I re­laxed, Sellin ran out of the armed forces ac­count to prey on NPC terjemahan - I re­laxed, Sellin ran out of the armed forces ac­count to prey on NPC Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I re­laxed, Sellin ran out of the a

I re­laxed, Sellin ran out of the armed forces ac­count to prey on NPC of these strong wind from afar reg­i­ments, but I also ob­tained the pre­cious restora­tion skill, made Sellin come an at­tack again, per­haps I must hang here, the Shuan­g­long ef­fect can res­cue my one time, was im­pos­si­ble to res­cue my sec­ond time in short Cooldown again.
„Gen­eral Li”
Wears walks to go for­ward, looks at the hal­berd mark on my dragon hid­den Qingyan armor, said in con­ster­na­tion: „Are your you all right?”
The lit­tle princess's tears soon fell shortly, I some­what can­not help but grat­i­fied, my this palace guard com­mands is her pro­motes, saw that I dare alone to face the Sellin that fear­ful match, the lit­tle princess will worry un­ex­pect­edly my com­fort, this ex­plained that she is not using me, at least, not only uses that sim­ply.
I have cleaned trace on the chest Qingyan armor, said: „I am all right, your high­ness does not need to be wor­ried, but this Sellin what to do, as if no­body has been able to kill him”
Wears said: „Teacher, do you think?”
Hun­dred stands there, the ap­pear­ance of fea­tures sug­gest­ing ex­tra­or­di­nar­i­ness and im­mor­tal­ity, ac­tu­ally sud­denly the stature trem­bles, in the mouth puts out a blood, it seems like his might as well I, when ties is bro­ken he has been in­jured.
Locker Great raises the sword of King, on the face is bring­ing re­luc­tantly, said: „Wears and Gen­eral Li, do not at­tack again on own ini­tia­tive, the em­pire can­not lack you to com­mand like this, lets make the brave war­riors of strong wind from afar reg­i­ment at­tack Sellin, Sellin his strength also has the limit again, so long as con­sumes only his strength, has to kill his op­por­tu­nity, this time must mas­sacre Sellin, get­ting it over and done does not turn over to the sea to in­te­grate the ter­ri­tory of our em­pire!”
I in con­ster­na­tion: „Makes the peo­ple of strong wind from afar reg­i­ment bring death in vain? This”
Locker Great cold snort: „Li Xiao Yao com­manded too the wom­anly com­pas­sion, when you are com­mand should know, some­times to win can re­sort to all means!”
I nod: „Yes, your majesty”
Say­ing, me was turn­ing around to leave the tent, after fill­ing the blood bot­tle re­turned to the full blood, stands up from fail­ure to start, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Lin Wan Er and Li Mu et al. brought the [Zhan Long] team to ar­rive in the dis­tance the armed forces ac­count less than 200 yards place, not only that the [Leg­end], [Hero’s Mound], trial, Prague and other trade union of the play­ers also in abun­dance came, was wait­ing for Sellin's death.
Ye Laiti the tom­a­hawk is walk­ing to go for­ward, said: „A mo­ment ago king these NPC here what hap­pened, was Sellin en­tered butcher­ing the king?”
I shake the head: „Tem­porar­ily did not have, later was dif­fi­cult to say”
Prague guild­mas­ter Yanzhao un­par­al­leled also walked, said: „This fight con­tin­ues Cooldown to be re­ally long, the Tian Ling Em­pire NPC reg­i­ment does not know that died many, the loss is se­ri­ous, this has the em­pir­i­cal value and equip­ment re­ward re­gard­ing us is the good deed, but fights re­gard­ing the en­tire coun­try is ac­tu­ally not the good deed, the Tian Ling Em­pire army hangs are more, our de­fenses are weaker.”
I smile: „Yanzhao uncle did not need ex­tremely in being wor­ried, the mil­i­tary strength of main city will ren­o­vate, gen­er­ally speak­ing was in­suf­fi­cient to be too few, more­over this was the game, was not the re­al­is­tic world, cul­ti­va­tion the speed that lived to rest up to be quick.”
