This is typically the faith stage of early to middle adulthood. At thi terjemahan - This is typically the faith stage of early to middle adulthood. At thi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This is typically the faith stage o

This is typically the faith stage of early to middle adulthood. At this stage, the person begins reflecting more seriously and critically on the faith stories he learned in his youth. This person is prompted to ask hard questions about why certain things are true, in what contexts they are true and what levels of truth these stories convey. At best, this stage allows for tremendous growth in understanding and wisdom of one’s faith traditions. This can also be a time where a person becomes more suspicious of “easy answers” and tends to look down his nose at people who seem just a little too sure of themselves (especially the Stage 2 people he knows).
This stage is very susceptible to a kind-of syncretistic faith where everything is true and the only thing that matters is that whatever you believe brings meaning to your life.
People at this stage can tend to become fairly pleased with themselves for having had the courage to ask hard questions about their beliefs and other’s beliefs as well. They often believe that this stage is the pinnacle of faith development when, in fact, it is merely the gateway to a mature faith. Many people stay at this stage for life, becoming perpetual questioners/seekers. Others, who have a more successful experience in this stage, use their experiences to come to a new level of maturity and understanding about the different levels their faith and their faith traditions operate on, leading to the beginnings of an individual, reflective, personally meaningful and coherent belief system.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
This is typically the faith stage of early to middle adulthood. At this stage, the person begins reflecting more seriously and critically on the faith stories he learned in his youth. This person is prompted to ask hard questions about why certain things are true, in what contexts they are true and what levels of truth these stories convey. At best, this stage allows for tremendous growth in understanding and wisdom of one’s faith traditions. This can also be a time where a person becomes more suspicious of “easy answers” and tends to look down his nose at people who seem just a little too sure of themselves (especially the Stage 2 people he knows). This stage is very susceptible to a kind-of syncretistic faith where everything is true and the only thing that matters is that whatever you believe brings meaning to your life.People at this stage can tend to become fairly pleased with themselves for having had the courage to ask hard questions about their beliefs and other’s beliefs as well. They often believe that this stage is the pinnacle of faith development when, in fact, it is merely the gateway to a mature faith. Many people stay at this stage for life, becoming perpetual questioners/seekers. Others, who have a more successful experience in this stage, use their experiences to come to a new level of maturity and understanding about the different levels their faith and their faith traditions operate on, leading to the beginnings of an individual, reflective, personally meaningful and coherent belief system.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ini biasanya tahap iman awal untuk dewasa tengah. Pada tahap ini, orang mulai mencerminkan lebih serius dan kritis pada cerita iman ia belajar di masa mudanya. Orang ini diminta untuk mengajukan pertanyaan sulit tentang mengapa hal-hal tertentu adalah benar, dalam konteks apa mereka benar dan tingkat kebenaran cerita ini menyampaikan apa. Pada terbaik, tahap ini memungkinkan untuk pertumbuhan yang luar biasa dalam pemahaman dan kebijaksanaan dari tradisi iman seseorang. Hal ini juga dapat menjadi waktu di mana seseorang menjadi lebih curiga "jawaban yang mudah" dan cenderung untuk melihat ke bawah hidungnya pada orang-orang yang tampaknya hanya sedikit terlalu yakin diri mereka sendiri (terutama Tahap 2 orang dia tahu).
Tahap ini sangat rentan untuk jenis-iman sinkretis mana semuanya adalah benar dan satu-satunya hal yang penting adalah bahwa apa pun yang Anda percaya membawa arti hidup Anda.
orang-orang pada tahap ini dapat cenderung menjadi cukup senang dengan diri mereka sendiri karena telah memiliki keberanian untuk mengajukan pertanyaan sulit tentang keyakinan mereka dan keyakinan lain juga. Mereka sering percaya bahwa tahap ini adalah puncak dari pengembangan iman ketika, pada kenyataannya, itu hanyalah pintu gerbang ke iman yang matang. Banyak orang tinggal di tahap ini untuk hidup, menjadi abadi kuesioner / pencari. Lain, yang memiliki pengalaman lebih berhasil dalam tahap ini, menggunakan pengalaman mereka untuk datang ke tingkat yang baru kematangan dan pemahaman tentang tingkat yang berbeda iman mereka dan tradisi iman mereka beroperasi pada, yang mengarah ke awal dari seorang individu, reflektif, secara pribadi bermakna dan sistem kepercayaan yang koheren.
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