The Power of TraditionThe young husband clearly loved to cook and the  terjemahan - The Power of TraditionThe young husband clearly loved to cook and the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Power of TraditionThe young hus

The Power of Tradition

The young husband clearly loved to cook and the dinners he served his new wife convinced her that she was indeed a lucky woman.
One thing puzzled her, though, and at last she decided to enquire. “Oh, my dear. Why do you always cut a smal piece off the end of the roast before you put it into the oven?”
“Well, to tell the truth. I do it because my mother always does it,” he replied.
At the next family gathering, the wife decided to satisfy her curiosity. She drew her mother in law aside and put the question to her. The older woman went a bit red, and replied, “Well, to tell the truth, I do it because my mother always does it.”
Undaunted, the wife waited until they paid a visit to eighty years old Nan. Knowing she’d enjoy hearing the story, she told her about her persevering quest to find the answer to the chopped off roast.
“Incredible,” she croacked. “Imagine the two of them doing that!. ”Why, I only cut the piece off because my pan was too small.”


Taking the wrong assumption? This is very abashed. Actually I was so embarrassed about this incident. I think many people will laugh when they know it.

One day my brother and I were watching television at home. suddenly there were many people brought many chairs from my neighbor's house and I saw it. At that moment I was afraid and I said to my father about this incident. My father run and said, "Thief...thief...thief.... catch them!" but suddenly he stopped. In fact the people were not thieves because one of them is my uncle. My father said to me, "Oh ... no Hen, He is your uncle. it is terrible".

After that my father chatted with my uncle. I was so embarrassed to them. I was not brave to go out. Then my father talked to me. I just laughed and was afraid. My mother laughed after listening this story and she told me, "That is funny, Henny".

When I meet my uncle, I feel shy to him because I always remember this incident. I hope my uncle forget it and I will not be shy anymore.

This experience was so funny in my life. I take the wrong assumption about someone whom I called as a thief. May be because of night, I could not see clearly. I always remember it and I do not forget it. I think this experience can be a lesson for me.


*This example of anecdote text is written by Heny Kuncah Diana


Snake in the Bathroom

How would you like to find a snake in you bath?
We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided that we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.
Suddenly to my horror, a snake's head appeared in the plug hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.
For an instant I stood there quite paralyzed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom.
Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she'd probably have lean over the bath to get a better look.
We found out later that it was a black mamba, a poisonous kind of snake. It had obviously been fast asleep, curled up at the bottom of the nice warm water-pipe. It must have had an awful shock when the cold water came trickling down! But nothing to the shock I got! Ever since then I've always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water

Note: contoh / example of anecdote text is recomposed from karupin'blog

Dave Experience

Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncles, who was rich died and left Dave a lot of money.

So he decided to set up his own real estate agency.

He had only been there for a few hours when he heard some onr coming towards the door of hos offoce.

“It’s my first customer!” he thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.

