Prob­a­bly does the clear pupil de­velop black ink and sky rose has no terjemahan - Prob­a­bly does the clear pupil de­velop black ink and sky rose has no Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Prob­a­bly does the clear pupil de­

Prob­a­bly does the clear pupil de­velop black ink and sky rose has not thought? Their se­cret adding fuel to the flames make the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory at­tack the Chi­nese area, but has not ac­tu­ally thought that this helped us ob­tain world coun­try in­di­rectly, and per­haps also in­ces­santly was this, then pos­si­bly also had!
As for giv­ing Q Sword, such can also en­hance the team com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity, in this mo­ment, the pow­er­ful enemy link raises, lets the player un­prece­dented unity of Chi­nese area on the con­trary, seven kill seven of sword to kill the bro­ken thou­sand armed forces ef­fects to fight to pre­pare for the coun­try ab­solutely, is sim­i­lar to the ul­ti­mate strength­en­ing of my but­ter­fly, is pro­motes in the sur­round­ing 500 yards the at­tribute of team­mate, the ul­ti­mate strength­en­ing pro­motes all equip­ment 20% ef­fects, but seven kill the sword pro­motes 100% strik­ing power, this two su­per­im­pose, is that a how ter­ri­fy­ing bound­ary?
„Ram­ble, thank you!” Q Sword dis­tant raises seven to kill sword to thank, after all I am con­trol who this time kills the BOSS mo­tion, rea­son that he can ob­tain this sword also be­cause of my agree­ing, if I did not agree that this must fall other sword mostly.
I nod: „Con­tin­ues to re­fuel!”
Say­ing, wip­ing the tea has re­ported a news: „Sup­ple, should not be angry, seven kill the sword to have the rea­son to Q Sword.”
Wipes the tea to throw to me in the dis­tant place smiles, reply: „El­dest child, sup­ple is not a fool, nat­u­rally knows that you want with seven to kill the sword to unite the [Hero’s Mound] trade union, after all they have the 15 W on­line player, is the coun­try fights the main force, se­cure, I know that said again my in­te­gral truly in­stead had been sur­passed by Q Sword lit­tle.”
Also then, the top close com­bats was the play­ers has re­ported a news to Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min and other [Zhan Long], ex­plained why seven killed the sword to give Q Sword, Li Mu, Wang Jian has the per­son of gen­eral sit­u­a­tion view, nat­u­rally un­der­stands rea­son, only Ran Min was not quite clear, tam­pers to tam­per the air/Qi say­ing that „why must such good weapon to a by­stander”, I nat­u­rally have noth­ing to say in reply, ok, he was a mus­cle, later ex­plained again slowly, per­haps the small wolf and fox can ex­plain for me.
Com­forted the peo­ple, divvied up two five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments that Dahlen blew out again, the peo­ple fights in dri­ving a horse wind im­me­di­ately!
Nearby the city wall, dri­ving a horse wind Kate strength grasps a han­dle wind sys­tem lance, is con­trol­ling the forces of na­ture, the in­nu­mer­able storms wreak havoc in the city wall, stran­gles to death pile of hashed meat one group of palace guards and im­pe­r­ial guards, and sev­eral giant ex­ceed­ingly high storms in the city in­ter­nal ro­ta­tion of Tian Ling Em­pire, have twisted to break to pieces the phar­macy to con­struct, and makes the player also con­tin­u­ally be in­jured, the at­tack ca­pa­bil­ity of this dri­ving a horse wind is very strong, then ex­am­ined his de­fen­sive power.
I just like ad­van­tage arrow fly­ing high over­ran, „” layer on layer hits on the body of Kate strength, the dou­ble sword dance moves erupts sev­eral swords in­stan­ta­neously, the blood strip naked eye of Kate strength is re­duc­ing ob­vi­ously, a palace guard Yorozuo on city long is hold­ing up the long sword, the foot pedal city wall, said loudly: „Held the spear to begin greatly per­son­ally, every­body should not be afraid, the archer, killed that con­trol storm to me the SOB!”
Q Sword, Jian Feng Han and Ye to come, wiped tea, Lin Wan Er et al. to kill, at­tack in all di­rec­tions, but Kate strength was not silly, roared: „Your these mean hu­man­ity, think that this can mas­sacre me? Wind shield!”
