The use of des­tiny card sign is sim­ple, chooses a goal to carry on o terjemahan - The use of des­tiny card sign is sim­ple, chooses a goal to carry on o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The use of des­tiny card sign is si

The use of des­tiny card sign is sim­ple, chooses a goal to carry on one time to turn the sign de­ter­mi­na­tion, the red card I kills him, the green sign does not man­age makes oth­ers kill, does not af­fect my in­di­vid­ual out­put in any case . More­over, as if the pu­rifi­ca­tion tech­nique of prac­tic­ing med­i­cine can reset turn the sign ef­fect , means that so long as my RP suf­fices, that can kill BOSS with the des­tiny card sign mur­der, more­over can main­tain the red card ef­fect.
Bomb­ing of ultra short dis­tance, ex­plodes torn to pieces Zhu Shen a skele­ton.
Near 3 hours of in­tense fight­ing with all might, Cooldown ap­proached 7 : 00 am in re­al­ity, every­body un­know­ingly stayed up late for a long time, but this eighth wave of mon­ster should also be the end of this dark blue bil­lows re­venge, al­though has given greatly our „pleas­antly sur­prised”, but we can de­fend this to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate as be­fore.
The dis­tant place many Zhu Shen skele­ton had not come.
And the fa­cial ex­pres­sion from In­dian player face also saw dis­ap­point­edly, they have not won this to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate from the Chi­nese player hand even­tu­ally, but the dis­tant place, near 3 hours of rushes, Xue Roudai 8000 + peo­ple are ex­it­ing, fi­nally comes back less than 1000 peo­ple, this bat­tle loss is re­ally enough frigid, is good is ex­tremely also high be­cause of the in­te­gral of peo­ple, at least fell Level can gain.
Jumps to leap from the city wall, I glided to ar­rive at Xue Rou and oth­ers to melt the god cav­alry front, looks that their ex­hausted com­plex­ions and had the full blood mud­dily, the chest love dearly slightly, said: „Was la­bo­ri­ous!”
Wipes the tea to stand up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue, said: „Ahem, re­mem­bers that buys the LV pocket for me, 10!”
„Good, ten ten, tall Fang good?”
„Did you say?”
„It seems like is not good”
Nearby Lin Wan Er throws smiles, said: „Ob­tains the news, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink to give up this time look­ing at­tack­ing a city of semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, their of­fen­sive felt weak, have not been able to place on a par with first round and In­dian war zone of sec­ond round coun­try wartime.”
I nod: „Yes, Ben Leiqi, the hot shape rode pre­sents the time at that time kills us not to want”
Wipes the tea: „”
„Walks, en­ters a city, wait­ing sys­tem de­ter­mi­na­tion vic­tory and de­feat.”
Looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate in city wall is also every large or small ar­tillery pit, this fights, al­though we have won, but looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate also quickly to turn into the ruins, was good be­cause of this is in the game, the sys­tem main­te­nance one did not have what issue, will look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the over­all de­fen­sive power also to have the pro­mo­tion, each time was this.
Re­turns to the city wall, send­ing out the vault of heaven armed forces to go on pa­trol in the city, I too un­der­stood that the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink, per­haps will she also send for try­ing from the in­te­rior to dis­in­te­grate us?
How­ever, this time I guessed mis­tak­enly, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink re­ally to be as if de­jected, the In­dian play­ers went far away, rode in the shar­ing pic­ture that searched to see from the warhawk that they truly go to Long Ling the di­rec­tion, the clear pupil de­vel­oped the for­eign beau­ti­ful woman who black ink and sky rose these two hands grasped the heavy power def­i­nitely to have the co­op­er­a­tion, oth­er­wise the sky rose lais­sez faire clear pupil will not de­velop the rib­bon the mighty force to come and go from the dragon range of main north side.