The man knocked at the door while this was going on, came in and waited politely for the agent to finish his conversation. Then he said to me, “I’m from the telephone company, and I was sent here to connect your telephone.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Power of TraditionThe young husband clearly loved to cook and the dinners he served his new wife convinced her that she was indeed a lucky woman.One thing puzzled her, though, and at last she decided to enquire. “Oh, my dear. Why do you always cut a smal piece off the end of the roast before you put it into the oven?”“Well, to tell the truth. I do it because my mother always does it,” he replied.At the next family gathering, the wife decided to satisfy her curiosity. She drew her mother in law aside and put the question to her. The older woman went a bit red, and replied, “Well, to tell the truth, I do it because my mother always does it.”Undaunted, the wife waited until they paid a visit to eighty years old Nan. Knowing she’d enjoy hearing the story, she told her about her persevering quest to find the answer to the chopped off roast.“Incredible,” she croacked. “Imagine the two of them doing that!. ”Why, I only cut the piece off because my pan was too small.” Misunderstanding*Taking the wrong assumption? This is very abashed. Actually I was so embarrassed about this incident. I think many people will laugh when they know it.One day my brother and I were watching television at home. suddenly there were many people brought many chairs from my neighbor's house and I saw it. At that moment I was afraid and I said to my father about this incident. My father run and said, "Thief...thief...thief.... catch them!" but suddenly he stopped. In fact the people were not thieves because one of them is my uncle. My father said to me, "Oh ... no Hen, He is your uncle. it is terrible".After that my father chatted with my uncle. I was so embarrassed to them. I was not brave to go out. Then my father talked to me. I just laughed and was afraid. My mother laughed after listening this story and she told me, "That is funny, Henny".When I meet my uncle, I feel shy to him because I always remember this incident. I hope my uncle forget it and I will not be shy anymore.This experience was so funny in my life. I take the wrong assumption about someone whom I called as a thief. May be because of night, I could not see clearly. I always remember it and I do not forget it. I think this experience can be a lesson for me.----------------*This example of anecdote text is written by Heny Kuncah DianaSource: in the BathroomHow would you like to find a snake in you bath?We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided that we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.Suddenly to my horror, a snake's head appeared in the plug hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.For an instant I stood there quite paralyzed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom.Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she'd probably have lean over the bath to get a better look.We found out later that it was a black mamba, a poisonous kind of snake. It had obviously been fast asleep, curled up at the bottom of the nice warm water-pipe. It must have had an awful shock when the cold water came trickling down! But nothing to the shock I got! Ever since then I've always put the plug in firmly before running the bath waterNote: contoh / example of anecdote text is recomposed from karupin'blog Dave Experience Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncles, who was rich died and left Dave a lot of money.So he decided to set up his own real estate agency.He had only been there for a few hours when he heard some onr coming towards the door of hos offoce.“It’s my first customer!” he thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.The man knocked at the door while this was going on, came in and waited politely for the agent to finish his conversation. Then he said to me, “I’m from the telephone company, and I was sent here to connect your telephone.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kekuatan Tradisi

Suami muda jelas dicintai untuk memasak dan makan malam ia menjabat istri barunya meyakinkan bahwa dia memang seorang wanita yang beruntung.
Satu hal bingung nya, meskipun, dan akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk menanyakan. "Oh sayangku. Kenapa kau selalu memotong sepotong smal dari ujung panggang sebelum Anda memasukkannya ke dalam oven? "
" Nah, untuk mengatakan yang sebenarnya. Saya melakukannya karena ibu saya selalu melakukannya, "jawabnya.
Pada pertemuan keluarga berikutnya, istri memutuskan untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahunya. Dia menarik ibu mertuanya samping dan mengajukan pertanyaan kepadanya. Wanita yang lebih tua pergi sedikit merah, dan menjawab, "Yah, untuk mengatakan yang sebenarnya, saya melakukannya karena ibu saya selalu melakukannya."
Tanpa gentar, istri menunggu sampai mereka melakukan kunjungan ke delapan puluh tahun Nan tua. Mengetahui dia senang mendengar cerita, dia bercerita tentang pencariannya tekun untuk menemukan jawaban atas panggang cincang off.
"Luar biasa," dia croacked. "Bayangkan mereka berdua melakukan hal itu !. "Kenapa, saya hanya memotong potongan off karena pan saya terlalu kecil."

Kesalahpahaman *

Mengambil asumsi yang salah? Hal ini sangat malu. Sebenarnya saya sangat malu tentang kejadian ini. Saya pikir banyak orang akan tertawa ketika mereka tahu itu.

Suatu hari saya dan adik saya sedang menonton televisi di rumah. tiba-tiba ada banyak orang membawa banyak kursi dari rumah tetangga saya dan saya melihat itu. Pada saat itu saya takut dan saya mengatakan kepada ayah saya tentang kejadian ini. Ayah saya menjalankan dan berkata, "Pencuri ... pencuri ... pencuri .... menangkap mereka!" tapi tiba-tiba dia berhenti. Bahkan orang-orang yang tidak pencuri karena salah satu dari mereka adalah paman saya. Ayah saya berkata kepada saya, "Oh ... tidak Hen, Dia adalah paman. Itu mengerikan".

