Luo Lin is grasp­ing des­per­ately, walks to go for­ward slowly, knees terjemahan - Luo Lin is grasp­ing des­per­ately, walks to go for­ward slowly, knees Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Luo Lin is grasp­ing des­per­ately,

Luo Lin is grasp­ing des­per­ately, walks to go for­ward slowly, knees down, said: „Fa­ther, I des­per­ate bring­ing, but please for­give Luo Lin to be in­com­pe­tent, the com­bat gen­eral of tak­ing away al­most died in bat­tle com­pletely, mil­i­tary gov­er­nor Wang Xuan was also cut down by the dif­fer­ent demon king!”
„What? Wang did Xuan die in bat­tle?”
Luo Lei is sur­prised: „For­est, you were said that you have en­coun­tered the in­ter­cep­tion of king level dif­fer­ent demon in the heroic memo­r­ial park?”
Luo Lin gains ground, said: „Right, hell bat­tle song Ling Han, the devil in this fable ex­ists, greatly strength­ened, has killed many of us, we are a nar­row es­cape can run away”
An­gela in great sur­prise: „Elder brother you can come back too to be good”
Luo Lei grips tightly the ar­mored hand, said: „In dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory still has the king level re­ally the dif­fer­ent demon, the day, it seems like these mas­ters said not empty, the dif­fer­ent evil spir­its south in­vaded on a large scale are also the Cooldown issue”
„There­fore, we must strengthen the de­fense of cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den rapidly!”
Luo Lin said de­cid­edly: „So long as cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den can de­fend im­pe­r­ial lives, these dev­ils are un­able to in­vade Ba Huang City, with cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den is ad­join­ing does not turn over to the ma­rine storm bone-chill­ing cold, and was being oc­cu­pied by the sea-nymph clan, the dif­fer­ent evil spir­its will not pro­voke these sea-nymphs, that wanted cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, south seven big em­pires safe, oth­er­wise, the en­tire main­land was dan­ger­ous!”
Luo Lei walks to go for­ward, puts out a hand to grip the des­per­ate sword hilt, im­me­di­ately can­not bear the whole body trem­ble, lets go to loosen the long sword, the com­plex­ion is some­what pale: „Day, strive to excel strength han­dle de­spairs, is re­ally war-god Al the sul­fur saber?”
„Is fa­ther!”
Luo Lei clenches teeth, said: „Chief aide-de-camp, comes!”
NPC walked: „Your majesty!”
Luo Lei said: „Wraps this han­dle sword by the thick cloth, lays aside above the Ba Huang City main hall, dis­patches to guard with large army, after this han­dle sword, was our Ba Huang City town city god sol­dier, so long as des­per­ate, no­body dares to covet the Ba Huang City dig­nity!”
„Yes, your majesty!”
Chief aide-de-camp re­spect­ful takes the long sword.
Luo Lin gains ground, looks at Luo Lei, in eye passed over gen­tly and swiftly puz­zled, said: „Fa­ther, then, what but also there is to order to me?”
„Tem­porar­ily did not have, you rest well.” Luo Lei said with a smile slightly: „The tour of this heroic memo­r­ial park was la­bo­ri­ous you, ex­pe­ri­enced the fight of a nar­row es­cape, well rested, you were the pride of Ba Huang City, was the pride of en­tire human and month spirit camp.”
At this time, the back row dragon rode deputy team chief Su Ke to raise tom­a­hawk neg­li­gent stand­ing up, said: „Your majesty, I have a word not to know , said that didn't work as to say?”
Luo Lei nods: „Said!”
