In his opinion, these two later generations deserve to be damned, brou terjemahan - In his opinion, these two later generations deserve to be damned, brou Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In his opinion, these two later gen

In his opinion, these two later generations deserve to be damned, brought in so the catastrophe to oneself, the pit died oneself
Without any hesitates, his body in a flash, in an instant, appeared in the Meng Hao front instantaneously.
Just a appearance, this Chi Feng Patriarch immediately holds the fist in the other hand deeply does obeisance.
„Chi Feng pays a visit nine your father.” His heart is on nettles at this moment, looked that does not look at the corpse of two sides descendant, regarding this later generation, if possible, extinguishing that he can also be without hesitation kills.
The bystanders do not know at present this Meng Hao terrifying, how could he does not know, he in the deep palace, saw with one's own eyes the opposite party to strike to kill eighth Paragon, was sees the war of opposite party and gold robe youth, the invincible meaning in deep palace, let his here, frightened with amazement incomparable.
At this moment has not waited for Meng Hao to speak, Chi Feng after does obeisance, clenching teeth maliciously, he knows today's matter, if no a confession, then here ten dies not fresh to look in other people, oneself are keeping aloof eight source Paragon, even there is an opportunity becomes nine sources, is in charge of eighth.
But he understands, even if really became eighth Paragon, sees this nine, needs to lower the head to pay a visit, at this moment under he clenches teeth, knows that cannot wait for the opposite party to set the request, oneself must reveal the acknowledgment wrong sincerity, therefore the right hand lifts suddenly, maliciously pats own forehead.
Of bang, his body in this flash, the instantaneous disruption, had cracks, in these cracks has the blood to flow out, his entire body, in this flickers, the direct collapse, is split up.
But his state of mind departs, shivers does obeisance toward Meng Hao in the midair once more.
„Please nine appease anger” he unable to do obeisance.
Saw that this appears in front, all around these cultivator, the holding breath tone, entire eighth, all people pay attention here, as long as saw that mind shiver, look to the Meng Hao vision, to revere.
Meng Hao is looking at the Chi Feng state of mind, the facial color was then more moderate, if not this Chi Feng is so simple, if Meng Hao to open mouth, this person does not die, must forever lose into nine sources possibilities.
But now, although the mortal body loses, to its has very tremendous influence, but has not actually lost the roads of nine source.
Meng Hao deeply looked at this Chi Feng Patriarch one, takes back the vision, is bringing Yan Er, turns around to move toward the world, vanished in eighth.
His departure, making the eighth pressure diverge, lets all people, the deep length shouted the one breath, on this day, eighth complete cultivator, the life was unforgettable
Third delivers, apple Fellow Daoist, has not done right by, beginning forgave my last night to be inexpensive, was most excessive, the entire beginning, here this, others were all right, is it possible that enjoyed these four characters relieved, has been full of the mysterious strength!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In his opinion, these two later generations deserve to be damned, brought in so the catastrophe to oneself, the pit died oneselfWithout any hesitates, his body in a flash, in an instant, appeared in the Meng Hao front instantaneously.Just a appearance, this Chi Feng Patriarch immediately holds the fist in the other hand deeply does obeisance.„Chi Feng pays a visit nine your father.” His heart is on nettles at this moment, looked that does not look at the corpse of two sides descendant, regarding this later generation, if possible, extinguishing that he can also be without hesitation kills.The bystanders do not know at present this Meng Hao terrifying, how could he does not know, he in the deep palace, saw with one's own eyes the opposite party to strike to kill eighth Paragon, was sees the war of opposite party and gold robe youth, the invincible meaning in deep palace, let his here, frightened with amazement incomparable.At this moment has not waited for Meng Hao to speak, Chi Feng after does obeisance, clenching teeth maliciously, he knows today's matter, if no a confession, then here ten dies not fresh to look in other people, oneself are keeping aloof eight source Paragon, even there is an opportunity becomes nine sources, is in charge of eighth.But he understands, even if really became eighth Paragon, sees this nine, needs to lower the head to pay a visit, at this moment under he clenches teeth, knows that cannot wait for the opposite party to set the request, oneself must reveal the acknowledgment wrong sincerity, therefore the right hand lifts suddenly, maliciously pats own forehead.Of bang, his body in this flash, the instantaneous disruption, had cracks, in these cracks has the blood to flow out, his entire body, in this flickers, the direct collapse, is split up.But his state of mind departs, shivers does obeisance toward Meng Hao in the midair once more.„Please nine appease anger” he unable to do obeisance.Saw that this appears in front, all around these cultivator, the holding breath tone, entire eighth, all people pay attention here, as long as saw that mind shiver, look to the Meng Hao vision, to revere.Meng Hao is looking at the Chi Feng state of mind, the facial color was then more moderate, if not this Chi Feng is so simple, if Meng Hao to open mouth, this person does not die, must forever lose into nine sources possibilities.But now, although the mortal body loses, to its has very tremendous influence, but has not actually lost the roads of nine source.Meng Hao deeply looked at this Chi Feng Patriarch one, takes back the vision, is bringing Yan Er, turns around to move toward the world, vanished in eighth.Kepergiannya, membuat tekanan kedelapan menyimpang, memungkinkan semua orang, panjang mendalam berteriak satu napas, pada beralih ini hari, kedelapan lengkap, hidup itu tak terlupakanKetiga memberikan, apple sesama Dao, belum selesai kanan, awal mengampuni saya semalam untuk menjadi murah, adalah paling berlebihan, seluruh awal, berikut ini, yang lain Baiklah, Apakah mungkin bahwa menikmati ini empat karakter lega, telah penuh kekuatan misterius!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menurutnya, dua generasi ini kemudian layak untuk dikutuk, membawa begitu bencana untuk diri sendiri, lubang meninggal diri
Tanpa ragu-ragu, tubuhnya dalam sekejap, dalam sekejap, muncul di depan Meng Hao seketika.
