Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
“And something tells me you could more than do the job—I mean, holy hell, look at you.”And I did. Again. I took a steadying breath and was met with his amused grin. “But I’ve never just randomly hooked up with some stranger at a bar, and I’m here with friends, celebrating the awesome marriage they’re going to have, and so”—I gathered up my shots—“we’re going to do these.”He nodded once, slowly, his smile turning a little brighter, as if he’d just accepted a challenge. “Okay.”“So I’ll see you later.”“One can hope.”“Enjoy your three fingers, stranger.”He laughed. “Enjoy the blow jobs.”I found Chloe and Julia at the table, collapsed and sweaty, and slid the shots down in front of them. Julia put one in front of Chloe and held her own aloft.“May all of your blow jobs go down so easily.” She wrapped her mouth around the rim, held both hands up in the air, and tipped her head back, swallowing the entire shot without blinking.“Holy balls,” I mumbled, staring at her in awe, as Chloe broke into laughter beside me. “Is that how I’m supposed to do it?” I lowered my voice, looking around. “Like an actual blow job?”“It’s a miracle I still have any gag reflex.” Julia rather indelicately wiped her forearm across her mouth and chin, explaining, “I did a lot of beer bongs in college. Let’s go.” She nudged Chloe. “Bottoms up.”Chloe membungkuk ke meja dan mengambil tembakan tangan-bebas, sebagai Julia telah, dan kemudian itu adalah giliran saya. Kedua teman saya menoleh ke menatapku."Saya bertemu seorang pria panas," kataku tanpa berpikir. "Benar-benar panas. Dan, seperti, tujuh belas kaki tinggi."Julia menganga padaku. "Maka mengapa Anda berdiri di sini melakukan palsu blow jobs bersama kami?"Aku tertawa, menggelengkan kepala. Aku tidak tahu bagaimana menjawabnya. Aku telah meninggalkan bersamanya, dan itu benar-benar bisa pergi ke BJ wilayah dalam kehidupan orang lain jauh lebih berani. "Ini adalah malam girls'. Anda hanya di sini selama dua hari. Aku baik.""Fuck suara itu. Pergi mendapatkan beberapa."Chloe datang untuk menyelamatkan saya: "saya hanya senang Anda bertemu seseorang yang Anda pikir itu panas. Itu telah selamanya sejak Anda punya semacam anak laki-laki yang berhubungan dengan senyum bahagia." Senyum sendiri lenyap begitu dia dipertimbangkan kembali. "Kalau dipikir-pikir itu, aku belum pernah melihat Anda dengan anak laki-laki yang berhubungan dengan senyum bahagia."Dan dengan kebenaran itu begitu jelas ditempatkan di meja, aku mengambil tembakan saya, mengabaikan Julia protes tentang bentuk buruk saya, dan menghabiskan itu. Itu manis, lezat, dan hanya apa yang saya butuhkan untuk menjernihkan kepalaku si brengsek di Chicago dan indah orang asing di bar. Aku diseret teman-teman saya keluar untuk lantai dansa.Within seconds I felt boneless, mindless, deliciously untethered. Chloe and Julia bounced around me, yell-sang the songs, lost themselves in the mass of sweaty bodies all around us. I wanted my youth to linger a little bit. Away from my routine, overscheduled life in Chicago I could see I hadn’t enjoyed it properly. Only here, with the DJ melting song to song, did I see how I could have spent my early twenties: under the lights, dancing in a scrap of a dress, meeting men who wanted to devour me, watching my girlfriends be wild and silly and young.I didn’t have to move in with my boyfriend when I was twenty-two.I could have lived a life outside the straight-and-narrow world of society functions and glad-handing.I could have been this girl instead—dressed to the nines, dancing her heart out.Lucky for me, it wasn’t too late. I met Chloe’s elated smile and returned it.