Jodha's heartbeats were running at the speed of the jet. Her face was  terjemahan - Jodha's heartbeats were running at the speed of the jet. Her face was  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jodha's heartbeats were running at

Jodha's heartbeats were running at the speed of the jet. Her face was filled with massive terror... Her heavy breathing was clearly audible... The way she suddenly rushed into Jalal's chamber while shouting his name out loud instead of Shehanshah and the way she pushed everyone to reach his bed, her worry was clearly visible. Her fearful loud scream distracted everyone in the chamber... every single eye was stuck on her face... Including Jalal's...

After three weeks of long wait at last his desire fulfilled, to see her one single gaze. He murmured silently...

Ek muddat se kar rahe hain intezaar tera (It feels like I have waited for you for years...)

ek tamanna thi dil ki maut se pehle ho deedar tera (It was my desire to see you once before I die)

His mind diverted from his unbearable pain after seeing her teary traumatized face and her condition... It was shocking for everyone to see Malika E Hindustan without jewelries, shringar (make up)...and without her veil on her head... Nothing mattered to her when she heard Jalal got injured... she didn't care her veil came off while running ... It was dreadful for Jalal to see her so feeble, anxious and vulnerable... It seemed like she has lost lots of weight in just few days... Her stilled impassive, emotionless eyes were flooding with many confounding emotions... He felt immense peace and harmony after seeing deep care and love for him in her eyes... he realized her love for him is still untouched, alive and not dried out with her tears... he felt blessed... His entire body was wounded and full of blood ... he was in enormous pain but after seeing her state his own pain no longer impacted him...

Hakim started to clean his wounds, his hands were shivering seeing such deep cuts and so many pitiless injuries...he slowly cleaned most of the wounds but now his hand stopped for second when he started cleaning the deepest brutal wound... but pain had no impact on Jalal's face... Everyone in the chamber including the Hakim was staggered after seeing the pleasant smile on his face... He was beholding Jodha without a blink while holding his breath and clutching his fist on the bed sheet... His body was reacting to pain but his face didn't have even a single expression of pain... His heart was at colossal peace seeing her intense worry and care for him... Just seeing her face was making him feel content.

Jodha's eyes got widen in shock seeing his critical condition and blood all over his body... Tears dazzled out from her eyes without any sobs... She got frozen seeing the uncountable deep wounds and dripping blood on his body... Finally...Slowly her eyes lifted from bottom to top... their eyes met again for the first time after Diwan E Khas incident... Both of them looked at each other with unconditional pure love... Slowly he woke up from her divine magic spell and recalled his torturous cruelty... his heartless acts... Realization filled his eyes with shame and guilt but still Jodha's eyes had only concern and worries for him.

All of a sudden, ... he squirmed "AAAHHH" in pain...but he was still observing her without a blink as if he couldn't believe his own eyes... Seeing her selflessness and worry for him after all the extreme brutality on her... It was impossible for him to control his tears... Finally tears streamed out of Jalal's eyes ...these tears were not for his unbearable pain but it came out due to the enormous guilt and deep remorse... His tears and pain of his face traumatized her extremely... She thought his tears came out of extreme pain... Nothing mattered to her at that moment...for a while everything blanked out in her mind...she forgot what he did to her... her memory paralyzed for a few moments... It didn't even bother her that the entire chamber was filled with people... She sat next to him and kept her hand on his head and with love caressed on it to comfort him... Her unstoppable tears were gushing out constantly... It was more painful for her to see him in this pain... Hakim started to make the most painful stitches but his eyes didn't moved from her for a second... He was looking at his divine lovable caring wife... her caring touch was giving him pleasant feeling... his intolerable pain had no impact... tears were pouring from both side...Both of them were pouring out their pain... Hakim was confused why he was not reacting to the pain... he thought due to his extreme intolerable wounds he will get unconscious... He was in awe seeing his strength to bear the pain... Hakim finished with stitches and pulled string to cut... again Jalal squealed in pain a little louder than before... Jodha's attention diverted from his eyes to hand... Her face was bearing his pain...her entire body was trembling in shock... Her left hand was resting on bed... Jalal slowly moved his hand and kept it on her hand and squeezed a little to comfort her... She sorely beheld at him ... His eyes gave her reassurance that he is fine... There was no necessity for the words... Their hearts communicated with each other.

Rukaiya and Maham Anga fumed seeing Jalal's mellowed attitude towards Jodha... Rukaiya walked towards Jalal and concernly she asked "Jalal, how are you feeling... are you in a lot of pain."

Jalal moved his gaze towards Rukaiya and replied in dim sound "Yes, It was unbearably painful before but after seeing my love" He moved his gaze towards Jodha... Indicating her presence then continued with dim smile "My pain has vanished... My wound has no impact on me" Rukaiya felt insulted the way Jalal gave importance to Jodha... While suppressing her inner turmoil she gave a fake smile to Jalal and moved backward.

