What could she do to reach her before she did something even more dang terjemahan - What could she do to reach her before she did something even more dang Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

What could she do to reach her befo

What could she do to reach her before she did something even more dangerous?
No answers came, only a muffled moan as Jade flopped over onto her stomach and began to snore. Margot shook her head and sighed. The kid was going to be one hurting puppy come tomorrow. Dragging the covers over her inert form, she switched off the bedside lamp.
She was going to have to figure out something before her rebellious sister got into the kind of trouble that might end up scarring her for life. But before she could do that she first had to find out what the Warburg police intended to do.
“She sleeping it off?” Travis asked as she came into the kitchen.
Margot answered with a tired nod.
“Here. This’ll help.” He passed her a mug of steaming black coffee.
“Thanks,” she murmured, and raised the mug to her lips, drinking deeply, taking the opportunity to glance at Rob Cooper as she did. He was standing by the refrigerator. He, too, was cradling a mug.
“I’m afraid I didn’t have the presence of mind to thank you earlier, Officer Cooper, for bringing Jade home instead of taking her to the station.”
He had a nice smile. “Warburg’s not a big town. We know your family’s gone through a lot recently, Ms. Radcliffe. No point making things harder on you and your sisters.”
“That’s very kind of you. Our father’s and Nicole’s deaths have obviously been toughest on Jade. To say she’s been having a rough time would be an understatement.” Setting the cup on the counter, she pushed a lock of hair away from her face and forced herself to ask the question, the possible answers to which frightened her. “As I’m sure you know, Officer Cooper, my sister is underage. What will happen to her?”
“As I said before, your sister’s pretty lucky. She didn’t have a fake ID on her, and we’ve already ascertained that she didn’t bring any of the pot, Ecstasy, or coke that was floating around the party tonight, so she won’t be charged with fraud or possession.”
“Well, that’s good to hear,” she whispered, gripping the counter behind her so she wouldn’t slide to the floor on legs that had turned suddenly to jelly. Ecstasy? Cocaine? The high school parties she’d gone to had generally involved however many six-packs of Bud the most daring of the kids could smuggle out of their parents’ house. Though pot had made an occasional appearance, nobody was doing cocaine or Ecstasy back then. And Jade was only sixteen.
“And unlike some of the kids we arrested tonight, this is your sister’s first brush with the law. I have a kid sister, too, Ms. Radcliffe. Emma’s a freshman. With three family members on the force, she’s pretty much a straight arrow. But I’m not sure how she’d react if she had to deal with everything your sister’s going through. So that’s why this time I’m going to let her off with a hundred-dollar fine. Tonight’s activities won’t make it onto her record. But when you talk to your sister in the morning, you should let her know we keep a list of juvenile offenders at the station. She’s made it onto that list now. If we cross paths with her again, it’ll be bad news for her. Really bad news.”
She nodded firmly. “I will tell Jade. And thank you for being so understanding.”
“Again, your sister’s lucky. My wife, Becky, and I had our first baby in August. Being a dad has made me see things a bit differently. I pray Hayley never gets mixed up in a bad crowd. But if she were to make some royally stupid teenage mistake, I hope the authorities wouldn’t make it harder for her to straighten herself out.”
Jade wasn’t just doubly lucky, she was thrice so, for her run-in had been with Rob Cooper, clearly a good guy.
Margot smiled as relief washed over her. “If I may, Officer Cooper, I’d like to bring Jade by the station and have her clean the inside of your car.”
He inclined his head. “That might be a learning lesson she won’t soon forget.” Raising the mug to his lips, he drained it. “I’d better be off. Thanks for the coffee. It was much appreciated.”
Margot and Travis walked him to the door and then stood on the porch until the taillights of the patrol car disappeared into the dark of the allée. Absently rubbing her arms against the chill night air, she gazed out over the wide expanse of lawn and the outlying fields. Kissed by frost, they glistened pearl-white beneath the moon. It was a beautiful tableau, still and serene, quietly majestic.
