These four people, are different before all faceless people, on their  terjemahan - These four people, are different before all faceless people, on their  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

These four people, are different be

These four people, are different before all faceless people, on their faces, there is two eyes!
In the item is bringing heartlessly, as if iced to peak coldly, these four people of any went out, the body sent out shakes the heavens to move the place the imposing manner, if even they can leave this fog, appeared in any Mountains and Seas Plane, will be will shake the mountain and sea powerhouse.
But now, these four people also appear, they stand there, the pressure is dreadful, thundering that forms, is endless.
In fact, strongest Dao Senior, is six sources, afterward is five sources, as for four sources, is only the threshold.
Cuts to kill four source Dao Senior, this is the Meng Hao limit, he had been portrayed the mortal body by Greedy Wolf, after fusing the broken fruit, strength that can erupt, is the comparable five source degrees.
But facing five sources, Meng Hao has not grasped, most, is mutually wounded, but now, facing four five source Dao Senior faceless people, in Meng Hao reveals crazily.
„This does not give me slightly the Transcends Tribulation successful possibility ... However also has the opportunity, this faceless person, my former battle multiple, already saw that they compare with Dao Realm of outside, was short much, did not have nimble and resourceful, but has Cultivation ... Without the intelligence, is similar to the puppet!” In the Meng Hao eye the cold glow dodges, he did not have the time, because two sides fog at this moment, the suffocating feeling of that terrifying, even more intense, even whooshed the sound, from distant place, fast proximity.
Is the roar, lets Meng Hao creepy feeling, he does not know that in this fog, hid existence of any terrifying.
„Is only Ancient Tribulation ...” Meng Hao forced smile, he how, regardless of not to have thought that own Ancient Tribulation, so is unexpectedly difficult ...
At this moment clenching teeth maliciously, the Meng Hao look is demented, the body runs out loudly, he waves, mountain peaks appear, Sun-Moon transform, has Paragon bridge Phantom to arrive, his whole body Cultivation, 30% revolutions, the strength of his mortal body, erupted peak at this moment.
Even the meat jelly also took out by Meng Hao, changes to the armor, Battle Weapon Meng Hao was unable to use again, but he actually took out that the dragon spear, grasps when the hand, Meng Hao suddenly flushes away forward.
Almost in instant, that four five source Dao Senior faceless person who he runs out, the two eyes murderous intention dodges, four people simultaneously act, launches completely Cultivation, prevents Meng Hao.
Looked from afar that Meng Hao whole body blood fills the air, may actually meaning of the insanity, crazy the eruption from him, is not enchanted, does not survive!
Since did not have the escape route, then simply unprecedented!!
Meng Hao blood blowout, his Swallowing Mountain Art collapse!
Afterward Sun-Moon stars collapse!
Afterward is the Paragon bridge is unable to support, is the the meat jelly pitiful yell!
Meng Hao blood endless, his knee smashing, his Cultivation is wild in within the body in this moment, under that four five source Dao Senior act, Meng Hao face upwards to send out sad and shrill whooshing.
„Boils to me!” The Meng Hao sound spreads flickers, in two sides mist, that terrifying pressure, arrived at peak, as if must appear, Meng Hao this moment mind has a thought.
„To, shoves open Ancient Gate!” The Meng Hao whole body bleeds profusely from the head, bone mostly disrupts, the heaviness of his injury, compared with in Deity Alliance, but also is serious, has used the final strength, he Spear in hand, buzz called, forward maliciously flung, this Spear was similar to a long line, the direct bang in a faceless person, promoting this person to withdraw, ... From this surrounding, opened a mouth.
