Turns on this FLASH page, im­me­di­ately con­nected in the ad­di­tiona terjemahan - Turns on this FLASH page, im­me­di­ately con­nected in the ad­di­tiona Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Turns on this FLASH page, im­me­di­

Turns on this FLASH page, im­me­di­ately con­nected in the ad­di­tional red post that the forum topped , the post per­son was Ji Yuan
【Tops】( Post per­son: The play­ers record park): The dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, wit­nesses Xiao Yao Zi Zai to chal­lenge the dark blue bil­lows!
Af­ter­ward, is the con­tent of post, noth­ing else but Ji Yuan brave and re­source­ful across spirit rope way, under the pow­er­ful enemy who in the in­nu­mer­able light­ing the lamps corpse ghost and demon palace ride peeps at en­ters the storm abyss, fi­nally sees the scene of me and dark blue bil­lows war, in ad­di­tion has the screen­shot that I fight vig­or­ously to wear, es­pe­cially wears launches the pur­ple thun­der at­tack, il­lu­mi­nates the well-il­lu­mi­nated pic­ture the sky, splen­did sight!
Swept a re­ceipt, the re­ceipt num­ber al­to­gether has sur­passed 30 W, thinks that the play­ers were too bored in Cooldown of sys­tem main­te­nance, this post re­sults in sim­ply red does not make sense, I hur­riedly swept one, sum­ma­rized the con­tent of re­ceipt, prais­ing the per­son of my tal­ented and skilled are bold to ac­count for 25%, said that I have ac­counted for 25% reck­lessly, other 30% in send­ing the mi­cro-sig­nal asked the younger sis­ter paper good friend, re­main­ing 10% in the in­quiry dis­ci­pline park final out­put, recorded the park nat­u­rally not to know that he died in front of me, final 10% were ex­pe­ri­ences in the water.
At this time, data buffer­ing fin­ished, gets on­line!
Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, im­me­di­ately ob­tains sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion, holds con­tact sur­face of spear to re­mind me greatly, 7 min­utes, in the Tian Ling Em­pire im­pe­r­ial palace will have an im­por­tant meet­ing, re­quest­ing me to par­tic­i­pate, nat­u­rally, if I on­line have not re­garded as an­other mat­ter, should not wait for me, the plot in game has its pro­pelling force.
Sum­mon rasp­berry, stands up from fail­ure to ride Long Bei, al­though rasp­berry is the beau­ti­ful woman dragon, but after is Long Shen the daugh­ter, the stature is quite huge, and is full of the dig­nity, when I stand up from fail­ure rides Long Bei, has also raised up a blood red war flag, is the ef­fect of war flag of dragon, all pat­terns that I use now, the sur­round­ing player can enjoy the BUFF ef­fect of war flag of dragon im­me­di­ately, ex­pressed ad­mi­ra­tion.
Skices en­ters the im­pe­r­ial palace, be­fore the gate, guards re­spect­ful salut­ing, I have not said any­thing, urg­ing rasp­berry to enter the main hall rapidly, af­ter­ward sum­moned her to enter the pet space, should bet­ter not lets her sees by the shal­low com­mand­ing of for­est and each reg­i­ment, oth­er­wise ex­tremely in shock­ing every­body.
„Holds the spear greatly!” A trans­mit­ting or­ders of­fi­cer pulled the throat roar to call out.
I take a step to enter the main hall, be­fore hav­ing ar­rived di­rectly most the head, stands is being away from the shal­low for­est re­cent place, the shal­low for­est smiles the nod to ex­press best wishes, said: „Li Mas­ter, you come!”
I: „Um, your majesty, what hap­pened, will sum­mon the au­di­ences to come to­gether?”
Shal­low for­est ma­jor­ity of civil and mil­i­tary of­fi­cials ar­rived shortly, there­fore sus­pends the robe sleeve, said: „That starts to dis­cuss, the treaty of al­liance of high­est heaven city, how do you see?”
„What mat­ter is?” I asked.