Next to her Travis’s shoulders lifted as he breathed deeply then exhaled in a long, puffy stream of white. “I should let you go so you can rest.”
Her heart squeezed painfully. He was right. She should sleep—she would need her wits about her when she confronted Jade in the morning. But alone in her bed she wouldn’t sleep, she’d only toss fitfully, consumed by a longing all the more powerful now that she’d lain in Travis’s arms.
Pivoting, she faced him. He stood, hands balled deep in his pockets, his expression unreadable. She wished he’d kiss her. That’s all it would take to seduce her; he knew it as well as she. Instead he was waiting, letting her make the decision. She should be grateful that he was showing such restraint, yet at the same time she would have loved to see some sign that it mattered to him—that she mattered.
She was so afraid of what the future held. Could she ever hope to hold on to him if they didn’t succeed in keeping Rosewood Farm? A part of her wanted to explain the pre-cariousness of the situation, but she couldn’t take the risk that Travis might leave. She hated deceit. At least she could be honest about her desire for him.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, she said, “Don’t go. Stay with me.”
Thank God. Travis told himself it was because he hadn’t touched her in a couple of hours that his hands shook as he lifted them, framing her face, drawing her near and then lowering his lips to drink deeply, savoring the fine taste of Margot.
And it was only natural to want to ease the fear shadowing her eyes. Seeing her kid sister passed out from a drinking binge had obviously terrified her. Tomorrow would be hectic, tons to do prepping the horses for Dan Stokes’s visit. He could make her feel better tonight. Make them both feel better.
He let her lead him back inside. Hand in hand they climbed the grand staircase to her room. She left the lights off, but the moon was still high enough in the night sky to cast a pale silvery light.
She turned to him and wordlessly began to undress him. Her fingers grazed his bared skin like a heated whisper. Her mouth joined in, pressing kisses, running her tongue over skin stretched suddenly as tight as a drum. Every thud of his heart threatened to burst through. Enthralled, he let her continue.
Her hands glided over his buttocks and his muscles leaped in response. Her mouth had traveled over his chest and down, skimming over his abdomen and then moving lower still.
She was killing him. He was going to die from unholy feverish want. In exquisite agony, he groaned when her moist lips brushed the head of his straining cock.
God, she was so lovely, kneeling before him, her hair threaded with moonlight. She looked as ethereal as a fairy queen—no, a blessedly earthy, sensual queen who was giving him unspeakable pleasure. His need at a flash point, he reached for her, tangling his fingers in her hair.
“Margot”—her hoarsely whispered name a plea, a prayer—“I can’t. It’s too much—”
“Let me.” Just two words and his desire broke free of all bonds. He felt her mouth close around him, drawing him deep into her dark, erotic heat, and he knew he was lost.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Apa yang bisa dia lakukan untuk mencapai Titanic sebelum ia melakukan sesuatu yang bahkan lebih berbahaya?Tidak ada jawaban datang, hanya erangan teredam sebagai Jade tersebut atas ke perutnya dan mulai mendengkur. Margot menggelengkan kepalanya dan mendesah. Anak-anak akan menjadi satu anjing yang terluka datang besok. Menyeret selimut atas tubuhnya membentuk inert, dia mematikan lampu samping tempat tidur.Dia akan harus mencari tahu sesuatu sebelum adiknya memberontak masuk ke jenis masalah yang mungkin berakhir jaringan parut dia untuk hidup. Tapi sebelum dia bisa melakukan itu dia pertama kali harus mengetahui apa yang polisi Warburg dimaksudkan untuk melakukan."Dia tertidur itu?" Travis bertanya ketika ia datang ke dapur.Margot menjawab dengan anggukan lelah."Di sini. Ini akan membantu." Ia lulus dia mug kopi hitam mengepul."Terima kasih," dia bersungut-sungut, dan membangkitkan mug bibirnya, minum secara mendalam, mengambil kesempatan untuk melirik Rob Cooper seperti yang dia lakukan. Dia berdiri dengan lemari es. Dia, juga, adalah menggendong mug."Aku takut aku tidak memiliki kehadiran pikiran untuk terima kasih sebelumnya, Officer Cooper, untuk membawa Jade rumah bukan membawanya ke Stasiun."Dia memiliki senyum yang bagus. "Warburg kan gak kota besar. Kita tahu keluarga Anda yang pergi melalui banyak baru-baru ini, ibu Radcliffe. Tidak ada gunanya membuat hal-hal yang lebih sulit pada Anda dan saudara Anda."