The re­sult does not leave Lin Wan Er to ex­pect, lake water quick aba terjemahan - The re­sult does not leave Lin Wan Er to ex­pect, lake water quick aba Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The re­sult does not leave Lin Wan

The re­sult does not leave Lin Wan Er to ex­pect, lake water quick abated, the woods ap­pear in again at pre­sent, ac­cord­ing to the Yue Qing Qian in­for­ma­tion, the nearby is a canyon, will fall wild goose orig­i­nal in the water to course in the sea, the open­ing of this canyon is too what a pity small, oth­er­wise we are also in­suf­fi­cient to be lost like this.
In the armed forces, is filled with suf­fer­ers, the peo­ple were all mourn­ing dying in bat­tle, but the ex­ca­va­tion under day Ping­shan also had the progress, rode the fly­ing news to come, the mes­sen­ger said: „Gen­eral Li, your high­ness has order, mak­ing you go to the armed forces to dis­cuss of­fi­cial busi­ness!”
I stand up from fail­ure to start with him hur­riedly go, and arranges the [Zhan Long] peo­ple re­cu­per­a­tion, im­me­di­ately pre­pared to start once more at­tacks.
In the armed forces ac­count, a corpse lay down there, the body was cov­er­ing the white cloth, sol­diers of one group of flame dragon high-rank­ing mil­i­tary of­fi­cers knelt there sob, tears in­ad­e­quate sound ap­pear­ance.
My knit­ting the brows head of: „Is this?”
Wears said sadly: „The corpse of Xu was dis­cov­ered that his he died in bat­tle under day Ping­shan”
Xu Yi, died in bat­tle!
My moral na­ture sinks, this ab­solutely is a major at­tack, we have not ar­rived under fire Yun Cheng, the mar­shal had been killed un­ex­pect­edly, more­over was de­vel­oped black ink to kill to the de­sign by the clear pupil, prob­a­bly the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink not to think do one lay down pile of blast­ing ex­plo­sive to mas­sacre the ex­pe­di­tion mar­shal in Chi­nese war zone?
Walks to go for­ward, I have lifted plain white cloth, can­not bear the brow tight wrin­kle, Xu Yi fa­cial cast is also good, but the chin fol­low­ing part was pounded by the mega­lith di­rectly, is al­most pile of muddy fleshes, is an em­pire mar­shal, ac­tu­ally pitches camp under the day Ping­shan such im­por­tant moun­tain peak, this is about the price.
Stands up, I said: „Your high­ness please re­strain grief, we buried Xu to enter war­fare Yun Cheng again, was?”
Wears said: „After bury­ing Xu and died in bat­tle of­fi­cers, at­tacks again, per­haps, should make the ven­turer hit first first?”
I nod: „This is also good.”
Soon, died in bat­tle the corpse of sol­diers to be trans­ported mas­sively, buries in com­pletely dig­ging the good en­docrater, the dense and nu­mer­ous skele­tons make the will of the peo­ple have do not en­dure, but this is the war, cruel war.
The South Ko­rean deep pool the corpse lay­ing aside of palace guard sol­diers to the gulf, then leads one group of palace guards to kneel down per­son­ally, the army al­most neat ear of en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire knees down, wears grasps the long sword to take a step to go for­ward, stood sang the bat­tle song of Tian Ling Em­pire em­pire be­fore the spirit of dead with the trem­bling sound
The day plume is clear, for­mi­da­ble vast.
Vowed me to be loyal, buries bone an­other re­gion.
The day plume is clear, for­mi­da­ble vast.
One with Ar­mour, the soul de­fends the coun­try na­tion.
