Jodha अकबर आईटी से नफरत है या प्यार है Bhavini शाह द्वारा लिखितद्वारा ChusNiAnTi का अनुवादअध्याय 13पुनर्कथन: वह उनके कमरे में Abdul कहा जाता है, के रूप में जल्दी के रूप में उन्होंने प्रवेश किया उस से पूछा आप सूचना प्राप्त किया। Abdul हाँ कहा! वह कौन है मुझे बताओ... Abdul रुको एक छोटा सा, वह Jalal सच सुनने के बाद टूट जाएगा पता था... Jalal पूछा उसे फिर से.. मुझे बताओ को सच, Abdul शुरू कर दिया; उसका नाम Sujamal है... Jodha का चचेरा भाई... Jalal Sujamal के बारे में सब कुछ जानता था लेकिन कभी मौका नहीं मिला उससे मिलने के लिएसुनवाई के बाद इस Jalal सीधे खड़ा नहीं हो सकता, वह असीम दर्द.... साथ उसके घुटनों पर बैठ गया" हां KUDAH"तु काया हो गया hamse!!अध्याय 13Tears pricked out of his eyes... His stomach curled up with pain... He went back in to flashback... In anger, He told her worse than wh**e in front of entire family and slapped her twice... He pulled her and dragged her by her hair... Painfully he shouted "Yaa Khuda What I have done... I pushed her...I drag her..." King of kings cried out loud while repeating same words Yaa kuda hame maaf kar do!!! Hamari mohabbat ko humne badnam kiya... She was right I have no heart...I am ruthless, harsh, uneducated, egoistic, selfish man... I don't deserve to be with her... Oh god...I can't take this massive pain... I have humiliate her in front of people...I didn't even listen to her...I didn't gave her opportunity to speak up the truth. Why I couldn't trust her purity...? She was right I don't know anything about marriage. Why I didn't listen to Ammi Jaan? He disgusted at himself. When he realized Abdul's presence, he controlled himself for a while and told him to leave and instruct him tell everyone not to disturb him... no matter what happens.Abdul free zed... seeing Jalal's condition... He knew there was nothing he could do about... He wanted to tell Jalal about Jodha's condition in Amer but it was not a right time to talk so he left Jalal's room and instruct everyone not to disturb him.Jalal पूरे दिन और रात में आँसू और अपराध बोध के पूल.. उसके दिल के साथ चरम दर्द कर्ल करवाने बिताया; वह खुद पर बेहद शर्म आती थी... क्या वह किया था सोच!!! अचानक जीवन नीरस हो गया.. उसका अपराध बोध दूर ले लिया सब उनकी ऊर्जा का, वह दीवान पर बैठ बेजान पसंद है.. उसकी ही उसके आँसू सूख गया भी समर्थन... उसके अपराध बोध उसे त्वरित गति से खा रहा था... अपने ही शब्दों के उसे क्रूर.. हँसते हुए शिकार थे wh शब्द * * लगातार उसके मन में ई. choed...अंत में अगले दिन सुबह, वह सभी अपनी ताकत इकट्ठा हुए और Hamida banoo और Rukaiya उनके अपराध स्वीकार करने के लिए अपने चैम्बर के लिए बुलाया। उन दोनों ने उसका.. उसकी आँखों की हालत और सूजी हुई और लाल चेहरा देख हैरान थे... उसके गाल और नाक लाल कर दिया। उसका चेहरा पीला और दुख की बात है एक दिन में देखा। Jalal उन दोनों पर चरम अपराधबोध के साथ उसके आंसू बाहर लगभग तैयार आ रहे थे देखा। एक दिन में वह लग रहा था जैसे वह किसी भी मिनट मरने के लिए जा रहा है... उसका कमजोर और पीला चेहरा उन दोनों के लिए बहुत ही फिसड्डी थीचरम के साथ Hamida ने इस पर सतर्क Jalal के करीब चला गया और उसे गले लगाया, उसे किसी भी सवाल पूछ के बिना। Jalal उसे वापस गले लगाया... उसकी गर्मी उसे थोड़ा साहस उन्हें सच बता दिया।Jalal and Hamida's finally apart from their hug...Jalal looked at both of them with remorse and with trembling sound he said "that was Sujamal, Jodha's brother...She is innocent. I am the one who should be punished..." Rukaiya eyes widen hearing her brother... Hamida's mouth opened in shock... Jalal controlled tears spike out from his eyes...all three had tears in their eyes... Rukaiya had tears seeing Jalal's guilt and paind... Hamida didn't know who she was crying for Jalal or Jodha... Jalal completely shattered after admitting his crime. Ruk and Hamida both didn't know what to say... how to react ...??? Hamida was angry and sad at Jalal same time, She knew that's how he grew up...He was told and teach not to trust on himself.Finally Rukaiya said cautiously "Jalal you should apologies to Jodha. This is not a only a mistake, what you have done is crime? An unforgivable crime... I don't know how Jodha will react to it... but thank god... that you granted her wishes and respected her family and let her go back to Amer. You need to apologies to her...Jalal replied fearfully "No Rukaiya, I can't face her... I will not able to see in her eyes. I feel shiver thinking to be in front of her... I have hurt her to extreme. I have accused at her character, she will never forgive me for this crime... I have ruined her life, I have no right to even called myself as her husband... She was right I am cruel monster.Hamida with commending tone shouted; Jalal, Stop crying like weak common man... Rukaiya is right... be strong and face the reality, and go apologized for your crime and that is your punishment. Face her... apologies to her and bring her back to Agra. I know this is more difficult than winning any war but you are a Shenshah and act like one...take responsibility for your action. Do you even have any idea what problems she is probably facing? A humiliation of