„Um!” Yanzhao un­par­al­leled looks that the dis­tant place in Sellin who in cav­alry sol­dier group slaugh­ters, said: „With NPC, Sellin has at least mas­sa­cred near 2 W per­son, sim­ply is the brave gen­eral of match for ten thou­sand”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I re­laxed, Sellin ran out of the armed forces ac­count to prey on NPC of these strong wind from afar reg­i­ments, but I also ob­tained the pre­cious restora­tion skill, made Sellin come an at­tack again, per­haps I must hang here, the Shuan­g­long ef­fect can res­cue my one time, was im­pos­si­ble to res­cue my sec­ond time in short Cooldown again.„Gen­eral Li”Wears walks to go for­ward, looks at the hal­berd mark on my dragon hid­den Qingyan armor, said in con­ster­na­tion: „Are your you all right?”The lit­tle princess's tears soon fell shortly, I some­what can­not help but grat­i­fied, my this palace guard com­mands is her pro­motes, saw that I dare alone to face the Sellin that fear­ful match, the lit­tle princess will worry un­ex­pect­edly my com­fort, this ex­plained that she is not using me, at least, not only uses that sim­ply.I have cleaned trace on the chest Qingyan armor, said: „I am all right, your high­ness does not need to be wor­ried, but this Sellin what to do, as if no­body has been able to kill him”Wears said: „Teacher, do you think?”Hun­dred stands there, the ap­pear­ance of fea­tures sug­gest­ing ex­tra­or­di­nar­i­ness and im­mor­tal­ity, ac­tu­ally sud­denly the stature trem­bles, in the mouth puts out a blood, it seems like his might as well I, when ties is bro­ken he has been in­jured.Locker Great raises the sword of King, on the face is bring­ing re­luc­tantly, said: „Wears and Gen­eral Li, do not at­tack again on own ini­tia­tive, the em­pire can­not lack you to com­mand like this, lets make the brave war­riors of strong wind from afar reg­i­ment at­tack Sellin, Sellin his strength also has the limit again, so long as con­sumes only his strength, has to kill his op­por­tu­nity, this time must mas­sacre Sellin, get­ting it over and done does not turn over to the sea to in­te­grate the ter­ri­tory of our em­pire!”I in con­ster­na­tion: „Makes the peo­ple of strong wind from afar reg­i­ment bring death in vain? This”Locker Great cold snort: „Li Xiao Yao com­manded too the wom­anly com­pas­sion, when you are com­mand should know, some­times to win can re­sort to all means!”I nod: „Yes, your majesty”Say­ing, me was turn­ing around to leave the tent, after fill­ing the blood bot­tle re­turned to the full blood, stands up from fail­ure to start, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Lin Wan Er and Li Mu et al. brought the [Zhan Long] team to ar­rive in the dis­tance the armed forces ac­count less than 200 yards place, not only that the [Leg­end], [Hero’s Mound], trial, Prague and other trade union of the play­ers also in abun­dance came, was wait­ing for Sellin's death.„Ram­ble!”Ye Laiti the tom­a­hawk is walk­ing to go for­ward, said: „A mo­ment ago king these NPC here what hap­pened, was Sellin en­tered butcher­ing the king?”I shake the head: „Tem­porar­ily did not have, later was dif­fi­cult to say”
Prague guild­mas­ter Yanzhao un­par­al­leled also walked, said: „This fight con­tin­ues Cooldown to be re­ally long, the Tian Ling Em­pire NPC reg­i­ment does not know that died many, the loss is se­ri­ous, this has the em­pir­i­cal value and equip­ment re­ward re­gard­ing us is the good deed, but fights re­gard­ing the en­tire coun­try is ac­tu­ally not the good deed, the Tian Ling Em­pire army hangs are more, our de­fenses are weaker.”
I smile: „Yanzhao uncle did not need ex­tremely in being wor­ried, the mil­i­tary strength of main city will ren­o­vate, gen­er­ally speak­ing was in­suf­fi­cient to be too few, more­over this was the game, was not the re­al­is­tic world, cul­ti­va­tion the speed that lived to rest up to be quick.”
„Um!” Yanzhao un­par­al­leled looks that the dis­tant place in Sellin who in cav­alry sol­dier group slaugh­ters, said: „With NPC, Sellin has at least mas­sa­cred near 2 W per­son, sim­ply is the brave gen­eral of match for ten thou­sand”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku santai, Sellin kehabisan angkatan bersenjata account untuk memangsa NPC ini angin kencang dari jauh resimen, tapi saya juga memperoleh keterampilan restorasi berharga, membuat Sellin datang serangan lagi, mungkin saya harus bertahan di sini, efek Shuanglong dapat menyelamatkan . satu waktu saya, tidak mungkin untuk menyelamatkan kedua kalinya di Cooldown pendek lagi
"General Li"
Wears berjalan untuk maju, melihat tanda tombak naga tersembunyi Qingyan baju saya, mengatakan dalam ketakutan: "Apakah Anda semua benar?"
