Dear, Thank you for your wonderful reply letter, I read and understand terjemahan - Dear, Thank you for your wonderful reply letter, I read and understand Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Dear, Thank you for your wonderful


Thank you for your wonderful reply letter, I read and understand everything you say and I appreciate your honesty and willingness to communicate with me because we were fighting for our future life together,

I hope that God Almighty that allows for both of us meet here will give us the knowledge and the strength to fight to the end with one heart and one love

My love, I want to let you know that love is a feeling that you can not hide or easily forgotten, love does not see the difference, he saw no distance, there is nothing difficult in the hearts of true love, I understand everything you say about the differences between us,

but I want to assure you that I do not feel that they will be an obstacle for us if we really share the same feelings together.

I have been to Indonesia and I know a lot about the culture, norms, and economic strength of the country, and I have put all of this into consideration before I make up my mind to build a new family and moved there,

we mature with a lot of experience to fight for what we want, all we need is unity, one heart, trust, confidence, support and assistance, if we have all of this in our relationship, I tell you that all that you perceive as obstacles to be easily handled.

I strongly believe that you are capable and willing to build a happy family there with me and I pray that Almighty God will guide us through.

Have a wonderful day ahead
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dear, Thank you for your wonderful reply letter, I read and understand everything you say and I appreciate your honesty and willingness to communicate with me because we were fighting for our future life together, I hope that God Almighty that allows for both of us meet here will give us the knowledge and the strength to fight to the end with one heart and one love My love, I want to let you know that love is a feeling that you can not hide or easily forgotten, love does not see the difference, he saw no distance, there is nothing difficult in the hearts of true love, I understand everything you say about the differences between us, but I want to assure you that I do not feel that they will be an obstacle for us if we really share the same feelings together. I have been to Indonesia and I know a lot about the culture, norms, and economic strength of the country, and I have put all of this into consideration before I make up my mind to build a new family and moved there, we mature with a lot of experience to fight for what we want, all we need is unity, one heart, trust, confidence, support and assistance, if we have all of this in our relationship, I tell you that all that you perceive as obstacles to be easily handled. I strongly believe that you are capable and willing to build a happy family there with me and I pray that Almighty God will guide us through. Have a wonderful day ahead
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sayang, Terima kasih atas surat balasan yang indah Anda, saya membaca dan memahami semua yang Anda katakan dan saya menghargai kejujuran Anda dan kemauan untuk berkomunikasi dengan saya karena kami berjuang untuk hidup masa depan kita bersama-sama, saya berharap bahwa Allah Maha Kuasa yang memungkinkan untuk kami berdua bertemu di sini akan memberikan pengetahuan dan kekuatan untuk berjuang sampai akhir dengan satu hati dan satu cinta kasih saya, saya ingin membiarkan Anda tahu bahwa cinta adalah perasaan bahwa Anda tidak dapat menyembunyikan atau mudah lupa, cinta tidak melihat perbedaan, dia melihat ada jarak, tidak ada yang sulit dalam hati cinta sejati, saya mengerti semua yang Anda katakan tentang perbedaan antara kami, tapi saya ingin meyakinkan Anda bahwa saya tidak merasa bahwa mereka akan menjadi kendala bagi kita jika kita benar-benar berbagi perasaan yang sama bersama-sama. Saya telah ke Indonesia dan saya tahu banyak tentang budaya, norma, dan kekuatan ekonomi negara, dan saya telah menempatkan semua ini menjadi pertimbangan sebelum saya membuat pikiran saya untuk membangun sebuah keluarga baru dan pindah ada, kita dewasa dengan banyak pengalaman untuk memperjuangkan apa yang kita inginkan, semua yang kita butuhkan adalah kesatuan, satu hati, kepercayaan, keyakinan, dukungan dan bantuan, jika kita memiliki semua ini dalam hubungan kami, saya memberitahu Anda bahwa semua yang Anda anggap sebagai hambatan untuk dapat dengan mudah ditangani. Saya sangat percaya bahwa Anda mampu dan bersedia untuk membangun keluarga yang bahagia di sana dengan saya dan saya berdoa agar Allah SWT akan membimbing kita melalui. Memiliki hari yang indah depan

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