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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
4. analisis dan interpretasiSetelah metodologi yang dibahas, data ini dikumpulkan dari pekerja sektor perbankan dan dianalisis untuk pengujian hubungan OCB-hadiah menggunakan korelasi, t-tes dan metoda multivarian Linear umum. Variabel pahala yang diambil dalam studi adalah Total promosi, promosi, Total kenaikan gaji, saat ini kenaikan gaji dan kinerja tahunan kelas. Dimensi altruisme, kesopanan, sportif, membangun kesadaran, dan kebajikan Civic diambil untuk mengukur OCB. Bagian ini terbagi menjadi dua sub bagian:* Asosiasi OCB dan penghargaan* Hadiah sebagai konsekuensi dari OCB4.1 Asosiasi OCB dan penghargaanAssociation of OCB and Rewards is analyzed using correlation analysis, the results are summarized in the Table on page: 8. Altruism is positively related to all the rewards included but significant positive correlation is proved for Total Promotion(r=0.110, p<0.05), Total Salary Increment (r=0.115, p<0.05), and Current Salary Increment (r=0.134, p<0.05). Courtesy is proved to be positively related to all the rewards except Current Salary Increment. The required significance level is achieved for Total Promotion (r=0.092, p<0.10), and Total Salary Increment (r=0.097, p<0.10). Sportsmanship is also positively related to all the rewards except Current Salary Increment. This relationship is proved to be significant for Annual Performance Grade (r=0.091, p<0.10). Conscientiousness is positively significantly related to Total Promotion (r=0.0116, p<0.05), Promotion (r=0.106, p<0.05), and Annual Performance Grade (r=0.097, p<0.10). Civic Virtue is positively related to all the rewards. Positive significant correlation is proved with Total Promotion (r=0.166, p<0.01), and Annual Performance Grade (r=0.097, p<0.10). As expected the Composite Measure of OCB is proved to be positively related to Total Promotion, Promotion, Total Salary Increment, Current Salary Increment and Annual performance Grade. Significant Positive Correlation is proved with Total Promotion (r=0.111, p<0.05) and Total Salary Increment(r=0.111, p<0.05).To check whether the people who are promoted show significant different level of OCB than the people who are not promoted, Independent Sample t-test was run. The results are summarized in the table belowThe results show that people who show different level of Civic Virtue are promoted in the current year than the people who are not promoted. This difference is proved to be significant. Mean of all the dimensions and OCB-Composite is higher for the people who are promoted than those of the people who are not promoted. Significant difference is proved only for Civic Virtue. For all other dimensions of OCB and OCB-Composite, no significant difference was proved. This result highlights the fact that employees who are promoted take macro-level interest commitment
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