air mata kecil putri segera jatuh tak lama, saya agak tidak bisa tidak puas, saya penjaga istana ini perintah adalah dirinya mempromosikan, melihat bahwa saya berani saja menghadapi Sellin bahwa pertandingan menakutkan, putri kecil akan khawatir tiba-tiba kenyamanan saya, ini menjelaskan bahwa dia . tidak menggunakan saya, setidaknya, tidak hanya menggunakan yang hanya
saya telah dibersihkan jejak di dada Qingyan armor, mengatakan: "saya baik-baik, yang Mulia tidak perlu khawatir, tapi Sellin ini apa yang harus dilakukan, seolah tak seorang pun telah mampu membunuhnya "
wears mengatakan:" Guru, menurut Anda "?
Seratus berdiri di sana, penampilan fitur menyarankan extraordinariness dan keabadian, benar-benar tiba-tiba gemetar perawakannya, di mulut menempatkan keluar darah, sepertinya nya mungkin juga saya, ketika hubungan rusak ia telah terluka.
Locker besar menimbulkan pedang Raja, pada wajah adalah membawa enggan, mengatakan: "Wears dan General Li, tidak menyerang lagi pada inisiatif sendiri, kesultanan tidak bisa kekurangan Anda perintah seperti ini, memungkinkan membuat prajurit pemberani angin kuat dari serangan jauh resimen Sellin, Sellin kekuatannya juga memiliki batas lagi, asalkan hanya mengkonsumsi kekuatannya, harus membunuh peluang, kali ini harus pembantaian Sellin, mendapatkan itu atas dan dilakukan tidak menyerahkan ke laut untuk mengintegrasikan wilayah kerajaan kami "!
saya dalam ketakutan:" Membuat orang-orang dari angin kencang dari jauh resimen membawa kematian sia-sia? Ini "
Locker Besar dingin mendengus:" Li Xiao Yao memerintahkan terlalu belas kasih feminin, ketika Anda berada perintah harus tahu, kadang-kadang untuk menang bisa melakukan semua cara "!
Saya mengangguk:" Ya, Yang Mulia "
Mengatakan, saya telah berbalik ke meninggalkan tenda, setelah mengisi botol darah kembali ke darah lengkap, berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai, benar-benar menemukan bahwa Lin Wan Er dan Li Mu et al. membawa [Zhan Panjang] Tim tiba di jarak angkatan bersenjata akun kurang dari 200 yard tempat, tidak hanya bahwa [Legenda], [Hero Mound], percobaan, Praha dan serikat buruh lainnya dari para pemain juga dalam kelimpahan datang, . sedang menunggu kematian Sellin ini
"! mengoceh"
Ye Laiti tomahawk adalah berjalan untuk maju, mengatakan: "sesaat lalu raja NPC ini di sini apa yang terjadi, itu Sellin di masukkan menyembelih raja?"
aku menggelengkan kepalanya: "sementara tidak memiliki, kemudian sulit untuk mengatakan "
Praha Guildmaster Yanzhao tertandingi juga berjalan, mengatakan:" pertarungan ini terus Cooldown menjadi sangat panjang, Tian Ling Empire NPC resimen tidak tahu yang mati banyak, kerugian serius, ini memiliki nilai empiris dan peralatan reward tentang kita adalah perbuatan baik, tetapi perkelahian mengenai seluruh negeri sebenarnya bukan perbuatan baik, hang tentara Tian Ling Empire lebih, pertahanan kita yang lemah ".
aku tersenyum:" Yanzhao paman tidak perlu sangat dalam menjadi khawatir, kekuatan militer dari kota utama akan merenovasi, umumnya berbicara adalah tidak cukup untuk menjadi terlalu sedikit, apalagi ini adalah permainan, itu bukan dunia yang realistis, budidaya kecepatan yang hidup untuk beristirahat harus cepat. "
" Um! "Yanzhao tertandingi terlihat bahwa tempat yang jauh di Sellin yang di pembantaian kelompok tentara kavaleri, mengatakan: "dengan NPC, Sellin telah setidaknya dibantai dekat 2 W orang, hanya adalah umum berani pertandingan untuk sepuluh ribu"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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