Finally, the mass media also share a need for credibility, for without terjemahan - Finally, the mass media also share a need for credibility, for without Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Finally, the mass media also share

Finally, the mass media also share a need for credibility, for without credibility their messages are less effective, even unbelievable (regardless of how truthful they may be). Credibility is closely tied to truth telling. Sources known for their veracity are more likely to be held as credible, and looked to for information in the future. Credibility can be damaged in a number of ways. News outlets can lose credibility by lack of accuracy or by seeming to be biased. Advertisers lose credibility by peddling false claims or by insensitivity to market tastes. Public relations practitioners lose cred-ibility by not being open enough in their dealings with news media. And these are only a few examples of how credibility can be compromised. A mass medium without credibility is doomed to have its message ignored by its proposed target audience. Credibility also implies trust, a topic taken up when we discuss the professional nature of the mass media in chapter 4.

Ultimately, however, it’s not by their similarities that we tend to distin-guish among the media, but by their differences. It would be a false assump-tion to believe that we can judge the ethicality of any action taken in one form of media by the template used to judge another. To some degree, the similarities will help us reach a common ground from which we may then depart into an exploration of the differences. In order to successfully discuss media ethics, we must fully understand what sets the media apart, but we must not ignore the ways in which they are alike—despite protestations to the contrary.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Finally, the mass media also share a need for credibility, for without credibility their messages are less effective, even unbelievable (regardless of how truthful they may be). Credibility is closely tied to truth telling. Sources known for their veracity are more likely to be held as credible, and looked to for information in the future. Credibility can be damaged in a number of ways. News outlets can lose credibility by lack of accuracy or by seeming to be biased. Advertisers lose credibility by peddling false claims or by insensitivity to market tastes. Public relations practitioners lose cred-ibility by not being open enough in their dealings with news media. And these are only a few examples of how credibility can be compromised. A mass medium without credibility is doomed to have its message ignored by its proposed target audience. Credibility also implies trust, a topic taken up when we discuss the professional nature of the mass media in chapter 4.Ultimately, however, it’s not by their similarities that we tend to distin-guish among the media, but by their differences. It would be a false assump-tion to believe that we can judge the ethicality of any action taken in one form of media by the template used to judge another. To some degree, the similarities will help us reach a common ground from which we may then depart into an exploration of the differences. In order to successfully discuss media ethics, we must fully understand what sets the media apart, but we must not ignore the ways in which they are alike—despite protestations to the contrary.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Akhirnya, media massa juga berbagi kebutuhan untuk kredibilitas, karena tanpa kredibilitas pesan mereka kurang efektif, bahkan dipercaya (terlepas dari bagaimana jujur ​​mereka mungkin). Kredibilitas terkait erat dengan penyampaian kebenaran. Sumber dikenal kejujuran mereka lebih mungkin untuk diadakan sebagai kredibel, dan tampak untuk informasi di masa depan. Kredibilitas dapat rusak dalam beberapa cara. Outlet berita dapat kehilangan kredibilitas karena kurangnya akurasi atau seakan menjadi bias. Pengiklan kehilangan kredibilitas dengan menjajakan klaim palsu atau dengan ketidakpekaan dengan selera pasar. Praktisi PR kehilangan kredibilitas-azas oleh tidak cukup terbuka dalam berhubungan dengan media berita. Dan ini hanya beberapa contoh bagaimana kredibilitas dapat dikompromikan. Sebuah media massa tanpa kredibilitas ditakdirkan telah pesannya diabaikan oleh khalayak sasaran yang diusulkan tersebut. Kredibilitas juga menyiratkan kepercayaan, topik yang diambil ketika kita membahas sifat profesional media massa dalam bab 4. Pada akhirnya, bagaimanapun, itu bukan oleh kesamaan mereka bahwa kita cenderung Distin-guish antara media, tetapi dengan perbedaan mereka. Ini akan menjadi salah assump-tion untuk percaya bahwa kita dapat menilai ethicality dari tindakan yang diambil dalam satu bentuk media dengan template yang digunakan untuk menghakimi orang lain. Untuk beberapa derajat, persamaan akan membantu kami mencapai kesamaan dari yang kita dapat kemudian berangkat ke eksplorasi perbedaan. Agar berhasil membahas etika media, kita harus memahami apa yang membuat media terpisah, tapi kita tidak harus mengabaikan cara-cara di mana mereka sama-meskipun protes sebaliknya.

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