Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Some degree of order and regularity must be assured if social life inany community is to be sustained. This state need not be one ofquiet harmony, and indeed societies differ widely as to the amountof friction and disorder which their members seem able to tolerate;but conditions must be such that children can be reared andconsistent arrangements made for the provision of food, drink andshelter. If this is to be achieved an element of order must endureover time within the group as well as between that group and anyother with which it is in immediate contact. In this chapter weconsider what foundations the first, internal, aspect of order restson; what it consists of and how its continuity is secured.It should be recognized from the start that the conditions weare talking about need not be associated with any particular form ofgovernmental organization. The prerequisites for survival certainlydo not include the presence of a ruler, able to keep the peace byforce among his people. As we have already noted, many of thesocieties we shall be considering are acephalous, withoutcentralized government and agencies expressly concerned with theenforcement of order. But even in societies where sucharrangements are present there is room for argument as to theirimportance in holding everything together. Indeed, scholarsdisagree profoundly as to whether the cohesion of a society like ourown is primarily attributable to the presence of mutually acceptedrules or to the coercive exercise of power.At first sight there islittle room for such debate in societies without explicit enforcementagencies, but even in the absence of a ruler, coercive elements may still be present (if superficially concealed) in an age-set organization or kinship system which entrenches the dominance ofelderly or genealogically senior men.
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