I shall describe the method with hypothetical RPS Corporation, whose 3 terjemahan - I shall describe the method with hypothetical RPS Corporation, whose 3 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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I shall describe the method with hypothetical RPS Corporation, whose 31 December 1994 balance sheet and summary income statements are given in Table 5-8.
RPS operated its fixed assets at full capacity to support its 1994 sales of $500 million, and it had no unnecessary stocks of current assets. Its profit margin on sales was 4 percent, and it distributed 40 percent of its net income to shareholders as dividends. If RPS s sales increase to &750 million in 1995, what will be the condition of its pro forma 31 December 1995 balance sheet, and how much additional financing will the company require during 1995?
The sales forecast generally bases on sale over the past to ten years.
The first step in the percentage of sales forecast is to isolate those balance sheet items that vary directly with sales. Since RPS has been operating at full capacity, each asset item must increase if the higher level of sales is to be attained. Some assets, such as marketable securities, are not tied directly to operations and hence do not vary directly with sales.
If RPS s assets are to increase, its liabilities and equity must likewise rise - the balance sheet must balance. However, retained earnings will increase, but not in direct proportion the increase in sales. Notes payable, mortgage bonds, and common share will not rise spontaneously with sales.
We can construct a pro forma balance sheet for 31 December 1994, proceeding as outlined in the following paragraphs:
* Step 1. In Table 5-9, Column 1, we express those balance sheet items that vary directly with sales as percentage of 1993 sales. An item such as notes payable that does not automatically vary with sales is designated "not applicable" here.
* Step 2. We multiply these percentages (their fractions, really) by the 750 million projected 1994 sales to obtain the forecast amounts as of 31 December 1994. These amounts are shown in Column 2 of the table.
* Step 3. We simply insert figures for notes payable, mortgage bonds, and common shares from the 31 December 1993 balance sheet. At least one of these accounts will have to be changed later in the analysis. * Step 4. We add the estimated addition to retained earnings for 1994 to the 31 December 1994 balance sheet figure for retained earnings to obtain the 31 December 1994 projected retained earnings. Recall that RPS expects to earn 4 percent on 1994 sales of $750 million, or $30 million, and expects to pay 40 percent of this in dividends to shareholders; thus the dividend payout ratio is 40 percent, and dividends paid will be 0.4($35 million) = $12 million. Therefore, retained earnings for the year are projected to be $30 million - $12 million = $18 million. Adding this $18 million addition to the $48 million beginning retained earnings gives the $66 million projected retained earnings shown in Column 2.
* Step 5. We sum the asset accounts, obtaining a total projected assets figure of $518 million for 1994. We also sum the projected liabilities and equity items to obtain $396 million, the estimate of available funds. Since liabilities and equity must total $518 million, but only $396 million is projected, we have a shortfall of $121 million, which designate additional funds needed (AFN); it will presumable be raised by bank borrowing and/or issuing securities.
* Step 6. RPS can use short-term bank loans (notes payable), mortgage bonds
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I shall describe the method with hypothetical RPS Corporation, whose 31 December 1994 balance sheet and summary income statements are given in Table 5-8.RPS operated its fixed assets at full capacity to support its 1994 sales of $500 million, and it had no unnecessary stocks of current assets. Its profit margin on sales was 4 percent, and it distributed 40 percent of its net income to shareholders as dividends. If RPS s sales increase to &750 million in 1995, what will be the condition of its pro forma 31 December 1995 balance sheet, and how much additional financing will the company require during 1995?The sales forecast generally bases on sale over the past to ten years.The first step in the percentage of sales forecast is to isolate those balance sheet items that vary directly with sales. Since RPS has been operating at full capacity, each asset item must increase if the higher level of sales is to be attained. Some assets, such as marketable securities, are not tied directly to operations and hence do not vary directly with sales.If RPS s assets are to increase, its liabilities and equity must likewise rise - the balance sheet must balance. However, retained earnings will increase, but not in direct proportion the increase in sales. Notes payable, mortgage bonds, and common share will not rise spontaneously with sales.We can construct a pro forma balance sheet for 31 December 1994, proceeding as outlined in the following paragraphs:* Step 1. In Table 5-9, Column 1, we express those balance sheet items that vary directly with sales as percentage of 1993 sales. An item such as notes payable that does not automatically vary with sales is designated "not applicable" here. * Step 2. We multiply these percentages (their fractions, really) by the 750 million projected 1994 sales to obtain the forecast amounts as of 31 December 1994. These amounts are shown in Column 2 of the table. * Step 3. We simply insert figures for notes payable, mortgage bonds, and common shares from the 31 December 1993 balance sheet. At least one of these accounts will have to be changed later in the analysis. * Step 4. We add the estimated addition to retained earnings for 1994 to the 31 December 1994 balance sheet figure for retained earnings to obtain the 31 December 1994 projected retained earnings. Recall that RPS expects to earn 4 percent on 1994 sales of $750 million, or $30 million, and expects to pay 40 percent of this in dividends to shareholders; thus the dividend payout ratio is 40 percent, and dividends paid will be 0.4($35 million) = $12 million. Therefore, retained earnings for the year are projected to be $30 million - $12 million = $18 million. Adding this $18 million addition to the $48 million beginning retained earnings gives the $66 million projected retained earnings shown in Column 2. * Step 5. We sum the asset accounts, obtaining a total projected assets figure of $518 million for 1994. We also sum the projected liabilities and equity items to obtain $396 million, the estimate of available funds. Since liabilities and equity must total $518 million, but only $396 million is projected, we have a shortfall of $121 million, which designate additional funds needed (AFN); it will presumable be raised by bank borrowing and/or issuing securities. * Step 6. RPS can use short-term bank loans (notes payable), mortgage bonds
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya akan menjelaskan metode dengan hipotetis RPS Corporation, yang 31 Desember 1994 neraca dan laba Ringkasan laporan diberikan dalam Tabel 5-8.
