Has Lin Wan Er and Lin Xi­aowu and Dong Cheng month at­tack all the wa terjemahan - Has Lin Wan Er and Lin Xi­aowu and Dong Cheng month at­tack all the wa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Has Lin Wan Er and Lin Xi­aowu and

Has Lin Wan Er and Lin Xi­aowu and Dong Cheng month at­tack all the way clears the way, all are not the is­sues, the only issue is city who that stretches across two sier­ras, the city main hot flag had been mas­sa­cred by us Lin Zao, when we ar­rive at out­side the city, in­side in a flurry, the in­nu­mer­able demon spirit big sword mas­ter and demon palace is rid­ing is car­ry­ing the bucket to go to the city main palace di­rec­tion flus­tered.
My at­tire does not suit to in­quire the news, then sig­naled with the eyes.
Lin Wan Er changed the hot flag the for­est dry ap­pear­ance, raised the fire spear to progress to go for­ward, said in a low voice: „Hi, that demon palace knight, you give me to come, how in the city, why to have been car­ry­ing the bucket?”
That demon palace rides ash of face, looks at Lin Wan Er one with­out enough time, but said: „City main palace has been on fire, Sir Lin Zao is un­cer­tain of one's fate, now all peo­ple are busy putting out a fire, you un­ex­pect­edly also here for me how?”
Say­ing, sud­denly he fixes the eyes on looked that im­me­di­ately is dumb­founded: „Nu­mer­ous dry Sir, are you all right?”
Lin Wan Er smiles, said: „I am cer­tainly all right, what are your this group of id­iots still jug­gling to make?”
Say­ing, Wan Er has a look at the mil­i­tary ap­point­ment sym­bol that this demon palace rides, four golden pi­rate-like skulls, the demon palace of this ac­cu­rate BOSS rank rides is mul­ti­tude of peo­ple are un­ex­pect­edly long!
I then said in team chan­nel: „Wan Er, mak­ing this demon palace ride belt sev­eral peo­ple, es­corts us to go out of town.”
Wan Er chuckle: „Is hav­ing this in­tent.”
Say­ing, she rides to say to this demon palace im­me­di­ately: „Goes, calls dozens helpers, es­corts me and friend of mine goes out of town.”
„Sir, do you want to go out of town?”
„Has the issue?” Young beau­ti­ful woman com­plex­ion one cold, is not right, is the young hand­some fel­low com­plex­ion one cold.
„Has not had the issue!”
This demon palace rides to have a scare, im­me­di­ately greeted dozens demon palaces to ride with the bar­baric wolf rides the pro­tect guard in our sur­round­ings, but a bar­baric wolf rode ac­tu­ally raises the den­ti­cle blade to ap­proach me, the Wen Lai­wen of elon­gated neck on my back Seurre went, said: „Good fra­grant smell, boy, what your back is bring­ing is a woman?”
My cor­ners of the mouth raise: „What's wrong, are you what kind of?”
„fa­ther wants to trace, Ok?” He smiled fe­ro­ciously.
Front, Lin Wan Er turns around, lets some­body cool off or calm down said: „The words that does not want dead, give me hon­estly, the friend of mine is you can paw ca­su­ally?”
This bar­baric wolf rides the re­spect­ful war to shake to say im­me­di­ately: „Is, Sir! Small hav­ing eyes but fail­ing to see, ask­ing the Sir to for­give!”
Lin Wan Er does not want to make any trou­ble to come again, the nod smiles, is lead­ing our group across the crowded street, after going out of town, or­ders these „pro­tect guard” to re­turn to the city, now thinks that this dis­guiser ring also is re­ally easy-to-use, the dif­fer­ent demon of BOSS level is un­able to see through, does not know that can de­ceive king level BOSS, thinks or con­sid­ers as fin­ished, good that do not take risk.
After leav­ing the scar­let moun­tain range, fi­nally can fly, im­me­di­ately en­ters thou­sand frost wing con­di­tions, shoul­ders Seurre is car­ry­ing on the back, the break­through cloud layer flew to the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den di­rec­tion, but Lin Wan Er also sum­moned Lit­tle Bai, was bring­ing three MM to­gether happy re­turn­ing to the city, pre­pared to re­ceive the duty to re­ward, will this be the duty of ultra mas­ter line, the re­ward should be rich?
