Be­hind that group of Men in Black are in hot pur­suit, this group of  terjemahan - Be­hind that group of Men in Black are in hot pur­suit, this group of  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Be­hind that group of Men in Black

Be­hind that group of Men in Black are in hot pur­suit, this group of Men in Black are Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert. They pur­sue in Nie Li, al­though speeds will draw near peak, ac­tu­ally can­not pull closer the dis­tance with Nie Li.
Al­though has Heav­enly Star Realm peak Cul­ti­va­tion. The Nie Li speed com­pared with it Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert, is not un­ex­pect­edly in­fe­rior.
After Cul­ti­va­tion pro­mo­tion. The wing of Nie Li be­hind law, be­fore has com­pared, pro­mot­ing the sev­eral fold to con­tinue, changes to a black white time, as if must go from out of the blue gen­eral.
„What ori­gin this boy is, un­ex­pect­edly runs such quickly?” The Men in Black of lead is an­noyed, be­cause he feels Nie Li, only then Heav­enly Star Realm Cul­ti­va­tion, runs un­ex­pect­edly that quickly.
A Heav­enly Star Realm boy, dares un­ex­pect­edly under their eyes do hide snatch the human?
„Courts death!” The Men in Black have drunk one coldly. The sharp sword in hand changes to to­gether cold bright­ness, goes to­ward Nie Li from out of the blue.
In this sharp sword con­tained the for­mi­da­ble strength. The speed was to draw near peak, the nail has ap­proached the back of Nie Li.
Saw that this sharp sword must sew after own car­ries on the back, car­ries on the back thor­oughly the for­mi­da­ble cold air, the en­tire body as if must frozen stiff gen­er­ally.
Can die in here?
Nie Li wrin­kled the brow, once died, Cul­ti­va­tion must re­duce, he did not have the so many time!
„It is not good, I can­not die! Also can­not make Long Yuyin die in here!” Nie Li frowns, al­though he does not know that these peo­ple in­ter­cept Long Yuyin for any­thing, but can de­ter­mine that the here sur­face def­i­nitely has very big plot!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Be­hind that group of Men in Black are in hot pur­suit, this group of Men in Black are Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert. They pur­sue in Nie Li, al­though speeds will draw near peak, ac­tu­ally can­not pull closer the dis­tance with Nie Li.Al­though has Heav­enly Star Realm peak Cul­ti­va­tion. The Nie Li speed com­pared with it Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert, is not un­ex­pect­edly in­fe­rior.After Cul­ti­va­tion pro­mo­tion. The wing of Nie Li be­hind law, be­fore has com­pared, pro­mot­ing the sev­eral fold to con­tinue, changes to a black white time, as if must go from out of the blue gen­eral.„What ori­gin this boy is, un­ex­pect­edly runs such quickly?” The Men in Black of lead is an­noyed, be­cause he feels Nie Li, only then Heav­enly Star Realm Cul­ti­va­tion, runs un­ex­pect­edly that quickly.A Heav­enly Star Realm boy, dares un­ex­pect­edly under their eyes do hide snatch the human?„Courts death!” The Men in Black have drunk one coldly. The sharp sword in hand changes to to­gether cold bright­ness, goes to­ward Nie Li from out of the blue.In this sharp sword con­tained the for­mi­da­ble strength. The speed was to draw near peak, the nail has ap­proached the back of Nie Li.Saw that this sharp sword must sew after own car­ries on the back, car­ries on the back thor­oughly the for­mi­da­ble cold air, the en­tire body as if must frozen stiff gen­er­ally.Can die in here?Nie Li wrin­kled the brow, once died, Cul­ti­va­tion must re­duce, he did not have the so many time!„It is not good, I can­not die! Also can­not make Long Yuyin die in here!” Nie Li frowns, al­though he does not know that these peo­ple in­ter­cept Long Yuyin for any­thing, but can de­ter­mine that the here sur­face def­i­nitely has very big plot!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Balik kelompok Men in Black adalah dalam pengejaran, kelompok ini Men in Black adalah Dao Dragon Realm Expert. Mereka mengejar di Nie Li, meskipun kecepatan yang akan mendekat puncak, sebenarnya tidak dapat menarik lebih dekat jarak dengan Nie Li.
Meskipun memiliki Surgawi Bintang puncak Realm Budidaya. Kecepatan Nie Li dibandingkan dengan itu Dao Dragon Realm Expert, tidak tiba-tiba kalah.
Setelah promosi Budidaya. Sayap Nie Li belakang hukum, sebelum telah dibandingkan, mempromosikan beberapa kali lipat untuk melanjutkan, perubahan waktu hitam putih, seolah-olah harus pergi dari keluar dari umum biru.
"Apa asal anak ini, tiba-tiba berjalan seperti cepat?" Men in Black timbal kesal, karena ia merasa Nie Li, hanya kemudian Surgawi bintang Realm Budidaya, berjalan tiba-tiba yang cepat.
A Realm anak Heavenly Star, berani tiba-tiba di bawah mata mereka jangan menyembunyikan merebut manusia?
"Pengadilan mati!" The Men in Black telah minum satu dingin. Pedang tajam dalam perubahan tangan untuk bersama-sama kecerahan dingin, berjalan ke arah Nie Li dari keluar dari biru.
Dalam pedang yang tajam ini terkandung kekuatan tangguh. Kecepatan itu mendekat puncak, kuku telah mendekati belakang Nie Li.
Melihat bahwa pedang yang tajam ini harus menjahit setelah sendiri menjalankan belakang, membawa di belakang menyeluruh udara dingin yang tangguh, seluruh tubuh seakan keharusan beku kaku umumnya.
bisa mati di sini?
Nie Li berkerut alis, setelah meninggal, Budidaya harus mengurangi, ia tidak memiliki begitu banyak waktu!
"ini tidak baik, saya tidak bisa mati! Juga tidak bisa membuat panjang Yuyin mati di sini! "Nie Li mengerutkan kening, meskipun ia tidak tahu bahwa orang-orang ini intercept panjang Yuyin untuk apa pun, tetapi dapat menentukan bahwa di sini permukaan pasti memiliki plot yang sangat besar!
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