Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
“Cam texted me earlier,” Jase announced.I jerked my gaze to him. His expression was unreadable. “Did you tell him that you were with me?”“Did you tell him?”“No. He still thinks I’m sick.” I wrapped the edge of my ponytail around my fingers. “Did you?”He shook his head. “I figured he’d ask why I was with you and not him. And then that would lead to other questions, and well, I figured they’d best be answered not over the phone.”“You think answering some of the questions would be best face-to-face?” Doubt colored my tone. Considering what Jase would tell him, I easily foresaw that conversation ending with a fist to a face.Jase laughed. “I’d have to deploy my charm again.”“I don’t think that kind of charm will work on my brother.”“Ye of little faith,” he said, and his lips hitched up on one side. The devilish look caused my heart to skip a beat.I pressed my lips together, wondering what would even be said to Cam. Less would be better I supposed, no matter what happened between Jase and me going forward. My gaze glided over the near perfect contours of his face and then down, over his broad shoulders. When I looked up, he caught my gaze and he smiled reassuringly.My breath caught on the realization that I could easily fall in love with him.That was if I hadn’t already.“What are you thinking about?” he asked, biting down on that delicious lower lip.Ketegangan digulung rendah di perutku. Oh, aku telah begitu kacau. Aku melihat, merasakan pipiku banjir dengan warna. "Ya, saya tidak peduli dan berbagi itu."Dalam, tertawa husky berasal darinya. "Itu adalah tidak menyenangkan.""Maaf."Terima kasih Tuhan, pintu terbuka dan Dr Morgan melangkah ke dalam kamar. Saat ini, saya akan lebih fokus pada lutut saya daripada membayar terlalu banyak perhatian kepada apa yang terjadi di dalam hati saya dan kepala.Jas lab putih berayun tentang berlutut, Dr Morgan telah dekat-potong ikal yang bertaburan dengan abu-abu. Dia tersenyum ketika ia berjalan di, mengamati mana aku dan mana Jase. "Saya punya pasien baru hari ini?"Mencoba untuk tidak mendapatkan terlalu berharap lebih senyum, aku membersihkan tenggorokanku. "Itulah Jase. Dia adalah, UMM... dia adalah teman saya. Ia datang dengan saya.""Nice to meet you." Doc baik berjalan dan menjabat tangannya. Ketika Jase mulai bangun, Dr Morgan melambaikan. "Tidak perlu untuk bergerak. Kami akan semua baik dengan cara ini." Duduk di salah satu kursi bergulir, ia menjatuhkan file dengan x-ray saya di konter. Ia berujung perjalanannya ke saya, menyambar Kuasai lain kursi, dan meluncur di sekitar. Lembut, ia mengangkat kaki saya dan meletakkannya di kursi. "Mari kita lihat ini."Aku menggulung kelim jeans, mengernyit seperti itu diungkapkan lutut saya besar. Seksi.Ia menarik dalam peluit rendah. "Kau tahu bor."I did. Closing my eyes, I clapped my hands together and pressed them against my stomach. Dr. Morgan’s fingers were cool as they pressed against my knee. The touch didn’t hurt. Not yet. He applied a little more pressure, checking the stabilization. Pain flared, and I gritted my teeth.“Pain on a one to ten scale?” he asked quietly.“Um.” I sucked at these things. Like who knew the pain scale? I needed one of those funny stick people pictures to use as a guide. “Six?”“Okay.” He pushed a little harder, and I jumped. “How about now?”“Seven?” I squeaked.He continued to torture me, and my eyes snapped open when I felt a hand wrap around mine. I hadn’t even heard him move. Jase was kneeling beside me, and the moment my eyes locked with his gray ones, I couldn’t look away.“And this?” Dr. Morgan asked. At the sound of my harsh hiss, he removed his hands. “No need to answer.” He smiled gently as he rolled my pants leg down. “Okay. You iced and elevated?”I nodded, still looking at Jase. “Yeah.”“But it didn’t help?”“No.” I wet my lips, and Jase smiled. Tearing my gaze away from him so I didn’t look like too much of a doofus, I faced the doctor. As I spoke, Jase managed to ease my hands apart and thread his fingers through my left hand. “It’s not as painful as the first time, and I didn’t hear any pops, but I’m afraid I really screwed it up.”