Hamida's heart pounded seeing his son in so much painful condition... She was looking at him helplessly... She knew Jalal wouldn't like her near at this time... He hates to see her worry and care for him... Her eyes were pouring out tears silently for him... When she heard the entire incident she thanked god for saving Jalal... She was angry at him for taking this unnecessary risk but was also proud of him for fighting bravely against so many dacoits... She whispered unknowingly a little louder "Allah ka lakh lakh shukar hai... tum sahi salamat ho Jalal... (Thank god for keeping Jalal safe)" Her dim whisper echoed in Jalal's ears... His eyes searched for his Ammi Jaan in many people... When he saw her pale face with teary eyes, he realized she wanted to be near him... He looked at her but her eyes were close as she was not able to see so many wounds on him...

Jalal murmured in a low tone "Ammi Jaan" His two words echoed soothingly in her ears... She instantly opened her eyes with a stunned expression and felt overwhelmed when she perceived Jalal was looking at her.

Jalal gave a little smile to Hamida which soothed the vulnerable mother's heart... then his eyes scanned everyone else in the chamber and then again glued back to Jodha and again he got lost in her divine glorious face... He had lost a vast amount of blood so gradually he started to feel weaker than before... his vision started to get impacted... her divine face looked fuzzy but he tried and tried to keep looking at her until his body gave up and his eyes closed with pleasant content feeling.

Jodha shockingly screamed loudly "Shahenshah..."

