As soon as I pat his shoul­der, said with a smile: „What was Yanzhao u terjemahan - As soon as I pat his shoul­der, said with a smile: „What was Yanzhao u Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

As soon as I pat his shoul­der, sai

As soon as I pat his shoul­der, said with a smile: „What was Yanzhao uncle you sob­bing? [Zhan Long] and Prague are the al­lies, we are fear­ful, pro­tects your strength . More­over the fol­low­ing pri­mary mis­sion shows no ex­ter­nal dif­fer­ences, [Zhan Long] ac­tively will not par­tic­i­pate in any do­mes­tic civil war again, I can pledge here.”
Jian Feng Han shows a faint smile: „Yes, who does every­body have free time dozen of civil wars?”
„This may be dif­fi­cult to say.”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled looks to the sky, said: „We do not want to hit do not mean that all peo­ple do not want to hit, per­haps do some peo­ple want to fight rest Cooldown to make to dom­i­nate Tian Ling Em­pire while the coun­try?”
I look to Fang Geque, said: „Now should not have any­body to have this abil­ity?”
Fang Geque nods smiles: „Lets him do what he pleases, I thought that has this am­bi­tion per­son him­self is a joke, we con­tinue to prac­tice the level, went to fourth!”
Well of three knot god demon opened, opened for us to four chan­nels, jumps hang­ingly, I am grasp­ing the dou­ble sword, has a look at equip­ment, when be­cause T was too long, armor, wris­ter and other po­si­tions were less than 10%, there­fore looked for [Leg­end] per­son free re­pair, af­ter­ward brought to wipe the tea to go to four, ac­tu­ally this wiped the out­put of tea all the way, al­though was also very con­sid­er­able, but can­not enter ab­solutely first 10, led her to come the bludger em­pir­i­cal value, was good be­cause of wip­ing the tea is also in­tel­li­gent, one to killing BOSS time, Can retro­cede does not go for­ward, when every­body kills in vain with the em­pir­i­cal value and that's the end, but kills 8 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its time is ac­tu­ally flagi­tious, by her op­er­a­tion, even if the strength is in­fe­rior to the op­po­site party to be able the crush.
Four are fill­ing smog as be­fore, is silent, on cor­ri­dor that here mon­ster no longer stealth, the dike in-line en­tered fi­nally, a leader wild an­i­mal crawled in the place, that was the per­son of sur­face lion beast, one brand-new mon­ster, was grow­ing a fiery face, but four limbs ac­tu­ally ex­cep­tion­ally pow­er­ful, the whole body has been cov­ered with the flame hair, the roar­ing sound con­tin­u­ally a piece.
Read out the at­tribute of first head­man sur­face lion beast rapidly, shared in the team chan­nel
【Per­son sur­face lion beast】( 8 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its)
Level: 209
At­tack: 32700-37000
De­fense: 25000
HP: 4000000
Skill: 【Roared im­pact】 【Blood­thirsty worry】 【Brute】
In­tro­duced: Per­son sur­face lion beast, in the fable this is one crowd re­ceives hu­man­ity of curse, these peo­ple stopped at no evil, after dying, are un­able to es­cape into the sam­sara, fi­nally was pun­ished by the Spir­i­tual God with the lion syn­the­sis, be­came non- per­son not clever ex­is­tence, the human the sur­face lion beast had the greatly strength­ened strik­ing power, and was good at taunt­ing the match by the face of hu­man­ity, once met the per­son of sur­face lion beast to prob­a­bly mas­sacre him rapidly, oth­er­wise you could eat up to the op­po­site party
I al­ready first Cooldown over­ran, with wip­ing on the side of the tea copes with a head­man sur­face lion beast, the but­ter­fly, does will cut swiftly and fiercely, this 209 lev­els of 8 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon can­not re­sist as be­fore, just like in­tro­duced that said that must the quick so­lu­tion, the brute be a taunt is the skill, but the ef­fect is taunts one time to make the de­fen­sive power of match re­duce 5%, taunted sev­eral fam­i­lies to hit you looks like cuts the veg­etable to be the same.
But no mat­ter what, com­pared three bright moon Asura to be bet­ter to cope, the stealth, that will not be at least easy to do.
