DiscussionWith the present study, our main objectives were: (a) determ terjemahan - DiscussionWith the present study, our main objectives were: (a) determ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

DiscussionWith the present study, o

With the present study, our main objectives were: (a) determining which VEP response components were present in 1 month old infants when presenting them 2 visual un patterned flash stimuliintensities; (b) verifying if there were differences regarding the visual stimuli processing in the infants who were sleeping and awake during the stimuli presentation; and (c) understanding if the VEP components could predict an adjusted orientation and/orregulation behavior in one month old infants.We found that in both sleeping and awake one month old infants, P2 and N3 components were present during the flashlight stimuli, in both lower and higher intensities. Indeed, the presenceof these components was a consistent and robust finding observed among all infants. These results are consistent with previous find-ings (McGlone et al., 2013) suggesting that visual components suchas P2 or N3 may reflect a mature brain development in the firstweeks of life.Considering the flash stimuli intensities, our results revealed that the infants displayed greater P2 amplitude in response tothe higher intensity stimulus. This was evident only when theinfants were awoken. Therefore, these results suggest that theinfant’s state is crucial for determining different visual process-ing thresholds. In fact, as it has been reported before (Shepherdet al., 1999), infants’ state seem to influence the VEP peaks latencyand amplitude regarding the flash visual response, once infantsthat are awake were reported to display greater amplitudes andshorter peak latencies (Benavente et al., 2005). The present studydid not corroborate previous evidence suggesting that there areno differences regarding the VEP characterization in sleeping andawake infants (Barnet et al., 1980; Ellingson, 1970; Ferriss et al.,1967). However, it demonstrated that when studying differencesregarding threshold processing, infants’ state is essential to theVEP response. This can be due possibly to the fact that similarbehavior state may reduce intra and inter-subject variability in veryyoung infants, as suggested by Apkarian et al. (1991). Our study sug-gests that the infant’s neural response to different stimuli may bedepending on their behavior state (Prechtl, 1974).Regarding the neurobehavioral assessment, we hypothesizedthat one-month-old infants would respond to sensorial stimula-tion in two behavioral ways: (a) through an external response to thestimuli, and (b) through the infants’ ability to regulate themselvesin order to respond to that stimulation. These behavioral charac-teristics are translating social abilities displayed by very younginfants (Brazelton and Nugent, 1995). We observed an associa-tion between a mature neurobehavioral outcome and the VEP’spositive N3 amplitude (once N3 is a negative component higheramplitude means more negativity) in the lower flash intensity.Moreover, once again, these results were only evident in infantsthat were awoken during the visual stimulation. Indeed, the braindevelopment at young ages is characterized as a complex processthat occurs very rapidly, namely a fast increase in synaptic den-sity in the visual cortex in parallel with intense myelination ofthe visual tracts in the first four postnatal months (Dubois et al.,2008). The infant’s physiological response to sensorial stimulationis translated into behavioral characteristics that are associated withspending attentional resources in order to display adequate orient-ing/social interactive and regulating behavior outcomes (Atkinson,2002). In fact, infants show different sensorial stimulation inputnecessities and/or difficulties that are present early in the devel-opmental process (Magnee et al., 2011). For instance, infants whodisplay lower stimuli processing thresholds or seem too disorga-nized to deal with their context will need different stimuli inputsthan those infants who are calmer or require more stimulation toreact (Brazelton and Nugent, 1995). Furthermore, it has been sug-gested that in the first months of life infants present an increase
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
DiskusiWith the present study, our main objectives were: (a) determining which VEP response components were present in 1 month old infants when presenting them 2 visual un patterned flash stimuliintensities; (b) verifying if there were differences regarding the visual stimuli processing in the infants who were sleeping and awake during the stimuli presentation; and (c) understanding if the VEP components could predict an adjusted orientation and/orregulation behavior in one month old infants.We found that in both sleeping and awake one month old infants, P2 and N3 components were present during the flashlight stimuli, in both lower and higher intensities. Indeed, the presenceof these components was a consistent and robust finding observed among all infants. These results are consistent with previous find-ings (McGlone et al., 2013) suggesting that visual components suchas P2 or N3 may reflect a mature brain development in the firstweeks of life.Considering the flash stimuli intensities, our results revealed that the infants displayed greater P2 amplitude in response tothe higher intensity stimulus. This was evident only when theinfants were awoken. Therefore, these results suggest that theinfant’s state is crucial for determining different visual process-ing thresholds. In fact, as it has been reported before (Shepherdet al., 1999), infants’ state seem to influence the VEP peaks latencyand amplitude regarding the flash visual response, once infantsthat are awake were reported to display greater amplitudes andshorter peak latencies (Benavente et al., 2005). The present studydid not corroborate previous evidence suggesting that there areno differences regarding the VEP characterization in sleeping andawake infants (Barnet et al., 1980; Ellingson, 1970; Ferriss et al.,1967). However, it demonstrated that when studying differencesregarding threshold processing, infants’ state is essential to theVEP response. This can be due possibly