Love DefinedDiscipline, it has been suggested, is the means of humansp terjemahan - Love DefinedDiscipline, it has been suggested, is the means of humansp Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Love DefinedDiscipline, it has been

Love Defined
Discipline, it has been suggested, is the means of human
spiritual evolution. This section will examine what lies in back
of discipline-what provides the motive, the energy for discipline.
This force I believe to be love. I am very conscious of
the fact that in attempting to examine love we will be beginning
to toy with mystery. In a very real sense we will be
attempting to examine the unexaminable and to know the
unknowable. Love is too large, too deep ever to be truly
understood or measured or limited within the framework of
words. I would not write this if I did not believe the attempt to
have value, but no matter how valuable, I begin with the
certain knowledge that the attempt will be in some ways inadequate.
One result of the mysterious nature of love is that no one
has ever, to my knowledge, arrived at a truly satisfactory
definition of love. In an effort to explain it, therefore, love has
been divided into various categories: eros, philia, agape; perfect
love and imperfect love, and so on. I am presuming,
however, to give a single definition of love, again with the
awareness that it is likely to be in some way or ways inadequate.
I define love thus: The will to extend one's self for the
purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth.
At the outset I would like to comment briefly on this definition
before proceeding to a more thorough elaboration.
First, it may be noticed that it is a teleological definition; the
behavior is defined in terms of the goal or purpose it seems
serve-in this case, spiritual growth. Scientists tend to hold
teleological definitions suspect, and perhaps they will this
one. I did not arrive at it, however, through a clearly
teleological process of thinking. Instead I arrived at it
through observation in my clinical practice of psychiatry
(which includes self-observation), in which the definition of
love is a matter of considerable import. This is because
patients are generally very confused as to the nature of
love. For instance, a timid young man reported to me: "My
mother loved me so much she wouldn't let me take the
school bus to school until my senior year in high school.
Even then I had to beg her to let me go. I guess she was
afraid that I would get hurt, so she drove me to and from
school every day, which was very hard on her. She really
loved me." In the treatment of this individual's timidity it
was necessary, as it is in many other cases, to teach him
that his mother might have been motivated by something
other than love, and that what seems to be love is often not
love at all. It has been out of such experience that I
accumulated a body of examples of what seemed to be acts
of love and what seemed not to be love. One of the major
distinguishing features between the two seemed to be the
conscious or unconscious purpose in the mind of the lover or
Second, it may be noticed that, as defined, love is a
strangely circular process. For the process of extending
one's self is an evolutionary process. When one has
successfully extended one's limits, one has then grown into
a larger state of being. Thus the act of loving is an act of selfevolution
even when the purpose of the act is someone
else's growth. It is through reaching toward evolution that
we evolve.
Third, this unitary definition of love includes self-love with
love for the other. Since I am human and you are human, to
love humans means to love myself as well as you. To be
dedicated to human spiritual development is to be
dedicated to the race of which we are a part, and this
therefore means dedication to our own development as well
as "theirs." In-deed, as has been pointed out, we are
incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves, just as
we are incapable of
Love Defined 83
teaching our children self-discipline unless we ourselves are
self-disciplined. It is actually impossible to forsake our own
spiritual development in favor of someone else's. We cannot
forsake self-discipline and at the same time be disciplined in
our care for another. We cannot be a source of strength unless
we nurture our own strength. As we proceed in our exploration
of the nature of love, I believe it will become clear that
not only do self-love and love of others go hand in hand but
that ultimately they are indistinguishable.
Fourth, the act of extending one's limits implies effort. One
extends one's limits only by exceeding them, and exceeding
limits requires effort. When we love someone our love becomes
demonstrable or real only through our exertionthrough
the fact that for that someone (or for ourself) we take
an extra step or walk an extra mile. Love is not effortless. To
the contrary, love is effortful.
Finally, by use of the word "will" I have attempted to
transcend the distinction between desire and action. Desire is
not necessarily translated into action. Will is desire of sufficient
intensity that it is translated into action. The difference
between the two is equal to the difference between saying "I
would like to go swimming tonight" and "I will go swimming
tonight." Everyone in our culture desires to some extent to be
loving, yet many are not in fact loving. I therefore conclude
that the desire to love is not itself love. Love is as love does.
