The Focus of Humanistic Psychology A number of humanistic theorists ha terjemahan - The Focus of Humanistic Psychology A number of humanistic theorists ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Focus of Humanistic Psychology

The Focus of Humanistic Psychology A number of humanistic theorists have
contributed to a movement often referred to as the “third force” in psychology
(in reaction to the psychoanalytic and behavioral forces). They have written
on the nature of human existence, on methods for studying human modes of
functioning, and on the implications of humanistic assumptions. Synthesizing
their theories from many divergent fi elds and approaches, early humanistic
psychologists contended that people could not be studied and understood in
segmented fashion. Rather, humans must be studied in complete relation to
how they interact with others and with the world. Some key fi gures in the development
of humanistic psychology were Carl Rogers, Rollo May, Abraham
Maslow, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, Natalie Rogers, Clark Moustakas, Sidney
Jourard, and James Bugental. Many of these psychologists have an existential
orientation, but they also applied themes to the practice of psychotherapy that
focus on the capacities unique to humans: love, freedom, choice, creativity,
purpose, relatedness, meaning, values, growth, self-actualization, autonomy,
responsibility, ego transcendence, humor, and spontaneity. According to humanistic
psychologists, any therapy that aims at growth must take these human
capacities into account.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Fokus dari humanistik A jumlah humanistik teori telahberkontribusi sebuah gerakan yang sering disebut sebagai "kekuatan ketiga" dalam psikologi(dalam reaksi terhadap pasukan psikoanalitik dan perilaku). Mereka telah menulispada sifat manusia, pada metode untuk mempelajari manusia modeberfungsi, dan mengenai implikasi dari asumsi-asumsi yang humanistik. Sintesisteori-teori mereka dari banyak berbeda fi elds dan pendekatan, awal humanistikpsikolog berpendapat bahwa orang bisa tidak dipelajari dan difahami dalamtersegmentasi fashion. Sebaliknya, manusia harus dipelajari dalam kaitannya lengkapbagaimana mereka berinteraksi dengan orang lain dan dengan dunia. Beberapa kunci fi gures dalam pengembangandari humanistik yang Carl Rogers, Rollo mungkin, AbrahamMaslow, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, Natalie Rogers, Clark Moustakas, SidneyJourard, dan James Bugental. Banyak psikolog ini memiliki eksistensialorientasi, tetapi mereka juga diterapkan tema untuk praktek psikoterapi yangfokus pada kemampuan unik manusia: cinta, kebebasan, pilihan, kreativitas,tujuan, keterkaitan, makna, nilai-nilai, pertumbuhan, aktualisasi diri, otonomi,tanggung jawab, transendensi ego, humor, dan spontanitas. Menurut humanistikpsikolog, terapi apapun yang bertujuan untuk pertumbuhan harus mengambil ini manusiakapasitas ke account.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Focus of Humanistic Psychology A number of humanistic theorists have
contributed to a movement often referred to as the “third force” in psychology
(in reaction to the psychoanalytic and behavioral forces). They have written
on the nature of human existence, on methods for studying human modes of
functioning, and on the implications of humanistic assumptions. Synthesizing
their theories from many divergent fi elds and approaches, early humanistic
psychologists contended that people could not be studied and understood in
segmented fashion. Rather, humans must be studied in complete relation to
how they interact with others and with the world. Some key fi gures in the development
of humanistic psychology were Carl Rogers, Rollo May, Abraham
Maslow, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, Natalie Rogers, Clark Moustakas, Sidney
Jourard, and James Bugental. Many of these psychologists have an existential
orientation, but they also applied themes to the practice of psychotherapy that
focus on the capacities unique to humans: love, freedom, choice, creativity,
purpose, relatedness, meaning, values, growth, self-actualization, autonomy,
responsibility, ego transcendence, humor, and spontaneity. According to humanistic
psychologists, any therapy that aims at growth must take these human
capacities into account.
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