Against all of John’s arguments, they set out the next morning with te terjemahan - Against all of John’s arguments, they set out the next morning with te Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Against all of John’s arguments, th

Against all of John’s arguments, they set out the next morning with ten Campbell men-at-arms, each one chosen by Vivienne for his valor and discretion.
John eyed each one with caution. “She seems highly unpredictable,” he whispered to Fiona, staring at Vivienne from the back of his horse.
Fiona adjusted the reins of her gray mare and followed his gaze. “Do not underestimate her. She is amazingly resourceful. We are lucky to have her on our side.”
“But is she on our side? Are you certain?”
“She is a loyal Campbell, John, but now so are we, remember? So, yes, I am certain. Unless you have some other purpose which you have not confessed?”
The idea sent a chill through her, but her brother’s expression gave her ease.
“You know everything. No more secrets. I cannot bear the weight of them. I only wish I could see clear some way to keep Simon from this mess.”
Fiona nodded and dashed away a tear. Their brother was boastful and impetuous, and never one to give her ease. Yet she’d not betray him or sacrifice him if there were any other way to serve their cause.
They rode hard for six days, sleeping only a few hours each night. Fiona managed well enough, pushing through exhaustion and the occasional nausea in her eagerness to see her husband. The child seemed to tolerate the journey as well, and she was grateful for that. Yet always present in her thoughts was her concern that the message they carried would make Myles turn away from her. If he thought she’d known of this all along, what might his reaction be? Still, it was a risk she must take. The future of the country rested on the success or failure of this endeavor.
At last, they reached Linlithgow. The palace sat in a hollow on the edge of an indigo loch surrounded by fruit trees. Though the sunshine bode of good tidings, fear pressed tight against Fiona’s chest. She prayed, as she had each day of their travels, they’d be welcomed by the king and commended for their haste. Most of all, she prayed John’s new loyalty would be rewarded with mercy for both him and Simon.
They rode through the cobbled streets of the village, past spice shops and vintners, milliners and silversmiths, until they reached the palace gates. As expected, guards halted their progression.
“Leave this to me,” Vivienne murmured to Fiona and John before nudging her horse forward. “Greetings, I am Lady Vivienne Ramsey. This is Lady Fiona Campbell and her brother. We bid an audience with the king at once, on a matter of the utmost importance.”
One guard stepped forward, patently unimpressed. “The king is seeing no callers today, my lady. Please return again another time.”
Her horse pranced sideways, as if annoyed by their dismissal. “The king will want to see us. We possess information most imperative to his future travels. Please send a messenger to him at once and tell him we are here.”
He looked away from her. “No callers today, my lady, by the king’s command.”
Vivienne looked down her nose. “Tell him we are here. That is by my command.”
Fiona squirmed in her saddle. How imperious Vivienne sounded! Still, the guard hardly blinked, and Fiona began to fear their failure.
“I obey the king, my lady. Be on your way.”
“What is your name, boy?”
The guard’s chin lifted. “Seamus Mackenzie, my lady.”
She leaned low over her horse’s neck so that her face was very near his. “Well, Seamus Mackenzie, I hope you crave infamy, for your name will be synonymous with a blunder of the greatest magnitude if you do not let us pass.”
Fiona exchanged a wary glance with her brother. Vivienne had warned John not to make a fuss, but this had all the makings of one. Still, when John opened his mouth to speak, Fiona gave a discreet shake of her head.
The guard’s lips pressed thin. He turned his head to glare at her a moment, then gestured to another guard. “Show these three into the courtyard, then take their message to the king’s chamberlain. He can decide what to do. Your men must remain outside the gate.” He spoke this last bit to Vivienne and tilted his solid chin in the direction of the Campbell men-at-arms.
Vivienne sat up, her smile demure. “Thank you.”
They dismounted and walked together under the gate into a courtyard crowded with people. Women in elaborate gowns of silk and satin, and men dressed in equal finery, and even grander accoutrements. Stares came their way, some discreet but others blatant in their perusal. Vivienne held her head high, and Fiona tried to mimic that confidence, though she was quaking inside. John’s brow showed a sheen of perspiration.
The guard instructed them to wait next to a large stone fountain intricately carved with ogres, dragons, mermaids, and unicorns, and wait they did. It was a full thirty minutes before he came back.
“My ladies, my lord, the king commands you come at once and join him in his chamber. Come this way.”