Love is an act of will-namely, both an intention and an action.
Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to
love. No matter how much we may think we are loving, if we
are in fact not loving, it is because we have chosen not to love
and therefore do not love despite our good intentions. On the
other hand, whenever we do actually exert ourselves in the
cause of spiritual growth, it is because we have chosen to do
so. The choice to love has been made.
As I indicated, patients who come to psychotherapy are
invariably found to be more or less confused about the nature
of love. This is because in the face of the mystery of love
misconceptions about it abound. While this book will not
remove from love its mystery, I hope it will clarify matters
sufficiently to help do away with these misconceptions, which
cause suffering not only to patients but to all people as they
attempt to make sense out of their own experiences. Some
of this suffering seems to me unnecessary, since these
popular misconceptions could be made less popular through
the teaching of a more precise definition of love. I have
therefore chosen to begin exploring the nature of love by
examining what love is not.
Falling in "Love"
Of all the misconceptions about love the most powerful
and pervasive is the belief that "falling in love" is love or at
least one of the manifestations of love. It is a potent
misconception, because falling in love is subjectively
experienced in a very powerful fashion as an experience of
love. When a person falls in love what he or she certainly
feels is "I love him" or "I love her." But two problems are
immediately apparent. The first is that the experience of
falling in love is specifically a sex-linked erotic experience.
We do not fall in love with our children even though we may
love them very deeply. We do not fall in love with our
friends of the same sex-unless we are homosexually
oriented-even though we may care for them greatly. We fall
in love only when we are consciously or unconsciously
sexually motivated. The second problem is that the
experience of falling in love is invariably temporary. No
matter whom we fall in love with, we sooner or later fall out
of love if the relationship continues long enough. This is not
to say that we invariably cease loving the person with whom
we fell in love. But it is to say that the feeling of ecstatic
lovingness that characterizes the experience of falling in
love always passes. The honeymoon always ends. The
bloom of romance always fades.
To understand the nature of the phenomenon of falling in
love and the inevitability of its ending, it is necessary to examine
the nature of what psychiatrists call ego boundaries.
From what we can ascertain by indirect evidence, it appears
that the newborn infant during the first few months of its life
does not distinguish between itself and the rest of the universe.
When it moves its arms and legs, the world is
moving. When it is hungry, the world is hungry. When it
sees its mother move, it is as if it is moving. When its
mother sings, the baby does not know that it is itself not
making the sound. It cannot distinguish itself from the crib,
the room and its parents. The animate and the inanimate
are the same. There is no distinction yet between I and
thou. It and the world are one. There are no boundaries, no
separations. There is no identity.
But with experience the child begins to experience itselfnamely,
as an entity separate from the rest of the world.
When it is hungry, mother doesn't always appear to feed it.
When it is playful, mother doesn't always want to play. The
child then has the experience of its wishes not being its
mother's command. Its will is experienced as something
separate from its mother's behavior. A sense of the "me"
begins to develop. This interaction between the infant and
the mother is believed to be the ground out of which the
child's sense of identity begins to grow. It has been
observed that when the interaction between the infant and
its mother is grossly disturbed-for example, when there is
no mother, no satisfactory mother substitute or when
because of her own mental illness the mother is totally
uncaring or uninterested-then the infant grows into a child
or adult whose sense of identity is grossly defective in the
most basic ways.
As the infant recognizes its will to be its own and not that
of the universe, it begins to make other distinctions
between itself and the world. When it wills movement, its
arm waves
Falling in "Love"
before its eyes, but neither the crib nor the ceiling move.