Unprecedented, asked the monthly ticket!!( To be continued..)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Keempat orang, ini berbeda sebelum semua orang tak berwajah, di wajah mereka, ada dua mata!Dalam item tersebut adalah membawa heartlessly, seolah-olah es ke puncak dingin, empat orang dari setiap pergi keluar, tubuh yang dikirim keluar bergetar langit untuk memindahkan tempat cara yang mengesankan, jika bahkan mereka dapat meninggalkan kabut ini, muncul dalam pegunungan dan laut pesawat, akan mengguncang powerhouse gunung dan laut.Tapi sekarang, empat orang juga muncul, mereka berdiri di sana, tekanan mengerikan, gemuruh yang membentuk, ini tak ada habisnya.Pada kenyataannya, terkuat Dao Senior, enam sumber, kemudian adalah sumber lima, untuk empat sumber, hanya ambang batas.Pemotongan untuk membunuh empat sumber Dao Senior, ini adalah batas Meng Hao, ia telah digambarkan tubuh fana oleh Wolf serakah, setelah sekering buah rusak, kekuatan yang dapat meletus, adalah sebanding sumber lima derajat.Tetapi menghadapi sumber lima, Meng Hao telah tidak dipertahankan, sebagian, saling terluka, tetapi sekarang, menghadapi empat lima sumber orang tak berwajah Dao Senior, dalam Meng Hao mengungkapkan ayun."Ini tidak memberi saya sedikit melampaui kesengsaraan sukses kemungkinan... Namun juga memiliki kesempatan, orang ini tak berwajah, bekas pertempuran beberapa, sudah melihat bahwa mereka membandingkan dengan Dao bidang di luar, itu pendek jauh, tidak memiliki akal dan gesit, tetapi memiliki budidaya... Tanpa kecerdasan, serupa dengan boneka!" Di mata Meng Hao dingin cahaya dodges, dia tidak punya waktu, karena kedua belah pihak kabut saat ini, menyesakkan perasaan yang mengerikan, bahkan lebih intens, bahkan whooshed suara, dari tempat yang jauh, cepat kedekatan.Deru, mari kita Meng Hao menyeramkan perasaan, ia tidak tahu bahwa dalam kabut ini, menyembunyikan keberadaan apapun yang mengerikan."Adalah hanya kuno kesusahan..." Meng Hao memaksa tersenyum, dia bagaimana, terlepas dari untuk tidak berpikir itu sendiri kuno kesengsaraan, sehingga tiba-tiba sulit...Saat ini mengepalkan gigi jahat, lihat Meng Hao gila, tubuh habis, ia gelombang, puncak gunung muncul, mengubah ilah-matahari, memiliki jembatan Paragon Phantom tiba, seluruh tubuhnya budidaya, 30% revolusi, kekuatan tubuhnya, puncak meletus pada saat ini.Bahkan daging jeli juga mengeluarkan oleh Meng Hao, perubahan baja, pertempuran senjata Meng Hao mampu menggunakan lagi, tapi ia benar-benar mengambil bahwa naga tombak, menggenggam ketika tangan, Meng Hao tiba-tiba flushes pergi ke depan.Almost in instant, that four five source Dao Senior faceless person who he runs out, the two eyes murderous intention dodges, four people simultaneously act, launches completely Cultivation, prevents Meng Hao.Looked from afar that Meng Hao whole body blood fills the air, may actually meaning of the insanity, crazy the eruption from him, is not enchanted, does not survive!Since did not have the escape route, then simply unprecedented!!Bang!Meng Hao blood blowout, his Swallowing Mountain Art collapse!Afterward Sun-Moon stars collapse!Afterward is the Paragon bridge is unable to support, is the the meat jelly pitiful yell!Meng Hao blood endless, his knee smashing, his Cultivation is wild in within the body in this moment, under that four five source Dao Senior act, Meng Hao face upwards to send out sad and shrill whooshing.„Boils to me!” The Meng Hao sound spreads flickers, in two sides mist, that terrifying pressure, arrived at peak, as if must appear, Meng Hao this moment mind has a thought.„To, shoves open Ancient Gate!” The Meng Hao whole body bleeds profusely from the head, bone mostly disrupts, the heaviness of his injury, compared with in Deity Alliance, but also is serious, has used the final strength, he Spear in hand, buzz called, forward maliciously flung, this Spear was similar to a long line, the direct bang in a faceless person, promoting this person to withdraw, ... From this surrounding, opened a mouth.Belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, meminta Tiket bulanan!! (Untuk dilanjutkan...)
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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