Cooldown is late at night, the Tian Ling Em­pire 100 peo­ple of peak teams spare no ef­forts to fight bravely in the well of god demon as be­fore.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
As soon as I pat his shoul­der, said with a smile: „What was Yanzhao uncle you sob­bing? [Zhan Long] and Prague are the al­lies, we are fear­ful, pro­tects your strength . More­over the fol­low­ing pri­mary mis­sion shows no ex­ter­nal dif­fer­ences, [Zhan Long] ac­tively will not par­tic­i­pate in any do­mes­tic civil war again, I can pledge here.”Jian Feng Han shows a faint smile: „Yes, who does every­body have free time dozen of civil wars?”„This may be dif­fi­cult to say.”Yanzhao un­par­al­leled looks to the sky, said: „We do not want to hit do not mean that all peo­ple do not want to hit, per­haps do some peo­ple want to fight rest Cooldown to make to dom­i­nate Tian Ling Em­pire while the coun­try?”I look to Fang Geque, said: „Now should not have any­body to have this abil­ity?”Fang Geque nods smiles: „Lets him do what he pleases, I thought that has this am­bi­tion per­son him­self is a joke, we con­tinue to prac­tice the level, went to fourth!”„Um!”Well of three knot god demon opened, opened for us to four chan­nels, jumps hang­ingly, I am grasp­ing the dou­ble sword, has a look at equip­ment, when be­cause T was too long, armor, wris­ter and other po­si­tions were less than 10%, there­fore looked for [Leg­end] per­son free re­pair, af­ter­ward brought to wipe the tea to go to four, ac­tu­ally this wiped the out­put of tea all the way, al­though was also very con­sid­er­able, but can­not enter ab­solutely first 10, led her to come the bludger em­pir­i­cal value, was good be­cause of wip­ing the tea is also in­tel­li­gent, one to killing BOSS time, Can retro­cede does not go for­ward, when every­body kills in vain with the em­pir­i­cal value and that's the end, but kills 8 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its time is ac­tu­ally flagi­tious, by her op­er­a­tion, even if the strength is in­fe­rior to the op­po­site party to be able the crush.Four are fill­ing smog as be­fore, is silent, on cor­ri­dor that here mon­ster no longer stealth, the dike in-line en­tered fi­nally, a leader wild an­i­mal crawled in the place, that was the per­son of sur­face lion beast, one brand-new mon­ster, was grow­ing a fiery face, but four limbs ac­tu­ally ex­cep­tion­ally pow­er­ful, the whole body has been cov­ered with the flame hair, the roar­ing sound con­tin­u­ally a piece.Read out the at­tribute of first head­man sur­face lion beast rapidly, shared in the team chan­nel【Per­son sur­face lion beast】( 8 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its)Level: 209At­tack: 32700-37000De­fense: 25000HP: 4000000Skill: 【Roared im­pact】 【Blood­thirsty worry】 【Brute】In­tro­duced: Per­son sur­face lion beast, in the fable this is one crowd re­ceives hu­man­ity of curse, these peo­ple stopped at no evil, after dying, are un­able to es­cape into the sam­sara, fi­nally was pun­ished by the Spir­i­tual God with the lion syn­the­sis, be­came non- per­son not clever ex­is­tence, the human the sur­face lion beast had the greatly strength­ened strik­ing power, and was good at taunt­ing the match by the face of hu­man­ity, once met the per­son of sur­face lion beast to prob­a­bly mas­sacre him rapidly, oth­er­wise you could eat up to the op­po­site partyI al­ready first Cooldown over­ran, with wip­ing on the side of the tea copes with a head­man sur­face lion beast, the but­ter­fly, does will cut swiftly and fiercely, this 209 lev­els of 8 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon can­not re­sist as be­fore, just like in­tro­duced that said that must the quick so­lu­tion, the brute be a taunt is the skill, but the ef­fect is taunts one time to make the de­fen­sive power of match re­duce 5%, taunted sev­eral fam­i­lies to hit you looks like cuts the veg­etable to be the same.But no mat­ter what, com­pared three bright moon Asura to be bet­ter to cope, the stealth, that will not be at least easy to do.Cooldown is late at night, the Tian Ling Em­pire 100 peo­ple of peak teams spare no ef­forts to fight bravely in the well of god demon as be­fore.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Begitu aku menepuk bahunya, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Apa yang Yanzhao paman Anda menangis? [Zhan panjang] dan Praha adalah sekutu, kita takut, melindungi kekuatan Anda. . Apalagi misi utama berikut menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan eksternal, [Zhan Panjang] aktif tidak akan berpartisipasi dalam perang sipil negeri lagi, aku bisa berjanji sini "
