I have not spo­ken, in­deed, palace guard built many heavy ar­tillerie terjemahan - I have not spo­ken, in­deed, palace guard built many heavy ar­tillerie Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I have not spo­ken, in­deed, palace

I have not spo­ken, in­deed, palace guard built many heavy ar­tilleries se­cretly, Long Jing ar­tillery has been over 500, the hot crag ar­tillery was over 1000, did not have the issue tak­ing ad­van­tage of his 500 heavy ar­tilleries.
The peo­ple left the tent, in dis­tant place sea level the bat­tle drum have soared to the heav­ens, under the dawn, the dif­fer­ent demon war­ship blood red sail stirred against the wind skices to come, tem­porar­ily what looked not clearly above rides was what mil­i­tary strength, but as the sixth wave, must be stronger than the fifth wave of demon palace cross­bow­man, more­over was the mil­i­tary strength of de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding, was doomed not to be bad.
Stands up from fail­ure to start, dashes to re­turn to the po­si­tion of [Zhan Long] and palace guard, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery sur­round­ing player shrank, be­fore ad­joined to the sev­eral in­ter­me­di­ate guilds of [Zhan Long] po­si­tion al­most to ex­tin­guish, was con­tract­ing the lineup to make the final re­sis­tance, but did not turn over to the Hainan shore the en­tire bat­tle­line also to close up to the cen­ter, was good also starts to re­duce be­cause of the range of mon­ster at­tack, as if the de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding in mil­i­tary strength truly was in­fe­rior to Luo Ding on hand, could not such be ex­trav­a­gant and waste­ful.
„Gen­eral, do we want to give Rong Di Jun tak­ing ad­van­tage of 500 heavy ar­tilleries re­ally?” A South Ko­rean deep pool face awk­ward ap­pear­ance, said: „These heavy ar­tilleries may be our one's fa­vorites”
I smile, racket his shoul­der: „I know, but Rong Di Jun ex­cels at Ma Zhan, does not have the heavy ar­tillery to reen­force, re­sists the dif­fer­ent demon re­ally to suf­fer a loss, if Rong Di Jun died, our palace guards were also not nec­es­sar­ily have any good fruit to eat, would rather helped their one time with the heavy ar­tillery, if you did not feel re­lieved that dis­patched the 1 W heavy shield camp to pro­tect heavy ar­tillery Ying Hao.”
The South Ko­rean deep pool nods: „Um, the need­less gen­eral said that I this 1 W bar­bar­ian heavy shield prepar­ing, them have been able to reen­force Rong Di Jun with the heavy ar­tillery camp.”
„That is good, pre­pares to meet head-on!”
, The dif­fer­ent demon war­ship has not ap­proach shored by far, Xiao Li looks at the war­ship of dis­tant place with the cy­clopia in the alone bar­rel tele­scope, then ex­claimed lowly: „All Long Jing ar­tillery ad­just­ment scale di­vi­sions, the due north southerly 11 de­grees, 173, the strength 70%, non- dif­fer­ence bomb­ing, lets them highly be­fore com­ing ashore on well tastes the boil­ing hot taste!”
An all trades Long Jing ar­tillery changes the muz­zle di­rec­tion in abun­dance, the next quar­ter, the earth shiv­ers con­tin­u­ously, the Long Jing ar­tillery soars to the heav­ens to go, dis­tant falling in sea about 800 me­ters away, flames has shot up to the sky im­me­di­ately, the dif­fer­ent demon war­ship ex­plodes in abun­dance, the mis­er­able howl­ing sound links up into a sin­gle stretch, after sev­eral sec­onds , the sweep­ing across sea­coast of shock-wave long in com­ing, made [Zhan Long] one flock of pro­ces­sions of lanterns ride to­gether im­me­di­ately nearly could not come to a stop, this air wave was re­ally too strong.
One sec­ond of hero looks at the dis­tant place, hey said with a smile: „The might of this heavy ar­tillery, re­ally did not have the words to say!”
Li Mu is also cracks into a smile: „Was just good, rum­bles Cheng Canxue the mon­ster, we just can har­vest the em­pir­i­cal value and mer­i­to­ri­ous value, [Zhan Long] be­hind has the heavy ar­tillery camp of palace guard, sim­ply was too won­der­ful.”
