When you are young at the preciousness of the body, but from older, si terjemahan - When you are young at the preciousness of the body, but from older, si Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When you are young at the preciousn

When you are young at the preciousness of the body, but from older, sick talyinamyeonseo a buwissik increasingly harder.

"Later, young, healthy and live a little lift to the hospital."

The hospital than the scary dragon!
On Saturday, Lee Hyun lying on the bed and lay down to eat breakfast.


And then sleep!
To achieve a complete sleep did not take 30 seconds.
Neoleonotdaseo laundry room humidity was aligned properly, potted herbs planted there to bring a feeling of relaxation was dropping.

"Euhaham! Slept well. It's for lunch. "

Lee Hyun happened during lunch and after eating, went back to bed for the gear.

"Deureureong, puhyuhyu."

By the evening sleeping, eating, and lay down again.

"At night's sleep which, could come to nap much sleep I'm afraid to sleep. Deureureureureureureong! "

And lay off the lights as soon fell into a deep sleep.
After Howe was sleeping all day, then the day early in the morning to the sound of the birds woke up crying.
Lee Hyun jumped up from the bed caused the body.
Gabyeowotgo jjippudeuthadeon body as new, even in cold water bath, as if my head was clear.

"It's too sleep medicine."

Do not like money was the best medicine.
Now that peace of mind you feel at home, eat and sleep and tried to start a good day.
Turn on the computer I was trying to write from household I have an appointment date that deoolratda suddenly.

"Oh, today is a day of climbing to the top did you go?"

Lin plans to hike with jeonghyo were being held today.
Lee Hyun forgotten is that the household could think Then the date will be reported.
People recognize her since early in the morning had to climb the mountain.

"Phew. Must now be prepared. "

Lee Hyun stay with the washed rice and place to eat after my sister wore a T-shirt and jeans.
Fairy was born to music. Lynn Lee Hyun who was something humiliating jeonghyo really did not want to do this hike.
Over a cup of fresh air to exercise.
Well, you Nero Shandong newspaper delivery, if you do not have milk.
Do you sometimes wake up on a regular basis than the climb would be nice for your health.
Shandong steep snow in the winter me gonna go running all four of the 500 newspaper departments, such as milk dolryeotdeon Lee Hyun because I did not naekigi.

"Shandong, who had quite a bit, which you're obliged. I do not know where to go. "

Lee Hyun waited while the computer.
He has to have a selling price of equipment was also confirmed.

"Swing trading price also very steady and he is going on a magic staff prices.
Come to think of the wizard bissateunikka so even if the value of the equipment was doegiya. "

Hall of Fame a guild member, rather than an individual user Argonauts movie dominated the fight.
I've even gone to the free bulletin board, is still largely the story into three groups, but was able to ganchuril.
Guild Hermes bath, bath embinyu denominations, other guilds York, his pride!
The story about the adventures of Weed, adventure, and commissioned control board was well understood.
Orcs of the board has a reputation for praise was for the weed.
Orc female ideal of users we need to be very reliable as the Carry-taken,
The day has become increasingly fierce Orc Omo.

'You're getting so many of oak users.'

Because it is based on key euro Mountains discomfort was somehow.
Development of the city's not too off the oak species that were not easy to choose.
But the race itself attractive to young Orcs are fun to raise awareness of oak, etc. were getting better.
Lack of resemblance to their young oaks will grow by thousands of people subaegeu vigorously.
Due to the nature of the race too quickly is getting wider area, among a few users take the Orcs achieved quite a large force of people showed up was a hit.
Cluck! Cackle!
Soup and sauce between the Internet and a cool crew.
Promised to climb nearly six o'clock was approaching.
Lee Hyun of the pancake, and simply rolls and rice wine was ready.

'There, you'll eat.'

Over packed lunches while outside jumper jeonghyoringnui I was not a car parked in front of straw.
Her performances in the morning and immediately came up with a hat and sunglasses, was asleep in the driver's seat will remain bitter.
Lee Hyun dudeulgija the window light, jeonghyo Lynn woke up was greeted with a fresh voice.

"Good morning."
"Needle marks on my lips ......"

Mountains in the morning just before sunrise and set off.


Put the car in the parking lot at the entrance to the mountain, Lee Hyun was carrying a lunch box.