Setelah itu ayah saya mengobrol dengan paman saya. Aku begitu malu untuk mereka. Saya tidak berani untuk pergi keluar. Lalu ayah saya berbicara kepada saya. Aku hanya tertawa dan takut. Ibu saya tertawa setelah mendengarkan cerita ini dan dia mengatakan kepada saya, "Itu lucu, Henny".

Ketika saya bertemu paman saya, saya merasa malu untuk dia karena saya selalu ingat kejadian ini. Saya berharap paman saya lupa itu dan saya tidak akan malu-malu lagi.

Pengalaman ini begitu lucu dalam hidup saya. Aku mengambil asumsi salah tentang seseorang yang saya disebut sebagai pencuri. Mungkin karena malam, aku tidak bisa melihat dengan jelas. Aku selalu ingat itu dan saya tidak melupakannya. Saya pikir pengalaman ini bisa menjadi pelajaran bagi saya.


* Ini contoh teks anekdot yang ditulis oleh Heny Kuncah Diana

Sumber: http: // / sosial-ilmu / pendidikan / 2262476-anekdot-text / # ixzz1ynmy3IKd

ular di Kamar mandi

Bagaimana Anda ingin untuk menemukan ular di kamar mandi Anda?
Kami baru saja pindah ke rumah baru, yang telah kosong begitu lama bahwa segala sesuatu adalah dalam kekacauan yang mengerikan. Anna dan saya memutuskan bahwa kami akan membersihkan kamar mandi pertama, jadi kami menetapkan untuk, dan menyalakan keran.
Tiba-tiba dengan ngeri, kepala ular muncul di lubang plug. Kemudian keluar merayap sisa tubuh kurus panjang. Dia memutar dan berbalik pada bagian bawah licin mandi, meludah dan mendesis pada kami.
Untuk sesaat aku berdiri di sana cukup lumpuh. Lalu aku berteriak untuk suami saya, yang untungnya datang berlari dan membunuh ular dengan gagang sapu.
Anna, yang hanya tiga pada saat itu, cukup tertarik dengan seluruh bisnis. Memang saya harus menariknya keluar dari jalan atau dia mungkin harus bersandar selama mandi untuk mendapatkan tampilan yang lebih baik.
Kami menemukan kemudian bahwa itu adalah mamba hitam, semacam beracun dari ular. Ini jelas telah tertidur lelap, meringkuk di bawah bagus pipa air hangat. Itu harus memiliki sengatan mengerikan ketika air dingin datang menetes! Tapi tidak untuk shock aku! Sejak saat itu saya selalu menempatkan steker tegas sebelum menjalankan air mandi

Catatan: contoh / contoh teks anekdot yang recomposed dari karupin'blog

Dave Pengalaman

Segera setelah Dave meninggalkan bangku kuliah, salah satu pamannya, yang kaya meninggal dan meninggalkan Dave banyak uang.

Jadi dia memutuskan untuk mendirikan agen real estate sendiri.

dia hanya sudah ada selama beberapa jam ketika ia mendengar beberapa onr datang ke arah pintu hos offoce.

"Ini pelanggan pertama saya!" pikirnya. Dia cepat mengangkat telepon dan berpura-pura menjadi sangat sibuk menjawab telepon penting dari seseorang di New York yang ingin membeli sebuah rumah besar dan mahal di negeri ini.

Pria itu mengetuk pintu sementara ini sedang terjadi, datang dan menunggu sopan untuk agen untuk menyelesaikan pembicaraannya. Lalu dia berkata kepada saya, "Saya dari perusahaan telepon, dan saya dikirim ke sini untuk menghubungkan telepon Anda."
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