“I’m so glad you’re here!” she yelled over the music.I started to reply with some similar screaming drunken oath of friendship, but just behind Chloe, set into the shadows off the dance floor, stood my stranger. Our eyes met, and neither of us looked away. He was sipping his three fingers of scotch with a friend, but I could tell by how unsurprised he seemed to be caught staring that he’d been watching every move I made.The effect of this realization was more potent than the alcohol. It heated every inch of my skin, burned a hole directly through my chest and lower: down past my ribs, and deep into my belly. He lifted his glass, took a sip, and smiled. I felt my eyes rolling closed.I wanted to dance for him.Never in my life had I felt so sexy, so completely in control of what I wanted. I’d made it through my master’s degree, found a well-paying job, and even redecorated my house on a budget. But I’d never felt like a grown woman the way I did right now, dancing like crazy with a beautiful stranger standing in the shadows, watching me.This—this moment was exactly how I wanted to start fresh.What would it mean to be devoured? Did he mean that as explicitly as it sounded—his head between my thighs, arms wrapped to my hips, holding me open? Or did he mean over me, inside me, sucking my mouth and my neck and my breasts?A smile spread across my face, my arms stretched up to the ceiling. I could feel the hem of my dress inching up my thighs and didn’t care. I wondered if he noticed. I hoped he noticed.If I thought he’d walked away, it would have deflated the moment, so I didn’t look over his way again. I was unaccustomed to bar flirtation protocol; maybe his attention lasted all of five seconds, maybe it lasted all night. It didn’t matter. I could pretend he was there in the darkness for as long as I was here in the strobing lights on the floor. I’d grown to never expect much of Andy’s attention, but with this stranger, I wanted his eyes burning through my skin to where my heart thrashed against my ribs.I lost myself to the music, and memories of his hand on my elbow, his dark eyes and the word devour.Devour.One song bled into another, and then another, and before I could come up for air, Chloe’s arms were around my shoulders and she was laughing into my ear, jumping up and down with me.“You’ve attracted an audience!” she yelled so loud above the music that I winced, pulling back.She nodded to the side, and only then did I notice we were surrounded by a group of men wearing tight, dark clothes and grinding suggestively at the air near them. Looking back at Chloe, I saw that her eyes were bright and so familiar, this take-no-prisoners woman who had worked her way to the top of what was now one of the world’s largest media firms and who knew exactly what this night meant to me. Suddenly cool air spread over my skin from the fans overhead and I blinked back into consciousness, still giddy that I was actually in New York City, actually starting over. Actually enjoying myself.But behind Chloe, the shadows were dark and empty; no stranger stood there watching me.
My stomach dropped a little. “I need to hit the ladies’,” I told her.
I wormed my way through the circle of men, off the dance floor, and followed the signs to the second floor, which was essentially a balcony overlooking the entire club. I walked down a narrow hallway and into the bathroom, which was so bright that a pulse of pain spiked from my eyes to the back of my head. The room was eerily empty, and the music downstairs felt like it was coming up from underwater.
On my way out, I fixed my hair, mentally high-fived myself for putting on a rumple-free dress, and touched up my lipstick.
I walked out of the door and right into a wall of man.
We’d been close at the bar, but not this close. Not my face to his throat, the smell of him surrounding me. He didn’t smell like the men on the dance floor, awash in cologne. He just smelled clean, and like a man who did his laundry, and who also had a touch of scotch on his lips.
“Hello, Petal.”
“Hi, stranger.”
“I was watching you dance, you tiny, wild thing.”
“I saw you.” I could barely catch my breath. My legs felt wobbly, like they weren’t sure if they should collapse or go back to rhythmically bouncing across the floor. I chewed my bottom lip, suppressing a smile. “You’re such a creepster. Why didn’t you come out and dance with me?”
“Because I think you rather liked being watched instead.”
I swallowed, gaping up at him and unable to look away. I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were. At the bar I’d assumed brown. But there was something lighter gleaming here in this part of the club, just above the strobes. Greenish, yellow, something mesmerizing. Not only had I known he was watching me—and liked it—but I’d danced entirely to the fantasy of him devouring me.
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