Su Ke said re­spect­fully: „This han­dle des­per­ate is changed by Luo Lin Wang Yong life . More­over, the might of this han­dle mag­i­cal in­stru­ment our ex­pe­ri­ence crossed, our also ex­pe­ri­ence crossed fierce of dif­fer­ent demon, I spoke frankly, at pre­sent the Ba Huang City mil­i­tary strength, once the main force of bit­ter ex­pe­ri­ence dif­fer­ent demon, col­lapses at the first blow rad­i­cally, the reg­i­ment com­man­ders in our em­pire, once runs into the dif­fer­ent demon king, is only then by share of sec­ond killing, since we ob­tained des­per­ately, that should not con­se­crate is being so sim­ple, should use this han­dle mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, Luo Lin king is Ba Huang City most pow­er­house, has the strength of close Saint ter­ri­tory, why does not rely on to de­spair. Trains Luo Lin Wang Cheng is a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Luo Lin is grasp­ing des­per­ately, walks to go for­ward slowly, knees down, said: „Fa­ther, I des­per­ate bring­ing, but please for­give Luo Lin to be in­com­pe­tent, the com­bat gen­eral of tak­ing away al­most died in bat­tle com­pletely, mil­i­tary gov­er­nor Wang Xuan was also cut down by the dif­fer­ent demon king!”„What? Wang did Xuan die in bat­tle?”Luo Lei is sur­prised: „For­est, you were said that you have en­coun­tered the in­ter­cep­tion of king level dif­fer­ent demon in the heroic memo­r­ial park?”Luo Lin gains ground, said: „Right, hell bat­tle song Ling Han, the devil in this fable ex­ists, greatly strength­ened, has killed many of us, we are a nar­row es­cape can run away”An­gela in great sur­prise: „Elder brother you can come back too to be good”Luo Lei grips tightly the ar­mored hand, said: „In dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory still has the king level re­ally the dif­fer­ent demon, the day, it seems like these mas­ters said not empty, the dif­fer­ent evil spir­its south in­vaded on a large scale are also the Cooldown issue”„There­fore, we must strengthen the de­fense of cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den rapidly!”Luo Lin said de­cid­edly: „So long as cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den can de­fend im­pe­r­ial lives, these dev­ils are un­able to in­vade Ba Huang City, with cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den is ad­join­ing does not turn over to the ma­rine storm bone-chill­ing cold, and was being oc­cu­pied by the sea-nymph clan, the dif­fer­ent evil spir­its will not pro­voke these sea-nymphs, that wanted cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, south seven big em­pires safe, oth­er­wise, the en­tire main­land was dan­ger­ous!”„Um!”
Luo Lei walks to go for­ward, puts out a hand to grip the des­per­ate sword hilt, im­me­di­ately can­not bear the whole body trem­ble, lets go to loosen the long sword, the com­plex­ion is some­what pale: „Day, strive to excel strength han­dle de­spairs, is re­ally war-god Al the sul­fur saber?”
„Is fa­ther!”
Luo Lei clenches teeth, said: „Chief aide-de-camp, comes!”
NPC walked: „Your majesty!”
Luo Lei said: „Wraps this han­dle sword by the thick cloth, lays aside above the Ba Huang City main hall, dis­patches to guard with large army, after this han­dle sword, was our Ba Huang City town city god sol­dier, so long as des­per­ate, no­body dares to covet the Ba Huang City dig­nity!”
„Yes, your majesty!”
Chief aide-de-camp re­spect­ful takes the long sword.
Luo Lin gains ground, looks at Luo Lei, in eye passed over gen­tly and swiftly puz­zled, said: „Fa­ther, then, what but also there is to order to me?”
„Tem­porar­ily did not have, you rest well.” Luo Lei said with a smile slightly: „The tour of this heroic memo­r­ial park was la­bo­ri­ous you, ex­pe­ri­enced the fight of a nar­row es­cape, well rested, you were the pride of Ba Huang City, was the pride of en­tire human and month spirit camp.”
At this time, the back row dragon rode deputy team chief Su Ke to raise tom­a­hawk neg­li­gent stand­ing up, said: „Your majesty, I have a word not to know , said that didn't work as to say?”
Luo Lei nods: „Said!”
Su Ke said re­spect­fully: „This han­dle des­per­ate is changed by Luo Lin Wang Yong life . More­over, the might of this han­dle mag­i­cal in­stru­ment our ex­pe­ri­ence crossed, our also ex­pe­ri­ence crossed fierce of dif­fer­ent demon, I spoke frankly, at pre­sent the Ba Huang City mil­i­tary strength, once the main force of bit­ter ex­pe­ri­ence dif­fer­ent demon, col­lapses at the first blow rad­i­cally, the reg­i­ment com­man­ders in our em­pire, once runs into the dif­fer­ent demon king, is only then by share of sec­ond killing, since we ob­tained des­per­ately, that should not con­se­crate is being so sim­ple, should use this han­dle mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, Luo Lin king is Ba Huang City most pow­er­house, has the strength of close Saint ter­ri­tory, why does not rely on to de­spair. Trains Luo Lin Wang Cheng is a
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Luo Lin menggenggam putus asa, berjalan maju perlahan-lahan, lutut ke bawah, mengatakan: "Ayah, aku putus asa membawa, tapi tolong maafkan Luo Lin tidak kompeten, yang umum tempur merampas hampir tewas dalam pertempuran benar, gubernur militer Wang Xuan adalah juga ditebang oleh raja iblis yang berbeda! "
" Apa? Wang tidak Xuan mati dalam pertempuran "?