South Ko­rean deep pool et al. also to­gether sang, al­though also made the human change coun­te­nance ex­tremely coarse, after bury­ing died in bat­tle the of­fi­cers, is re­al­ity Cooldown around 6 : 00, after my wind­ing ac­com­pa­nied in a hurry two MM fin­ished eat­ing the sup­per, gets on­line , to con­tinue to draft flames of war Yun Cheng, this coun­try com­bat gen­eral will con­tinue for 7 days, must take fire Yun Cheng in these 7 days, oth­er­wise does not know when I can com­plete Lin Tian­nan to my goal.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The re­sult does not leave Lin Wan Er to ex­pect, lake water quick abated, the woods ap­pear in again at pre­sent, ac­cord­ing to the Yue Qing Qian in­for­ma­tion, the nearby is a canyon, will fall wild goose orig­i­nal in the water to course in the sea, the open­ing of this canyon is too what a pity small, oth­er­wise we are also in­suf­fi­cient to be lost like this.In the armed forces, is filled with suf­fer­ers, the peo­ple were all mourn­ing dying in bat­tle, but the ex­ca­va­tion under day Ping­shan also had the progress, rode the fly­ing news to come, the mes­sen­ger said: „Gen­eral Li, your high­ness has order, mak­ing you go to the armed forces to dis­cuss of­fi­cial busi­ness!”I stand up from fail­ure to start with him hur­riedly go, and arranges the [Zhan Long] peo­ple re­cu­per­a­tion, im­me­di­ately pre­pared to start once more at­tacks.In the armed forces ac­count, a corpse lay down there, the body was cov­er­ing the white cloth, sol­diers of one group of flame dragon high-rank­ing mil­i­tary of­fi­cers knelt there sob, tears in­ad­e­quate sound ap­pear­ance.My knit­ting the brows head of: „Is this?”Wears said sadly: „The corpse of Xu was dis­cov­ered that his he died in bat­tle under day Ping­shan”Xu Yi, died in bat­tle!My moral na­ture sinks, this ab­solutely is a major at­tack, we have not ar­rived under fire Yun Cheng, the mar­shal had been killed un­ex­pect­edly, more­over was de­vel­oped black ink to kill to the de­sign by the clear pupil, prob­a­bly the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink not to think do one lay down pile of blast­ing ex­plo­sive to mas­sacre the ex­pe­di­tion mar­shal in Chi­nese war zone?Walks to go for­ward, I have lifted plain white cloth, can­not bear the brow tight wrin­kle, Xu Yi fa­cial cast is also good, but the chin fol­low­ing part was pounded by the mega­lith di­rectly, is al­most pile of muddy fleshes, is an em­pire mar­shal, ac­tu­ally pitches camp under the day Ping­shan such im­por­tant moun­tain peak, this is about the price.Stands up, I said: „Your high­ness please re­strain grief, we buried Xu to enter war­fare Yun Cheng again, was?”Wears said: „After bury­ing Xu and died in bat­tle of­fi­cers, at­tacks again, per­haps, should make the ven­turer hit first first?”I nod: „This is also good.”Soon, died in bat­tle the corpse of sol­diers to be trans­ported mas­sively, buries in com­pletely dig­ging the good en­docrater, the dense and nu­mer­ous skele­tons make the will of the peo­ple have do not en­dure, but this is the war, cruel war.The South Ko­rean deep pool the corpse lay­ing aside of palace guard sol­diers to the gulf, then leads one group of palace guards to kneel down per­son­ally, the army al­most neat ear of en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire knees down, wears grasps the long sword to take a step to go for­ward, stood sang the bat­tle song of Tian Ling Em­pire em­pire be­fore the spirit of dead with the trem­bling soundThe day plume is clear, for­mi­da­ble vast.Vowed me to be loyal, buries bone an­other re­gion.The day plume is clear, for­mi­da­ble vast.One with Ar­mour, the soul de­fends the coun­try na­tion.South Ko­rean deep pool et al. also to­gether sang, al­though also made the human change coun­te­nance ex­tremely coarse, after bury­ing died in bat­tle the of­fi­cers, is re­al­ity Cooldown around 6 : 00, after my wind­ing ac­com­pa­nied in a hurry two MM fin­ished eat­ing the sup­per, gets on­line , to con­tinue to draft flames of war Yun Cheng, this coun­try com­bat gen­eral will con­tinue for 7 days, must take fire Yun Cheng in these 7 days, oth­er­wise does not know when I can com­plete Lin Tian­nan to my goal.„Brushes!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hasil tidak meninggalkan Lin Wan Er yang diharapkan, air danau cepat mereda, hutan muncul lagi saat ini, menurut informasi Yue Qing Qian, yang terdekat adalah jurang, akan jatuh angsa asli liar di dalam air untuk kursus di laut, pembukaan canyon ini terlalu sayang kecil, kalau tidak kita juga tidak cukup untuk hilang seperti ini.