How­ever is also very good to un­der­stand that th
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The use of des­tiny card sign is sim­ple, chooses a goal to carry on one time to turn the sign de­ter­mi­na­tion, the red card I kills him, the green sign does not man­age makes oth­ers kill, does not af­fect my in­di­vid­ual out­put in any case . More­over, as if the pu­rifi­ca­tion tech­nique of prac­tic­ing med­i­cine can reset turn the sign ef­fect , means that so long as my RP suf­fices, that can kill BOSS with the des­tiny card sign mur­der, more­over can main­tain the red card ef­fect.„Bang!”Bomb­ing of ultra short dis­tance, ex­plodes torn to pieces Zhu Shen a skele­ton.Near 3 hours of in­tense fight­ing with all might, Cooldown ap­proached 7 : 00 am in re­al­ity, every­body un­know­ingly stayed up late for a long time, but this eighth wave of mon­ster should also be the end of this dark blue bil­lows re­venge, al­though has given greatly our „pleas­antly sur­prised”, but we can de­fend this to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate as be­fore.The dis­tant place many Zhu Shen skele­ton had not come.And the fa­cial ex­pres­sion from In­dian player face also saw dis­ap­point­edly, they have not won this to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate from the Chi­nese player hand even­tu­ally, but the dis­tant place, near 3 hours of rushes, Xue Roudai 8000 + peo­ple are ex­it­ing, fi­nally comes back less than 1000 peo­ple, this bat­tle loss is re­ally enough frigid, is good is ex­tremely also high be­cause of the in­te­gral of peo­ple, at least fell Level can gain.„Whish!”Jumps to leap from the city wall, I glided to ar­rive at Xue Rou and oth­ers to melt the god cav­alry front, looks that their ex­hausted com­plex­ions and had the full blood mud­dily, the chest love dearly slightly, said: „Was la­bo­ri­ous!”Wipes the tea to stand up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue, said: „Ahem, re­mem­bers that buys the LV pocket for me, 10!”„Good, ten ten, tall Fang good?”„Did you say?”„It seems like is not good”Nearby Lin Wan Er throws smiles, said: „Ob­tains the news, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink to give up this time look­ing at­tack­ing a city of semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, their of­fen­sive felt weak, have not been able to place on a par with first round and In­dian war zone of sec­ond round coun­try wartime.”I nod: „Yes, Ben Leiqi, the hot shape rode pre­sents the time at that time kills us not to want”Wipes the tea: „”
„Walks, en­ters a city, wait­ing sys­tem de­ter­mi­na­tion vic­tory and de­feat.”
Looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate in city wall is also every large or small ar­tillery pit, this fights, al­though we have won, but looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate also quickly to turn into the ruins, was good be­cause of this is in the game, the sys­tem main­te­nance one did not have what issue, will look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the over­all de­fen­sive power also to have the pro­mo­tion, each time was this.
Re­turns to the city wall, send­ing out the vault of heaven armed forces to go on pa­trol in the city, I too un­der­stood that the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink, per­haps will she also send for try­ing from the in­te­rior to dis­in­te­grate us?
How­ever, this time I guessed mis­tak­enly, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink re­ally to be as if de­jected, the In­dian play­ers went far away, rode in the shar­ing pic­ture that searched to see from the warhawk that they truly go to Long Ling the di­rec­tion, the clear pupil de­vel­oped the for­eign beau­ti­ful woman who black ink and sky rose these two hands grasped the heavy power def­i­nitely to have the co­op­er­a­tion, oth­er­wise the sky rose lais­sez faire clear pupil will not de­velop the rib­bon the mighty force to come and go from the dragon range of main north side.
How­ever is also very good to un­der­stand that th
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Penggunaan tanda kartu takdir sederhana, memilih tujuan untuk membawa pada satu waktu untuk mengubah penentuan tanda, kartu merah yang saya membunuhnya, tanda hijau tidak mengelola membuat orang lain membunuh, tidak mempengaruhi output individu saya dalam hal apapun. Selain itu, seolah-olah teknik pemurnian praktek pengobatan dapat mereset mengubah efek tanda, berarti bahwa selama RP saya sudah cukup, yang dapat membunuh BOSS dengan pembunuhan tanda kartu takdir, apalagi dapat mempertahankan efek kartu merah.