RPS dioperasikan aset tetap pada kapasitas penuh untuk mendukung penjualan 1994 yang sebesar $ 500 juta, dan itu tidak ada yang tidak perlu saham dari aktiva lancar. Margin keuntungan penjualan adalah 4 persen, dan didistribusikan 40 persen dari laba bersih untuk pemegang saham sebagai dividen. Jika RPS s peningkatan penjualan ke & 750 juta pada tahun 1995, apa yang akan menjadi kondisi yang pro forma 31 Desember 1995 neraca, dan berapa banyak pembiayaan tambahan perusahaan akan membutuhkan selama 1995?
Penjualan diperkirakan umumnya mendasarkan pada penjualan selama masa sepuluh tahun.
Langkah pertama dalam persentase perkiraan penjualan adalah untuk mengisolasi barang-barang neraca yang bervariasi secara langsung dengan penjualan. Sejak RPS telah beroperasi pada kapasitas penuh, setiap item aset harus meningkat jika tingkat lebih tinggi dari penjualan yang harus dicapai. Beberapa aset, seperti surat berharga, tidak terikat pada operasi dan karenanya tidak berbeda secara langsung dengan penjualan.
Jika aset RPS s yang meningkat, kewajiban dan ekuitas harus juga naik - neraca harus menyeimbangkan. Namun, laba ditahan akan meningkat, tapi tidak dalam proporsi langsung peningkatan penjualan. Wesel bayar, obligasi hipotek, dan saham biasa tidak akan naik secara spontan dengan penjualan.
Kami dapat membuat pro forma neraca selama 31 Desember 1994, melanjutkan seperti diuraikan dalam paragraf berikut:
* Langkah 1. Pada Tabel 5-9, Kolom 1, kita mengungkapkan item-item neraca yang bervariasi secara langsung dengan penjualan sebagai persentase penjualan 1993. Item seperti surat hutang yang tidak secara otomatis bervariasi dengan penjualan yang ditunjuk "tidak berlaku" di sini.
* Langkah 2. Kita kalikan persentase ini (fraksinya, benar-benar) dengan 750 juta diproyeksikan 1994 penjualan untuk mendapatkan jumlah perkiraan tanggal 31 Desember 1994. Jumlah ini ditunjukkan dalam Kolom 2 meja.
* Langkah 3. Kami hanya memasukkan angka untuk wesel bayar, obligasi hipotek, dan saham biasa dari 31 Desember 1993 neraca. Setidaknya satu dari account tersebut harus diubah kemudian di analisis. * Langkah 4. Kami menambahkan memperkirakan tambahan saldo laba ditahan tahun 1994 dengan 31 Desember 1994 angka neraca untuk laba ditahan untuk mendapatkan 31 Desember 1994 diproyeksikan laba ditahan. Ingat bahwa RPS mengharapkan untuk mendapatkan 4 persen pada 1994 penjualan sebesar $ 750 juta, atau $ 30 juta, dan mengharapkan untuk membayar 40 persen dari ini di dividen kepada pemegang saham; sehingga rasio pembayaran dividen adalah 40 persen, dan dividen yang dibayarkan akan 0,4 ($ 35 juta) = $ 12 juta. Oleh karena itu, laba ditahan untuk tahun ini diproyeksikan menjadi $ 30.000.000 - 12.000.000 $ = $ 18 juta. Menambahkan ini selain $ 18.000.000 ke awal $ 48.000.000 saldo laba memberi yang $ 66.000.000 diproyeksikan saldo laba ditampilkan di Kolom 2.
* Langkah 5. Kami menjumlahkan akun aktiva, memperoleh total proyeksi aset angka $ 518.000.000 untuk tahun 1994. Kami juga menjumlahkan kewajiban diproyeksikan dan item ekuitas untuk mendapatkan $ 396.000.000, estimasi dana yang tersedia. Sejak kewajiban dan ekuitas harus berjumlah $ 518.000.000, tetapi hanya $ 396.000.000 diproyeksikan, kita memiliki kekurangan $ 121.000.000, yang menunjuk dana tambahan yang diperlukan (AFN); itu akan mungkin dikerjakan dibangkitkan oleh pinjaman Bank dan / atau menerbitkan surat berharga.
* Langkah 6. RPS dapat menggunakan pinjaman bank (hutang catatan) jangka pendek, obligasi hipotek
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