In 2008, the government ceased paying subsidies to larger industrial e terjemahan - In 2008, the government ceased paying subsidies to larger industrial e Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In 2008, the government ceased payi

In 2008, the government ceased paying subsidies to larger industrial electricity consumers.
In the same year the government announced that it would phase out the sale of subsidised
fuel to private cars and restrict it to public-transport providers and motorcycles. The shift is
expected to be fully implemented by 2014. In May 2008, the government increased gasoline
and diesel prices by nearly 30%, and then in July 2008 it raised LPG prices by 23%.
Compensation programmes in the form of cash transfers were introduced to reduce the
burden on low-income households (Bantuan Langsung Tunai). They were directed at 19 million
families, for a total amount of IDR 14 billion for the 2008 fiscal year. The government also
relied on other compensation programmes (Food Sustainability Programme, distribution of
rice and control of rice price, financial support for the education of children of government
employees, subsidy increase for small-scale credit facilities). In December 2008, following the
drop in world oil prices, the government reduced retail prices of gasoline and diesel.
In the Medium Term Development Plan, the government announced its objective to
remove fossil-fuel subsidies by 2014. The 2010 State Budget explicitly allowed the
government to raise domestic fuel prices if oil prices rise more than 10% above the
budgeted level of USD 80 per barrel. In addition, the basic electricity tariff was raised by an
average of 10% in July 2010, and by an average of 10-15% for industries. Smaller residential
consumers, representing around 87% of all households, are estimated to have been
shielded from the price hike (World Bank, 2010). The objective of the July increase was also
to simplify commercial tariffs which previously depended on usage and supply agreement
with the state-owned electricity provider by unifying them into one usage tariff for each
connection capacity. A 15% increase in electricity tariff for 2011 was initially put forward in
the 2011 Draft Budget. The increase has subsequently been postponed.
In June 2010, the government planned to limit fuel use for private cars with engine
capacity of more than 2000 cubic centimeters. This plan was delayed to next year.
In September 2010, the House of representatives agreed to raise the quotas on subsidised
fuel consumption in the revised 2010 State Budget. Such a move appears to be inconsistent
with the authorities’ will to curb the consumption of subsidised fuel. This suggests policy
reacts asymmetrically to oil price changes. When oil price exceeds the level forecast in the
State Budget, additional spending are allocated to finance energy subsidies. By contrast,
when oil price is below the excess amount of subsidies initially allocated is not saved.
Changes to energy laws
Law No. 30/2007 stipulated that energy prices should be based on fair economic value
and that the central government should create a subsidy fund for poor people. This law
still needs implementing regulations. In 2009, a law allowed electricity suppliers to set
different prices across geographic areas and classes of consumers. As of October 2010,
however, that law still needed implementing regulations as well.
Programmes to lower and diversify energy consumption
In 2008, the Ministry of Energy proposed distributing a so-called “smart card” to
households that would entitle the holder to purchase a limited quantity of subsidised fuel
each month. This proposal was dropped around mid-year due to concerns about its
technical feasibility.
