“Fiona, this has been a rocky path we’ve traveled. But whatever forces terjemahan - “Fiona, this has been a rocky path we’ve traveled. But whatever forces Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Fiona, this has been a rocky path

“Fiona, this has been a rocky path we’ve traveled. But whatever forces brought you forth to me, I am sincerely grateful.” He pulled her closer still. “And if it’s truth we are professing, I’d have you know, if given the chance to change the past, I would wed you still.”
“You would?”
“Aye, if you would have me.”
A tear ran down his wife’s pale cheek, and he brushed it away.
“I would,” she whispered.
He kissed her then, soft and sweet, and would have pressed for more had Vivienne not offered an exaggerated sigh from her spot in the other chair.
“Ah, you two make my heart weep. I should go find myself a husband.”
Myles turned to his aunt. “Well, you may yet have a chance. We travel north tomorrow, but you may stay at Linlithgow until we return.”
“North?” his wife asked. “Where in the North?”
“Sinclair Hall.”
She had thought never to see her home again, and her heart leapt at the notion of reuniting with her sister. “And I’m to join you?”
Her husband nodded, but did not smile. “The king has use of you, my love. Though I voiced objections as fiercely as I dared, he would not be swayed. He thinks to send small armies to each northern stronghold and apprehend every chief who signed that paper.”
Simon would be one of them.
“But what has that to do with me?”
“John told us of a passageway at Sinclair Hall leading from the chapel to the shore. Do you know of it?”
She nodded, her stomach growing queasy. She had only ventured once into that dark place. As a child, she and her brothers had gone there and dared one another to go to the end. It was moist and foul and full of things with many legs, and she had not gotten more than a few feet in before turning around.
“I know of it,” she said.
“’Tis the king’s plan that you should enter Sinclair Hall first, acting as if you are there to visit with your sister. But once inside, you must go to the passage and unlock the gates. That will allow our men inside before your brother is the wiser.”
The room before her shifted, and she leaned back against her husband’s arm. Dark tunnels and centipedes be damned. She could not faint at such a request.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Fiona, this has been a rocky path we’ve traveled. But whatever forces brought you forth to me, I am sincerely grateful.” He pulled her closer still. “And if it’s truth we are professing, I’d have you know, if given the chance to change the past, I would wed you still.”“You would?”“Aye, if you would have me.”A tear ran down his wife’s pale cheek, and he brushed it away.“I would,” she whispered.He kissed her then, soft and sweet, and would have pressed for more had Vivienne not offered an exaggerated sigh from her spot in the other chair.“Ah, you two make my heart weep. I should go find myself a husband.”Myles turned to his aunt. “Well, you may yet have a chance. We travel north tomorrow, but you may stay at Linlithgow until we return.”“North?” his wife asked. “Where in the North?”“Sinclair Hall.”She had thought never to see her home again, and her heart leapt at the notion of reuniting with her sister. “And I’m to join you?”Her husband nodded, but did not smile. “The king has use of you, my love. Though I voiced objections as fiercely as I dared, he would not be swayed. He thinks to send small armies to each northern stronghold and apprehend every chief who signed that paper.”Simon would be one of them.“But what has that to do with me?”“John told us of a passageway at Sinclair Hall leading from the chapel to the shore. Do you know of it?”She nodded, her stomach growing queasy. She had only ventured once into that dark place. As a child, she and her brothers had gone there and dared one another to go to the end. It was moist and foul and full of things with many legs, and she had not gotten more than a few feet in before turning around.“I know of it,” she said.“’Tis the king’s plan that you should enter Sinclair Hall first, acting as if you are there to visit with your sister. But once inside, you must go to the passage and unlock the gates. That will allow our men inside before your brother is the wiser.”The room before her shifted, and she leaned back against her husband’s arm. Dark tunnels and centipedes be damned. She could not faint at such a request.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Fiona, ini telah menjadi jalan berbatu kami telah menempuh perjalanan. Tapi apa pun kekuatan membawa kamu kepada saya, saya dengan tulus berterima kasih. "Dia menariknya lebih dekat lagi. "Dan jika itu benar kita mengaku, aku harus Anda tahu, jika diberi kesempatan untuk mengubah masa lalu, aku akan menikah Anda masih."
"Kau akan?"
"Aye, jika Anda akan memiliki saya."
Air mata berlari pipi pucat istrinya, dan dia disikat itu pergi.
"Aku akan," bisiknya.
Dia menciumnya kemudian, lembut dan manis, dan akan menekan lebih telah Vivienne tidak menawarkan napas berlebihan dari tempatnya di kursi lainnya.
"Ah, kalian berdua membuat saya menangis hati. Aku harus pergi menemukan diri saya seorang suami.
"Myles berpaling ke bibinya. "Nah, Anda mungkin belum memiliki kesempatan. Kami perjalanan utara besok, tetapi Anda mungkin tinggal di Linlithgow sampai kami kembali.
""? Utara "tanya istrinya. "Di mana di Utara?"
"Sinclair Hall."
Dia berpikir tidak pernah melihat rumahnya lagi, dan hatinya melompat pada gagasan bersatu kembali dengan kakaknya. "Dan aku bergabung dengan Anda?"
Suaminya mengangguk, tapi tidak tersenyum. "Raja memiliki penggunaan Anda, cinta saya. Meskipun aku menyuarakan keberatan sebagai keras seperti yang saya berani, ia tidak akan terpengaruh. Dia berpikir untuk mengirim tentara kecil untuk masing-masing kubu utara dan menangkap setiap kepala yang menandatangani kertas itu.
"Simon akan menjadi salah satu dari
mereka." Tapi apa yang yang harus dilakukan dengan saya?
"" John mengatakan kepada kami dari lorong di Sinclair Balai terkemuka dari kapel ke pantai. Apakah Anda tahu itu?
"Dia mengangguk, dia tumbuh mual perut. Dia hanya berkelana sekali ke tempat yang gelap. Sebagai seorang anak, ia dan saudara-saudaranya sudah ada dan berani satu sama lain untuk pergi ke akhir. Itu lembab dan busuk dan penuh hal-hal dengan banyak kaki, dan dia tidak sudah lebih dari beberapa kaki di sebelum berbalik.
"Aku tahu itu," katanya.
"'Tis rencana raja yang harus Anda masukkan Sinclair Balai pertama, bertindak sebagai jika Anda berada di sana untuk mengunjungi dengan adikmu. Tapi sekali di dalam, Anda harus pergi ke bagian itu dan membuka pintu gerbang. Yang akan memungkinkan orang-orang kami di dalam sebelum saudaramu adalah bijaksana.
"Ruang depannya bergeser, dan dia bersandar lengan suaminya. Terowongan gelap dan lipan terkutuk. Dia tidak bisa pingsan di permintaan seperti itu.
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