“That’s very kind of you. Our father’s and Nicole’s deaths have obviously been toughest on Jade. To say she’s been having a rough time would be an understatement.” Setting the cup on the counter, she pushed a lock of hair away from her face and forced herself to ask the question, the possible answers to which frightened her. “As I’m sure you know, Officer Cooper, my sister is underage. What will happen to her?”“As I said before, your sister’s pretty lucky. She didn’t have a fake ID on her, and we’ve already ascertained that she didn’t bring any of the pot, Ecstasy, or coke that was floating around the party tonight, so she won’t be charged with fraud or possession.”“Well, that’s good to hear,” she whispered, gripping the counter behind her so she wouldn’t slide to the floor on legs that had turned suddenly to jelly. Ecstasy? Cocaine? The high school parties she’d gone to had generally involved however many six-packs of Bud the most daring of the kids could smuggle out of their parents’ house. Though pot had made an occasional appearance, nobody was doing cocaine or Ecstasy back then. And Jade was only sixteen.“And unlike some of the kids we arrested tonight, this is your sister’s first brush with the law. I have a kid sister, too, Ms. Radcliffe. Emma’s a freshman. With three family members on the force, she’s pretty much a straight arrow. But I’m not sure how she’d react if she had to deal with everything your sister’s going through. So that’s why this time I’m going to let her off with a hundred-dollar fine. Tonight’s activities won’t make it onto her record. But when you talk to your sister in the morning, you should let her know we keep a list of juvenile offenders at the station. She’s made it onto that list now. If we cross paths with her again, it’ll be bad news for her. Really bad news.”She nodded firmly. “I will tell Jade. And thank you for being so understanding.”“Again, your sister’s lucky. My wife, Becky, and I had our first baby in August. Being a dad has made me see things a bit differently. I pray Hayley never gets mixed up in a bad crowd. But if she were to make some royally stupid teenage mistake, I hope the authorities wouldn’t make it harder for her to straighten herself out.”Jade wasn’t just doubly lucky, she was thrice so, for her run-in had been with Rob Cooper, clearly a good guy.Margot smiled as relief washed over her. “If I may, Officer Cooper, I’d like to bring Jade by the station and have her clean the inside of your car.”He inclined his head. “That might be a learning lesson she won’t soon forget.” Raising the mug to his lips, he drained it. “I’d better be off. Thanks for the coffee. It was much appreciated.”Margot and Travis walked him to the door and then stood on the porch until the taillights of the patrol car disappeared into the dark of the allée. Absently rubbing her arms against the chill night air, she gazed out over the wide expanse of lawn and the outlying fields. Kissed by frost, they glistened pearl-white beneath the moon. It was a beautiful tableau, still and serene, quietly majestic.Next to her Travis’s shoulders lifted as he breathed deeply then exhaled in a long, puffy stream of white. “I should let you go so you can rest.”Her heart squeezed painfully. He was right. She should sleep—she would need her wits about her when she confronted Jade in the morning. But alone in her bed she wouldn’t sleep, she’d only toss fitfully, consumed by a longing all the more powerful now that she’d lain in Travis’s arms.Pivoting, she faced him. He stood, hands balled deep in his pockets, his expression unreadable. She wished he’d kiss her. That’s all it would take to seduce her; he knew it as well as she. Instead he was waiting, letting her make the decision. She should be grateful that he was showing such restraint, yet at the same time she would have loved to see some sign that it mattered to him—that she mattered.She