Related to the concept of accepting the individual group member with u terjemahan - Related to the concept of accepting the individual group member with u Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Related to the concept of accepting

Related to the concept of accepting the individual group member with unconditional
positive regard, caring, and warmth is the idea of developing an
attitude of acceptance of the group as a whole. Just as Rogers (1970) believed in
the capacity of the individual to fi nd his or her own direction, so did he believe
in accepting a group where it is, without attempting to impose a direction on it:
“From my experience I know that if I attempt to push a group to a deeper level,
it is not, in the long run, going to work” (p. 48).
Implications for Group Leaders Group leaders in training often struggle with
what they see as the monumental task of being able to feel accepting or being
able to demonstrate positive regard. Some burden themselves with the unrealistic
expectation that they must always be accepting and that they must consistently
respond with warmth in all situations. Group leaders need to develop an
accepting attitude toward themselves as well as toward their clients. At times
they may not feel caring or unconditional positive regard. It is not necessary to
feel a high level of warmth and positive regard all the time to be an effective
group leader. These attitudes are not an either-or condition; rather, they occur
on a graded continuum. Being an effective group leader starts by accepting
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Berkaitan dengan konsep menerima anggota kelompok individu dengan tanpa syaratpositif hal, peduli dan kehangatan adalah ide mengembangkansikap penerimaan dari kelompok secara keseluruhan. Sama seperti Rogers (1970) percayakemampuan individu untuk menemukan arah sendiri, jadi apakah dia percaya bahwadalam menerima sebuah kelompok yang mana hal ini, tanpa mencoba untuk memaksakan arah yang di atasnya:"Dari pengalaman saya tahu bahwa jika saya mencoba untuk mendorong grup untuk tingkat yang lebih dalam,Hal ini tidak, dalam jangka panjang, akan bekerja"(MS 48).Implikasi bagi pemimpin kelompok pemimpin kelompok dalam pelatihan sering berjuang denganapa yang mereka lihat sebagai tugas yang monumental yang mampu merasakan menerima atau sedangmampu menunjukkan hal positif. Beberapa membebani diri dengan tidak realistisharapan bahwa mereka selalu harus menerima dan bahwa mereka harus konsistenmenanggapi dengan kehangatan dalam segala situasi. Pemimpin kelompok perlu mengembangkanmenerima sikap terhadap diri mereka sendiri dan juga terhadap klien mereka. Kadang-kadangmereka mungkin tidak merasa hal positif tanpa syarat atau peduli. Hal ini tidak diperlukan untukmerasa tingkat tinggi kehangatan dan hal positif sepanjang waktu untuk menjadi efektifpemimpin kelompok. Sikap ini tidak baik-atau kondisi; Sebaliknya, mereka terjadidi sebuah kontinum dinilai. Menjadi pemimpin efektif kelompok dimulai dengan menerima
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Related to the concept of accepting the individual group member with unconditional
positive regard, caring, and warmth is the idea of developing an
attitude of acceptance of the group as a whole. Just as Rogers (1970) believed in
the capacity of the individual to fi nd his or her own direction, so did he believe
in accepting a group where it is, without attempting to impose a direction on it:
“From my experience I know that if I attempt to push a group to a deeper level,
it is not, in the long run, going to work” (p. 48).
Implications for Group Leaders Group leaders in training often struggle with
what they see as the monumental task of being able to feel accepting or being
able to demonstrate positive regard. Some burden themselves with the unrealistic
expectation that they must always be accepting and that they must consistently
respond with warmth in all situations. Group leaders need to develop an
accepting attitude toward themselves as well as toward their clients. At times
they may not feel caring or unconditional positive regard. It is not necessary to
feel a high level of warmth and positive regard all the time to be an effective
group leader. These attitudes are not an either-or condition; rather, they occur
on a graded continuum. Being an effective group leader starts by accepting
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