Lin Xi­aowu a pair of beau­ti­ful eye looks at the sea level of dis­tant place, ex­plo­sion rays are pro­duc­ing an in­verted image in her pupil, she said with a smile slightly: „The NPC strength more and more can­not ne­glect, be­fore played the g
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I have not spo­ken, in­deed, palace guard built many heavy ar­tilleries se­cretly, Long Jing ar­tillery has been over 500, the hot crag ar­tillery was over 1000, did not have the issue tak­ing ad­van­tage of his 500 heavy ar­tilleries.The peo­ple left the tent, in dis­tant place sea level the bat­tle drum have soared to the heav­ens, under the dawn, the dif­fer­ent demon war­ship blood red sail stirred against the wind skices to come, tem­porar­ily what looked not clearly above rides was what mil­i­tary strength, but as the sixth wave, must be stronger than the fifth wave of demon palace cross­bow­man, more­over was the mil­i­tary strength of de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding, was doomed not to be bad.Stands up from fail­ure to start, dashes to re­turn to the po­si­tion of [Zhan Long] and palace guard, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery sur­round­ing player shrank, be­fore ad­joined to the sev­eral in­ter­me­di­ate guilds of [Zhan Long] po­si­tion al­most to ex­tin­guish, was con­tract­ing the lineup to make the final re­sis­tance, but did not turn over to the Hainan shore the en­tire bat­tle­line also to close up to the cen­ter, was good also starts to re­duce be­cause of the range of mon­ster at­tack, as if the de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding in mil­i­tary strength truly was in­fe­rior to Luo Ding on hand, could not such be ex­trav­a­gant and waste­ful.„Gen­eral, do we want to give Rong Di Jun tak­ing ad­van­tage of 500 heavy ar­tilleries re­ally?” A South Ko­rean deep pool face awk­ward ap­pear­ance, said: „These heavy ar­tilleries may be our one's fa­vorites”I smile, racket his shoul­der: „I know, but Rong Di Jun ex­cels at Ma Zhan, does not have the heavy ar­tillery to reen­force, re­sists the dif­fer­ent demon re­ally to suf­fer a loss, if Rong Di Jun died, our palace guards were also not nec­es­sar­ily have any good fruit to eat, would rather helped their one time with the heavy ar­tillery, if you did not feel re­lieved that dis­patched the 1 W heavy shield camp to pro­tect heavy ar­tillery Ying Hao.”The South Ko­rean deep pool nods: „Um, the need­less gen­eral said that I this 1 W bar­bar­ian heavy shield prepar­ing, them have been able to reen­force Rong Di Jun with the heavy ar­tillery camp.”„That is good, pre­pares to meet head-on!”„Yes!”, The dif­fer­ent demon war­ship has not ap­proach shored by far, Xiao Li looks at the war­ship of dis­tant place with the cy­clopia in the alone bar­rel tele­scope, then ex­claimed lowly: „All Long Jing ar­tillery ad­just­ment scale di­vi­sions, the due north southerly 11 de­grees, 173, the strength 70%, non- dif­fer­ence bomb­ing, lets them highly be­fore com­ing ashore on well tastes the boil­ing hot taste!”An all trades Long Jing ar­tillery changes the muz­zle di­rec­tion in abun­dance, the next quar­ter, the earth shiv­ers con­tin­u­ously, the Long Jing ar­tillery soars to the heav­ens to go, dis­tant falling in sea about 800 me­ters away, flames has shot up to the sky im­me­di­ately, the dif­fer­ent demon war­ship ex­plodes in abun­dance, the mis­er­able howl­ing sound links up into a sin­gle stretch, after sev­eral sec­onds , the sweep­ing across sea­coast of shock-wave long in com­ing, made [Zhan Long] one flock of pro­ces­sions of lanterns ride to­gether im­me­di­ately nearly could not come to a stop, this air wave was re­ally too strong.„Scratches”One sec­ond of hero looks at the dis­tant place, hey said with a smile: „The might of this heavy ar­tillery, re­ally did not have the words to say!”Li Mu is also cracks into a smile: „Was just good, rum­bles Cheng Canxue the mon­ster, we just can har­vest the em­pir­i­cal value and mer­i­to­ri­ous value, [Zhan Long] be­hind has the heavy ar­tillery camp of palace guard, sim­ply was too won­der­ful.”Lin Xi­aowu a pair of beau­ti­ful eye looks at the sea level of dis­tant place, ex­plo­sion rays are pro­duc­ing an in­verted image in her pupil, she said with a smile slightly: „The NPC strength more and more can­not ne­glect, be­fore played the g
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya belum berbicara, memang, penjaga istana yang dibangun banyak artileri berat diam-diam, Long Jing artileri telah lebih dari 500, yang karang artileri panas adalah lebih dari 1000, tidak memiliki masalah mengambil keuntungan dari 500 artileri yang berat.