“I need to know exactly what you were doing when you hurt your knee Sunday,” he said, dropping his hands on his knees. “Were you walking? Did you lose your balance?”My gaze dropped to the doctor’s long fingers. They were slender, but the knuckles were surprisingly big and round. My throat closed off.“She said she just lost her balance,” Jase said, and my free hand closed into a fist.“Were you walking when it happened? Getting out of bed or off a chair?” Dr. Morgan paused. “It’s really important to know exactly what you were doing.”Blood pounded in my ears as I slowly lifted my gaze. The truth. Damnit, the truth was always a pesky, nosy bitch. I shook my head as I bit down on my lip. “I . . . I was in my dorm room and my roommate’s boyfriend had a bag in his hand. Like a weekender bag. Anyway, I was standing too close when he swung it around. It hit my hip and I stumbled back, putting my weight on my right leg.”Jase’s fingers tightened until I could feel the bones in my hand starting to grind, and then he eased off, slipping his hand free. I couldn’t look at him, but I could feel him staring.“So it was an unplanned action. Not a major misstep. That gives me a really clear picture of what’s going on.” Dr. Morgan reached for my file, flipping it open. “Well, bad or good news first?”My heart jumped, and I glanced at Jase. His eyes were sharp, expression stony. “Good? I guess?”“The good news is that the x-rays do not show any additional tears,” he said, and my shoulders immediately relaxed. “I know that was your biggest fear. The original tear is healing.”I took a deep breath. “So what’s the bad news?”Dr. Morgan smiled tightly. “What this injury shows is a destabilization of the ACL. And with the kind of tear you suffered, there was a forty to sixty percent chance of reinjury. Now, like I said, the tear doesn’t appear to be reinjured. So no surgery, and I really do think this will heal if you go back to the brace and use the crutches over the next couple of days.”Instead of feeling better, the walls started to close in around me. “But?”“But . . .” He smiled, but I tensed. The smile didn’t reach his dark eyes. It was the kind of smiles doctors made when they were about to deliver a death blow. “This injury shows that there is a destabilization there and that is what concerns me, Teresa. When you first injured your ACL, we talked about the possibility—although slim at that time—of continuous destabilization and . . .”My brain cut him off right there, but I nodded and I stared at him, barely aware of the way Jase was stiffening with every word spoken. I even smiled when Dr. Morgan patted my hand and told me it was going to be okay. I agreed. Everything would be fucking perfect. And then I said nothing when the nurse came in, and the dreaded blue brace was returned to my knee. I took the crutches with grace. And I kept breathing. In. Out. In. Out.Somehow I ended up outside, in Jase’s Jeep, staring out the windshield.
“Tess . . .”
I looked over at him, and he shook his head as our gazes locked. His face was pale. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
Drawing in a deep breath, I shuddered as it got stuck. The destabilization was a bad, bad thing. It was worse than having surgery because it meant one thing. My knee would always be wicked weak. I would always have problems with it, even after the tear was completely healed. The chance of getting arthritis in the knee earlier than most had nearly doubled.
Professional dancing was out of the picture. No more. Done. There was no returning to the studio, no more lessons or recitals or competitions. I’d be stupid to even attempt it. And my instructors wouldn’t allow it. Neither would the Joffrey School.
College was no longer temporary. Teaching was no longer plan B. It was the only plan.
Oh my God.
I shook my head, opened my mouth, but there were no words.
Jase cursed, and I . . . I cracked wide open. Like a well deep inside me had burst.
The tears came, spilling down my cheeks, and once they started, there was no stopping them. The interior blurred—Jase disappeared in the haze.
A deep sound came from him, and then his arms were around me. One second I was sitting there by myself, my world crumbling apart, and the next moment, he was holding me against him-holding me together.
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