Ex­tremely tragic oc­curred, this bar­bar­ian palace guard did not utt terjemahan - Ex­tremely tragic oc­curred, this bar­bar­ian palace guard did not utt Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ex­tremely tragic oc­curred, this b

Ex­tremely tragic oc­curred, this bar­bar­ian palace guard did not utter a word to be rum­bled the en­tire head by a moun­tain­ous re­gion giant fist, the body was also rais­ing the long blade, kneed down slowly, blood, ** spat­tered in all di­rec­tions sur­round­ing one crowd of per­son one is, al­most all blade shield camp sol­diers were shocked, no one has thought that this dif­fer­ent demon so will be fierce, but one group of human sol­diers in cav­alry camp were dumb­struck, the strength of bar­bar­ian they have ex­pe­ri­enced, the bar­bar­ians could not re­sist con­tin­u­ally, or­di­nary hu­man­ity on was need­less to say.
„Blocks!” The South Ko­rean deep pool is hold­ing up the long sword, shouted to clear the way loudly: „Blade shield camp, re­sists, by the shield de­fense, looks for the op­por­tu­nity to di­vide to cut the ankle area of moun­tain­ous re­gion giant with the sword, cuts off their foot mus­cles, keep­ing these SOB from mov­ing!”
I also looked to one group of cav­alry camp sol­diers, raised the Swords­man­ship: „Holds up the flare il­lu­mi­na­tion! Changes the arrow, aims at the eyes of moun­tain­ous re­gion giant, shoots blindly them, mak­ing them turn into the head­less fly!”
Say­ing, I hold up the sword also to rush, the dou­ble hit + Xun tri­gram wind cuts, the bang draws back a fa­mous moun­tains giant, then town Yue Dao one hor­i­zon­tal, erupts to ride to work as thou­sand ef­fects, rem­nant blood the both legs of moun­tain­ous re­gion giant has chopped an­other, the flesh and blood spat­ters in all di­rec­tions place, sur­round­ing one group of bar­bar­ian blade shield camp sol­diers have been shocked, said in con­ster­na­tion: „Com­mands the Sir to be so fierce”
Arrow arrow is un­ceas­ing to the twang, the moun­tain­ous re­gion gi­ants have ex­uded the mis­er­able howl­ing sound, palace guard's train­ing is quite com­plete, these human sol­dier eques­trian skills, carte and tierces and spearplay are all ex­pert, at this time then can see the profit that usu­ally trains.
„Jie Jie”
Wicked songs and calls from air­borne raid, Han Yuan looks up, said in con­ster­na­tion: „What?!”
I shouted to clear the way hur­riedly lowly: „Was care­ful that from air­borne at­tack, is the dif­fer­ent demon preda­tor!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ex­tremely tragic oc­curred, this bar­bar­ian palace guard did not utter a word to be rum­bled the en­tire head by a moun­tain­ous re­gion giant fist, the body was also rais­ing the long blade, kneed down slowly, blood, ** spat­tered in all di­rec­tions sur­round­ing one crowd of per­son one is, al­most all blade shield camp sol­diers were shocked, no one has thought that this dif­fer­ent demon so will be fierce, but one group of human sol­diers in cav­alry camp were dumb­struck, the strength of bar­bar­ian they have ex­pe­ri­enced, the bar­bar­ians could not re­sist con­tin­u­ally, or­di­nary hu­man­ity on was need­less to say.