At the same time giant wind sys­tem shield ap­pears in his about, I make use am one set ride the wind to cut, 15 gold
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Prob­a­bly does the clear pupil de­velop black ink and sky rose has not thought? Their se­cret adding fuel to the flames make the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory at­tack the Chi­nese area, but has not ac­tu­ally thought that this helped us ob­tain world coun­try in­di­rectly, and per­haps also in­ces­santly was this, then pos­si­bly also had!As for giv­ing Q Sword, such can also en­hance the team com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity, in this mo­ment, the pow­er­ful enemy link raises, lets the player un­prece­dented unity of Chi­nese area on the con­trary, seven kill seven of sword to kill the bro­ken thou­sand armed forces ef­fects to fight to pre­pare for the coun­try ab­solutely, is sim­i­lar to the ul­ti­mate strength­en­ing of my but­ter­fly, is pro­motes in the sur­round­ing 500 yards the at­tribute of team­mate, the ul­ti­mate strength­en­ing pro­motes all equip­ment 20% ef­fects, but seven kill the sword pro­motes 100% strik­ing power, this two su­per­im­pose, is that a how ter­ri­fy­ing bound­ary?„Ram­ble, thank you!” Q Sword dis­tant raises seven to kill sword to thank, after all I am con­trol who this time kills the BOSS mo­tion, rea­son that he can ob­tain this sword also be­cause of my agree­ing, if I did not agree that this must fall other sword mostly.I nod: „Con­tin­ues to re­fuel!”Say­ing, wip­ing the tea has re­ported a news: „Sup­ple, should not be angry, seven kill the sword to have the rea­son to Q Sword.”Wipes the tea to throw to me in the dis­tant place smiles, reply: „El­dest child, sup­ple is not a fool, nat­u­rally knows that you want with seven to kill the sword to unite the [Hero’s Mound] trade union, after all they have the 15 W on­line player, is the coun­try fights the main force, se­cure, I know that said again my in­te­gral truly in­stead had been sur­passed by Q Sword lit­tle.”„Um.”Also then, the top close com­bats was the play­ers has re­ported a news to Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min and other [Zhan Long], ex­plained why seven killed the sword to give Q Sword, Li Mu, Wang Jian has the per­son of gen­eral sit­u­a­tion view, nat­u­rally un­der­stands rea­son, only Ran Min was not quite clear, tam­pers to tam­per the air/Qi say­ing that „why must such good weapon to a by­stander”, I nat­u­rally have noth­ing to say in reply, ok, he was a mus­cle, later ex­plained again slowly, per­haps the small wolf and fox can ex­plain for me.Com­forted the peo­ple, divvied up two five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments that Dahlen blew out again, the peo­ple fights in dri­ving a horse wind im­me­di­ately!Nearby the city wall, dri­ving a horse wind Kate strength grasps a han­dle wind sys­tem lance, is con­trol­ling the forces of na­ture, the in­nu­mer­able storms wreak havoc in the city wall, stran­gles to death pile of hashed meat one group of palace guards and im­pe­r­ial guards, and sev­eral giant ex­ceed­ingly high storms in the city in­ter­nal ro­ta­tion of Tian Ling Em­pire, have twisted to break to pieces the phar­macy to con­struct, and makes the player also con­tin­u­ally be in­jured, the at­tack ca­pa­bil­ity of this dri­ving a horse wind is very strong, then ex­am­ined his de­fen­sive power.„Brushes!”I just like ad­van­tage arrow fly­ing high over­ran, „” layer on layer hits on the body of Kate strength, the dou­ble sword dance moves erupts sev­eral swords in­stan­ta­neously, the blood strip naked eye of Kate strength is re­duc­ing ob­vi­ously, a palace guard Yorozuo on city long is hold­ing up the long sword, the foot pedal city wall, said loudly: „Held the spear to begin greatly per­son­ally, every­body should not be afraid, the archer, killed that con­trol storm to me the SOB!”Q Sword, Jian Feng Han and Ye to come, wiped tea, Lin Wan Er et al. to kill, at­tack in all di­rec­tions, but Kate strength was not silly, roared: „Your these mean hu­man­ity, think that this can mas­sacre me? Wind shield!”At the same time giant wind sys­tem shield ap­pears in his about, I make use am one set ride the wind to cut, 15 gold
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mungkin tidak pupil jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam dan langit mawar belum berpikir? Rahasia mereka menambahkan bahan bakar ke api membuat wilayah setan yang berbeda menyerang wilayah Cina, tetapi tidak benar-benar berpikir bahwa ini membantu kami mendapatkan negara dunia secara tidak langsung, dan mungkin juga tak henti-hentinya adalah ini, maka mungkin juga memiliki!