Hanya penampilan , ini Chi Feng Patriark segera memegang tangan di sisi lain sangat tidak hormat.
"Chi Feng membayar kunjungan sembilan ayahmu." Hatinya pada jelatang saat ini, tampak bahwa tidak melihat mayat dua sisi kekerabatan, mengenai generasi selanjutnya ini, jika mungkin, pemadam bahwa ia juga bisa tanpa ragu-ragu membunuh.
para pengamat tidak tahu saat Meng Hao ini menakutkan, bagaimana mungkin dia tidak tahu, dia di istana dalam, melihat dengan mata sendiri sebaliknya pihak untuk menyerang untuk membunuh delapan Paragon, adalah melihat perang dari pihak lawan dan pemuda jubah emas, makna tak terkalahkan di istana dalam, biarkan di sini, takut dengan takjub tak tertandingi.
saat ini belum menunggu Meng Hao untuk berbicara, Chi Feng setelah melakukan penghormatan, mengepalkan gigi jahat, dia tahu soal hari ini, jika tidak ada pengakuan, maka di sini sepuluh mati tidak segar terlihat pada orang lain, diri sendiri adalah menjaga menyendiri delapan sumber Paragon, bahkan ada kesempatan menjadi sembilan sumber, bertanggung jawab dari kedelapan.
Tapi dia mengerti, bahkan jika benar-benar menjadi delapan Paragon, melihat sembilan ini, perlu untuk menurunkan kepala untuk berkunjung, saat ini di bawah dia mengepalkan gigi, tahu bahwa tidak bisa menunggu untuk pihak lawan untuk mengatur permintaan, diri sendiri harus mengungkapkan pengakuan ketulusan yang salah, karena itu tangan kanan lift tiba-tiba, jahat menepuk dahi sendiri.
Dari Bang, tubuhnya dalam sekejap ini, gangguan sesaat, memiliki celah-celah, di retakan ini memiliki darah mengalir keluar, seluruh tubuhnya, di ini berkedip, runtuhnya langsung, yang berpisah.
Tapi kondisi pikirannya berangkat, menggigil tidak hormat terhadap Meng Hao di udara sekali lagi.
"Silakan sembilan menenangkan kemarahan" dia tidak mampu melakukan penghormatan.
Melihat bahwa ini muncul di depan, semua sekitar kultivator ini, nada napas memegang, seluruh kedelapan, semua orang memperhatikan sini, asalkan melihat bahwa pikiran menggigil, melihat ke visi Meng Hao, untuk menghormati.
Meng Hao adalah melihat keadaan Chi Feng pikiran, wajah warna kemudian lebih moderat, jika tidak Chi Feng ini sangat sederhana, jika Meng Hao membuka mulut, orang ini tidak mati, harus selamanya kehilangan ke sembilan sumber kemungkinan.
Tapi sekarang, meskipun tubuh fana kehilangan, untuk yang memiliki sangat luar biasa pengaruh, namun belum benar-benar kehilangan jalan dari sembilan sumber.
Meng Hao sangat memandang ini Chi Feng Patriarch satu, mengambil kembali visi, adalah membawa Yan Er, berbalik untuk bergerak ke arah dunia, lenyap dalam kedelapan.
Kepergiannya, membuat tekanan kedelapan menyimpang, memungkinkan semua orang, panjang mendalam teriak satu napas, pada hari ini, pembudidaya lengkap kedelapan, hidup itu tak terlupakan
Ketiga memberikan, apel Fellow Taois, tidak dilakukan dengan benar oleh, mulai memaafkan malam terakhir saya untuk menjadi murah , paling berlebihan, seluruh awal, di sini ini, orang lain yang baik-baik, apakah mungkin bahwa menikmati empat karakter ini lega, telah penuh kekuatan misterius!
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