Op­po­site, the vault of heaven armed forces com­mand Lin Qiong to hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Holds the spear greatly, is this, sev­eral days ago the sov­er­eigns in high­est heaven city send the spe­cial envoy, the re­quest and Tian Ling Em­pire treaty of al­liance, will hunt for the dif­fer­ent demon in the north ter­ri­tory to­gether, they out of of­fice dragon clan ter­ri­tory has built a fort, is guard­ing 1 mil­lion armies, hopes that our Tian Ling Em­pire can also de­ploy the army to go to as­sist to bat­tle, sub­dues north­ern thr
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Turns on this FLASH page, im­me­di­ately con­nected in the ad­di­tional red post that the forum topped , the post per­son was Ji Yuan【Tops】( Post per­son: The play­ers record park): The dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, wit­nesses Xiao Yao Zi Zai to chal­lenge the dark blue bil­lows!Af­ter­ward, is the con­tent of post, noth­ing else but Ji Yuan brave and re­source­ful across spirit rope way, under the pow­er­ful enemy who in the in­nu­mer­able light­ing the lamps corpse ghost and demon palace ride peeps at en­ters the storm abyss, fi­nally sees the scene of me and dark blue bil­lows war, in ad­di­tion has the screen­shot that I fight vig­or­ously to wear, es­pe­cially wears launches the pur­ple thun­der at­tack, il­lu­mi­nates the well-il­lu­mi­nated pic­ture the sky, splen­did sight!Swept a re­ceipt, the re­ceipt num­ber al­to­gether has sur­passed 30 W, thinks that the play­ers were too bored in Cooldown of sys­tem main­te­nance, this post re­sults in sim­ply red does not make sense, I hur­riedly swept one, sum­ma­rized the con­tent of re­ceipt, prais­ing the per­son of my tal­ented and skilled are bold to ac­count for 25%, said that I have ac­counted for 25% reck­lessly, other 30% in send­ing the mi­cro-sig­nal asked the younger sis­ter paper good friend, re­main­ing 10% in the in­quiry dis­ci­pline park final out­put, recorded the park nat­u­rally not to know that he died in front of me, final 10% were ex­pe­ri­ences in the water.At this time, data buffer­ing fin­ished, gets on­line!
Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, im­me­di­ately ob­tains sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion, holds con­tact sur­face of spear to re­mind me greatly, 7 min­utes, in the Tian Ling Em­pire im­pe­r­ial palace will have an im­por­tant meet­ing, re­quest­ing me to par­tic­i­pate, nat­u­rally, if I on­line have not re­garded as an­other mat­ter, should not wait for me, the plot in game has its pro­pelling force.
Sum­mon rasp­berry, stands up from fail­ure to ride Long Bei, al­though rasp­berry is the beau­ti­ful woman dragon, but after is Long Shen the daugh­ter, the stature is quite huge, and is full of the dig­nity, when I stand up from fail­ure rides Long Bei, has also raised up a blood red war flag, is the ef­fect of war flag of dragon, all pat­terns that I use now, the sur­round­ing player can enjoy the BUFF ef­fect of war flag of dragon im­me­di­ately, ex­pressed ad­mi­ra­tion.
Skices en­ters the im­pe­r­ial palace, be­fore the gate, guards re­spect­ful salut­ing, I have not said any­thing, urg­ing rasp­berry to enter the main hall rapidly, af­ter­ward sum­moned her to enter the pet space, should bet­ter not lets her sees by the shal­low com­mand­ing of for­est and each reg­i­ment, oth­er­wise ex­tremely in shock­ing every­body.
„Holds the spear greatly!” A trans­mit­ting or­ders of­fi­cer pulled the throat roar to call out.
I take a step to enter the main hall, be­fore hav­ing ar­rived di­rectly most the head, stands is being away from the shal­low for­est re­cent place, the shal­low for­est smiles the nod to ex­press best wishes, said: „Li Mas­ter, you come!”
I: „Um, your majesty, what hap­pened, will sum­mon the au­di­ences to come to­gether?”
Shal­low for­est ma­jor­ity of civil and mil­i­tary of­fi­cials ar­rived shortly, there­fore sus­pends the robe sleeve, said: „That starts to dis­cuss, the treaty of al­liance of high­est heaven city, how do you see?”
„What mat­ter is?” I asked.
Op­po­site, the vault of heaven armed forces com­mand Lin Qiong to hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Holds the spear greatly, is this, sev­eral days ago the sov­er­eigns in high­est heaven city send the spe­cial envoy, the re­quest and Tian Ling Em­pire treaty of al­liance, will hunt for the dif­fer­ent demon in the north ter­ri­tory to­gether, they out of of­fice dragon clan ter­ri­tory has built a fort, is guard­ing 1 mil­lion armies, hopes that our Tian Ling Em­pire can also de­ploy the army to go to as­sist to bat­tle, sub­dues north­ern thr
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ternyata pada halaman FLASH ini, segera terhubung di pos merah tambahan yang forum atasnya, posting orang adalah Ji Yuan
【Tops】 (Pos orang: Para pemain rekor taman): wilayah setan The berbeda, saksi Xiao Yao Zi Zai untuk menantang pemecah biru gelap!