Thus the child learns that its arm and its will are connected,
and therefore that its arm is its and not something or
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Cinta ditetapkan
disiplin, telah menyarankan, adalah cara manusia
evolusi spiritual. Bagian ini akan memeriksa apa yang terletak di belakang
dari disiplin-apa menyediakan motif, energi untuk disiplin.
angkatan ini saya percaya menjadi cinta. Saya sangat sadar
fakta yang berusaha memeriksa cinta kita akan menjadi awal
mainan dengan misteri. Dalam arti yang sangat nyata kita akan
mencoba untuk meneliti unexaminable dan mengetahui
tidak dapat diketahui. Cinta terlalu besar, terlalu jauh pernah untuk benar-benar
dipahami atau diukur atau terbatas dalam kerangka
kata-kata. Saya tidak akan menulis ini jika saya tidak percaya upaya
memiliki nilai, tapi tak peduli betapa berharganya, saya mulai dengan
tertentu pengetahuan bahwa upaya akan berada dalam beberapa cara yang tidak memadai.
Salah satu hasil dari sifat misterius cinta adalah bahwa tidak ada
telah pernah, pengetahuan saya, tiba di benar-benar memuaskan
definisi cinta. Dalam upaya untuk menjelaskan, oleh karena itu, cinta memiliki
telah dibagi ke dalam berbagai kategori: eros, philia, agape; sempurna
cinta dan cinta tidak sempurna, dan sebagainya. Saya menganggap,
namun, untuk memberikan suatu definisi tunggal cinta, lagi dengan
kesadaran bahwa kemungkinan untuk menjadi dalam beberapa cara atau cara-cara yang tidak memadai.
saya mendefinisikan cinta dengan demikian: kemauan untuk memperpanjang satu 's diri untuk
tujuan membesarkan sendiri atau lain rohani pertumbuhan.
pada awal saya ingin mengomentari singkat definisi ini
sebelum melanjutkan untuk elaborasi lebih menyeluruh.
pertama, mungkin menyadari bahwa itu adalah definisi yang teologi; The
perilaku didefinisikan tujuan atau tujuan tampaknya
melayani-dalam kasus ini, pertumbuhan rohani. Ilmuwan cenderung terus
teologi definisi tersangka, dan mungkin mereka akan ini
satu. Saya tidak datang di itu, namun, melalui jelas
Teologi proses berpikir. Sebaliknya saya tiba di
melalui pengamatan dalam praktek klinis saya psikiatri
(yang termasuk self-observation), di mana definisi
cinta adalah masalah besar impor. Hal ini karena
pasien umumnya sangat bingung sifat
cinta. Sebagai contoh, seorang pria muda yang pemalu dilaporkan kepada saya: "saya
ibu mencintaiku sehingga dia banyak tidak akan membiarkan aku mengambil
bus sekolah ke sekolah sampai tahun senior saya di SMA.
bahkan kemudian aku memohon padanya untuk membiarkan aku pergi. Saya kira dia
takut bahwa aku akan mendapatkan terluka, Jadi dia membuat saya dari
sekolah setiap hari, yang sangat keras pada dirinya. Dia benar-benar
mencintaiku. " Dalam pengobatan ini individu di timidity itu
sangat diperlukan, seperti di banyak kasus lain, mengajarinya
bahwa ibunya mungkin telah termotivasi oleh sesuatu
selain cinta, dan bahwa apa yang tampaknya menjadi cinta adalah sering tidak
cinta sama sekali. Telah keluar dari pengalaman yang saya
akumulasi tubuh contoh-contoh dari apa yang tampak menjadi kisah
cinta dan apa yang tampak tidak harus cinta. Salah satu utama
membedakan fitur antara dua tampaknya
sadar atau tidak sadar tujuan dalam pikiran kekasih atau
kedua, mungkin menyadari bahwa, sebagaimana didefinisikan, cinta adalah
anehnya melingkar proses. Untuk proses memperluas
satu diri adalah proses evolusi. Ketika salah satu telah
berhasil diperpanjang batas satu, satu kemudian telah tumbuh menjadi
keadaan yang lebih besar. Dengan demikian tindakan penuh kasih adalah tindakan selfevolution
bahkan ketika tujuan dari tindakan adalah seseorang
lain pertumbuhan. Melalui mencapai terhadap evolusi yang
kita berevolusi.