Jalal heard her anxious voice... he pushed hard to fight with all his inner strength and opened his eyes for a few seconds and clutched her palm tightly and gave her assurance that he is not going anywhere... and closed his eyes again.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Detak jantung Jodha's berjalan pada kecepatan jet. Wajahnya dipenuhi dengan ketakutan besar... Napasnya berat adalah jelas terdengar... Cara dia tiba-tiba bergegas ke dalam ruang Jalal's sementara berteriak keras namanya daripada Shehanshah dan cara dia mendorong semua orang untuk mencapai tempat tidurnya, kekhawatirannya adalah terlihat jelas. Berteriak keras takut terganggu semua orang di ruang... setiap satu mata terjebak di wajahnya... Termasuk Jalal's...Setelah tiga minggu lama menunggu di terakhir keinginannya dipenuhi, melihat dia menatap satu. Ia bersungut-sungutlah tentang diam-diam...Ek muddat kar se rahe hain intezaar tera (rasanya seperti saya telah menunggu untuk Anda selama bertahun-tahun...)ek tamanna thi dil ki maut se pehle ho deedar tera (itu adalah keinginan saya untuk melihat Anda sekali sebelum aku mati)Pikirannya Dialihkan dari rasa sakit tak tertahankan setelah melihat wajahnya trauma berkaca-kaca dan kondisinya... Itu mengejutkan untuk semua orang untuk melihat Malika E Hindustan tanpa perhiasan, shringar (membuat)... dan tanpa dia kerudung di kepalanya... Tidak penting kepadanya ketika ia mendengar Jalal terluka... dia tidak peduli dia datang kerudung off sementara berjalan... Itu mengerikan untuk Jalal melihat dia begitu lemah, cemas dan rentan... Rasanya seperti ia kehilangan banyak berat badan hanya beberapa hari... Matanya diam pasif, emosi adalah banjir dengan banyak emosi yang membingungkan... Dia merasa besar perdamaian dan harmoni setelah melihat dalam perawatan dan kasih Nya di matanya... ia menyadari cintanya tetap tak tersentuh, hidup dan tidak kering dengan air matanya... dia merasa diberkati... Nya seluruh tubuh terluka dan penuh dengan darah... dia kesakitan besar tapi setelah melihat negara sakit sendiri tidak lagi terpengaruh dia...Hakim started to clean his wounds, his hands were shivering seeing such deep cuts and so many pitiless injuries...he slowly cleaned most of the wounds but now his hand stopped for second when he started cleaning the deepest brutal wound... but pain had no impact on Jalal's face... Everyone in the chamber including the Hakim was staggered after seeing the pleasant smile on his face... He was beholding Jodha without a blink while holding his breath and clutching his fist on the bed sheet... His body was reacting to pain but his face didn't have even a single expression of pain... His heart was at colossal peace seeing her intense worry and care for him... Just seeing her face was making him feel content.Jodha's eyes got widen in shock seeing his critical condition and blood all over his body... Tears dazzled out from her eyes without any sobs... She got frozen seeing the uncountable deep wounds and dripping blood on his body... Finally...Slowly her eyes lifted from bottom to top... their eyes met again for the first time after Diwan E Khas incident... Both of them looked at each other with unconditional pure love... Slowly he woke up from her divine magic spell and recalled his torturous cruelty... his heartless acts... Realization filled his eyes with shame and guilt but still Jodha's eyes had only concern and worries for him.All of a sudden, ... he squirmed "AAAHHH" in pain...but he was still observing her without a blink as if he couldn't believe his own eyes... Seeing her selflessness and worry for him after all the extreme brutality on her... It was impossible for him to control his tears... Finally tears streamed out of Jalal's eyes ...these tears were not for his unbearable pain but it came out due to the enormous guilt and deep remorse... His tears and pain of his face traumatized her extremely... She thought his tears came out of extreme pain... Nothing mattered to her at that moment...for a while everything blanked out in her mind...she forgot what he did to her... her memory paralyzed for a few moments... It didn't even bother her that the entire chamber was filled with people... She sat next to him and kept her hand on his head and with love caressed on it to comfort him... Her unstoppable tears were gushing out constantly... It was more painful for her to see him in this pain... Hakim started to make the most painful stitches but his eyes didn't moved from her for a second... He was looking at his divine lovable caring wife... her caring touch was giving him pleasant feeling... his intolerable pain had no impact... tears were pouring from both side...Both of them were pouring out their pain... Hakim was confused why he was not reacting to the pain... he thought due to his extreme intolerable wounds he will get unconscious... He was in awe seeing his strength to bear the pain... Hakim finished with stitches and pulled string to cut... again Jalal squealed in pain a little louder than before... Jodha's attention diverted from his eyes to hand... Her face was bearing his pain...her entire body was trembling in shock... Her left hand was resting on bed... Jalal slowly moved his hand and kept it on her hand and squeezed a little to comfort her... She sorely beheld at him ... His eyes gave her reassurance that he is fine... There was no necessity for the words... Their hearts communicated with each other.Rukaiya dan Maham Anga kesal melihat Jalal di melunak sikap Jodha... Rukaiya berjalan menuju Jalal dan concernly dia bertanya "Jalal, bagaimana Anda perasaan... Anda kesakitan."Jalal pindah dengan tatapan ke arah Rukaiya dan menjawab dalam redup suara "Ya, itu tak tertahankan menyakitkan sebelum tapi setelah melihat cinta saya" ia pindah dengan tatapan ke arah Jodha... Menunjukkan kehadirannya kemudian dilanjutkan dengan senyum redup "rasa sakit saya telah lenyap... Luka saya tidak memiliki dampak pada saya"Rukaiya merasa terhina jalan Jalal memberikan pentingnya Jodha... Menekan gejolak batin nya dia memberikan senyum palsu kepada Jalal dan pindah ke belakang.Hamidah di jantung ditumbuk melihat anaknya dalam begitu banyak kondisi menyakitkan... Dia sedang mencari arahnya tak berdaya... Ia tahu Jalal tidak akan seperti dia di dekat saat ini... Dia benci untuk melihat dia khawatir dan merawat dia... Matanya mengalir keluar air mata diam-diam untuk dia... Ketika ia mendengar seluruh kecelakaan dia berterima kasih kepada Tuhan untuk menyimpan Jalal... Dia marah kepadanya untuk mengambil resiko yang tidak perlu ini tapi juga bangga padanya untuk berani melawan dacoits begitu banyak... Dia membisikkan sadar sedikit keras "Allah ka lakh lakh shukar hai... tum sahi salamat ho Jalal... (Terima kasih Tuhan untuk menjaga Jalal aman) "bisikannya redup bergema di Jalal di telinga... Matanya mencari Ammi Jaan nya pada banyak orang... Ketika ia melihat wajahnya pucat dengan mata berkaca-kaca, dia menyadari bahwa dia ingin mendekat padanya... Dia memandang tapi matanya sudah dekat karena dia tidak mampu melihat begitu banyak luka padanya...Jalal bersungut-sungutlah tentang kata-kata "Jaan Ami" nya dua nada rendah bergema sangat di telinganya... Dia langsung membuka matanya dengan ekspresi kaget dan merasa kewalahan ketika ia dianggap Jalal menatapnya.Jalal memberikan senyum kecil untuk hamidah yang menenangkan hati ibu rentan... maka mata mengamati orang lain di dalam ruang dan kemudian lagi terpaku kembali ke Jodha dan lagi ia tersesat di wajahnya mulia ilahi... Dia telah kehilangan yang luas jumlah darah secara bertahap ia mulai merasa lebih lemah daripada sebelumnya... visinya mulai mendapatkan dipengaruhi... wajahnya ilahi yang tampak kabur tetapi dia mencoba dan berusaha untuk terus mencari sampai tubuhnya menyerah dan ditutup matanya dengan perasaan konten yang menyenangkan.Jodha mengejutkan berteriak keras "Shahenshah..."Jalal mendengar suaraNya cemas... ia mendorong keras untuk bertarung dengan seluruh kekuatannya batin dan membuka matanya selama beberapa detik dan mencengkeram telapak erat dan memberi jaminan dirinya bahwa ia tidak akan di mana saja... dan memejamkan mata lagi.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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