"Shall we go?"
- Yes A long time because of the hike so enjoyable I think. "

Was a mountain not far from the city.
But because the early hours car in the parking lot did not have much.
Lin jeonghyo climbing and backpacking and hiking boots, as well as to the preparations were complete

"How was school today?"
"I just can not quit because you're attending."
"This is gonna ask I'm just curious, you can not get me wrong a few people about the father of the child in the future you want?"
"Kids today have to grow money like that. Should bear, as though occurring. "
"If a large family and was thinking I do not really reconciled?
I gave a lot of money rather than saving each other, to love enough to give Bob and Route fed guy has something you want to live? "
"But you have money in your life ......"

20-minute conversation while I climbed up the trail.
Jeonghyo Lin Lee Hyun and the desire to be with you for a long time to climb at least 4-5 hours and took the course it takes.

"But than I thought heomhane"

Strength was tempered by the stage dancing, but suddenly early in the morning the power was already expecting to climb.

"Do this makeup was erased everything ......"

Lin jeonghyo gappeuge breath breathed more and more.
While climbing the heart beats faster and your body has a fever and evidence of a crowd!
But the climb was at rest. I did already in the middle of going back to listen to those looking at the force went up came down.

"Now, wait a minute, breathe"

Are you 30 minutes to climb the mountain was difficult jeonghyo Lin.
Sit down and relax near the stone waiting to be supplemental health, said Lee Hyun.

"Would you go down gets tough?"
"No! I'm going to go to the summit. When the sun rises in the fog geothineun also reported normal, I want to blow up the mood was heavy. "