Car­ries on the back, Seurre fiercely has coughed in speed­ily the flight a meet­ing, but I can also feel that her aura is get­ting more and more weak, did this dif­fer­ent demon queen ap­proach at point of death?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Has Lin Wan Er and Lin Xi­aowu and Dong Cheng month at­tack all the way clears the way, all are not the is­sues, the only issue is city who that stretches across two sier­ras, the city main hot flag had been mas­sa­cred by us Lin Zao, when we ar­rive at out­side the city, in­side in a flurry, the in­nu­mer­able demon spirit big sword mas­ter and demon palace is rid­ing is car­ry­ing the bucket to go to the city main palace di­rec­tion flus­tered.My at­tire does not suit to in­quire the news, then sig­naled with the eyes.Lin Wan Er changed the hot flag the for­est dry ap­pear­ance, raised the fire spear to progress to go for­ward, said in a low voice: „Hi, that demon palace knight, you give me to come, how in the city, why to have been car­ry­ing the bucket?”That demon palace rides ash of face, looks at Lin Wan Er one with­out enough time, but said: „City main palace has been on fire, Sir Lin Zao is un­cer­tain of one's fate, now all peo­ple are busy putting out a fire, you un­ex­pect­edly also here for me how?”Say­ing, sud­denly he fixes the eyes on looked that im­me­di­ately is dumb­founded: „Nu­mer­ous dry Sir, are you all right?”Lin Wan Er smiles, said: „I am cer­tainly all right, what are your this group of id­iots still jug­gling to make?”Say­ing, Wan Er has a look at the mil­i­tary ap­point­ment sym­bol that this demon palace rides, four golden pi­rate-like skulls, the demon palace of this ac­cu­rate BOSS rank rides is mul­ti­tude of peo­ple are un­ex­pect­edly long!I then said in team chan­nel: „Wan Er, mak­ing this demon palace ride belt sev­eral peo­ple, es­corts us to go out of town.”Wan Er chuckle: „Is hav­ing this in­tent.”Say­ing, she rides to say to this demon palace im­me­di­ately: „Goes, calls dozens helpers, es­corts me and friend of mine goes out of town.”„Sir, do you want to go out of town?”„Has the issue?” Young beau­ti­ful woman com­plex­ion one cold, is not right, is the young hand­some fel­low com­plex­ion one cold.„Has not had the issue!”This demon palace rides to have a scare, im­me­di­ately greeted dozens demon palaces to ride with the bar­baric wolf rides the pro­tect guard in our sur­round­ings, but a bar­baric wolf rode ac­tu­ally raises the den­ti­cle blade to ap­proach me, the Wen Lai­wen of elon­gated neck on my back Seurre went, said: „Good fra­grant smell, boy, what your back is bring­ing is a woman?”My cor­ners of the mouth raise: „What's wrong, are you what kind of?”„fa­ther wants to trace, Ok?” He smiled fe­ro­ciously.Front, Lin Wan Er turns around, lets some­body cool off or calm down said: „The words that does not want dead, give me hon­estly, the friend of mine is you can paw ca­su­ally?”This bar­baric wolf rides the re­spect­ful war to shake to say im­me­di­ately: „Is, Sir! Small hav­ing eyes but fail­ing to see, ask­ing the Sir to for­give!”Lin Wan Er does not want to make any trou­ble to come again, the nod smiles, is lead­ing our group across the crowded street, after going out of town, or­ders these „pro­tect guard” to re­turn to the city, now thinks that this dis­guiser ring also is re­ally easy-to-use, the dif­fer­ent demon of BOSS level is un­able to see through, does not know that can de­ceive king level BOSS, thinks or con­sid­ers as fin­ished, good that do not take risk.
After leav­ing the scar­let moun­tain range, fi­nally can fly, im­me­di­ately en­ters thou­sand frost wing con­di­tions, shoul­ders Seurre is car­ry­ing on the back, the break­through cloud layer flew to the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den di­rec­tion, but Lin Wan Er also sum­moned Lit­tle Bai, was bring­ing three MM to­gether happy re­turn­ing to the city, pre­pared to re­ceive the duty to re­ward, will this be the duty of ultra mas­ter line, the re­ward should be rich?
Car­ries on the back, Seurre fiercely has coughed in speed­ily the flight a meet­ing, but I can also feel that her aura is get­ting more and more weak, did this dif­fer­ent demon queen ap­proach at point of death?
