ManagersThe difference between these standards and the Leadership Qual terjemahan - ManagersThe difference between these standards and the Leadership Qual Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ManagersThe difference between thes

The difference between these standards and the Leadership Qualities Framework is
that the Framework captures the qualities of good leaders in their broadest sense. The
standards state what leaders and managers ought to be able to do.
For managers who are undertaking, or wish to remind themselves of the Level 5
Diploma in Leadership and Management, the units of study that relate to supervision
are: Develop professional supervision practice in health and social care or children and
young people’s work settings(LM2 c ) and Understanding Professional supervision
(LM2a). A copy of these can be found on the Skills for Care website.
Social workers (England)
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) regulates the social work profession.
The Standards of proficiency state that social workers should:
• 11 be able to reflect on and review practice
o 11.1 understand the value of critical reflection on practice and the need to
record the outcome of such reflection appropriately
o 11.2 recognise the value of supervision, case reviews and other methods
of reflection and review
• 12 be able to assure the quality of their practice
o 12.1 be able to use supervision to support and enhance the quality of their
social work practice.
The College of Social Work (TCSW) in England is a membership body offering
leadership to the profession. The Professional capabilities framework locates
supervision under the domain of ‘professionalism’ and states that workers should
‘Demonstrate an effective and active use of supervision for accountability, professional
reflection and development’.
The difference between these ‘standards’ and ‘capabilities’ is that the standards refer to
a recognised level of what you should be able to do in relation to a role. They are
therefore external and measurable. Capabilities are broader and refer to qualities as
well as skills – abilities and knowledge internal to a person that you may wish to make
external and measure using standards.
Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland
National Occupational Standards relating to supervision apply to social work and social
care. However, you are advised to consult the individual care council for that country.
Three useful links are:
• Care Council for Wales
• Northern Ireland Social Care Council
• Scottish Social Services Council
Social workers in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland may find the following
document useful: Develop social work practice through supervision and reflection.
Frequency of supervision in social care
National minimum standards are linked to the Care Standards Act 2000 and apply in
Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. These standards say that the frequency of
supervision should be six times per year for residential care (older people) and four
times per year for domiciliary settings. It says that supervision should cover all aspects
of practice, philosophy of care and career development needs. In the service user
seminar, domiciliary care workers who attended reported that they received supervision
once a month and they were satisfied with this.
In England, the Health and Social Care Act 2008 applies and this is the legislation that
the service regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), inspects under. Frequency
of supervision is not referred to, however, Outcome 14 (supporting workers), which is
required under Regulation 23, refers to appropriate training, professional development,
supervision and appraisal. The detail of individual inspections will vary, however service
providers could be asked for their records of supervision, or staff could be asked about
what support they feel is in place.
In relation to frequency of supervision in social work, sector guidance indicates that this
will depend on a number of different factors. However, it is suggested that supervision
take place at between two- and six-weekly intervals for all front-line workers and at
weekly intervals for newly-qualified workers.
Strategic leaders and/or employers should consider that the frequency and quality of
supervision may be important in relation to the outcomes they wish to bring about in
their given setting.
Video clip
Watch what one organisation has to say about inspection and supervision (Video
on You Tube).
Suggested resources
• Care skillsbase (Supervising staff) (SCIE)
• Code of conduct for Healthcare Support workers and Adult Social Care Workers
in England (Skills for Care and Skills for Health, 2013)
• Guidance, consultation and supervision (Scottish Government)
• Inspiring practice (Children’s Workforce Development Council/Department for
• Leading practice (Section 11: Supervision) (SCIE)
• National Minimum Training Standards for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult
Social Care Workers in England (Skills for Care and Skills for Health, 2013)
• National occupational standards (UK Commission for Employment and Skills)
• Providing effective supervision (Skills for Care)
• Supervising and appraising well: a guide to effective supervision and
appraisal (Care Council for Wales)
• Supporting information and guidance: Supporting effective clinical
supervision (Care Quality Commission, 2013)
• The standards for employers and supervision framework (Department for
• Supervision guidance (Department for Education)
• Supervision policy, standards, and criteria (Department of Health, Social