ketiga, definisi ini kesatuan cinta mencakup cinta-diri dengan
cinta yang lain. Sejak aku manusia dan Anda manusia, untuk
cinta manusia berarti untuk mencintai diri sendiri serta Anda. Menjadi
pembangunan rohani yang didedikasikan untuk manusia adalah untuk menjadi
didedikasikan untuk perlombaan yang kita adalah bagian, dan ini
karena itu berarti dedikasi untuk pembangunan kita sendiri serta
sebagai "mereka." Dalam perbuatan, seperti yang telah ditunjukkan, kami adalah
tidak mampu mencintai lain kecuali kita mencintai diri sendiri, hanya sebagai
kita tidak mampu
83 cinta
cinta didefinisikan 83
mengajar anak-anak kami disiplin diri kecuali kita sendiri
disiplin diri. Benar-benar mustahil untuk meninggalkan kami sendiri
pembangunan rohani demi orang lain. Kita tidak bisa
meninggalkan disiplin diri dan pada saat yang sama menjadi disiplin dalam
kami perawatan lain. Kita tidak bisa menjadi sumber kekuatan kecuali
kita memelihara kekuatan kita sendiri. Seperti yang kita melangkah dalam eksplorasi kami
sifat cinta, Saya percaya itu akan menjadi jelas bahwa
tidak hanya cinta diri dan cinta orang lain berjalan beriringan tetapi
bahwa akhirnya mereka dibedakan.
keempat, undang-undang untuk memperluas batas-batas seseorang berarti usaha. Satu
memperpanjang batas seseorang hanya dengan melebihi mereka, dan melebihi
batas memerlukan usaha. Ketika kita mencintai seseorang cinta kami menjadi
dibuktikan atau real hanya melalui exertionthrough kami
fakta bahwa untuk bahwa seseorang (atau untuk diri mereka sendiri) kami mengambil
langkah ekstra atau kaki ekstra. Cinta bukanlah usaha. Untuk
sebaliknya, cinta effortful.
akhirnya, oleh penggunaan kata "will" saya telah berusaha untuk
mengatasi perbedaan antara keinginan dan tindakan. Keinginan adalah
tidak harus diterjemahkan ke dalam tindakan. Akan merupakan keinginan cukup
intensitas bahwa itu diterjemahkan ke dalam tindakan. Perbedaan
antara keduanya sama dengan perbedaan antara mengatakan "saya
ingin berenang malam ini" dan "Aku akan pergi berenang
malam ini." Setiap orang dalam budaya kita keinginan untuk batas tertentu harus
mencintai, namun banyak bahkan tidak mencintai. Oleh karena itu menyimpulkan
bahwa keinginan untuk cinta bukanlah cinta itu sendiri. Cinta adalah sebagai cinta Apakah
cinta adalah suatu tindakan kehendak-yaitu, baik niat dan tindakan.
Akan juga menunjukkan pilihan. Kita tidak harus mencintai. Kita memilih untuk
cinta. Tidak peduli berapa banyak kita mungkin berpikir kita mencintai, jika kita
yang sebenarnya tidak mencintai, karena kita telah memilih untuk tidak menyukai
dan karena itu tidak mengasihi meskipun niat baik kita. Pada
sisi lain, setiap kali kita benar-benar mengerahkan diri di
menyebabkan pertumbuhan rohani, karena kita telah memilih untuk melakukan
jadi. Pilihan untuk cinta telah.
seperti saya menunjukkan, pasien yang datang ke psikoterapi adalah
selalu ditemukan untuk menjadi lebih atau kurang bingung tentang sifat
cinta. Hal ini karena dalam menghadapi misteri cinta
berlimpah kesalahpahaman tentang hal itu. Sementara buku ini tidak akan
85 cinta
Lepaskan dari cinta memiliki misteri, saya berharap itu akan memperjelas hal
cukup untuk membantu menyingkirkan kesalahpahaman ini, yang
penyebab penderitaan tidak hanya untuk pasien tetapi untuk semua orang karena mereka
berusaha masuk akal dari pengalaman mereka sendiri. Beberapa
penderitaan ini tampaknya saya tidak perlu, karena ini
kesalahpahaman populer dapat dibuat kurang populer melalui
pengajaran definisi yang lebih tepat cinta. Aku punya
karenanya memilih untuk mulai menjelajahi sifat cinta by
memeriksa apa itu cinta bukanlah.
