dan kolitis lesi yang dihasilkan dari trauma.DOSIS DAN ADMINISTRASITekan setetes kecil (sekitar 6 mm) untuk lesi sampai film tipis berkembang. Yang lebih besar kuantitas mungkin diperlukan untuk cakupan dari beberapa lesi. Untuk hasil yang optimal penggunaan saja cukup untuk melapisi lesi dengan film tipis. Jangan menggosok. Mencoba untuk menyebarkan ini persiapan mungkin menghasilkan sensasi yang rinci, berpasir dan menyebabkan itu runtuh. Setelah aplikasi, bagaimanapun, sebuah film yang halus, licin berkembang.Persiapan harus diterapkan pada waktu tidur untuk mengizinkan steroid kontak dengan lesi sepanjang malam. Tergantung pada keparahan gejala, mungkin diperlukan untuk menerapkan persiapan dua atau tiga kali sehari, sebaiknya setelah makan. Jika perbaikan yang signifikan atau regenerasi belum terjadi dalam tujuh hari, lebih lanjut penyelidikan ini dianjurkan.KONTRAINDIKASIPersiapan ini merupakan kontraindikasi pada pasien dengan riwayat hipersensitivitas terhadap setiap komponen. Karena mengandung kortikosteroid, persiapan adalah kontraindikasi hadapan infeksi jamur, virus, atau bakteri mulut atau tenggorokan. Itu tidak boleh digunakan dalam lesi herpes asal virus yang dikenal seperti Herpes labialis or intraoral lesions such as primary herpetic gingival stomatitis and herpanginas.WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONSUse in Pregnancy:Safe use of this preparation during pregnancy has not been established with respectto possible adverse reactions upon foetal development; therefore it should not be used in women of child-bearing potential and particularly during early pregnancy KENALOG in ORABASE – NEW ZEALAND DATA SHEET Page 2 of 3unless in the judgement of the physician or dentist the potential benefits outweigh the possible hazards.Patients with tuberculosis, peptic ulcer or diabetes mellitus should not be treated with any corticosteroid preparation without the advice of the patient’s physician. It should be borne in mind that the normal defensive responses of the oral tissues are depressed in patients receiving topical corticosteroid therapy. Virulent strains of oral micro-organisms may multiply without producing the usual warning symptoms of oral infections.The small amount of steroid released when the preparation is used as recommended makes systemic effects very unlikely; however, they are a possibility when topical corticosteroid preparations are used over a long period of time and any unusual symptoms such as weakness or dizziness should be called to the physician’s attention by the patient.If local irritation or sensitisation should develop, the preparation should be discontinued and appropriate therapy instituted.If significant regeneration or repair of oral tissues has not occurred in seven days, additional investigation into the aetiology of the oral lesion is advised.ADVERSE EFFECTSProlonged administration may elicit the adverse reactions known to occur with systemic steroid preparations; for example adrenal suppression, alteration of glucose metabolism, protein catabolism, peptic ulcer activations, and others. These are usually reversible and disappear when the hormone is discontinued.FURTHER INFORMATIONActionsKenalog in Orabase (triamcinolone acetonide) is a synthetic corticosteroid which possess anti-inflammatory antipruritic, and anti-allergic action which may provide prompt relief of oral tenderness, pain, inflammation and ulceration. The emollient dental paste is an adhesive vehicle for applying medication to the oral surfaces. This adhesive maintains the medication in close contact with the lesion and provides a protective covering which augments the effects of the steroid.OtherExcipients include gelatin, pectin and carmellose sodium in Plastibase® (Plastibase hydrocarbon gel - a polyethylene and mineral oil gel base).PHARMACEUTICAL PRECAUTIONSShelf life24 months. Store below 25oC. Keep tube tightly closed.KENALOG in ORABASE – NEW ZEALAND DATA SHEET Page 3 of 3PACKAGE QUANTITIES0.1% ointment: 5 g tube. Packs of 1.MEDICINE SCHEDULEObat resep(≤ 5 g dibatasi obat)
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