Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1046: The stingy people also pluck hairs! Almost in the instance that this projection world vanishes, decided in that three females that opens the war, even lets their world, full speed approaches from the remote place, until arrives at this place truly, this choice is born at the same time.In this piece is boundless, another direction, that had the giant statue, had the world of nine Sun, there, projects as before, is not real, the world that but is at with that three females is the same, is unreal.Genuine they, are being away from here too remote place ...At this moment, in the projection world of these nine Sun, there is a decisive sound, is bringing ruthlessly spicy, suddenly spreads.„They arrive, even if full speed, takes several hundred years, we are also same ... This time, does not hesitate at all costs, must succeed!”That is a voice of female, is bringing ruthlessly spicy, when to besides personal maidservant, all lives unfeelings and indifferences, reverberation, world that these nine Sun are, slowly distortion, until vanishing.But all these, in Mountains and Seas Plane, Meng Hao in Ninth Mountain sea, does not know, he frowned at this moment, looks at the parrot, coldly snorted, before the innermost feelings also had guilty, may see parrot appearance, the Meng Hao eye stares.But he has not waited for to open mouth, parrot there blinked, coughs the wing to fan, hurries to fly away, the bronze mirror as if lost the float strength, dang fell in the ground.Departs the Pavilion Floor parrot, seems like mindless, but the deep place, actually one wipes anxious.„Catastrophe ... Must arrive, oh, fault the fault, has not thought that bilateral influence, so is unexpectedly rigid!”„Does not manage, in any case this, Meng Hao that fellow is a lord, has nothing to do with Lord Fifth, at the worst the deep sleep runs away once more and that's the end.” The parrot thinks of here, immediately all worries still after the brain, both eyes continued to brave the light, looks these Monster Cultivator to the puddle , to continue to fantasize that after they change into the hair exuberant loving imperial concubine, oneself happy incomparable day.„Ha Ha, Lord Fifth came, you to the Lord Fifth [smile | hear], wanted the little darling to be obedient, come, Lord Fifth teaches you to sing first.” The parrot buzz, fires into that crowd of Monster Cultivator.„Comes, sang with me, the song name, was called me is small seafood of being obedient ~~~ sang was good, Lord Fifth enjoyed ~~”In Pavilion Floor, Meng Hao frowned, although the parrot is superficial, but since Meng Hao practicing, the thoughts are meticulous, before bronze mirror, the facial expression of parrot, his innermost feelings raising hidden in the shade.„Fears is ... Had any not good matter to occur.” Meng Hao muttered, looked at a bronze mirror, in the mind could not bear reappear that three pictures, his breathes deeply, regarding oncoming of this bronze mirror, has felt the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity feeling."Apakah hal ini, dari mana datang?""Selain duplikasi, juga memiliki pasti hukum kekuatan magis lain aku tidak tahu!""Seolah-olah semua orang lama untuk memperoleh, seolah-olah terlalu banyak powerhouses sembrono harus merampok...""Maka, apa-apa!! Mungkin, gunung dan laut batas, bukanlah namanya!""Ini cermin perunggu, seperti menjadi kasus mistik, jadi pemberani, mengapa permukaan cermin dapat pecah berantakan?""Siapa yang... Menghancurkan itu! Mengapa juga menghancurkan! " Pertanyaan dalam pikiran Meng Hao, satu demi satu, tidak memiliki petunjuk sedikit, diam setelah waktu yang lama, nya kedua mata dodge, mengungkapkan cahaya halus."Tidak peduli cermin ini memiliki rahasia apa pun, tidak peduli itu memiliki asal apapun, itu di tanganku, aku mau tidak mau akan terlibat dalam ini benar dan salah.Oleh budidaya saya sekarang, dalam hal ini benar dan salah, memenuhi menghancurkan tubuh dan jiwa pasti, tidak bisa menyingkirkan orang lain sedikit, jadi... Kemudian saya paling penting sekarang, berlatih! ”"Hanya maka perubahan oleh diri semakin kuat dan lebih kuat, dapat mengguncang semua hak dan kesalahan bahwa di masa depan mungkin dapat memiliki! Hanya dengan melakukan hal itu, saya bisa oleh saya [mengatakan / cara], bertahan dalam mendapatkan turun! " Meng Hao telah menutup mata, setelah keadaan tenang pikiran, ketika membuka sekali lagi, tangan kanannya mengangkat Batal grasps, segera cermin perunggu di tangan, setelah tampak dengan hati-hati, dia lagi tidak ragu, mengambil batu semangat abadi jade dalam tas memegang, 11 mengintegrasikan di cermin perunggu.
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