After two hours, a sad news, im­pris­oned the soul strength in soul ni terjemahan - After two hours, a sad news, im­pris­oned the soul strength in soul ni Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After two hours, a sad news, im­pri

After two hours, a sad news, im­pris­oned the soul strength in soul niche soon to fill, Seurre car­ried off my im­pris­on­ing soul niche, and led the dif­fer­ent demon army to re­turn does not turn over to the sea to go, hence, looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate only to de­pend upon 100 W + NPC in city to guard from the line, but the per­son who can bat­tle will not even sur­pass 30 W.
Sits in the city wall, turns head to have a look in the square Lei San the drill newly-built gar­ri­son army cav­alry to rush ahead, but that clashes crooked, the cav­alry sol­dier hits mu­tu­ally, the com­pletely in­ad­e­quate reper­toire, NND, is it pos­si­ble that couldn't these fel­lows hap­pen to ob­tain some­body's favor?
More­over, sev­eral „are good at ac­cept­ing new thing” the slave mil­i­tary of­fi­cer taught part of gar­ri­son armed forces to study to use Long Jing ar­tillery.
A Long Jing ar­tillery sound, full moon south square Dasheng­tang cover mov­ing, mother egg, is not com­pletely rea­son­able!
My moral na­ture is anx­ious, even has been able to see the cool breeze in orig­i­nal to have the player to gather from afar, once they come, what to do here should?
In guild chan­nel, as be­fore noisy, but lets the good news that the human re­joices is every book city in the wind and rain swings to fall, ac­tu­ally through­out also grasps in our hands
Lin Xi­aowu: „I went to a Long Jing ar­tillery to ex­plode in my 3 me­ters, had not killed me luck­ily, scared to death me!”
Li Mu: „Be­fore two hours, you died the sec­ond time, this time dies again falls 4 lev­els, con­grat­u­la­tions!”
Lin Xi­aowu: „Same to you!”
I asked: „The de­fen­sive war of every book city how?”
Yue Qing Qian said: „Ram­ble elder brother, the sit­u­a­tion is not very op­ti­mistic, we were en­cir­cled, the city wall now like is the strong-smelling bean curd was tat­tered and torn . More­over the NPC army in city loses se­ri­ously, your palace guard es­ti­mated op­ti­misti­cally the bat­tle loss sur­passed 60%!”
I hurt: „Faint”
The Dong Cheng month eats to smile: „Ram­ble elder brother def­i­nitely loved dearly died, but was unim­por­tant, the player who the iron skull city and Ze deep pool city hung were more, the post-war city sys­tem re­cov­ery killed the enemy the num­ber to weigh rad­i­cally, this time died in bat­tle the player under every book city to sur­pass 2000 W ab­solutely, such mag­nif­i­cent scene, so long as every book city still, ab­solutely can pro­mote to a stronger city.”
I nod: „Um, every­body re­fu­els, the fight of high­est heaven city di­rec­tion?”
Lin Wan Er said: „The abo­rig­ine in high­est heaven city, the peo­ple of demon moun­tain, 7 K and pur­ple bag­pipe in crazy counter-at­tack, and this pur­ple bag­pipe sent out the 20 W an­tiq­uity demon sol­dier to at­tack a city fi­nally, the high­est heaven city that Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han these peo­ple were de­fend­ing creaky­ing hit very la­bo­ri­ously, and NPC mil­i­tary bag­gage heavy ar­tillery wait has used to dam­age, if as ex­pected, the high­est heaven city can­not de­fend.”
„Does clear pupil de­velop black ink?” I con­tinue to ask.
Lin Wan Er said: „After los­ing the Lin­hai city, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink and maple­wood to be drunk takes in the high­est heaven city sep­a­rately two sec­ondary host city tall Tingcheng and hot spear cities cap­tur­ing, it seems like wants to con­tinue to so­cial­ize as the foun­da­tion with the high­est heaven city and Tian Ling Em­pire by these two sec­ondary host cities. Men­tioned strangely, why did the clear pupil de­velop black ink not to re­gain the Lin­hai city? Prop­erly speak­ing my mil­i­tary strength can­not block the 2000 W per­son.”
I deeply in­spire: „This I do not know that here is not in any case op­ti­mistic.”
Lin Wan Er eats to smile: „Pig head, your side sit­u­a­tion how?”
„Looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate is hits, but no
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After two hours, a sad news, im­pris­oned the soul strength in soul niche soon to fill, Seurre car­ried off my im­pris­on­ing soul niche, and led the dif­fer­ent demon army to re­turn does not turn over to the sea to go, hence, looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate only to de­pend upon 100 W + NPC in city to guard from the line, but the per­son who can bat­tle will not even sur­pass 30 W.Sits in the city wall, turns head to have a look in the square Lei San the drill newly-built gar­ri­son army cav­alry to rush ahead, but that clashes crooked, the cav­alry sol­dier hits mu­tu­ally, the com­pletely in­ad­e­quate reper­toire, NND, is it pos­si­ble that couldn't these fel­lows hap­pen to ob­tain some­body's favor?More­over, sev­eral „are good at ac­cept­ing new thing” the slave mil­i­tary of­fi­cer taught part of gar­ri­son armed forces to study to use Long Jing ar­tillery.„Bang!”A Long Jing ar­tillery sound, full moon south square Dasheng­tang cover mov­ing, mother egg, is not com­pletely rea­son­able!My moral na­ture is anx­ious, even has been able to see the cool breeze in orig­i­nal to have the player to gather from afar, once they come, what to do here should?In guild chan­nel, as be­fore noisy, but lets the good news that the human re­joices is every book city in the wind and rain swings to fall, ac­tu­ally through­out also grasps in our handsLin Xi­aowu: „I went to a Long Jing ar­tillery to ex­plode in my 3 me­ters, had not killed me luck­ily, scared to death me!”Li Mu: „Be­fore two hours, you died the sec­ond time, this time dies again falls 4 lev­els, con­grat­u­la­tions!”Lin Xi­aowu: „Same to you!”I asked: „The de­fen­sive war of every book city how?”Yue Qing Qian said: „Ram­ble elder brother, the sit­u­a­tion is not very op­ti­mistic, we were en­cir­cled, the city wall now like is the strong-smelling bean curd was tat­tered and torn . More­over the NPC army in city loses se­ri­ously, your palace guard es­ti­mated op­ti­misti­cally the bat­tle loss sur­passed 60%!”I hurt: „Faint”The Dong Cheng month eats to smile: „Ram­ble elder brother def­i­nitely loved dearly died, but was unim­por­tant, the player who the iron skull city and Ze deep pool city hung were more, the post-war city sys­tem re­cov­ery killed the enemy the num­ber to weigh rad­i­cally, this time died in bat­tle the player under every book city to sur­pass 2000 W ab­solutely, such mag­nif­i­cent scene, so long as every book city still, ab­solutely can pro­mote to a stronger city.”I nod: „Um, every­body re­fu­els, the fight of high­est heaven city di­rec­tion?”Lin Wan Er said: „The abo­rig­ine in high­est heaven city, the peo­ple of demon moun­tain, 7 K and pur­ple bag­pipe in crazy counter-at­tack, and this pur­ple bag­pipe sent out the 20 W an­tiq­uity demon sol­dier to at­tack a city fi­nally, the high­est heaven city that Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han these peo­ple were de­fend­ing creaky­ing hit very la­bo­ri­ously, and NPC mil­i­tary bag­gage heavy ar­tillery wait has used to dam­age, if as ex­pected, the high­est heaven city can­not de­fend.”„Does clear pupil de­velop black ink?” I con­tinue to ask.Lin Wan Er said: „After los­ing the Lin­hai city, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink and maple­wood to be drunk takes in the high­est heaven city sep­a­rately two sec­ondary host city tall Tingcheng and hot spear cities cap­tur­ing, it seems like wants to con­tinue to so­cial­ize as the foun­da­tion with the high­est heaven city and Tian Ling Em­pire by these two sec­ondary host cities. Men­tioned strangely, why did the clear pupil de­velop black ink not to re­gain the Lin­hai city? Prop­erly speak­ing my mil­i­tary strength can­not block the 2000 W per­son.”I deeply in­spire: „This I do not know that here is not in any case op­ti­mistic.”Lin Wan Er eats to smile: „Pig head, your side sit­u­a­tion how?”„Looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate is hits, but no
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setelah dua jam, berita sedih, dipenjara kekuatan jiwa dalam niche jiwa segera mengisi, Seurre diboyong memenjarakan jiwa niche saya, dan memimpin pasukan setan yang berbeda untuk kembali tidak menyerahkan ke laut untuk pergi, maka, memandang dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar pintu gerbang kota utama hanya bergantung pada 100 W + NPC di kota untuk menjaga dari garis, tetapi orang yang dapat pertempuran bahkan tidak akan melampaui 30 W.