Indonesia has a programme to phase out the use of kerosene, in favour of liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG). LPG stoves and small LPG cylinders have been distributed, free of charge,
to urban households using kerosene stoves, starting with households living around the
capital. There are plans to expand this programme to other cities. The objective of this
programme was also to reduce the pressure on the state budget as LPG is less subsidised than
kerosene. LPG is also found to be more consistent with the nation environmental objective to
move to a low-carbon environment. In 2008, 5.3million households stopped using kerosene.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In 2008, the government ceased paying subsidies to larger industrial electricity consumers.In the same year the government announced that it would phase out the sale of subsidisedfuel to private cars and restrict it to public-transport providers and motorcycles. The shift isexpected to be fully implemented by 2014. In May 2008, the government increased gasolineand diesel prices by nearly 30%, and then in July 2008 it raised LPG prices by 23%.Compensation programmes in the form of cash transfers were introduced to reduce theburden on low-income households (Bantuan Langsung Tunai). They were directed at 19 millionfamilies, for a total amount of IDR 14 billion for the 2008 fiscal year. The government alsorelied on other compensation programmes (Food Sustainability Programme, distribution ofrice and control of rice price, financial support for the education of children of governmentemployees, subsidy increase for small-scale credit facilities). In December 2008, following thedrop in world oil prices, the government reduced retail prices of gasoline and diesel.In the Medium Term Development Plan, the government announced its objective toremove fossil-fuel subsidies by 2014. The 2010 State Budget explicitly allowed thegovernment to raise domestic fuel prices if oil prices rise more than 10% above thebudgeted level of USD 80 per barrel. In addition, the basic electricity tariff was raised by anaverage of 10% in July 2010, and by an average of 10-15% for industries. Smaller residentialconsumers, representing around 87% of all households, are estimated to have beenshielded from the price hike (World Bank, 2010). The objective of the July increase was alsoto simplify commercial tariffs which previously depended on usage and supply agreementwith the state-owned electricity provider by unifying them into one usage tariff for eachconnection capacity. A 15% increase in electricity tariff for 2011 was initially put forward inthe 2011 Draft Budget. The increase has subsequently been postponed.In June 2010, the government planned to limit fuel use for private cars with enginecapacity of more than 2000 cubic centimeters. This plan was delayed to next year.In September 2010, the House of representatives agreed to raise the quotas on subsidisedfuel consumption in the revised 2010 State Budget. Such a move appears to be inconsistentwith the authorities’ will to curb the consumption of subsidised fuel. This suggests policyreacts asymmetrically to oil price changes. When oil price exceeds the level forecast in theState Budget, additional spending are allocated to finance energy subsidies. By contrast,when oil price is below the excess amount of subsidies initially allocated is not saved.Changes to energy lawsLaw No. 30/2007 stipulated that energy prices should be based on fair economic valueand that the central government should create a subsidy fund for poor people. This lawstill needs implementing regulations. In 2009, a law allowed electricity suppliers to setdifferent prices across geographic areas and classes of consumers. As of October 2010,however, that law still needed implementing regulations as well.Programmes to lower and diversify energy consumptionIn 2008, the Ministry of Energy proposed distributing a so-called “smart card” tohouseholds that would entitle the holder to purchase a limited quantity of subsidised fueleach month. This proposal was dropped around mid-year due to concerns about itstechnical feasibility.Indonesia has a programme to phase out the use of kerosene, in favour of liquefiedpetroleum gas (LPG). LPG stoves and small LPG cylinders have been distributed, free of charge,to urban households using kerosene stoves, starting with households living around thecapital. There are plans to expand this programme to other cities. The objective of thisprogramme was also to reduce the pressure on the state budget as LPG is less subsidised thankerosene. LPG is also found to be more consistent with the nation environmental objective tomove to a low-carbon environment. In 2008, 5.3million households stopped using kerosene.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada tahun 2008, pemerintah tidak lagi membayar subsidi kepada konsumen listrik industri yang lebih besar.
Pada tahun yang sama pemerintah mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan phase out penjualan bersubsidi
bahan bakar untuk mobil pribadi dan membatasi untuk penyedia transportasi publik dan sepeda motor. Pergeseran tersebut
diharapkan akan sepenuhnya dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014. Pada bulan Mei 2008, pemerintah meningkatkan bensin
harga dan solar oleh hampir 30%, dan kemudian pada bulan Juli 2008 itu menaikkan harga LPG sebesar 23%.
Program Kompensasi dalam bentuk transfer tunai diperkenalkan untuk mengurangi
beban pada rumah tangga berpendapatan rendah (Bantuan Langsung Tunai). Mereka diarahkan pada 19 juta
keluarga, untuk jumlah total Rp 14 miliar untuk tahun fiskal 2008. Pemerintah juga
mengandalkan program kompensasi lainnya (Food Keberlanjutan Program, distribusi
beras dan pengendalian harga beras, dukungan keuangan untuk pendidikan anak-anak dari pemerintah
karyawan, peningkatan subsidi untuk fasilitas kredit skala kecil). Pada bulan Desember 2008, menyusul
penurunan harga minyak dunia, pemerintah menurunkan harga eceran bensin dan solar.
Dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah, pemerintah mengumumkan tujuannya untuk
menghapus subsidi bahan bakar fosil pada tahun 2014. APBN 2010 secara eksplisit mengizinkan
pemerintah untuk menaikkan harga BBM dalam negeri jika harga minyak naik lebih dari 10% di atas
tingkat dianggarkan USD 80 per barel. Selain itu, tarif dasar listrik dinaikkan oleh
rata-rata 10% pada bulan Juli 2010, dan rata-rata 10-15% untuk industri. Perumahan kecil
konsumen, yang mewakili sekitar 87% dari seluruh rumah tangga, diperkirakan telah
terlindung dari kenaikan harga (Bank Dunia, 2010). Tujuan dari peningkatan Juli juga
untuk menyederhanakan tarif komersial yang sebelumnya bergantung pada penggunaan dan perjanjian pasokan
dengan penyedia listrik milik negara dengan menyatukan mereka menjadi satu tarif penggunaan untuk setiap
kapasitas sambungan. Peningkatan 15% tarif listrik untuk 2011 awalnya diajukan dalam
RAPBN 2011. Kenaikan tersebut kemudian ditunda.
Pada bulan Juni 2010, pemerintah berencana membatasi penggunaan bahan bakar untuk mobil pribadi dengan mesin
kapasitas lebih dari 2000 cc. Rencana ini ditunda sampai tahun depan.
Pada bulan September 2010, DPR sepakat untuk menaikkan kuota bersubsidi
konsumsi bahan bakar di revisi APBN 2010 tersebut. Langkah tersebut tampaknya tidak konsisten
dengan kehendak pemerintah untuk mengekang konsumsi BBM bersubsidi. Hal ini menunjukkan kebijakan
bereaksi asimetris terhadap perubahan harga minyak. Ketika harga minyak melebihi tingkat meramalkan di
APBN, belanja tambahan dialokasikan untuk membiayai subsidi energi. Sebaliknya,
ketika harga minyak berada di bawah jumlah kelebihan subsidi awalnya dialokasikan tidak disimpan.
Perubahan energi hukum
UU No. 30/2007 ditetapkan bahwa harga energi harus didasarkan pada nilai ekonomi yang adil
dan bahwa pemerintah pusat harus membuat dana subsidi bagi orang-orang miskin. Undang-undang ini
masih perlu menerapkan peraturan. Pada tahun 2009, undang-undang memungkinkan pemasok listrik untuk mengatur
harga yang berbeda di seluruh wilayah geografis dan kelas konsumen. Pada Oktober 2010,
bagaimanapun, hukum yang masih diperlukan peraturan pelaksanaan juga.
Program untuk menurunkan dan diversifikasi konsumsi energi
tahun 2008, Departemen Energi mengusulkan mendistribusikan disebut "smart card" untuk
rumah tangga yang akan memberikan hak untuk membeli kuantitas terbatas BBM bersubsidi
setiap bulan. Proposal ini dijatuhkan sekitar pertengahan tahun karena kekhawatiran tentang nya
kelayakan teknis.
Indonesia memiliki program untuk phase out penggunaan minyak tanah, mendukung cair
petroleum gas (LPG). Kompor LPG dan tabung LPG kecil telah didistribusikan, gratis,
untuk rumah tangga perkotaan menggunakan kompor minyak tanah, dimulai dengan rumah tangga yang tinggal di sekitar
ibukota. Ada rencana untuk memperluas program ini ke kota-kota lainnya. Tujuan dari
Program itu juga untuk mengurangi tekanan pada anggaran negara sebagai LPG kurang bersubsidi dari
minyak tanah. LPG juga ditemukan lebih konsisten dengan tujuan lingkungan bangsa untuk
pindah ke lingkungan rendah karbon. Pada tahun 2008, 5.3million rumah tangga berhenti menggunakan minyak tanah.
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