was so afraid of what the future held. Could she ever hope to hold on to him if they didn’t succeed in keeping Rosewood Farm? A part of her wanted to explain the pre-cariousness of the situation, but she couldn’t take the risk that Travis might leave. She hated deceit. At least she could be honest about her desire for him.Swallowing the lump in her throat, she said, “Don’t go. Stay with me.”Thank God. Travis told himself it was because he hadn’t touched her in a couple of hours that his hands shook as he lifted them, framing her face, drawing her near and then lowering his lips to drink deeply, savoring the fine taste of Margot.And it was only natural to want to ease the fear shadowing her eyes. Seeing her kid sister passed out from a drinking binge had obviously terrified her. Tomorrow would be hectic, tons to do prepping the horses for Dan Stokes’s visit. He could make her feel better tonight. Make them both feel better.He let her lead him back inside. Hand in hand they climbed the grand staircase to her room. She left the lights off, but the moon was still high enough in the night sky to cast a pale silvery light.She turned to him and wordlessly began to undress him. Her fingers grazed his bared skin like a heated whisper. Her mouth joined in, pressing kisses, running her tongue over skin stretched suddenly as tight as a drum. Every thud of his heart threatened to burst through. Enthralled, he let her continue.Her hands glided over his buttocks and his muscles leaped in response. Her mouth had traveled over his chest and down, skimming over his abdomen and then moving lower still.She was killing him. He was going to die from unholy feverish want. In exquisite agony, he groaned when her moist lips brushed the head of his straining cock.God, she was so lovely, kneeling before him, her hair threaded with moonlight. She looked as ethereal as a fairy queen—no, a blessedly earthy, sensual queen who was giving him unspeakable pleasure. His need at a flash point, he reached for her, tangling his fingers in her hair.“Margot”—her hoarsely whispered name a plea, a prayer—“I can’t. It’s too much—”“Let me.” Just two words and his desire broke free of all bonds. He felt her mouth close around him, drawing him deep into her dark, erotic heat, and he knew he was lost.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Apa yang bisa dia lakukan untuk mencapai sebelum ia melakukan sesuatu yang bahkan lebih berbahaya?
Tidak ada jawaban datang, hanya erangan tertahan sebagai Jade menjatuhkan diri lebih ke perutnya dan mulai mendengkur. Margot menggeleng dan mendesah. Anak itu akan menjadi salah satu menyakiti anjing datang besok. Menyeret selimut lebih bentuk lembam, dia mematikan lampu samping tempat tidur.
Dia akan harus mencari tahu sesuatu sebelum adik memberontak dia masuk ke jenis masalah yang mungkin berakhir jaringan parut dia untuk hidup. Tapi sebelum ia bisa melakukan itu dia pertama kali harus mencari tahu apa yang polisi Warburg dimaksudkan untuk dilakukan.
"Dia tidur itu off?" Travis bertanya sambil masuk ke dapur.
Margot menjawab dengan anggukan lelah.
"Di sini. Ini akan membantu. "Dia melewati nya cangkir kopi hitam
mengepul." Terima kasih, "gumamnya, dan mengangkat cangkir ke bibirnya, minum dalam, mengambil kesempatan untuk melirik Rob Cooper seperti yang dia lakukan. Dia berdiri di kulkas. Dia juga sedang menggendong cangkir.
"Aku takut aku tidak memiliki kehadiran pikiran untuk terima kasih sebelumnya, Petugas Cooper, untuk membawa Jade rumah bukannya membawanya ke stasiun."
Dia memiliki senyum yang bagus. "Bukan kota besar Warburg. Kita tahu keluarga Anda pergi melalui banyak baru-baru, Ms. Radcliffe. Tidak ada gunanya membuat hal-hal sulit pada Anda dan saudara Anda.
"" Itu sangat baik dari Anda. Ayah kami dan kematian Nicole ini telah jelas telah terberat di Jade. Mengatakan dia telah mengalami masa sulit akan meremehkan. "Mengatur cangkir di meja, ia mendorong seikat rambut dari wajahnya dan memaksa dirinya untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, mungkin jawaban yang membuatnya takut. "Seperti yang saya yakin Anda tahu, Petugas Cooper, adikku masih di bawah umur. Apa yang akan terjadi padanya? "" Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, kakakmu cukup beruntung.