Services and Public Safety, Northern Ireland)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ManagersThe difference between these standards and the Leadership Qualities Framework isthat the Framework captures the qualities of good leaders in their broadest sense. Thestandards state what leaders and managers ought to be able to do.For managers who are undertaking, or wish to remind themselves of the Level 5Diploma in Leadership and Management, the units of study that relate to supervisionare: Develop professional supervision practice in health and social care or children andyoung people’s work settings(LM2 c ) and Understanding Professional supervision(LM2a). A copy of these can be found on the Skills for Care website.Social workers (England)The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) regulates the social work profession.The Standards of proficiency state that social workers should:• 11 be able to reflect on and review practiceo 11.1 understand the value of critical reflection on practice and the need torecord the outcome of such reflection appropriatelyo 11.2 recognise the value of supervision, case reviews and other methodsof reflection and review• 12 be able to assure the quality of their practiceo 12.1 be able to use supervision to support and enhance the quality of theirsocial work practice.The College of Social Work (TCSW) in England is a membership body offeringleadership to the profession. The Professional capabilities framework locatessupervision under the domain of ‘professionalism’ and states that workers should‘Demonstrate an effective and active use of supervision for accountability, professionalreflection and development’.The difference between these ‘standards’ and ‘capabilities’ is that the standards refer toa recognised level of what you should be able to do in relation to a role. They aretherefore external and measurable. Capabilities are broader and refer to qualities aswell as skills – abilities and knowledge internal to a person that you may wish to makeexternal and measure using standards.Wales, Northern Ireland and ScotlandNational Occupational Standards relating to supervision apply to social work and socialcare. However, you are advised to consult the individual care council for that country.Three useful links are:• Care Council for Wales• Northern Ireland Social Care Council• Scottish Social Services CouncilSocial workers in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland may find the followingdocument useful: Develop social work practice through supervision and reflection.Frequency of supervision in social careNational minimum standards are linked to the Care Standards Act 2000 and apply inWales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. These standards say that the frequency ofsupervision should be six times per year for residential care (older people) and fourtimes per year for domiciliary settings. It says that supervision should cover all aspectsof practice, philosophy of care and career development needs. In the service userseminar, domiciliary care workers who attended reported that they received supervisiononce a month and they were satisfied with this.In England, the Health and Social Care Act 2008 applies and this is the legislation thatthe service regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), inspects under. Frequencyof supervision is not referred to, however, Outcome 14 (supporting workers), which isrequired under Regulation 23, refers to appropriate training, professional development,supervision and appraisal. The detail of individual inspections will vary, however serviceproviders could be asked for their records of supervision, or staff could be asked aboutwhat support they feel is in place.In relation to frequency of supervision in social work, sector guidance indicates that thiswill depend on a number of different factors. However, it is suggested that supervisiontake place at between two- and six-weekly intervals for all front-line workers and atweekly intervals for newly-qualified workers.Strategic leaders and/or employers should consider that the frequency and quality ofsupervision may be important in relation to the outcomes they wish to bring about intheir given setting.Video clipWatch what one organisation has to say about inspection and supervision (Videoon You Tube).Suggested resources• Care skillsbase (Supervising staff) (SCIE)• Code of conduct for Healthcare Support workers and Adult Social Care Workersin England (Skills for Care and Skills for Health, 2013)• Guidance, consultation and supervision (Scottish Government)• Inspiring practice (Children’s Workforce Development Council/Department forEducation)• Leading practice (Section 11: Supervision) (SCIE)• National Minimum Training Standards for Healthcare Support Workers and AdultSocial Care Workers in England (Skills for Care and Skills for Health, 2013)• National occupational standards (UK Commission for Employment and Skills)• Providing effective supervision (Skills for Care)• Supervising and appraising well: a guide to effective supervision andappraisal (Care Council for Wales)• Supporting information and guidance: Supporting effective clinicalsupervision (Care Quality Commission, 2013)• The standards for employers and supervision framework (Department forEducation)• Supervision guidance (Department for Education)• Supervision policy, standards, and criteria (Department of Health, SocialServices and Public Safety, Northern Ireland)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Perbedaan antara standar ini dan Kualitas Kepemimpinan Framework adalah
bahwa Kerangka menangkap kualitas pemimpin yang baik dalam arti luas mereka. The
standar menyatakan pemimpin apa dan manajer harus mampu melakukan.
Bagi manajer yang melakukan, atau ingin mengingatkan diri dari Level 5
Diploma Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen, unit penelitian yang berhubungan dengan pengawasan
adalah: Mengembangkan praktek pengawasan profesional di kesehatan dan perawatan sosial atau anak-anak dan
pengaturan kerja kaum muda (LM2 c) dan Memahami pengawasan profesional
(LM2a). . Salinan ini dapat ditemukan pada Keterampilan untuk website Perawatan
pekerja sosial (Inggris)
Kesehatan dan Perawatan Profesi Council (HCPC) mengatur profesi pekerjaan sosial.
Standar negara kemahiran bahwa pekerja sosial harus:
• 11 dapat mencerminkan dan tinjauan praktek
o 11.1 memahami nilai refleksi kritis pada praktek dan kebutuhan untuk
merekam hasil dari refleksi tersebut tepat
o 11,2 mengakui nilai pengawasan, ulasan kasus dan metode lain
refleksi dan review
• 12 dapat menjamin kualitas dari praktek mereka
o 12.1 dapat menggunakan pengawasan untuk mendukung dan meningkatkan kualitas mereka
praktek pekerjaan sosial.
College of Social Work (TCSW) di ​​Inggris adalah sebuah badan keanggotaan korban
kepemimpinan untuk profesi. Profesional kerangka kemampuan menempatkan
pengawasan di bawah domain dari 'profesionalisme' dan menyatakan bahwa pekerja harus
'Menunjukkan penggunaan yang efektif dan aktif pengawasan akuntabilitas, profesional
refleksi dan pengembangan'.