Vivienne’s smile to Fiona was triumphant as she smoothed the front of her dress.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Terhadap semua argumen John's, mereka berangkat pagi berikutnya dengan sepuluh Campbell men-at-arms, masing-masing dipilih oleh Vivienne untuk keberanian dan kebijaksanaan.John bermata masing-masing dengan hati-hati. "Dia tampaknya sangat tak terduga," ia berbisik kepada Fiona, menatap Vivienne dari punggung kuda.Fiona disesuaikan kendali mare nya abu-abu dan diikuti dengan tatapan. "Jangan meremehkan dirinya. Dia luar biasa akal. Kami sangat beruntung memiliki dia di sisi kami.""Tapi dia di pihak kita? Apakah Anda tertentu?""Dia setia Campbell, Yohanes, tetapi sekarang jadi kita, ingat? Jadi, ya, saya yakin. Kecuali Anda memiliki tujuan lain yang Anda belum mengakui?"Ide dikirim dingin melalui dirinya, namun ekspresi kakaknya memberikan nya mudah."Kau tahu segalanya. Ada lagi rahasia. Aku tidak tahan berat mereka. Aku hanya berharap aku bisa melihat jelas beberapa cara untuk menjaga Simon dari kekacauan ini. "Fiona mengangguk dan berlari pergi air mata. Saudara mereka adalah sombong dan kadangkala, dan tidak pernah satu untuk memberikan kemudahan nya. Namun dia tidak akan mengkhianati dirinya atau mengorbankan dirinya jika ada cara lain untuk melayani penyebab mereka.Mereka melaju keras selama enam hari tidur hanya beberapa jam setiap malam. Fiona berhasil baik cukup, mendorong melalui kelelahan dan mual sesekali di dia keinginan untuk melihat suaminya. Anak tampak mentolerir perjalanan juga, dan ia bersyukur untuk itu. Namun selalu hadir dalam pikirannya adalah kepedulian yang pesan mereka membawa akan membuat Myles berpaling dari padanya. Jika dia pikir dia dikenal ini sepanjang, apa reaksinya mungkin? Namun, itu dia harus mengambil risiko. Masa depan negara berhenti pada keberhasilan atau kegagalan usaha ini.Akhirnya, mereka mencapai Linlithgow. Istana duduk di tempat yang berlubang di tepi loch indigo yang dikelilingi oleh pohon buah-buahan. Meskipun sinar pertanda Kabar baik, rasa takut ditekan ketat terhadap dariotto dada. Dia berdoa, seperti setiap hari dalam perjalanan mereka, mereka akan disambut oleh raja dan dipuji untuk tergesa-gesa mereka. Kebanyakan dari semua, ia berdoa John's kesetiaan baru akan diberi imbalan dengan belas kasihan baginya dan Simon.Mereka naik melalui jalan-jalan berbatu desa, melewati toko rempah-rempah dan vintners, milliners dan perajin perak, sampai mereka mencapai gerbang istana. Seperti yang diharapkan, penjaga dihentikan kemajuan mereka."Pergi ini kepada saya," Vivienne bersungut Fiona dan Yohanes sebelum mendorong kuda nya ke depan. "Salam, saya Lady Vivienne Ramsey. Ini adalah Lady Fiona Campbell dan adiknya. Kami menawar penonton dengan raja sekaligus, masalah yang paling penting."Seorang penjaga melangkah maju, terang-terangan terkesan. "Raja adalah melihat pemanggil tidak hari ini, wanita saya. Silakan kembali lagi di waktu lain."Kuda nya pranced menyamping, seolah-olah terganggu oleh pemecatan mereka. "Raja akan ingin melihat kami. Kami memiliki informasi yang paling penting untuk perjalanan masa depan. Silakan mengirim utusan padanya sekaligus dan katakan padanya kita di sini."Dia tampak dari padanya. "Tidak ada penelepon hari ini, wanita saya, dengan perintah raja."Vivienne menunduk hidungnya. "Katakan padanya kita di sini. Itu adalah melalui perintah saya."Fiona menggeliat di pelana. Bagaimana angkuh Vivienne terdengar! Namun, penjaga tidak berkedip, dan Fiona mulai takut kegagalan mereka."Menaati raja, wanita saya. Berada di jalan.""Apa itu nama Anda, anak laki-laki?"Para penjaga dagu terangkat. "Seamus Mackenzie, my lady."Dia membungkuk rendah ke leher kuda nya sehingga wajahnya sangat dekat nya. "Yah, Seamus Mackenzie, saya berharap Anda mendambakan penghujatan, nama Anda akan identik dengan kesalahan terbesar besarnya jika Anda tidak beritahu kami lulus."Fiona dipertukarkan sekilas waspada dengan kakaknya. Vivienne telah memperingatkan Yohanes tidak untuk membuat keributan, tapi ini memiliki semua bakat untuk menjadi satu. Namun, ketika John membuka mulutnya untuk berbicara, Fiona memberikan rahasia menggelengkan kepalanya.The guard’s lips pressed thin. He turned his head to glare at her a moment, then gestured to another guard. “Show these three into the courtyard, then take their message to the king’s chamberlain. He can decide what to do. Your men must remain outside the gate.” He spoke this last bit to Vivienne and tilted his solid chin in the direction of the Campbell men-at-arms.Vivienne sat up, her smile demure. “Thank you.”They dismounted and walked together under the gate into a courtyard crowded with people. Women in elaborate gowns of silk and satin, and men dressed in equal finery, and even grander accoutrements. Stares came their way, some discreet but others blatant in their perusal. Vivienne held her head high, and Fiona tried to mimic that confidence, though she was quaking inside. John’s brow showed a sheen of perspiration.The guard instructed them to wait next to a large stone fountain intricately carved with ogres, dragons, mermaids, and unicorns, and wait they did. It was a full thirty minutes before he came back.“My ladies, my lord, the king commands you come at once and join him in his chamber. Come this way.”Vivienne’s smile to Fiona was triumphant as she smoothed the front of her dress.
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