Dia tidak memiliki ID palsu pada dirinya, dan kami sudah dipastikan bahwa dia tidak membawa salah satu pot, Ecstasy, atau coke yang mengambang di sekitar pesta malam ini, jadi dia tidak akan dikenakan biaya dengan penipuan atau kepemilikan.
"" Nah, itu bagus untuk mendengar, "bisiknya, mencengkeram meja belakangnya sehingga dia tidak akan meluncur ke lantai dengan kaki yang tiba-tiba berbalik ke jelly. Ekstasi? Kokain? Pihak sekolah tinggi dia pergi ke memiliki umumnya terlibat namun banyak enam bungkus Bud yang paling berani dari anak-anak bisa menyelundupkan keluar dari rumah orangtua mereka. Meskipun pot telah membuat penampilan sesekali, tidak ada yang melakukan kokain atau ekstasi saat itu. Dan Jade hanya enam belas.
"Dan tidak seperti beberapa anak kami ditangkap malam ini, ini adalah sikat pertama kakakmu dengan hukum. Saya punya adik anak juga, Ms. Radcliffe. Emma adalah mahasiswa baru. Dengan tiga anggota keluarga di kepolisian, dia cukup banyak panah lurus. Tapi aku tidak yakin bagaimana dia bereaksi jika dia harus berurusan dengan segala sesuatu adikmu akan melalui. Jadi itu sebabnya kali ini aku akan membiarkan dia pergi dengan denda seratus dolar. Kegiatan malam ini tidak akan membuatnya ke rekamannya. Tapi ketika Anda berbicara dengan adik Anda di pagi hari, Anda harus membiarkan dia tahu kita menyimpan daftar pelanggar remaja di stasiun. Dia membuat ke daftar itu sekarang. Jika kita berpapasan dengan dia lagi, itu akan menjadi berita buruk bagi dirinya. Benar-benar berita buruk.
"Dia mengangguk tegas. "Saya akan memberitahu Jade. Dan terima kasih karena begitu pengertian.
"" Sekali lagi, kakakmu beruntung. Istri saya, Becky, dan aku punya bayi pertama kami pada bulan Agustus. Menjadi seorang ayah telah membuat saya melihat hal-hal sedikit berbeda. Saya berdoa Hayley pernah mendapat terlibat dalam kerumunan yang buruk. Tapi jika dia membuat beberapa kesalahan remaja meriah bodoh, saya berharap pemerintah tidak akan membuat lebih sulit baginya untuk meluruskan dirinya keluar.
"Jade tidak hanya ganda beruntung, dia tiga kali jadi, baginya menjalankan-in telah dengan Rob Cooper, jelas orang baik.
Margot tersenyum sebagai bantuan menghinggapinya. "Jika saya dapat, Petugas Cooper, saya ingin membawa Jade oleh stasiun dan memiliki dia membersihkan bagian dalam mobil Anda."
Dia memiringkan kepala. "Itu mungkin menjadi pembelajaran dia tidak akan segera melupakan." Menaikkan mug ke bibirnya, ia terkuras itu. "Sebaiknya aku pergi. Terima kasih untuk kopi. Itu dihargai.
"Margot dan Travis berjalan dia untuk pintu dan kemudian berdiri di teras sampai lampu belakang dari mobil patroli menghilang ke dalam gelap allée tersebut. Tanpa sadar menggosok lengannya melawan udara dingin malam, dia menatap keluar atas hamparan luas rumput dan ladang terpencil. Dicium oleh embun beku, mereka berkilau mutiara-putih di bawah bulan. Itu adalah tablo indah, masih dan tenang, diam-diam megah.
Berikutnya ke bahu Travis nya terangkat saat ia menarik napas dalam kemudian dihembuskan dalam, aliran bengkak panjang putih. "Saya harus membiarkan Anda pergi sehingga Anda dapat beristirahat."