Lee Hyun jeonghyo sedentary lean on the side again to get up and let's start was waiting.
One moment, slipped on his shoulders touched the head of Lynn jeonghyo.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ketika Anda masih muda di berharganya tubuh, tetapi dari remaja, sakit talyinamyeonseo buwissik semakin sulit."Kemudian, muda, sehat dan hidup sedikit mengangkat ke rumah sakit."Rumah sakit daripada naga menakutkan!Pada hari Sabtu, Lee Hyun berbaring di tempat tidur dan lay untuk makan pagi."Deureureong!"Dan kemudian tidur!Untuk mencapai tidur yang lengkap tidak mengambil 30 detik.Neoleonotdaseo Binatu Kamar kelembaban adalah selaras dengan benar, rempah-rempah pot yang ditanam ada untuk membawa rasa relaksasi turun."Euhaham! Tidur juga. Hal ini untuk makan siang. "Lee Hyun terjadi saat makan siang dan setelah makan, kembali ke tempat tidur untuk gigi."Deureureong, puhyuhyu."Oleh malam tidur, makan, dan berbaring turun lagi."Pada tidur malam yang bisa datang untuk tidur siang banyak tidur aku takut untuk tidur. Deureureureureureureong! "Dan memberhentikan lampu segera jatuh ke nyenyak.Setelah Howe tidur sepanjang hari, kemudian hari pagi dengan suara burung terbangun menangis.Lee Hyun melompat dari tempat tidur disebabkan tubuh.Tubuh jjippudeuthadeon Gabyeowotgo sebagai baru, bahkan dalam mandi air dingin, seolah-olah kepala saya adalah jelas."Terlalu tidur obat."Melakukan tidak seperti uang adalah obat terbaik.Sekarang bahwa ketenangan pikiran Anda merasa di rumah, makan dan tidur dan mencoba untuk memulai hari yang baik.Menyalakan komputer saya mencoba untuk menulis dari rumah saya memiliki tanggal penunjukan deoolratda bahwa tiba-tiba."Oh, hari ini adalah hari mendaki ke puncak kau pergi?"Lin rencana untuk mendaki dengan jeonghyo sedang diadakan hari ini.Lee Hyun lupa adalah bahwa rumah tangga bisa berpikir kemudian tanggal akan dilaporkan.Orang mengenal dia sejak pagi harus mendaki gunung."Fiuh. Harus sekarang siap. "Lee Hyun menginap dengan beras dicuci dan tempat untuk makan setelah adikku mengenakan T-shirt dan jins.Peri dilahirkan musik. Lynn Lee Hyun yang merupakan sesuatu yang memalukan jeonghyo benar-benar tidak ingin melakukan kenaikan ini.Lebih dari secangkir udara segar untuk latihan.Yah, Anda Nero Shandong koran pengiriman, jika Anda tidak memiliki susu.Apakah Anda kadang-kadang bangun secara teratur dari pendakian akan lebih baik untuk kesehatan Anda.Shandong curam salju di musim dingin saya akan pergi menjalankan semua empat Departemen 500 koran, seperti susu dolryeotdeon Lee Hyun karena aku tidak naekigi."Shandong, yang telah cukup sedikit, yang sedang Anda wajib. Aku tidak tahu ke mana harus pergi. "Lee Hyun menunggu sementara komputer.Ia harus telah menjual harga peralatan dikonfirmasi."Ayunan perdagangan harga juga sangat stabil dan ia akan harga sihir staf.Datang untuk berpikir dari wizard bissateunikka sehingga bahkan jika nilai peralatan doegiya. "Hall of Fame anggota guild, daripada sebuah pengguna individu salah seorang Argonaut ketika film mendominasi pertarungan.Aku bahkan telah pergi ke papan buletin gratis, masih sebagian besar cerita menjadi tiga kelompok, tetapi mampu ganchuril.Guild Hermes mandi, mandi embinyu denominasi, Serikat lain York, kesombongannya!Cerita tentang petualangan gulma, petualangan, dan Dewan Pengawas ditugaskan adalah dipahami dengan baik.Orc Dewan memiliki reputasi untuk pujian untuk rumput. Orc wanita ideal pengguna kita perlu menjadi sangat handal sebagai membawa-diambil,Hari telah menjadi semakin sengit Orc Omo.'Anda mendapatkan begitu banyak ek pengguna.'Karena hal ini didasarkan pada kunci euro pegunungan ketidaknyamanan itu entah bagaimana.Pengembangan kota ini tidak terlalu off spesies kayu ek yang tidak mudah untuk memilih.Tetapi umat itu sendiri menarik untuk muda Orc menyenangkan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dari oak, dll yang semakin baik.Kurangnya kemiripan oaks muda mereka akan tumbuh oleh ribuan orang subaegeu keras.Karena sifat dari perlombaan terlalu cepat semakin luas daerah, di antara beberapa pengguna mengambil Orc mencapai kekuatan cukup besar dari orang-orang yang muncul adalah hit.Keok! Cackle!Sup, dan saus antara Internet dan kru keren.Berjanji untuk mendaki hampir pukul enam sedang mendekati.Lee Hyun panekuk, dan hanya roti dan anggur beras sudah siap.'Di sana, Anda akan makan.'Selama Makan Siang Kemasan saat di luar jumper jeonghyoringnui saya bukanlah sebuah mobil yang diparkir di depan jerami.Pertunjukannya di pagi hari dan segera datang dengan topi dan kacamata hitam, adalah tidur di kursi pengemudi akan tetap pahit.Lee Hyun dudeulgija cahaya jendela, jeonghyo Lynn terbangun disambut dengan suara segar."Selamat pagi"."Jarum menandai pada bibir saya...""Ow!"Mountains in the morning just before sunrise and set off.#Put the car in the parking lot at the entrance to the mountain, Lee Hyun was carrying a lunch box."Shall we go?"- Yes A long time because of the hike so enjoyable I think. "Was a mountain not far from the city.But because the early hours car in the parking lot did not have much.Lin jeonghyo climbing and backpacking and hiking boots, as well as to the preparations were complete"How was school today?""I just can not quit because you're attending.""This is gonna ask I'm just curious, you can not get me wrong a few people about the father of the child in the future you want?""Kids today have to grow money like that. Should bear, as though occurring. ""If a large family and was thinking I do not really reconciled? I gave a lot of money rather than saving each other, to love enough to give Bob and Route fed guy has something you want to live? ""But you have money in your life ......"20-minute conversation while I climbed up the trail.Jeonghyo Lin Lee Hyun and the desire to be with you for a long time to climb at least 4-5 hours and took the course it takes."But than I thought heomhane"Strength was tempered by the stage dancing, but suddenly early in the morning the power was already expecting to climb."Do this makeup was erased everything ......"Lin jeonghyo gappeuge breath breathed more and more.While climbing the heart beats faster and your body has a fever and evidence of a crowd!Tapi pendakian beristirahat. Saya lakukan sudah di tengah akan kembali untuk mendengarkan orang-orang yang memandang Angkatan turun sampai datang."Sekarang, tunggu sebentar, bernapas"Apakah Anda 30 menit untuk mendaki gunung itu sulit jeonghyo Lin.Duduk dan bersantai di dekat batu menunggu untuk suplemen kesehatan, kata Lee Hyun."Akan Anda turun mendapat keras?""Tidak! Aku akan pergi ke puncak. Ketika matahari terbit di geothineun kabut juga melaporkan normal, saya ingin meledakkan mood adalah berat. "Lee Hyun jeonghyo ramping menetap di sisi lagi untuk mendapatkan dan mari kita mulai menunggu.Satu saat, menyelinap di atas bahunya menyentuh kepala Lynn jeonghyo.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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