to the fact that similarbehavior state may reduce intra and inter-subject variability in veryyoung infants, as suggested by Apkarian et al. (1991). Our study sug-gests that the infant’s neural response to different stimuli may bedepending on their behavior state (Prechtl, 1974).Regarding the neurobehavioral assessment, we hypothesizedthat one-month-old infants would respond to sensorial stimula-tion in two behavioral ways: (a) through an external response to thestimuli, and (b) through the infants’ ability to regulate themselvesin order to respond to that stimulation. These behavioral charac-teristics are translating social abilities displayed by very younginfants (Brazelton and Nugent, 1995). We observed an associa-tion between a mature neurobehavioral outcome and the VEP’spositive N3 amplitude (once N3 is a negative component higheramplitude means more negativity) in the lower flash intensity.Moreover, once again, these results were only evident in infantsthat were awoken during the visual stimulation. Indeed, the braindevelopment at young ages is characterized as a complex processthat occurs very rapidly, namely a fast increase in synaptic den-sity in the visual cortex in parallel with intense myelination ofthe visual tracts in the first four postnatal months (Dubois et al.,2008). The infant’s physiological response to sensorial stimulationis translated into behavioral characteristics that are associated withspending attentional resources in order to display adequate orient-ing/social interactive and regulating behavior outcomes (Atkinson,2002). In fact, infants show different sensorial stimulation inputnecessities and/or difficulties that are present early in the devel-opmental process (Magnee et al., 2011). For instance, infants whodisplay lower stimuli processing thresholds or seem too disorga-nized to deal with their context will need different stimuli inputsthan those infants who are calmer or require more stimulation toreact (Brazelton and Nugent, 1995). Furthermore, it has been sug-gested that in the first months of life infants present an increase
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan penelitian ini, tujuan utama kami adalah: (a) menentukan VEP komponen respon hadir pada bayi berusia 1 bulan saat presentasi mereka 2 visual yang un bermotif stimuliintensities kilat; (b) memverifikasi apakah ada perbedaan mengenai pengolahan rangsangan visual pada bayi yang sedang tidur dan terjaga selama presentasi stimuli; dan (c) pemahaman jika komponen VEP bisa memprediksi orientasi disesuaikan dan perilaku / orregulation dalam satu bulan infants.We tua menemukan bahwa di kedua tidur dan bayi terjaga satu bulan tua, P2 dan N3 komponen yang hadir selama rangsangan senter, baik lebih rendah dan lebih tinggi intensitas. Memang, presenceof komponen ini adalah temuan yang konsisten dan kuat diamati antara semua bayi. Hasil ini konsisten dengan sebelumnya find-temuan (McGlone et al., 2013) menunjukkan bahwa komponen visual suchas P2 atau N3 mungkin mencerminkan perkembangan otak yang matang dalam firstweeks dari life.Considering rangsangan kilat intensitas, hasil kami menunjukkan bahwa bayi ditampilkan amplitudo P2 lebih besar dalam menanggapi tertalu stimulus intensitas yang lebih tinggi. Hal ini terbukti hanya ketika theinfants dibangunkan. Oleh karena itu, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa negara theinfant ini sangat penting untuk menentukan proses-ing ambang visual yang berbeda. Bahkan, seperti yang telah dilaporkan sebelumnya (Shepherdet al., 1999), negara bayi tampaknya mempengaruhi VEP puncak amplitudo latencyand mengenai respon visual flash, sekali infantsthat terjaga dilaporkan untuk menampilkan yang lebih besar amplitudo andshorter latency puncak (Benavente et al., 2005). The studydid ini tidak menguatkan bukti sebelumnya yang menunjukkan bahwa ada areno perbedaan mengenai karakterisasi VEP di tidur andawake bayi (Barnet et al, 1980;. Ellingson, 1970; Ferriss et al, 1967.). Namun, menunjukkan bahwa ketika belajar differencesregarding pengolahan ambang batas, negara bayi sangat penting untuk respon theVEP. Hal ini dapat disebabkan mungkin fakta bahwa negara similarbehavior dapat mengurangi variabilitas intra dan inter-subjek pada bayi veryyoung, seperti yang disarankan oleh Apkarian et al. (1991). Studi kami sug-gests bahwa respon saraf bayi terhadap rangsangan yang berbeda mungkin bedepending di negara perilaku mereka (Prechtl, 1974) .Regarding penilaian neurobehavioral, kami hypothesizedthat bayi satu-bulan-tua akan menanggapi sensorik stimula-tion dalam dua cara perilaku: (a) melalui respon eksternal untuk thestimuli, dan (b) melalui kemampuan bayi untuk mengatur themselvesin untuk menanggapi rangsangan itu. Ini perilaku charac-sifat-menerjemahkan kemampuan sosial yang ditampilkan oleh sangat younginfants (Brazelton dan Nugent, 1995). Kami mengamati Associa-tion antara hasil neurobehavioral matang dan amplitudo VEP'spositive N3 (sekali N3 adalah komponen higheramplitude negatif berarti lebih negatif) di intensity.Moreover flashdisk lebih rendah, sekali lagi, hasil ini hanya terlihat di infantsthat dibangunkan selama stimulasi visual. Memang, braindevelopment pada usia muda ditandai sebagai processthat kompleks terjadi sangat cepat, yaitu peningkatan cepat dalam sinaptik den-sity di korteks visual secara paralel dengan mielinisasi intens ofthe saluran visual dalam empat bulan setelah melahirkan pertama (Dubois et al., 2008). Respon fisiologis bayi untuk sensorik stimulationis diterjemahkan ke dalam karakteristik perilaku yang berkaitan withspending sumber attentional untuk menampilkan memadai orient-ing / sosial interaktif dan mengatur hasil perilaku (Atkinson, 2002). Bahkan, bayi menunjukkan inputnecessities stimulasi sensorik yang berbeda dan / atau kesulitan yang hadir di awal proses devel-opmental (Magnee et al., 2011). Misalnya, bayi whodisplay rangsangan yang lebih rendah pengolahan ambang atau tampak terlalu disorga-nized berurusan dengan konteks mereka akan membutuhkan rangsangan yang berbeda inputsthan orang bayi yang tenang atau memerlukan lebih banyak stimulasi toreact (Brazelton dan Nugent, 1995). Selain itu, telah SUG-gested bahwa dalam bulan-bulan pertama bayi hidup menyajikan peningkatan
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