Jatuh "Cinta"
semua kesalahpahaman tentang cinta yang paling kuat
dan meresap adalah keyakinan bahwa "jatuh cinta" adalah cinta atau
setidaknya satu manifestasi dari cinta. Sangat ampuh
kesalahpahaman, karena jatuh cinta adalah subjektif
berpengalaman dalam cara yang sangat kuat sebagai pengalaman
cinta. Ketika seseorang jatuh cinta apa dia pasti
merasa adalah "Aku cinta dia" atau "Aku mencintainya." Tetapi dua masalah
segera jelas. Yang pertama adalah bahwa pengalaman
jatuh cinta adalah khusus terkait-seks erotis pengalaman.
kita tidak jatuh cinta dengan anak-anak kita meskipun kita mungkin
mencintai mereka sangat mendalam. Kita tidak jatuh cinta dengan kami
teman kelamin sama-kecuali kita homoseksual
berorientasi-meskipun kami bisa merawat mereka sangat. Kita jatuh
cinta hanya ketika kita sadar atau tidak sadar
seksual termotivasi. Masalah kedua adalah bahwa
pengalaman jatuh cinta selalu sementara. Tidak
masalah yang kita jatuh cinta dengan, kita cepat atau kemudian jatuh keluar
cinta jika hubungan terus cukup lama. Ini bukanlah
untuk mengatakan bahwa kita selalu berhenti mencintai orang dengan siapa
kami jatuh cinta. Tetapi untuk mengatakan bahwa perasaan gembira
lovingness mendasar yang mencirikan pengalaman jatuh
cinta selalu Tiket. Bulan madu selalu berakhir.
Mekar asmara selalu memudar.
untuk memahami sifat dari fenomena jatuh
cinta dan keniscayaan yang berakhir, hal ini diperlukan untuk memeriksa
sifat apa yang sebut psikiater batas-batas ego.
Dari apa yang dapat kita pastikan oleh bukti-bukti langsung, tampaknya
yang bayi selama beberapa bulan pertama dari kehidupan
tidak membedakan antara dirinya dan sisa semesta.
ketika ia bergerak dengan lengan dan kaki, dunia adalah
bergerak. Ketika lapar, dunia lapar. Ketika itu
melihat ibunya pindah, ianya seolah-olah itu bergerak. Ketika para
ibu menyanyi, bayi tidak tahu bahwa itu bukanlah sendiri
membuat suara. Itu tidak membedakan diri dari buaian,
Kamar dan orang tua. Hidup dan mati
sama. Ada tidak ada perbedaan belum antara aku dan
engkau. Dan dunia adalah salah satu. Ada tanpa batas, tidak
pemisahan. Ada tidak ada identitas.
tetapi dengan pengalaman anak mulai mengalami itselfnamely,
sebagai entitas terpisah dari sisa dunia.
ketika lapar, ibu tidak selalu muncul untuk memberi makan itu
ketika itu menyenangkan, ibu tidak selalu ingin bermain.
Anak kemudian memiliki pengalaman keinginan tidak nya
perintah ibunya. Akan dialami sebagai sesuatu
terpisah dari induknya perilaku. Rasa "Aku"
mulai mengembangkan. Ini interaksi antara bayi dan
Ibu diyakini tanah yang
anak rasa identitas mulai tumbuh. Telah
diamati bahwa ketika interaksi antara bayi dan
induknya adalah terlalu terganggu-misalnya, ketika ada
ibu tidak, tidak ada pengganti ibu memuaskan atau ketika
karena sakit mental sendiri ibu adalah benar-benar
tidak peduli atau tidak tertarik-maka bayi tumbuh menjadi anak yang
atau orang dewasa yang rasa identitas terlalu rusak di
paling dasar cara.