Hatinya diperas menyakitkan. Dia benar. Dia harus tidur-ia akan membutuhkan akal tentang dia ketika dia dihadapkan Jade di pagi hari. Tapi sendirian di tempat tidur dia tidak akan tidur, ia hanya melemparkan gelisah, dikonsumsi oleh kerinduan semua lebih kuat sekarang bahwa ia berbaring dalam pelukan Travis.
Berputar, dia menghadapi dia. Dia berdiri, tangan mengepalkan dalam saku, ekspresinya tak terbaca. Dia berharap dia akan menciumnya. Itu semua yang dibutuhkan untuk merayunya; ia tahu itu serta dia. Sebaliknya ia menunggu, membiarkan dia membuat keputusan. Dia harus bersyukur bahwa ia menunjukkan menahan diri seperti itu, namun pada saat yang sama ia akan senang untuk melihat beberapa tanda bahwa itu penting baginya-bahwa dia penting.
Dia begitu takut apa diadakan masa depan. Bisakah dia pernah berharap untuk berpegang pada dia jika mereka tidak berhasil dalam menjaga Rosewood Farm? Sebagian dirinya ingin menjelaskan pra-cariousness situasi, tapi ia tidak bisa mengambil risiko bahwa Travis akan meninggalkan. Dia membenci kebohongan. Setidaknya ia bisa jujur ​​tentang keinginannya untuk dia.
Menelan benjolan di tenggorokannya, ia berkata, "Jangan pergi. Tinggal dengan saya.
"Terima kasih Tuhan. Travis mengatakan pada dirinya sendiri itu karena ia tidak menyentuhnya dalam beberapa jam yang tangannya bergetar saat ia mengangkat mereka, membingkai wajahnya, menggambar dirinya dekat dan kemudian menurunkan bibirnya untuk minum dalam, menikmati rasa halus Margot.
Dan itu hanya alami untuk ingin meringankan ketakutan membayangi matanya. Melihat adik anaknya pingsan dari pesta minuman keras jelas takut padanya. Besok akan sibuk, ton untuk melakukan prepping kuda untuk kunjungan Dan Stokes. Dia bisa membuatnya merasa lebih baik malam ini. Membuat mereka berdua merasa lebih baik.
Dia membiarkan dia membawanya kembali ke dalam. Bergandengan tangan mereka menaiki tangga grand ke kamarnya. Dia meninggalkan lampu, tapi bulan masih cukup tinggi di langit malam untuk melemparkan cahaya keperakan pucat.
Dia berpaling kepadanya dan tanpa kata mulai menanggalkan pakaian dia. Jari-jarinya menyerempet kulit menyeringai nya seperti bisikan dipanaskan. Mulutnya bergabung, menekan ciuman, berjalan lidahnya atas kulit meregang tiba-tiba sekencang drum. Setiap bunyi hatinya mengancam akan menerobos. Terpesona, ia membiarkan dia terus.
Tangannya meluncur di atas bokong dan otot-ototnya melompat di respon. Mulutnya telah melakukan perjalanan di dada dan bawah, menggelapkan lebih dari perutnya dan kemudian bergerak lebih rendah.
Dia membunuh dia. Dia akan mati dari suci demam inginkan. Kesakitan indah, dia mengerang saat bibir lembab nya disikat kepala nya tegang ayam.
Tuhan, dia begitu indah, berlutut di depannya, rambutnya berulir dengan cahaya bulan. Dia tampak seperti ethereal sebagai peri queen-tidak, sebuah syukurlah bersahaja, queen sensual yang memberinya kenikmatan yang tak terkatakan. Kebutuhannya pada titik flash, dia meraihnya, kekusutan jari-jarinya di rambut.
"Margot" -her serak nama permohonan berbisik, sebuah-doa "Aku tidak bisa. Ini terlalu banyak-
"" Biarkan aku. "Hanya dua kata dan keinginannya pecah bebas dari semua ikatan. Dia merasa mulutnya dekat di sekelilingnya, menariknya jauh ke dalam gelap, panas erotis, dan ia tahu bahwa ia telah hilang.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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