Menggabungkan iodin dan red fosforus, berhati-hati, tambah air. Kaedah ini digunakan secara meluas oleh orang-orang ahli kimia yang membekalkan meth makmal dengan HI(aq). Walau bagaimanapun, ia mempunyai kelemahan penggunaan bahan kimia yang diperhatikan. Fosforus merah (mata ganjaran) dikawal. Iodin (I2) ditonton. Memperolehi Mata Ganjaran OTC dan I2 bukanlah satu endevour yang serius. OTC Mata Ganjaran dari perlawanan berkeputusan Peti dan iodin OTC dari rasa adalah memakan masa dan buruh intensif. Hanya tweakers akan cuba untuk membuat sendiri Mata Ganjaran dan I2. Selain itu, penulisan ini adalah semua tentang membuat HI(aq) dari bahan-bahan bebas menonton mengundang pelbagai persoalan yang mana-mana.Gelembung gas hidrogen sulfida melalui Mesin gerudi untuk air daripada I2, distill HI(aq).H2S + I2(aq)--> 2HI(aq) + SºKaedah ini amat sesuai untuk pengeluaran secara besar-besaran HI(aq). Kelemahan adalah bahawa gas hidrogen sulfida amat Berbisa. Saya benar-benar ingin menekankan bahawa ahli kimia rahsia baru harus tidak pernah cuba untuk menghasilkan H2S. H2S adalah racun yang berbahaya. Terdapat tiada penawar. Dengan dos maut yang diukur dalam ppm kecil, kematian boleh dijangka dalam masa 15 minit dari kelemasan selular yang akut.I was once gassed with hydrogen cyanide, which is similar in toxicity to hydrogen sulfide, luckily there IS an antidote for cyanide poisoning, and my lab was equipped with a Lilly kit and my co-workers were quick to respond, and the chief chemist had the brains to show up at the emergency room in that poor South American town with a bottle of thiosulfate. Had the gas been H2S instead of HCN, Argox would not be here to tell the tale. Having said that, for manufacturing HI(aq) in quantities above 20 liters/day, this would be the most practical method. However, I repeat that H2S is deadly poison, and if anything goes wrong, you and everybody in the immediate area will be at risk of dying. The obnoxious smell of H2S at low concentrations quickly overwhelms the senses at higher concentrations, and it is quite common for the victim to assume that 'the smell went away, so everything's OK.' Usually the last wrong assumption they ever make...React potassium iodide with ortho-phosphoric acid, recover HI(aq) and HI. The chemistry of phosphorous is complex. Observation indicates that the following are the major reactions:KI + H3PO4(aq) + delta temp--> HI(aq)+ KH2PO4KH2PO4 + KI + delta temp--> HI + K2HPO4additional HI(aq) and HI is obtained throughout the dehydration of potassium phosphate salts and polymerization of same while reacting with potassium iodide at high temperature--400+ºCThis method has the advantage of being safe and controllable and uses non watched ingredients. The process is similar to a simple distillation, and requires only the type of glassware normally owned by the clandestine chemist. For 10 liters/day of HI(aq), this method is ideal, requiring only a 22L RB flask and heating mantle. A 12L-10L RB flask /heating mantle will produce 5 liters/day; a 5L RB flask/heating mantle 2.5 liters/day, etc. The heating mantle is a key element in making HI(aq), oil and sand baths will not take the temperature high enough. The tweaker can use a 1L erlenmeyer with single 24/40 neck on a stirrer/hot plate combo and produce 300-400 cc in a couple of hours. (Percent recovery is a function of scale. At larger scales, more HI(aq) will be recovered mol/mol per KI. 92% recovery mol/mol at the 22L scale and larger, contrasted with only 75% at the 1L scale. Why this is true I can only speculate, but it is true nonetheless.)
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