87 cinta
sebagai bayi mengakui akan menjadi sendiri dan bukan
alam semesta, mulai membuat perbedaan lain
antara dirinya dan dunia. Ketika itu menghendaki gerakan, yang
lengan gelombang
jatuh "Cinta"
sebelum mata, tapi tidak dalam buaian atau Pindahkan langit-langit.
Sehingga anak belajar bahwa dengan lengan dan akan tersambung,
dan karena itu yang lengan yang nya dan bukan sesuatu atau
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Love Defined
Discipline, it has been suggested, is the means of human
spiritual evolution. This section will examine what lies in back
of discipline-what provides the motive, the energy for discipline.
This force I believe to be love. I am very conscious of
the fact that in attempting to examine love we will be beginning
to toy with mystery. In a very real sense we will be
attempting to examine the unexaminable and to know the
unknowable. Love is too large, too deep ever to be truly
understood or measured or limited within the framework of
words. I would not write this if I did not believe the attempt to
have value, but no matter how valuable, I begin with the
certain knowledge that the attempt will be in some ways inadequate.
One result of the mysterious nature of love is that no one
has ever, to my knowledge, arrived at a truly satisfactory
definition of love. In an effort to explain it, therefore, love has
been divided into various categories: eros, philia, agape; perfect
love and imperfect love, and so on. I am presuming,
however, to give a single definition of love, again with the
awareness that it is likely to be in some way or ways inadequate.
I define love thus: The will to extend one's self for the
purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth.
At the outset I would like to comment briefly on this definition
before proceeding to a more thorough elaboration.
First, it may be noticed that it is a teleological definition; the
behavior is defined in terms of the goal or purpose it seems
serve-in this case, spiritual growth. Scientists tend to hold
teleological definitions suspect, and perhaps they will this
one. I did not arrive at it, however, through a clearly
teleological process of thinking. Instead I arrived at it
through observation in my clinical practice of psychiatry
(which includes self-observation), in which the definition of
love is a matter of considerable import. This is because
patients are generally very confused as to the nature of
love. For instance, a timid young man reported to me: "My
mother loved me so much she wouldn't let me take the
school bus to school until my senior year in high school.
Even then I had to beg her to let me go. I guess she was
afraid that I would get hurt, so she drove me to and from
school every day, which was very hard on her. She really
loved me." In the treatment of this individual's timidity it
was necessary, as it is in many other cases, to teach him
that his mother might have been motivated by something
other than love, and that what seems to be love is often not
love at all. It has been out of such experience that I
accumulated a body of examples of what seemed to be acts
of love and what seemed not to be love. One of the major
distinguishing features between the two seemed to be the
conscious or unconscious purpose in the mind of the lover or
Second, it may be noticed that, as defined, love is a
strangely circular process. For the process of extending
one's self is an evolutionary process. When one has
successfully extended one's limits, one has then grown into
a larger state of being. Thus the act of loving is an act of selfevolution
even when the purpose of the act is someone
else's growth. It is through reaching toward evolution that
we evolve.
Third, this unitary definition of love includes self-love with
love for the other. Since I am human and you are human, to
love humans means to love myself as well as you. To be
dedicated to human spiritual development is to be
dedicated to the race of which we are a part, and this
therefore means dedication to our own development as well
as "theirs." In-deed, as has been pointed out, we are
incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves, just as
we are incapable of
Love Defined 83
teaching our children self-discipline unless we ourselves are
self-disciplined. It is actually impossible to forsake our own
spiritual development in favor of someone else's. We cannot
forsake self-discipline and at the same time be disciplined in
our care for another. We cannot be a source of strength unless
we nurture our own strength. As we proceed in our exploration
of the nature of love, I believe it will become clear that
not only do self-love and love of others go hand in hand but
that ultimately they are indistinguishable.
Fourth, the act of extending one's limits implies effort. One
extends one's limits only by exceeding them, and exceeding
limits requires effort. When we love someone our love becomes
demonstrable or real only through our exertionthrough
the fact that for that someone (or for ourself) we take
an extra step or walk an extra mile. Love is not effortless. To
the contrary, love is effortful.