setelah itu, adalah isi dari posting, tidak ada yang lain tapi Ji Yuan berani dan akal di jalan tali semangat, di bawah musuh yang kuat yang dalam pencahayaan yang tak terhitung banyaknya lampu mayat hantu dan setan istana naik melirik memasuki jurang badai, akhirnya melihat adegan saya dan perang ombak biru tua, selain memiliki screenshot yang saya berjuang keras untuk memakai, terutama memakai meluncurkan serangan petir ungu, menerangi gambar yang menerangi langit, pemandangan indah!
Swept tanda terima, jumlah penerimaan sama sekali telah melampaui 30 W, berpikir bahwa para pemain terlalu bosan di Cooldown pemeliharaan sistem, ini hasil posting di hanya merah tidak masuk akal, saya buru-buru menyapu satu, diringkas isi penerimaan, memuji orang berbakat dan terampil berani untuk memperhitungkan 25%, mengatakan bahwa saya telah menyumbang 25% sembarangan, lainnya 30% dalam mengirimkan mikro-sinyal meminta adik kertas teman baik, sisanya 10% dalam disiplin penyelidikan memarkir hasil akhir, tercatat taman alami tidak untuk mengetahui bahwa dia meninggal di depan saya, akhir 10% adalah pengalaman dalam air.
pada saat ini, buffering data selesai, mendapat secara online!
Muncul di Tian Ling Empire, segera memperoleh pemberitahuan sistem, memegang permukaan kontak tombak untuk mengingatkan saya sangat, 7 menit, di Tian Ling Empire istana kekaisaran akan memiliki pertemuan penting, meminta saya untuk berpartisipasi, secara alami, jika saya secara online belum dianggap sebagai masalah lain, tidak harus menunggu untuk saya, plot dalam permainan memiliki nya mendorong kekuatan.
Summon raspberry, berdiri dari kegagalan untuk naik panjang Bei, meskipun raspberry adalah wanita naga yang indah, tapi setelah ini panjang Shen putri, bertubuh cukup besar, dan penuh martabat, ketika saya berdiri dari kegagalan naik panjang Bei, juga telah membangkitkan bendera darah perang merah, adalah efek dari bendera perang naga, semua pola yang saya gunakan sekarang, pemain sekitarnya dapat menikmati efek BUFF bendera perang naga segera, menyatakan kekagumannya.
Skices memasuki istana kekaisaran, sebelum pintu gerbang, penjaga menghormat hormat, saya tidak mengatakan apa-apa, mendesak raspberry untuk memasuki ruang utama dengan cepat, setelah itu memanggil dia untuk memasuki ruang hewan peliharaan, harus lebih baik tidak membiarkan dia melihat dengan memerintah dangkal hutan dan masing-masing resimen, jika tidak sangat di semua mengejutkan.
"Gelar tombak sangat!" seorang perwira perintah transmisi menarik deru tenggorokan memanggil.
saya mengambil langkah untuk memasuki ruang utama, sebelum setelah tiba paling kepala langsung, berdiri sedang jauh dari tempat hutan baru-baru ini dangkal, hutan dangkal tersenyum mengangguk untuk mengungkapkan keinginan terbaik, mengatakan: "Li Guru, Anda datang!"
I: "Um, yang Mulia, apa yang terjadi, akan memanggil para penonton untuk datang bersama-sama?"
"Ya. "
sebagian hutan dangkal pejabat sipil dan militer tiba tak lama, karena menunda lengan jubah, mengatakan:"? Itu mulai membahas, perjanjian aliansi dari kota surga tertinggi, bagaimana Anda melihat "
"? Apa materi adalah "saya bertanya.
sebaliknya, kubah langit bersenjata perintah pasukan Lin Qiong untuk menahan tinju di sisi lain mengatakan: "Gelar tombak sangat, adalah ini, beberapa hari yang lalu para penguasa di kota surga tertinggi mengirim utusan khusus, permintaan dan Tian Ling Empire perjanjian aliansi, akan memburu setan yang berbeda di wilayah utara bersama-sama, mereka keluar dari kantor wilayah naga clan telah membangun sebuah benteng, yang menjaga 1 juta tentara, berharap bahwa kami Tian Ling Empire juga dapat menyebarkan tentara untuk pergi untuk membantu ke pertempuran, menundukkan thr utara
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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