Luo Lei terkejut:"? Forest, Anda mengatakan bahwa Anda jumpai intersepsi tingkat raja iblis yang berbeda di taman memorial heroik "
Luo Lin keuntungan tanah, mengatakan:" Benar, neraka pertempuran lagu Ling Han, setan dalam dongeng ini ada, sangat diperkuat, telah membunuh banyak dari kita, kita melarikan diri sempit bisa lari "
Angela di kejutan besar:" saudara Penatua Anda dapat kembali terlalu menjadi baik "
Luo Lei mengatasi erat dengan tangan lapis baja, mengatakan: "dalam wilayah setan yang berbeda masih memiliki tingkat raja benar-benar setan yang berbeda, hari, sepertinya master ini mengatakan tidak kosong, roh-roh jahat yang berbeda selatan menyerang pada skala besar juga masalah Cooldown"
"Oleh karena itu !, kita harus memperkuat pertahanan dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den cepat "
Luo Lin mengatakan jelas:" tanah yang tidak digarap selama dingin den Dragon dapat mempertahankan kehidupan kekaisaran, setan ini tidak dapat menyerang Ba Huang City, dengan dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den berbatasan tidak menyerahkan ke badai laut menusuk tulang dingin, dan sedang diduduki oleh klan laut nimfa, roh-roh jahat yang berbeda tidak akan memprovokasi ini laut-nimfa, yang ingin tanah yang tidak digarap den dingin Dragon, tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon den, selatan tujuh kerajaan besar yang aman, jika tidak, seluruh daratan itu berbahaya! "
" Um! "
Luo Lei berjalan untuk maju, menempatkan tangan untuk pegangan pedang gagang putus asa, segera tidak tahan gemetar seluruh tubuh, mari kita pergi ke melonggarkan pedang panjang, kulit agak pucat: "? Hari, berusaha untuk unggul kekuatan pegangan despairs, adalah benar-benar perang-dewa Al yang saber sulfur"
! "Apakah ayah"
Luo Lei mengepalkan gigi, mengatakan: "Kepala pembantu-de- camp, datang "!
NPC berjalan:" yang Mulia "!
Luo Lei mengatakan:" Wraps menangani ini pedang dengan kain tebal, meletakkan samping atas ruang utama Ba Huang City, mengirimkan untuk menjaga dengan pasukan besar, setelah pedang menangani ini, telah kami Ba Huang kota dewa kota kota tentara, asalkan putus asa, tidak ada yang berani untuk mengingini martabat Ba Huang kota! "
" Ya, yang Mulia! "
Kepala pembantu-de-camp hormat mengambil pedang panjang.
Luo Lin keuntungan tanah, terlihat di Luo Lei, di mata melewati lembut dan cepat bingung, mengatakan: "Bapa, kemudian, apa tetapi juga ada untuk memesan dengan saya?"
"untuk sementara tidak memiliki, Anda beristirahat dengan baik" kata Luo Lei dengan senyum sedikit.: "tur taman memorial heroik ini melelahkan Anda, mengalami perjuangan melarikan diri sempit, baik beristirahat, Anda adalah kebanggaan Ba Huang City, adalah kebanggaan seluruh manusia dan bulan camp semangat."
pada saat ini, kembali baris naga naik kepala tim wakil Su ke menaikkan berdiri tomahawk lalai up, mengatakan: "yang Mulia, saya memiliki kata tidak tahu, mengatakan bahwa tidak bekerja dengan mengatakan?"
Luo Lei mengangguk: "! kata"
"Ya ! "
kata Su Ke hormat:" ini menangani putus asa diubah oleh hidup Luo Lin Wang Yong. Selain itu, kekuatan dari ini menangani instrumen ajaib pengalaman kami menyeberangi, kami juga pengalaman menyeberangi sengit dari setan yang berbeda, saya berbicara terus terang, saat ini kekuatan militer Ba Huang City, setelah kekuatan utama dari pengalaman pahit setan yang berbeda, runtuh pada pukulan pertama radikal, komandan resimen di kerajaan kami, setelah berjalan ke raja setan yang berbeda, hanya maka dengan pangsa pembunuhan kedua, karena kami memperoleh putus asa, yang tidak menguduskan adalah begitu sederhana, harus menggunakan ini menangani instrumen magis, raja Luo Lin adalah Ba Huang Kota paling pembangkit tenaga listrik, memiliki kekuatan wilayah Saint dekat, mengapa tidak bergantung pada putus asa. Melatih Luo Lin Wang Cheng adalah
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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