Orang-orang meninggalkan tenda, di tingkat tempat laut jauh pertempuran drum yang telah melonjak ke langit, di bawah fajar, yang berbeda darah iblis kapal perang berlayar merah diaduk terhadap skices angin datang, sementara apa yang tampak tidak jelas di atas wahana adalah apa kekuatan militer, tetapi sebagai gelombang keenam , harus lebih kuat dari gelombang kelima dari setan istana crossbowman, apalagi adalah kekuatan militer kejam Redding, ditakdirkan tidak menjadi buruk.
berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai, berlari kembali ke posisi [Zhan panjang] dan penjaga istana , sebenarnya penemuan pemain sekitarnya menyusut, sebelum disatukan ke beberapa serikat menengah [Zhan panjang] posisi hampir memadamkan, itu tertular lineup untuk membuat perlawanan akhir, tapi tidak berpaling ke pantai Hainan seluruh battleline juga untuk menutup sampai ke pusat, baik juga mulai mengurangi karena berbagai serangan rakasa, seolah-olah Redding kejam dalam kekuatan militer benar-benar lebih rendah daripada Luo Ding di tangan, tidak bisa seperti menjadi boros dan boros.
"Jenderal, kita ingin ? untuk memberikan Rong Di Juni mengambil keuntungan dari 500 artileri berat benar-benar "Sebuah kolam wajah dalam penampilan canggung Korea Selatan, mengatakan:" ini artileri berat mungkin favorit satu kami "
aku tersenyum, raket bahunya:" aku tahu, tapi Rong Di Juni unggul di Ma Zhan, tidak memiliki artileri berat untuk reenforce, menolak setan yang berbeda benar-benar menderita kerugian, jika Rong di Juni meninggal, penjaga istana kami juga belum tentu memiliki buah yang baik untuk makan, lebih suka membantu satu waktu mereka dengan artileri berat, jika Anda tidak merasa lega bahwa dikirimkan pada 1 W kamp perisai berat untuk melindungi artileri berat Ying Hao ".
The Korea Selatan dalam kolam mengangguk:" Um, jenderal perlu mengatakan bahwa saya ini 1 W perisai berat barbar mempersiapkan , mereka telah mampu reenforce Rong di Juni dengan kamp artileri berat. "
" Itu bagus, bersiap untuk bertemu kepala-on! "
" Ya! "
, The setan kapal perang yang berbeda belum pendekatan ditopang jauh, Xiao Li melihat kapal perang dari tempat yang jauh dengan cyclopia di barel teleskop sendiri, kemudian berseru rendah: "Semua Long Jing divisi skala penyesuaian artileri, karena utara selatan 11 derajat, 173, kekuatan 70%, non bom perbedaan, memungkinkan mereka sangat sebelum datang ke pantai dengan baik selera rasa panas mendidih! "
Sebuah semua perdagangan Long Jing artileri perubahan arah moncong dalam kelimpahan, pada kuartal berikutnya, menggigil bumi terus menerus, artileri Long Jing melonjak ke langit untuk pergi, jauh jatuh di laut sekitar 800 meter, api telah ditembak hingga langit segera, berbeda meledak setan kapal perang dalam kelimpahan, sengsara melolong suara link ke dalam satu hamparan, setelah beberapa detik, menyapu pesisir shock-gelombang lama datang, membuat [Zhan panjang] satu kawanan prosesi lentera ride bersama-sama segera hampir tidak bisa berhenti, gelombang udara ini benar-benar terlalu kuat.
satu detik pahlawan terlihat di tempat yang jauh, hey mengatakan dengan senyum: "The keperkasaan artileri berat ini, benar-benar tidak memiliki kata-kata untuk mengatakan "!
Li Mu juga retak menjadi senyum:" Apakah hanya baik, bergemuruh Cheng Canxue rakasa, kita hanya bisa panen nilai empiris dan nilai berjasa, [Zhan panjang] belakang . memiliki kamp artileri berat dari pengawal istana, hanya terlalu indah "
Lin Xiaowu sepasang mata yang indah terlihat pada permukaan laut dari tempat yang jauh, sinar ledakan yang menghasilkan gambar terbalik di pupil, dia berkata sambil tersenyum sedikit:" NPC kekuatan lebih dan lebih tidak bisa mengabaikan, sebelum bermain g
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