Jax shared a look with Reece and then nodded in Nick’s direction. “Don terjemahan - Jax shared a look with Reece and then nodded in Nick’s direction. “Don Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jax shared a look with Reece and th

Jax shared a look with Reece and then nodded in Nick’s direction. “Don’t mind us. Take a break. We got it.”
Normally, I would’ve protested, especially since sarcasm dripped from half of what Jax said, but the wiggling in my tummy was back in full force. It was like that somewhat scary show I watched as a kid—The Wiggles.
Someone—was it Melvin?—catcalled as Reece led me down the hall, and my cheeks flushed. “Okay, he-man, I can walk all by my little self.”
He cast a look over his shoulder at me as he opened the office door. “I’m sure you can.”
Then he pulled me inside.
My gaze flipped to the roses—the roses!—but before I could say a word, he closed the door and my back was pressed against it, his hands planted on either side of my head and his face right in mine. Like right there, within kissing distance.
“So, I was at my father’s place in New Jersey most of the day, and you know, he lives out near the Pine Barrens, so service is shit.”
I nodded even though I really wasn’t processing what he was saying as I was too busy staring at his mouth. Those lips, fuller on the bottom, drove me to distraction.
“I pull out of his driveway and I have all these messages from Dennis,” he continued, and I finally caught on to what he was talking about. “I honestly thought he was messing with me at first.”
I cringed. “He . . . um, he wasn’t.”
He shot me a bland look. “That much I figured out.” His hands slid on the door, stopping just shy of touching my shoulders. “What did he do to you?”
“What?” I blinked.
“What did that bastard do to make you throw a book through his windshield?”
Oh. Oh. My heart was now wiggling along with my stomach. “He really didn’t do anything. I just lost my cool. He wanted to talk to me, and I didn’t want to talk to him.”
“You don’t have to talk to him.”
“That’s what Dennis said, but I shouldn’t have damaged his car.”
A muscle flexed along his right jaw. “That’s true.” He shook his head. “Damn, Roxy, can’t say I’m surprised.”
My brows flew up. “You’re not?”
He laughed under his breath. “Babe, you’ve always had a hell of a temper on you.”
Ah, that was kind of true. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
Reece cocked his head to the side. “A sexy thing, but vandalism and destruction of property doesn’t look good on you, sweets.”
“No. It doesn’t match my manicure.” I raised my hands, flashing him the blue nails.
He laughed again and then he sobered up, just like that. Cop Face was on, and yeah . . . the low coiling in my stomach told me I found Cop Face arousing. “You’re lucky. He could’ve pressed charges, and this conversation would be going in a whole different direction.”
My own half smile slipped off my face. “I know. It’s . . . I was just with Charlie, and he’s . . .” Unable to continue, I forced a casual shrug I didn’t feel. “What are you going to do with me?”
His lips parted as his chest rose with a deep breath, then his gaze dropped to my mouth, and his expression tightened. He looked . . . he looked hungry. “I have lots of ideas.”
Warmth invaded me in the form of a slow burn. His thick lashes lifted, and I was lost in the depths of his blue eyes. My fingers itched to touch him like I had that night so long ago—to sink my fingers into his damp hair, to smooth my hands over his hard chest and stomach. I bit down on my lip as he moved his left hand and caught a piece of hair that had slipped out of my ponytail. He smoothed it back, and a wave of tight, hot shivers coursed down my spine. In an unconscious, oddly instinctual move, my hips lifted off the door, moving closer to his. That did not go unnoticed by Reece, and I wondered, what would he do if I touched him now? Dragged my hand down his chest, under his shirt? Touched his bare flesh?
God, just thinking about it almost made me moan.
A half smile formed on his lips as the blue of his eyes deepened. “What are you thinking, Roxy?”
Naughty, dirty thoughts I’d never share, so I said the first thing that came to mind. “Thank you for the roses.”
He arched a brow as some of the heat faded from his stare. “I didn’t send you roses.”
“Oh. Oh.” The moment between us was officially broken. “You didn’t?”
Pushing off the door, he dropped his arms to his sides. “No.” His lips pursed as he turned sideways, eyeing the roses on the desk. “Those flowers?”
“Yeah, those flowers. I thought they were from you.” I edged away from the door. “Are you sure you didn’t send them?”
The look on his face basically said what a dumb question that was.
“Well, this is awkward.” I shifted my weight from one foot to the next. “The card didn’t have a name on it, and I honestly don’t know who they’d be from.”
He approached the flowers, running a finger over a dewy petal. “What did the card say?”
“Um, something like it’ll be better next time.”
Looking over his shoulder at me, he grinned. “I can see why you’d think it would be from me, but it wasn’t.”