Jian Feng Han menunjukkan senyum samar:" Ya, siapa yang semua orang memiliki waktu luang lusin ? perang saudara "
". ini mungkin sulit untuk mengatakan "
Yanzhao terlihat tak tertandingi ke langit, mengatakan:" Kami tidak ingin memukul tidak berarti bahwa semua orang tidak ingin memukul, mungkin melakukan beberapa orang ingin melawan Cooldown sisanya ? untuk membuat mendominasi Tian Ling Empire sementara negara "
saya melihat ke Fang Geque, mengatakan:"? Sekarang tidak perlu siapa pun untuk memiliki kemampuan ini "
Fang Geque mengangguk tersenyum:" Mari dia melakukan apa yang dia menyenangkan, saya berpikir bahwa memiliki ini ambisi orang sendiri adalah sebuah lelucon, kami terus berlatih tingkat, pergi ke keempat! "
" Um! "
Nah dari tiga simpul dewa iblis dibuka, dibuka bagi kita untuk empat saluran, melompat hangingly, saya menggenggam pedang ganda, memiliki melihat peralatan, saat karena T terlalu lama, armor, wrister dan posisi lain yang kurang dari 10%, karena itu mencari [Legenda] perbaikan orang bebas, setelah itu dibawa untuk menyeka teh untuk pergi ke empat, sebenarnya ini menyeka output dari teh sepanjang jalan, meskipun juga sangat besar, tapi tidak bisa masuk benar-benar pertama 10, menuntunnya untuk datang nilai empiris Bludger, baik karena menyeka teh juga cerdas, satu untuk membunuh waktu BOSS, bisa retrocede tidak maju , ketika semua orang membunuh sia-sia dengan nilai empiris dan itulah akhir, tapi membunuh 8 tingkat waktu roh-roh jahat yang berbeda sebenarnya menjijikkan, dengan operasi, bahkan jika kekuatan lebih rendah daripada pihak lawan untuk bisa menghancurkan itu.
Empat yang mengisi asap seperti sebelumnya, adalah diam, di koridor itu di sini rakasa tidak lagi siluman, tanggul in-line masuk akhirnya, binatang liar pemimpin merangkak di tempat, yang adalah orang dari permukaan singa binatang, salah satu merek-baru rakasa, adalah tumbuh wajah berapi-api, tapi empat anggota badan sebenarnya sangat kuat, seluruh tubuh telah ditutupi dengan rambut api, suara menderu terus sepotong.
Bacakan atribut dari kepala pertama singa permukaan binatang cepat, dibagi dalam saluran tim
【orang permukaan singa binatang】 (8 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda)
level: 209
Attack: 32.700-37.000
Pertahanan: 25000
HP: 4000000
Keterampilan: 【meraung dampak】 【Haus Darah khawatir】 【Brute】
Diperkenalkan: orang singa permukaan binatang, di dongeng ini satu orang menerima kemanusiaan kutukan, orang-orang ini berhenti tanpa jahat, setelah mati, tidak dapat melarikan diri ke samsara, akhirnya dihukum oleh Allah Spiritual dengan sintesis singa, menjadi orang non tidak pandai keberadaan, manusia singa permukaan binatang memiliki kekuatan mencolok sangat diperkuat, dan pandai mengejek pertandingan dengan wajah manusia, pernah bertemu orang dari permukaan singa binatang untuk mungkin pembantaian dia cepat, jika tidak, anda bisa makan sampai pihak lawan
saya sudah pertama cooldown menyerbu, dengan menyeka di sisi teh berupaya dengan singa binatang permukaan kepala, kupu-kupu, tidak akan memotong cepat dan keras, ini 209 tingkat 8 tingkat setan yang berbeda tidak dapat menolak seperti sebelumnya, seperti memperkenalkan yang mengatakan bahwa harus solusi cepat , kasar yang menjadi ejekan adalah keterampilan, tetapi efeknya ejekan satu waktu untuk membuat kekuatan pertahanan pertandingan mengurangi 5%, ejek beberapa keluarga untuk memukul Anda terlihat seperti potongan sayuran harus sama.
tapi tidak peduli apa, dibandingkan tiga bulan terang Asura untuk menjadi lebih baik untuk mengatasi, siluman, yang tidak akan setidaknya mudah dilakukan.
Istirahat adalah larut malam, Kekaisaran Tian Ling 100 orang dari tim puncak luang tidak ada upaya untuk melawan dengan gagah berani di sumur dewa iblis seperti sebelumnya.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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