Bom jarak ultra pendek, meledak diterkam Zhu Shen kerangka.
dekat 3 jam pertempuran sengit dengan semua mungkin, Cooldown mendekati 7: 00:00 pada kenyataannya, semua orang sadar begadang untuk waktu yang lama, tapi gelombang kedelapan ini rakasa harus juga menjadi akhir dari pemecah balas dendam biru tua ini, meskipun telah diberikan sangat kami "terkejut", tapi kami bisa mempertahankan ini untuk melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama seperti sebelumnya.
tempat yang jauh banyak Zhu Shen kerangka tidak datang.
Dan ekspresi wajah dari India pemain wajah juga melihat disappointedly, mereka tidak memenangkan ini untuk melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama dari pemain tangan Cina akhirnya, tetapi tempat yang jauh, dekat 3 jam dari bergegas, Xue Roudai 8000 + orang keluar, akhirnya datang kembali kurang dari 1000 orang, kehilangan pertempuran ini adalah benar-benar cukup dingin, baik sangat juga tinggi karena integral dari orang, setidaknya jatuh Tingkat dapat memperoleh.
"Whish! "
melompat untuk melompat dari tembok kota, saya meluncur untuk tiba di Xue Rou dan lain-lain untuk mencairkan depan dewa kavaleri, tampak bahwa berkulit lelah mereka dan memiliki darah lengkap muddily, cinta dada mahal sedikit, mengatakan:"! Apakah melelahkan "
tisu teh untuk berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan, mengatakan: "Ahem, ingat bahwa membeli saku LV bagi saya, 10!"
"baik, 1010, tinggi Fang baik"?
"Apakah kau katakan?"
"sepertinya ini tidak baik "
Lin-tempat Wan Er melempar senyum, mengatakan:" Memperoleh berita, murid jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam untuk menyerah saat ini mencari menyerang sebuah kota dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama, ofensif mereka merasa lemah, memiliki belum mampu menempatkan setara dengan putaran pertama dan zona perang India kedua perang putaran negara ".
saya mengangguk:" Ya, Ben Leiqi, bentuk berkuda panas menyajikan waktu pada saat itu membunuh kita tidak ingin "
Wipes teh : ""
". Walks, memasuki kota, menunggu sistem penentuan kemenangan dan kekalahan"
. "Um"
Tampak di dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama di tembok kota juga setiap pit artileri besar atau kecil, perkelahian ini, meskipun kami telah menang, tapi melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama juga cepat berubah menjadi reruntuhan, baik karena ini adalah dalam permainan, pemeliharaan sistem satu tidak memiliki apa masalah, akan melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama kekuatan pertahanan secara keseluruhan juga memiliki promosi, setiap kali itu ini.
Pengembalian ke tembok kota, mengirimkan kubah angkatan bersenjata surga untuk pergi berpatroli di kota, saya juga dipahami bahwa murid yang jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam, mungkin akan dia juga mengirim untuk mencoba dari interior hancur kita?
Namun, kali ini saya menduga keliru, pupil jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam benar-benar menjadi seakan sedih, pemain India pergi jauh , naik pada gambar berbagi yang dicari untuk melihat dari warhawk bahwa mereka benar-benar pergi ke Long Ling arah, pupil jelas mengembangkan wanita cantik asing yang tinta hitam dan langit naik dua tangan ini digenggam kekuatan berat pasti memiliki kerjasama, jika langit naik laissez faire murid yang jelas tidak akan mengembangkan pita kekuatan perkasa untuk datang dan pergi dari berbagai naga dari sisi utara utama.
Namun juga sangat baik untuk memahami bahwa th
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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