rejected woman by her husband is not a small problem. It's about a one month; we have received 3 messages from Jodha's parents for to take her back to Agra. Looks like, she had not told anyone yet. So go and get her back.Hamida and Rukaiya's words work like magical energy ... He realized they were right... he has to the reality; at least he needed to apologize for his grave mistake. He decided to leave for Amer immediately. After talking to Hamida and Rukaiya he felt little relieved. Hamida and Ruku felt relieved with his decision. They both knew that is only way Jalal will be able to forgive himself. Hamida blessed him and Ruku looked at him with pain... She never like Jodha but didn't even hate her...but obvious jealously was always there.Jalal called Agdha Saheb and told him to take care of his duty and also informed him that he is going to Amer. Aftab Saheb concernedly said "Shenshah, you should not go without soldiers, your life can be in danger...there are many Rajvanshi waiting for this moment." Jalal with confident tone replied "I know this can be dangerous but I have to go to Amer to apologies for my mistake and bring back Jodha. For his security Agdha sahib requested to keep secret of his trip to Amer from everyone including Maham...and Jalal agreed to it.Jalal instructed Abdul and 10 soldiers to company him to Amer. Abdul and Jalal started his Journey towards Amer. Finally Abdul got chance to inform him about Jodha's condition in Amer. Abdul with fearful tone said "Shenshah, I have to tell you something about Jodha begum..." Jalal abruptly stopped his horse and asked him impatiently "Have you met Jodha?"Abdul regretfully replied "No Shenshah, after finding out the truth, I met with Motibai to find out about Jodha begum's condition. Jalal facial expression change with worried asked "Why you didn't tell me before?" Abdul sadly replied "Forgive me Shenshah but you were completely shattered and I didn't wanted add on more to it."Abdul continued... "Jodha begum has become very silent, she is spending her most of the time in her room or at the top of the roof of the palace. She is acting normal with her family but everyone knows something is not right, in the palace no one has any clue about what happened with her in Agra and why she has altered so much?
But main problem is all the Rajvanishi Raja is laughing at Raja Bharmal and saying that see what happened trusting on Mughals..., Riyaya (praja) is insulting Jodha begum as rejected women by her husband, even in palace people have started taunting her, she has started to avoid going out of the palace. Finally he said; Motibai told me that she doesn't even like if any one talks about Agra... her sorrow has turn in to extreme anger."
After hearing her condition, Jalal again lost his courage... his face filled with immense guilt... quietly he started his journey towards Amer... Three days his mind only thought about the crime... he apologized uncountable time to god... his day time controlled tears spilled out at the night while sleeping... his heart never felt this much suffocation and pain...
It was a pleasant evening; Sun set down with his glory and moon started to play peek-a-boo with clouds... Cool gusty winds were making surrounding pleasant... Every evening it was Jodha's routine to see Sun disappear with his orange blaze... It became her routine to sit alone at the top of palace and think about ...Even after this extreme insult, her heart still occupied thinking about him only...
She is talking to herself, Why you have done this!!! I have started liking you, probably in some corner of my heart started loving you! How could you think that I can be with some other man... how disgusting...You didn't even tried to find out the truth... You didn't gave me one chance to prove me innocence. You have called me wh**e...I will never forgive you for this. I hate you...I hate you... She screams in pain... Hey Krishna... please gives me some peace. Please help me to stop thinking about him... Why I can't hate him... Why I can't forget about him??? Why he means so much to me??? Whatever my heart thinks but Shenshah, I will never forgive you at any cost... you have point at my character... I will never see you again... entire month everyday same thoughts roam around her... and tears became her best support...
Moti came running to Jodha and said excitedly "Jodha, I have very good news for you Shehnshah has come to Agra...He will be in a palace in few minutes..."
Jodha with shocked thought, Oh god... Why he is here? May be he is here to humiliate her family...
When Moti saw no reaction from Jodha... she sadly said "I know you are angry at him, but he came all the way from Agra to just meet with you... and look at yourself you have not done Sringar for many days, your hair is clumsy and look at your dress, from no angle you looking like princess or Mughal queen.
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