FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ROLEFinancial management is the management of the terjemahan - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ROLEFinancial management is the management of the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



Financial management is the management of the financial functions . Financial functions include fantasize obtain funds ( raising of funds ) and how to use these funds ( allocation of funds) . Financial managers are concerned with the determination of the amount of eligible assets from investments in various asset and choose the sources of funds to finance these assets . To obtain funds , financial managers can obtain it from inside and outside the company . Sources from outside the company comes from the capital market , could take the form of debt or equity capital .

Financial management can be defined from the duties and responsibilities of the financial manager . The principal tasks of financial management include investment decision , financing and business operations of a company dividend , thus the task of the financial manager is to plan to maximize the value of the company . Another important activity that should be done regarding the financial managers of four aspects:
Financial managers must collaborate with other managers who are responsible for the general planning of the company.
managers should focus on investment and financing decisions , and various things related to it
Financial managers must work with managers in the company so that the company can operate as efficiently as possible Financial managers must be able to connect the company with the financial markets , where companies can obtain funds and securities companies can be traded .

Another important aspect of the company's goals and objectives of financial management is the consideration of social responsibility which can be viewed from four aspects , namely :

If financial management led to the share price , it needs good management and efficient according to consumer demand . Successful companies always put efficiency and innovation as a priority , resulting in a new product , invention of new technologies and the expansion of employment
External factors such as environmental pollution , product safety assurance and safety become more important to consider . Fluctuations in all levels of business activity and the changes that occurred in the conditions of financial markets is an important aspect of the external environment .
Cooperation between industry and government is needed to create regulations governing corporate behavior , and vice versa company comply with these regulations . The company's goal is basically corporate value by technical considerations . Basically the goal of financial management is to maximize corporate value . But behind these objectives is a conflict between business owners with funding providers as creditors . If the company goes well , the company's stock value will increase , while the value of corporate debt in the form of bonds is not affected at all . So it can be concluded that the value of stock holdings could be an appropriate index to measure the level of efektifitias company . Based on this reason , the goal of financial management is expressed in the form of stock ownership enterprise value maximization , or stock price maximization . Aim to maximize the stock price does not mean that managers should strive to seek increase in value of the shares at the expense of bondholder
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ROLEFinancial management is the management of the financial functions . Financial functions include fantasize obtain funds ( raising of funds ) and how to use these funds ( allocation of funds) . Financial managers are concerned with the determination of the amount of eligible assets from investments in various asset and choose the sources of funds to finance these assets . To obtain funds , financial managers can obtain it from inside and outside the company . Sources from outside the company comes from the capital market , could take the form of debt or equity capital .Financial management can be defined from the duties and responsibilities of the financial manager . The principal tasks of financial management include investment decision , financing and business operations of a company dividend , thus the task of the financial manager is to plan to maximize the value of the company . Another important activity that should be done regarding the financial managers of four aspects: Financial managers must collaborate with other managers who are responsible for the general planning of the company.managers should focus on investment and financing decisions , and various things related to it Financial managers must work with managers in the company so that the company can operate as efficiently as possible Financial managers must be able to connect the company with the financial markets , where companies can obtain funds and securities companies can be traded .Another important aspect of the company's goals and objectives of financial management is the