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Telah Lin Wan Er dan Lin Xiaowu dan Dong Cheng serangan bulan semua jalan membersihkan jalan, semua tidak masalah, satu-satunya masalah adalah kota yang yang membentang di dua sierras, kota utama bendera panas telah dibantai oleh kami Lin Zao, ketika kita tiba di luar kota, di dalam di kebingungan, maka tak terhitung semangat setan pedang besar guru dan setan istana yang naik membawa ember untuk pergi ke kota utama arah istana bingung.
pakaian saya tidak cocok untuk menanyakan kabar, maka . isyarat dengan mata
Lin Wan Er mengganti bendera panas hutan penampilan kering, mengangkat tombak api untuk kemajuan untuk maju, berkata dengan suara rendah: "Hi, bahwa setan istana ksatria, Anda memberi saya untuk datang, bagaimana di ? kota, mengapa telah membawa ember "
Itu setan istana naik abu wajah, melihat Lin Wan Er satu tanpa cukup waktu, tetapi mengatakan:" kota istana utama telah terbakar, Sir Lin Zao tidak pasti nasib seseorang, sekarang semua orang sibuk memadamkan api, Anda tiba-tiba juga di sini untuk saya bagaimana "?
mengatakan, tiba-tiba ia perbaikan mata pada tampak bahwa segera adalah tercengang:"? Banyak kering Sir, kau baik-baik "
Lin Wan Er tersenyum, kata : "saya pasti benar semua, apa yang Anda kelompok ini idiot masih juggling untuk membuat?"
Mengatakan, Wan Er memiliki tampilan pada simbol janji militer yang setan istana ini naik, empat emas tengkorak bajak laut seperti, istana setan BOSS akurat ini rank naik adalah banyak orang yang tiba-tiba lama!
saya kemudian mengatakan dalam saluran tim: "Wan Er, membuat setan ini istana naik sabuk beberapa orang, mengawal kita untuk pergi keluar kota."
Wan Er tertawa: "Apakah memiliki ini . intent "
mengatakan, dia naik untuk mengatakan kepada setan istana ini segera:" goes, panggilan puluhan pembantu, mengawal saya dan teman saya pergi ke luar kota ".
" Sir, apakah Anda ingin pergi ke luar kota? "
" Memiliki masalah? "Young wanita cantik kulit yang dingin, tidak benar, adalah pemuda tampan sesama kulit yang dingin.
" belum punya masalah! "
istana setan ini naik untuk memiliki ketakutan, langsung disambut puluhan istana setan untuk naik dengan barbar serigala naik penjaga melindungi di lingkungan kita, tetapi serigala barbar berkuda sebenarnya menimbulkan pisau denticle untuk mendekati saya, Wen Laiwen leher memanjang di punggung saya Seurre pergi, mengatakan: "Good harum bau, anak, apa yang Anda kembali membawa adalah seorang wanita "?
sudut saya dari kenaikan mulut:"? apa yang salah, apakah Anda seperti apa "
"? ayah ingin melacak, Ok "Dia tersenyum galak.
depan, Lin Wan Er berbalik, memungkinkan seseorang dingin atau tenang mengatakan: "kata-kata yang tidak ingin mati, memberi saya jujur, teman saya adalah Anda dapat mengais santai?"
serigala barbar ini naik perang hormat mengguncang mengatakan segera: "Apakah, Sir! Kecil yang memiliki mata tetapi gagal untuk melihat, meminta Sir memaafkan! "
Lin Wan Er tidak ingin membuat masalah untuk datang lagi, senyum mengangguk, memimpin kelompok kami di seberang jalan ramai, setelah keluar dari kota, memerintahkan ini "melindungi penjaga" untuk kembali ke kota, sekarang berpikir bahwa cincin Disguiser ini juga sangat mudah digunakan, setan yang berbeda dari tingkat BOSS tidak dapat melihat melalui, tidak tahu bahwa bisa menipu tingkat raja BOSS, berpikir atau menganggap sebagai selesai, baik yang tidak mengambil risiko.
Setelah meninggalkan pegunungan merah, akhirnya bisa terbang, segera memasuki ribu kondisi beku sayap, bahu Seurre membawa di belakang, lapisan terobosan awan terbang ke tanah yang tidak digarap dingin ke arah den Dragon, tapi Lin Wan Er juga dipanggil sedikit Bai, membawa tiga MM bersama-sama senang kembali ke kota, siap untuk menerima tugas untuk hadiah, akan ini menjadi tugas utama lini Ultra, hadiah harus kaya?
membawa di belakang, Seurre sengit telah terbatuk di cepat penerbangan pertemuan, tapi saya juga bisa merasakan bahwa auranya semakin lebih dan lebih lemah, melakukan pendekatan queen ini berbeda setan pada saat kematian?
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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