Adapun memberikan Q Sword, seperti juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tim tempur, pada saat ini, link musuh yang kuat menimbulkan, memungkinkan kesatuan belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya pemain daerah Cina sebaliknya, tujuh membunuh tujuh pedang untuk membunuh rusak ribu efek angkatan bersenjata untuk melawan untuk mempersiapkan negara benar-benar, mirip dengan penguatan akhir dari kupu-kupu saya, adalah mempromosikan di 500 yard sekitarnya atribut dari rekan setimnya, penguatan tertinggi mempromosikan semua peralatan 20% efek, tapi tujuh membunuh pedang mempromosikan kekuatan mencolok 100%, dua superimpose ini, adalah bahwa batas bagaimana menakutkan?
"mengoceh, terima kasih!" Q Sword jauh menimbulkan tujuh membunuh pedang berterima kasih, setelah semua saya mengontrol siapa yang kali ini membunuh gerak BOSS, alasan bahwa ia dapat memperoleh pedang ini juga karena setuju saya, jika saya tidak setuju bahwa ini harus jatuh pedang lain kebanyakan.
aku mengangguk: "Terus untuk mengisi bahan bakar!"
Mengatakan, menyeka teh telah melaporkan berita: "Supple, tidak boleh marah, tujuh membunuh pedang untuk memiliki alasan untuk Q . pedang "
Wipes teh untuk melemparkan kepada saya di tempat senyum jauh, menjawab:" anak Sulung, lentur tidak bodoh, tentu tahu bahwa Anda inginkan dengan tujuh membunuh pedang untuk menyatukan [pahlawan Mound] serikat pekerja, setelah semua mereka memiliki 15 pemain secara online W, adalah negara perkelahian kekuatan utama, aman, saya tahu bahwa kata lagi saya terpisahkan benar-benar bukan telah dikalahkan oleh Q Pedang kecil. "
" Um. "
Juga saat itu, pertempuran dekat atas adalah pemain telah melaporkan berita Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min dan lainnya [Zhan panjang], menjelaskan mengapa tujuh tewas pedang untuk memberikan Q Sword, Li Mu, Wang Jian memiliki orang pandang situasi umum, secara alami memahami alasan, hanya berlari Min tidak cukup jelas, tampers mengutak-atik udara / Qi mengatakan bahwa "mengapa harus seperti senjata yang baik untuk penonton", aku secara alami memiliki apa-apa untuk mengatakan pada balasan, ok, dia otot, kemudian menjelaskan lagi perlahan, mungkin serigala kecil dan rubah bisa menjelaskan untuk saya.
Terhibur rakyat, membagi-dua instrumen lima-bintang ajaib yang Dahlen meniup keluar lagi, orang-orang berperang di mengendarai angin kuda segera!
Terdekat tembok kota, mengendarai angin kuda Kate kekuatan menggenggam sebuah menangani sistem angin tombak, mengendalikan kekuatan alam, badai tak terhitung melampiaskan malapetaka di tembok kota, mencekik ke tumpukan kematian hash daging satu kelompok penjaga istana dan penjaga kekaisaran, dan beberapa raksasa badai yang sangat tinggi di rotasi internal kota Tian Ling Empire, telah dipelintir untuk istirahat untuk potongan apotek untuk membangun, dan membuat pemain juga terus terluka, kemampuan serangan ini mengendarai angin kuda sangat kuat, kemudian diperiksa kekuatan defensif.
aku hanya seperti keuntungan panah terbang tinggi menyerbu, "" lapisan pada lapisan hits di tubuh Kate kekuatan, ganda pedang gerakan tarian meletus beberapa pedang seketika, strip darah mata telanjang dari Kate kekuatan adalah mengurangi jelas, penjaga istana Yorozuo di kota lama memegang up pedang panjang, dinding kaki kota pedal, berkata keras: "! Dimiliki tombak untuk mulai sangat pribadi, semua orang tidak perlu takut, pemanah, tewas badai kontrol untuk saya SOB yang"
Q pedang, Jian Feng Han dan Ye datang, menyeka teh, Lin Wan Er et al. untuk membunuh, serangan ke segala arah, tapi Kate kekuatan tidak konyol, meraung: "Anda ini berarti manusia, berpikir bahwa ini bisa pembantaian saya? Angin perisai! "
Pada saat yang sama raksasa perisai sistem angin muncul di sekitar, saya menggunakan am satu set naik angin untuk memotong, 15 emas
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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