The hydrology of a wetland is one of the most important characteristic terjemahan - The hydrology of a wetland is one of the most important characteristic Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The hydrology of a wetland is one o

The hydrology of a wetland is one of the most important characteristics for the efficiency of the system. It is very important that the water entering the wetland has time enough to go through the different cleaning processes and interact with the aquatic biota. The time most looked at here is the retention time which tells how long the water stays in the system, only the wetland or the whole system. This variable can be controlled by regulating the inflow and outflow together with the depth and storage. The retention time is generally calculated by dividing the volume of water in the system with the flow rate. In sub surface-flow wetlands the volume of water depends on the porosity and the absence of vegetation in the pore space. To make this calculation easier it is usual to use the clean pore space in the calculations. Therefore it has been showed that the real retention time is normally 40 to 80 per cent less than the theoretical, mainly due to preferential flow and the difference in the calculated and the real pore space (EPA, 2000). The maximal flow is normally used as it gives the lowest retention time.
It is considered important that the water level does not reach the surface in sub surface-flow wetlands (EPA, 2000). This is mainly because it leads to increased evapotranspiration which will concentrate the pollutants, and the water passing the wetland above the filter will not undergo any treatment.
Another important aspect is the velocity with which the water passes the system. If the velocity of the water is too high there will be less chance for the particles to sediment, to make complexes with other particles or to attach to the biofilm of the plants. Controlling the water depth and the flow through the system is of great importance also for the establishing of the vegetation in the wetland. One has to take rainfall and evapotranspiration in consideration to calculate the true hydraulic loading. The way the water takes through the wetland also has a great impact on the cleaning efficiency. If the water is not spread out well enough, the retention time is lowered and also it can lead to saturated parts where no more processes can occur and the water basically goes through untreated while other parts of the system are not used at all in the cleaning process.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hidrologi lahan basah adalah salah satu karakteristik yang paling penting untuk efisiensi sistem. Sangat penting bahwa air memasuki lahan basah memiliki cukup waktu untuk pergi melalui berbeda membersihkan proses dan berinteraksi dengan biota akuatik. Waktu yang paling tampak di sini adalah waktu retensi yang menceritakan berapa lama air tetap dalam sistem, hanya lahan basah atau seluruh sistem. Variabel ini dapat dikendalikan dengan mengatur aliran masuk dan keluar dengan kedalaman dan penyimpanan. Waktu retensi umumnya dihitung dengan membagi volume air dalam sistem dengan laju aliran. Di sub aliran permukaan lahan basah volume air tergantung pada porositas dan ketiadaan vegetasi di ruang pori-pori. Untuk memudahkan penghitungan ini memang biasa menggunakan ruang pori-pori bersih dalam perhitungan. Oleh karena itu telah menunjukkan bahwa waktu nyata retensi biasanya 40-80 persen kurang dari teori, terutama karena aliran preferensial dan perbedaan dalam dihitung dan real pori ruang (EPA, 2000). Aliran maksimal biasanya digunakan karena memberikan waktu retensi terendah.
Hal ini dianggap penting bahwa tingkat air tidak mencapai permukaan di sub aliran permukaan lahan basah (EPA, 2000). Hal ini terutama karena itu mengarah pada peningkatan evapotranspiration yang akan berkonsentrasi polutan, dan air melewati lahan basah di atas filter tidak akan menjalani perawatan apapun.
aspek penting lain adalah kecepatan yang air melewati sistem. Jika kecepatan air terlalu tinggi akan ada sedikit kesempatan untuk partikel sedimen, membuat kompleks dengan partikel lainnya atau melampirkan biofilm tanaman. Mengendalikan aliran melalui sistem dan kedalaman air sangat penting juga untuk pembentukan vegetasi di lahan basah. Kita harus mengambil curah hujan dan evapotranspiration dalam pertimbangan untuk menghitung hidrolik pemuatan benar. Cara mengambil air melalui lahan basah juga memiliki dampak yang besar pada efisiensi pembersihan. Jika air tidak tersebar baik cukup, waktu retensi diturunkan dan juga dapat menyebabkan jenuh bagian mana lebih proses dapat terjadi dan air pada dasarnya berjalan melalui tidak diobati sementara bagian-bagian lain dari sistem tidak digunakan sama sekali dalam proses pembersihan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The hydrology of a wetland is one of the most important characteristics for the efficiency of the system. It is very important that the water entering the wetland has time enough to go through the different cleaning processes and interact with the aquatic biota. The time most looked at here is the retention time which tells how long the water stays in the system, only the wetland or the whole system. This variable can be controlled by regulating the inflow and outflow together with the depth and storage. The retention time is generally calculated by dividing the volume of water in the system with the flow rate. In sub surface-flow wetlands the volume of water depends on the porosity and the absence of vegetation in the pore space. To make this calculation easier it is usual to use the clean pore space in the calculations. Therefore it has been showed that the real retention time is normally 40 to 80 per cent less than the theoretical, mainly due to preferential flow and the difference in the calculated and the real pore space (EPA, 2000). The maximal flow is normally used as it gives the lowest retention time.
It is considered important that the water level does not reach the surface in sub surface-flow wetlands (EPA, 2000). This is mainly because it leads to increased evapotranspiration which will concentrate the pollutants, and the water passing the wetland above the filter will not undergo any treatment.
Another important aspect is the velocity with which the water passes the system. If the velocity of the water is too high there will be less chance for the particles to sediment, to make complexes with other particles or to attach to the biofilm of the plants. Controlling the water depth and the flow through the system is of great importance also for the establishing of the vegetation in the wetland. One has to take rainfall and evapotranspiration in consideration to calculate the true hydraulic loading. The way the water takes through the wetland also has a great impact on the cleaning efficiency. If the water is not spread out well enough, the retention time is lowered and also it can lead to saturated parts where no more processes can occur and the water basically goes through untreated while other parts of the system are not used at all in the cleaning process.
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