dalam angkatan bersenjata, diisi dengan penderita, orang-orang semua berkabung mati dalam pertempuran, tapi penggalian di bawah hari Pingshan juga memiliki kemajuan, naik berita ke datang, utusan mengatakan: "Jenderal Li, yang Mulia memiliki rangka, membuat Anda pergi ke angkatan bersenjata untuk membahas bisnis resmi!"
aku berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai dengan dia buru-buru pergi, dan mengatur yang [Zhan panjang] orang penyembuhan, segera siap untuk memulai serangan sekali lagi.
dalam akun angkatan bersenjata, mayat berbaring di sana, tubuh sedang meliput kain putih, tentara dari satu kelompok api naga perwira tinggi militer berlutut menangis, air mata penampilan suara yang tidak memadai.
rajut saya alis kepala: "Apakah ini?"
wears berkata sedih: "mayat Xu ditemukan bahwa ia tewas dalam pertempuran di bawah hari Pingshan"
! Xu Yi, tewas dalam pertempuran
saya sifat moral tenggelam, ini benar-benar merupakan serangan besar, kami belum tiba di bawah api Yun Cheng, marshal tewas tiba-tiba, apalagi dikembangkan tinta hitam untuk membunuh dengan desain oleh murid yang jelas, mungkin murid yang jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam tidak berpikir melakukan satu berbaring tumpukan peledakan bahan peledak ke pembantaian marshal ekspedisi di zona perang Cina?
Walks untuk maju, saya telah mengangkat kain putih polos, tidak bisa menanggung alis kerut ketat, Xu Yi cor wajah juga baik, tapi dagu . bagian berikut ditumbuk oleh megalit langsung, hampir tumpukan fleshes berlumpur, adalah marshal kerajaan, sebenarnya pitches kamp di bawah hari Pingshan puncak gunung penting seperti, ini adalah tentang harga
Stand up, aku berkata: "yang Mulia tolong menahan kesedihan, kita dikuburkan Xu masuk peperangan Yun Cheng lagi, adalah "?
wears mengatakan:" Setelah mengubur Xu dan meninggal di petugas pertempuran, serangan lagi, mungkin, harus membuat venturer hit pertama pertama "?
saya mengangguk:" ini juga baik . "
Segera, tewas dalam pertempuran mayat tentara yang akan diangkut secara besar-besaran, mengubur dalam-benar menggali endocrater baik, kerangka padat dan banyak membuat kehendak rakyat telah tidak bertahan, tapi ini adalah perang, perang yang kejam.
The kolam yang dalam mayat mengesampingkan tentara pengawal istana ke Teluk Korea Selatan, kemudian mengarah satu kelompok penjaga istana untuk berlutut pribadi, tentara telinga hampir rapi seluruh lutut Tian Ling Empire bawah, memakai menggenggam pedang panjang untuk mengambil langkah untuk maju, berdiri menyanyikan lagu pertempuran Tian Ling Empire kerajaan sebelum semangat mati dengan gemetar terdengar
hari membanggakan jelas, tangguh luas.
Bersumpah saya untuk menjadi setia, mengubur tulang daerah lain.
hari membanggakan jelas, tangguh besar.
satu dengan Armour, jiwa membela bangsa negara.
kolam yang dalam Korea Selatan et al. juga bersama-sama bernyanyi, meskipun juga membuat wajah perubahan manusia sangat kasar, setelah mengubur tewas dalam pertempuran petugas, adalah kenyataan Istirahat sekitar 6: 00, setelah saya berliku disertai terburu-buru dua MM selesai makan makan malam, akan online, untuk terus rancangan api perang Yun Cheng, negara ini memerangi umum akan terus selama 7 hari, harus mengambil api Yun Cheng dalam 7 hari, jika tidak tahu kapan saya bisa menyelesaikan Lin Tiannan untuk tujuan saya.
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