„Blocks!” The South Ko­rean deep pool is hold­ing up the long sword, shouted to clear the way loudly: „Blade shield camp, re­sists, by the shield de­fense, looks for the op­por­tu­nity to di­vide to cut the ankle area of moun­tain­ous re­gion giant with the sword, cuts off their foot mus­cles, keep­ing these SOB from mov­ing!”I also looked to one group of cav­alry camp sol­diers, raised the Swords­man­ship: „Holds up the flare il­lu­mi­na­tion! Changes the arrow, aims at the eyes of moun­tain­ous re­gion giant, shoots blindly them, mak­ing them turn into the head­less fly!”Say­ing, I hold up the sword also to rush, the dou­ble hit + Xun tri­gram wind cuts, the bang draws back a fa­mous moun­tains giant, then town Yue Dao one hor­i­zon­tal, erupts to ride to work as thou­sand ef­fects, rem­nant blood the both legs of moun­tain­ous re­gion giant has chopped an­other, the flesh and blood spat­ters in all di­rec­tions place, sur­round­ing one group of bar­bar­ian blade shield camp sol­diers have been shocked, said in con­ster­na­tion: „Com­mands the Sir to be so fierce”Arrow arrow is un­ceas­ing to the twang, the moun­tain­ous re­gion gi­ants have ex­uded the mis­er­able howl­ing sound, palace guard's train­ing is quite com­plete, these human sol­dier eques­trian skills, carte and tierces and spearplay are all ex­pert, at this time then can see the profit that usu­ally trains.„Jie Jie”Wicked songs and calls from air­borne raid, Han Yuan looks up, said in con­ster­na­tion: „What?!”I shouted to clear the way hur­riedly lowly: „Was care­ful that from air­borne at­tack, is the dif­fer­ent demon preda­tor!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sangat tragis terjadi, ini pengawal istana barbar tidak mengucapkan sepatah kata pun yang akan bergemuruh seluruh kepala oleh wilayah tinju raksasa pegunungan, tubuh juga meningkatkan pisau panjang, lutut ke bawah perlahan-lahan, darah, ** terpercik ke segala arah sekitar satu kerumunan orang satu, hampir semua pisau perisai tentara kamp terkejut, tidak ada yang mengira bahwa iblis yang berbeda ini sehingga akan sengit, tetapi satu kelompok tentara manusia di kamp kavaleri yang kaget, kekuatan barbar mereka alami, barbar bisa . tidak menolak terus, manusia biasa pada itu perlu untuk mengatakan
"! Blok" kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan memegang pedang panjang, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras: "camp perisai blade, menolak, dengan pertahanan perisai, terlihat untuk ! kesempatan untuk membagi untuk memotong area pergelangan kaki raksasa wilayah pegunungan dengan pedang, memotong otot kaki mereka, menjaga SOB ini dari bergerak "
saya juga melihat ke satu kelompok tentara kamp kavaleri, mengangkat pedang:" Gelar up iluminasi suar ! Perubahan panah, bertujuan mata raksasa wilayah pegunungan, tunas membabi buta mereka, membuat mereka berubah menjadi tanpa kepala terbang! "
Mengatakan, saya memegang pedang juga terburu-buru, pemotongan angin ganda hit + Xun trigram, bang menarik kembali sebuah gunung raksasa yang terkenal, maka kota Yue Dao satu horisontal, meletus naik untuk bekerja sebagai ribu efek, darah umat yang sisa kedua kaki raksasa wilayah pegunungan telah cincang lain, daging dan darah spatters segala arah tempat, sekitar satu kelompok pisau barbar tentara kamp perisai telah terkejut, mengatakan dalam ketakutan: "Perintah Sir menjadi begitu sengit"
panah panah adalah tak henti-hentinya untuk dentingan itu, raksasa wilayah pegunungan telah memancarkan suara melolong menyedihkan, pelatihan istana penjaga ini cukup lengkap, ini berkuda tentara manusia keterampilan, carte dan tierce dan spearplay semua ahli, saat ini kemudian dapat melihat keuntungan yang biasanya melatih.
"Jie Jie"
lagu Jahat dan panggilan dari serangan udara, Han Yuan mendongak, mengatakan dalam ketakutan: "Apa ?!"
aku teriak untuk membersihkan jalan buru-buru rendah: "Apakah hati bahwa dari serangan udara, adalah predator setan yang berbeda!"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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