Finally, by use of the word "will" I have attempted to
transcend the distinction between desire and action. Desire is
not necessarily translated into action. Will is desire of sufficient
intensity that it is translated into action. The difference
between the two is equal to the difference between saying "I
would like to go swimming tonight" and "I will go swimming
tonight." Everyone in our culture desires to some extent to be
loving, yet many are not in fact loving. I therefore conclude
that the desire to love is not itself love. Love is as love does.
Love is an act of will-namely, both an intention and an action.
Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to
love. No matter how much we may think we are loving, if we
are in fact not loving, it is because we have chosen not to love
and therefore do not love despite our good intentions. On the
other hand, whenever we do actually exert ourselves in the
cause of spiritual growth, it is because we have chosen to do
so. The choice to love has been made.
As I indicated, patients who come to psychotherapy are
invariably found to be more or less confused about the nature
of love. This is because in the face of the mystery of love
misconceptions about it abound. While this book will not
remove from love its mystery, I hope it will clarify matters
sufficiently to help do away with these misconceptions, which
cause suffering not only to patients but to all people as they
attempt to make sense out of their own experiences. Some
of this suffering seems to me unnecessary, since these
popular misconceptions could be made less popular through
the teaching of a more precise definition of love. I have
therefore chosen to begin exploring the nature of love by
examining what love is not.
Falling in "Love"
Of all the misconceptions about love the most powerful
and pervasive is the belief that "falling in love" is love or at
least one of the manifestations of love. It is a potent
misconception, because falling in love is subjectively
experienced in a very powerful fashion as an experience of
love. When a person falls in love what he or she certainly
feels is "I love him" or "I love her." But two problems are
immediately apparent. The first is that the experience of
falling in love is specifically a sex-linked erotic experience.
We do not fall in love with our children even though we may
love them very deeply. We do not fall in love with our
friends of the same sex-unless we are homosexually
oriented-even though we may care for them greatly. We fall
in love only when we are consciously or unconsciously
sexually motivated. The second problem is that the
experience of falling in love is invariably temporary. No
matter whom we fall in love with, we sooner or later fall out
of love if the relationship continues long enough. This is not
to say that we invariably cease loving the person with whom
we fell in love. But it is to say that the feeling of ecstatic
lovingness that characterizes the experience of falling in
love always passes. The honeymoon always ends. The
bloom of romance always fades.
To understand the nature of the phenomenon of falling in
love and the inevitability of its ending, it is necessary to examine
the nature of what psychiatrists call ego boundaries.
From what we can ascertain by indirect evidence, it appears
that the newborn infant during the first few months of its life
does not distinguish between itself and the rest of the universe.
When it moves its arms and legs, the world is
moving. When it is hungry, the world is hungry. When it
sees its mother move, it is as if it is moving. When its
mother sings, the baby does not know that it is itself not
making the sound. It cannot distinguish itself from the crib,
the room and its parents. The animate and the inanimate
are the same. There is no distinction yet between I and
thou. It and the world are one. There are no boundaries, no
separations. There is no identity.
But with experience the child begins to experience itselfnamely,
as an entity separate from the rest of the world.
When it is hungry, mother doesn't always appear to feed it.
When it is playful, mother doesn't always want to play. The
child then has the experience of its wishes not being its
mother's command. Its will is experienced as something
separate from its mother's behavior. A sense of the "me"
begins to develop. This interaction between the infant and
the mother is believed to be the ground out of which the
child's sense of identity begins to grow. It has been
observed that when the interaction between the infant and
its mother is grossly disturbed-for example, when there is
no mother, no satisfactory mother substitute or when
because of her own mental illness the mother is totally
uncaring or uninterested-then the infant grows into a child
or adult whose sense of identity is grossly defective in the
most basic ways.
As the infant recognizes its will to be its own and not that
of the universe, it begins to make other distinctions
between itself and the world. When it wills movement, its
arm waves
Falling in "Love"
before its eyes, but neither the crib nor the ceiling move.
Thus the child learns that its arm and its will are connected,
and therefore that its arm is its and not something or
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