I wondered if he thought it would be weird if I grabbed the flowers and threw them out of the office. Okay.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
JAX bersama Lihat Reece dan kemudian mengangguk arah Nick. "Tidak keberatan kita. Istirahat. Kami mendapatkannya."Biasanya, aku akan telah memprotes, terutama karena sarkasme menetes dari setengah dari apa yang dikatakan Jax, tapi butir menggeliat di perut saya adalah kembali dengan kekuatan penuh. Rasanya seperti yang agak menakutkan Tampilkan saya menonton sebagai anak-anak — The Wiggles.Seseorang — itu Melvin?-catcalled sebagai Reece membawaku menyusuri lorong, dan pipiku memerah. "Oke, dia-orang, aku bisa berjalan semua oleh diri saya sedikit."Ia dilemparkan pandangan atas bahu-nya pada saya karena dia membuka pintu kantor. "Saya yakin Anda bisa."Kemudian ia menarikku di dalam.Pandangan saya membalik ke mawar-mawar! — tapi sebelum aku bisa mengatakan kata-kata, ia menutup pintu dan punggung saya ditekan terhadap itu, tangannya ditanam di kedua sisi kepalaku dan wajahnya tepat di tambang. Seperti di sana, dalam mencium kaki.Wow."Jadi, saya pada ayah saya tempat di New Jersey sebagian besar hari, dan Anda tahu, dia tinggal dekat Pine Barrens, sehingga layanan adalah omong kosong."Aku mengangguk meskipun saya benar-benar tidak proses apa yang ia katakan karena aku terlalu sibuk menatap mulut-Nya. Bibir, lebih lengkap di bawah, membuat saya untuk mengalihkan perhatian."Aku menarik keluar dari jalan Nya dan saya memiliki semua pesan ini dari Dennis," lanjutnya, dan aku akhirnya tertangkap pada apa yang ia bicarakan. "Saya jujur pikir dia sedang bermain-main dengan saya pada awalnya."Aku meringis. "Dia... um, ia tidak."Dia menembak saya melihat hambar. "Bahwa banyak aku tahu." Tangannya meluncur di pintu, yang berhenti hanya malu menyentuh bahu saya. "Apa yang dia lakukan untuk Anda?""Apa?" Saya berkedip."Apa bahwa bajingan lakukan untuk membuat Anda melemparkan sebuah buku melalui kaca depan nya?"Oh. Oh. Hati saya sekarang butir menggeliat dengan perut saya. "Dia benar-benar tidak melakukan apa-apa. Aku hanya kehilangan dingin. Dia ingin berbicara dengan saya, dan saya tidak ingin untuk berbicara dengannya.""Anda tidak perlu berbicara dengannya.""Yang adalah apa yang dikatakan Dennis, tapi saya tidak boleh rusak mobil."Otot tertekuk sepanjang rahang kanan Nya. "Itu benar." Ia menggelengkan kepala. "Sialan, Roxy, tidak bisa mengatakan bahwa saya terkejut."Alis saya terbang. "Anda tidak?"Dia tertawa di bawah napas. "Babe, Anda selalu memiliki neraka yang marah pada Anda."Ah, itu semacam benar. "Apakah itu hal yang baik atau buruk?"Reece mengokang kepalanya ke samping. "Hal yang seksi, tapi vandalisme dan penghancuran harta benda tidak terlihat baik pada Anda, permen.""No. Itu tidak cocok manikur saya." Aku mengangkat tanganku, berkedip dia kuku biru.Dia tertawa lagi dan kemudian ia mabuk, hanya seperti itu. COP wajah pada, dan ya... rendah melingkar di perutku mengatakan kepada saya saya menemukan Cop wajah dibangkitkan. "Anda beruntung. Ia dapat menekan biaya, dan percakapan ini akan pergi ke arah yang sama sekali berbeda."Senyumku setengah tergelincir dari wajahku. "Aku tahu. Ini memiliki... Aku hanya dengan Charlie, dan dia memiliki... " Tidak dapat melanjutkan, saya dipaksa mengangkat bahu kasual saya tidak merasa. "Apa yang Anda akan lakukan dengan saya?"Bibirnya berpisah dadanya naik dengan napas dalam-dalam, kemudian dengan tatapan turun ke mulut saya, dan ekspresi diperketat. Dia tampak... dia tampak lapar. "Aku punya banyak ide."Kehangatan menyerang saya dalam bentuk a lambat terbakar. Bulu mata tebal nya diangkat, dan aku tersesat di kedalaman matanya biru. Itched jari-jari saya menyentuhnya seperti saya punya malam itu begitu lama — tenggelam jari saya ke dalam rambut basah, untuk memuluskan tangan keras dada dan perut. Aku menggigit bibir saya ketika ia pindah tangan kirinya dan menangkap potongan rambut yang telah menyelinap keluar dari saya ekor kuda. Ia merapikan kembali, dan coursed gelombang ketat, panas menggigil tulang punggungku. Dalam alam bawah sadar, Anehnya insting langkah, pinggulku lepas landas pintu, bergerak lebih dekat untuk nya. Yang tidak pergi tanpa diketahui oleh Reece, dan aku bertanya-tanya, apa yang akan ia lakukan jika saya menyentuhnya sekarang? Terseret tanganku dadanya, di bawah kemeja? Menyentuh tubuhnya yang telanjang?Allah, hanya berpikir tentang hal itu hampir membuatku mengerang.Senyum setengah dibentuk pada bibirnya sebagai biru matanya diperdalam. "Apa yang Anda pikirkan, Roxy?"Nakal, kotor pikiran saya akan pernah berbagi, saya berkata hal pertama yang datang ke pikiran. "Terima kasih untuk mawar."Ia melengkung alis sebagai sebagian panas pudar dari menatap nya. "Saya tidak mengirimkan mawar.""Oh. Oh." Saat antara kami dibuka secara resmi. "Anda tidak?"Mendorong dari pintu, ia jatuh lengannya sisi tubuhnya. "Tidak." Bibirnya diburu seperti dia berbalik ke samping, mengamati mawar di meja. "Bunga itu?"“Yeah, those flowers. I thought they were from you.” I edged away from the door. “Are you sure you didn’t send them?”The look on his face basically said what a dumb question that was.“Well, this is awkward.” I shifted my weight from one foot to the next. “The card didn’t have a name on it, and I honestly don’t know who they’d be from.”He approached the flowers, running a finger over a dewy petal. “What did the card say?”“Um, something like it’ll be better next time.”Looking over his shoulder at me, he grinned. “I can see why you’d think it would be from me, but it wasn’t.”I wondered if he thought it would be weird if I grabbed the flowers and threw them out of the office. Okay.
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