Perbedaan antara 'standar' dan 'kemampuan' adalah bahwa standar mengacu
tingkat diakui apa yang harus Anda dapat melakukan dalam kaitannya dengan peran. Mereka
karena itu eksternal dan terukur. Kemampuan yang lebih luas dan mengacu pada kualitas sebagai
serta keterampilan - kemampuan dan pengetahuan internal untuk orang yang mungkin Anda ingin membuat
eksternal dan ukuran menggunakan standar.
Wales, Irlandia Utara dan Skotlandia
Standar Kerja Nasional yang berkaitan dengan pengawasan berlaku untuk pekerjaan sosial dan sosial
perawatan . Namun, Anda disarankan untuk berkonsultasi dengan dewan perawatan individu untuk negara itu.
Tiga link yang berguna adalah:
• Dewan Peduli Wales
• Irlandia Utara Dewan Perawatan Sosial
• Sosial Skotlandia Dewan
pekerja sosial di Wales, Irlandia Utara dan Skotlandia mungkin menemukan berikut
dokumen berguna:. Mengembangkan praktik pekerjaan sosial melalui pengawasan dan refleksi
Frekuensi pengawasan dalam perawatan sosial
standar minimum nasional terkait dengan Standar Perawatan Act 2000 dan berlaku di
Wales, Irlandia Utara dan Skotlandia. Standar ini mengatakan bahwa frekuensi
pengawasan harus enam kali per tahun untuk perawatan perumahan (orang tua) dan empat
kali per tahun untuk pengaturan rumah tangga. Ia mengatakan bahwa pengawasan harus mencakup semua aspek
dari praktek, filosofi perawatan dan pengembangan karir kebutuhan. Di pengguna jasa
seminar, pekerja perawatan rumah tangga yang hadir melaporkan bahwa mereka menerima pengawasan
sebulan sekali dan mereka puas dengan ini.
Di Inggris, UU Kesehatan dan Sosial Perawatan 2008 berlaku dan ini adalah undang-undang yang
regulator layanan, Kualitas Pelayanan Komisi (CQC), memeriksa bawah. Frekuensi
pengawasan tidak disebut, bagaimanapun, Hasil 14 (pekerja pendukung), yang
diperlukan berdasarkan Peraturan 23, mengacu pada pelatihan yang tepat, pengembangan profesional,
pengawasan dan penilaian. Detail dari inspeksi individu akan bervariasi, namun layanan
penyedia dapat meminta catatan mereka pengawasan, atau staf bisa ditanya tentang
apa dukungan yang mereka rasakan adalah di tempat.
Sehubungan dengan frekuensi pengawasan dalam pekerjaan sosial, bimbingan sektor menunjukkan bahwa ini
akan tergantung pada sejumlah faktor yang berbeda. Namun, disarankan agar pengawasan
berlangsung di antara dua dan interval enam mingguan untuk semua pekerja garis depan dan pada
interval mingguan untuk pekerja baru yang berkualitas.
Pemimpin Strategis dan / atau pengusaha harus mempertimbangkan bahwa frekuensi dan kualitas
pengawasan mungkin menjadi penting dalam kaitannya dengan hasil mereka ingin membawa dalam
pengaturan mereka diberikan.
Video klip
Perhatikan apa satu organisasi telah mengatakan tentang pemeriksaan dan pengawasan (Video
di You Tube).
sumber Disarankan
• Perawatan skillsbase (staf Supervisi) (SCIE)
• kode etik bagi pekerja Dukungan Kesehatan dan Tenaga Perawatan Dewasa Sosial
di Inggris (Keterampilan untuk Perawatan dan Keterampilan untuk Kesehatan, 2013)
• Bimbingan, konsultasi dan supervisi (Pemerintah Skotlandia)
• praktek Inspiring (Tenaga Kerja Anak Pengembangan Dewan / Departemen
• Memimpin praktek (Bagian 11: Pengawasan) (SCIE)
• Standar Pelatihan Minimum Nasional untuk Pekerja Dukungan Kesehatan dan Dewasa
Pekerja Perawatan Sosial di Inggris (Keterampilan untuk Perawatan dan Keterampilan untuk Kesehatan, 2013)
• standar kerja nasional (Komisi Inggris untuk Kerja dan Keterampilan)
• menyediakan efektif pengawasan (Keterampilan untuk Perawatan)
• Mengawasi dan menilai dengan baik: panduan untuk pengawasan yang efektif dan
penilaian (Perawatan Dewan untuk Wales)
• Mendukung informasi dan bimbingan: Mendukung klinis efektif
pengawasan (Perawatan Komisi Kualitas, 2013)
• Standar untuk pengusaha dan Kerangka pengawasan (Departemen
• bimbingan Pengawasan (Departemen Pendidikan)
• kebijakan Pengawasan, standar, dan kriteria (Departemen Kesehatan, Sosial
Pelayanan dan Keselamatan Publik, Irlandia Utara)
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