Duduk di tembok kota, ternyata kepala untuk memiliki terlihat di alun-alun Lei San bor baru dibangun kavaleri tentara garnisun buru-buru ke depan, tapi itu bentrokan bengkok, prajurit kavaleri menyentuh saling, repertoar-benar tidak memadai, NND, adalah mungkin bahwa tidak bisa orang ini terjadi untuk memperoleh nikmat seseorang ?
Selain itu, beberapa "baik di menerima hal baru" petugas militer budak diajarkan bagian dari angkatan bersenjata pasukan untuk belajar menggunakan Long Jing artileri.
A Long Jing artileri suara, bulan purnama selatan penutup Dashengtang persegi bergerak, telur ibu , tidak sepenuhnya masuk akal!
sifat moral saya adalah cemas, bahkan telah mampu melihat angin sejuk di asli untuk memiliki pemain untuk mengumpulkan dari jauh, setelah mereka datang, apa yang harus dilakukan di sini harus?
dalam saluran serikat, seperti sebelumnya berisik, tetapi memungkinkan kabar baik bahwa bersukacita manusia adalah setiap kota buku di angin dan hujan ayunan jatuh, sebenarnya seluruh juga menangkap di tangan kita
Lin Xiaowu: "saya pergi ke sebuah artileri Long Jing meledak di 3 meter saya, tidak membunuh saya untungnya, takut mati saya "!
Li Mu:" Sebelum dua jam, Anda mati kedua kalinya, kali ini meninggal lagi jatuh 4 tingkat, selamat "!
Lin Xiaowu:"! Sama untuk Anda "
saya bertanya:" perang defensif dari setiap kota buku bagaimana "?
Yue Qing Qian mengatakan:" mengoceh kakak, situasinya tidak terlalu optimis, kami mengelilingi, tembok kota sekarang suka adalah dadih kacang berbau tajam itu compang-camping dan robek. Selain itu tentara NPC di kota kehilangan serius, penjaga istana perkiraan optimis pertempuran kerugian melampaui 60% "!
Saya sakit hati:" Faint "
The Dong Cheng bulan makan tersenyum:" mengoceh kakak pasti mencintai mahal meninggal, tapi tidak penting, yang pemain yang kota besi tengkorak dan Ze dalam kota renang digantung lebih, pasca-perang pemulihan sistem kota menewaskan musuh nomor untuk menimbang secara radikal, kali ini tewas dalam pertempuran pemain di bawah setiap kota buku mengungguli 2000 W benar-benar, seperti biasa scene, asalkan setiap kota buku masih, benar-benar dapat mempromosikan ke kota kuat ".
aku mengangguk:"? Um, semua orang refuels, perjuangan tertinggi arah kota surga "
kata Lin Wan Er:" The pribumi di kota surga tertinggi, orang-orang dari setan gunung, 7 K dan bagpipe ungu gila serangan balik, dan bagpipe ungu ini dikirim 20 W kuno setan tentara untuk menyerang kota akhirnya, kota surga tertinggi yang Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han ini orang membela creakying memukul sangat susah payah, dan NPC bagasi militer artileri berat menunggu telah digunakan untuk kerusakan, jika seperti yang diharapkan, kota surga tertinggi tidak bisa membela. "
" Apakah jelas murid mengembangkan tinta hitam? "saya terus bertanya.
Lin Wan Er kata : "Setelah kehilangan kota Linhai, pupil jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam dan maplewood untuk diminum mengambil di kota surga tertinggi secara terpisah dua kota tuan rumah sekunder tinggi Tingcheng dan kota tombak panas menangkap, sepertinya ingin terus bersosialisasi sebagai dasar dengan kota surga tertinggi dan Tian Ling Empire oleh dua kota ini tuan rumah sekunder. Disebutkan anehnya, mengapa murid jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam tidak mendapatkan kembali kota Linhai? Berbicara dengan benar kekuatan militer saya tidak bisa memblokir 2.000 W orang ".
Saya sangat menginspirasi:". Ini saya tidak tahu bahwa di sini tidak dalam hal apapun optimis "
Lin Wan Er makan tersenyum:" Kepala Babi, situasi sisi Anda bagaimana "?
"Melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama adalah hits, tapi tidak ada
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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