consideration of social responsibility which can be viewed from four aspects , namely : If financial management led to the share price , it needs good management and efficient according to consumer demand . Successful companies always put efficiency and innovation as a priority , resulting in a new product , invention of new technologies and the expansion of employment External factors such as environmental pollution , product safety assurance and safety become more important to consider . Fluctuations in all levels of business activity and the changes that occurred in the conditions of financial markets is an important aspect of the external environment . Cooperation between industry and government is needed to create regulations governing corporate behavior , and vice versa company comply with these regulations . The company's goal is basically corporate value by technical considerations . Basically the goal of financial management is to maximize corporate value . But behind these objectives is a conflict between business owners with funding providers as creditors . If the company goes well , the company's stock value will increase , while the value of corporate debt in the form of bonds is not affected at all . So it can be concluded that the value of stock holdings could be an appropriate index to measure the level of efektifitias company . Based on this reason , the goal of financial management is expressed in the form of stock ownership enterprise value maximization , or stock price maximization . Aim to maximize the stock price does not mean that managers should strive to seek increase in value of the shares at the expense of bondholders.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN PERAN Manajemen keuangan adalah manajemen fungsi keuangan. Fungsi keuangan termasuk berfantasi mendapatkan dana (penggalangan dana) dan bagaimana menggunakan dana tersebut (alokasi dana). Manajer keuangan prihatin dengan penentuan jumlah aktiva yang layak dari investasi pada berbagai aktiva dan memilih sumber dana untuk membiayai aset-aset ini. Untuk mendapatkan dana, manajer keuangan bisa memperolehnya dari dalam dan luar perusahaan. Sumber dari luar perusahaan berasal dari pasar modal, bisa berbentuk hutang atau modal sendiri. Manajemen keuangan dapat didefinisikan dari tugas dan tanggung jawab manajer keuangan. Tugas pokok manajemen keuangan antara keputusan investasi, pendanaan dan operasi bisnis dari dividen perusahaan, sehingga tugas manajer keuangan adalah merencanakan untuk memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan. Kegiatan penting lain yang harus dilakukan mengenai manajer keuangan empat aspek: manajer keuangan harus bekerjasama dengan para manajer lainnya yang bertanggung jawab atas perencanaan umum perusahaan. Manajer harus fokus pada keputusan investasi dan pembiayaan, dan berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan itu manajer Keuangan harus bekerja dengan manajer dalam perusahaan sehingga perusahaan dapat beroperasi seefisien manajer keuangan mungkin harus mampu menghubungkan perusahaan dengan pasar keuangan, di mana perusahaan dapat memperoleh dana dan surat berharga perusahaan dapat diperdagangkan. Aspek penting lain dari tujuan perusahaan dan tujuan manajemen keuangan adalah pertimbangan tanggung jawab sosial yang dapat dilihat dari empat aspek, yaitu: Jika manajemen keuangan menyebabkan harga saham, perlu manajemen yang baik dan efisien sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen. Perusahaan yang sukses selalu menempatkan efisiensi dan inovasi sebagai prioritas, sehingga menghasilkan produk baru, penemuan teknologi baru dan perluasan lapangan kerja faktor eksternal seperti polusi lingkungan, jaminan keamanan produk dan keselamatan menjadi lebih penting untuk dipertimbangkan. Fluktuasi semua tingkat kegiatan bisnis dan perubahan yang terjadi dalam kondisi pasar keuangan merupakan aspek penting dari lingkungan eksternal. Kerjasama antara industri dan pemerintah sangat diperlukan untuk menciptakan peraturan yang mengatur perilaku perusahaan, dan perusahaan sebaliknya mematuhi peraturan tersebut. Tujuan perusahaan pada dasarnya adalah nilai perusahaan dengan pertimbangan teknis. Pada dasarnya tujuan manajemen keuangan adalah untuk memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan. Namun dibalik tujuan tersebut adalah konflik antara pemilik bisnis dengan penyedia dana sebagai kreditur. Jika perusahaan berjalan dengan baik, nilai saham perusahaan akan meningkat, sedangkan nilai hutang perusahaan dalam bentuk obligasi tidak terpengaruh sama sekali. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai kepemilikan saham bisa menjadi indeks yang tepat untuk mengukur tingkat perusahaan efektifitias. Berdasarkan alasan ini, tujuan dari manajemen keuangan dinyatakan dalam bentuk nilai perusahaan kepemilikan saham maksimalisasi, atau maksimalisasi harga saham. Bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan harga saham tidak berarti bahwa para manajer harus berusaha untuk mencari kenaikan nilai saham dengan mengorbankan pemegang obligasi s.

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