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The Barack Obama, United Nations an

The Barack Obama, United Nations and ISIS Timepiece.

Friday, 1 May 2015.

Micah 5:6

King James Version (KJV)

And they (ISIS) shall waste the land of Assyria (Syria) with the sword, and the land of Nimrod (Babylon/Iraq) in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian (Assad), when he cometh into our land (Israel), and when he treadeth within our borders.

Shalom Aleichem in Hebrew: שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם ,meaning "Peace be upon you,and may that peace be complete".Up and until today ISIS and it's allies still can't see that they are but mere pawns in the hands of Barack Hussein Obama,the second beast of Revelation 13:11-13,also known as Nimrod,and his wicked henchmen which includes the United Nations.

Some of these world leaders with the U.N. are purposely allowing ISIS free reign ,to persecute and martyr Christians,religious minorities and even their own people including women and children,Imams,religious leaders and scholars of Islam who offends them.
After which the United States and the U.N.will step conveniently in,wiping out ISIS,and bringing a sense of "False peace" in the world.And the world would stand in awe of the United Nations (the first beast of Rev.13:1-4), and the USA /Barack Obama.

These would take this oppurtune time to usher in the New World Order with its Mark of the Beast 666 System ,and the One World Religion Apostasy under *Rome/Resurrected Roman Empire better known as Fallen Babylon the Great of Revelation 18.

*Rome refers to the Religious Empire of the Roman Vatican that will betray Christianity unto The Islamic Antichrist System/Empire coming from the Medes and the Persians.To form the One World Religion Chapter of the New World Order.

Revelation 13:1-3

"Then I saw a beast coming up out of the SEA.One of the heads of the beast "seemed to have been FATALLY wounded,but the "wound had healed".The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast".

Ye who have ears listen to these words.

Let grace come.And let this world pass away.Hosanna to the Son of David!If anyone is holy,let him come,if anyone is not holy,let him repent.Maranatha!Amen.Which means,"Our Lord Cometh"

Friday, 1 May 2015.

Cape Town,South Africa.

Disunting · Suka · Balas · Lapor · 6 jam yang lalu
Murad Rakhimov
As long as the civil movement and civic consciousness in USA would remain in such a low and pitiful level, nothing will change in this country. Americans need to learn from other nations how to defend their basic rights. Unfortunately, they lack the sense of dignity, conscience and courage...
Suka · 1 · Balas · Lapor · 2 jam yang lalu
Isobel Smith
Under Diplomatic Immunity at Geneva "Peace?" Talks with UK Penholder of "Peace?" Treaty Libya. Emir of Isis AbdelAkhim Belhaj and his Isis and Qaeda Thugs. Anyone who has read the Balfour Letter about the Transfer of Israel to USA please clearly see it never happened. It was an "Inclusion Letter".
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Barack Obama, PBB dan arloji ISIS.Jumat 1 Mei 2015.Mikha 5:6 Versi King James (KJV)Dan mereka (ISIS) akan membuang tanah Asyur (Syria) dengan pedang, dan negeri Nimrod (Babel/Irak) di pintu masuk daripadanya: Jadi harus ia membebaskan kita dari orang Asyur (Assad), ketika ia datang ke negeri kita (Israel), dan ketika ia treadeth dalam perbatasan kita.Shalom Aleichem dalam bahasa Ibrani: שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם, berarti "Salam bagimu, dan mungkin bahwa perdamaian akan lengkap". Up dan sampai hari ini sekutu ISIS dan itu masih tidak bisa melihat bahwa mereka tapi hanya bidak dalam tangan Barack Hussein Obama, binatang kedua dari Wahyu 13:11-13, juga dikenal sebagai Nimrod, dan tangannya jahat yang mencakup Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa.Para pemimpin dunia ini dengan PBB sengaja membiarkan pemerintahan gratis ISIS, untuk menganiaya dan martir Kristen, kelompok agama minoritas dan bahkan mereka sendiri-orang termasuk perempuan dan anak-anak, imam, pemimpin agama dan sarjana Islam yang menyinggung mereka.Setelah Amerika Serikat dan U.N.will langkah strategis, memusnahkan ISIS, dan membawa rasa "Palsu damai" di dunia. Dan dunia akan berdiri dalam kekaguman dari Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (binatang yang pertama Rev.13:1-4), dan Amerika Serikat Barack Obama.Ini akan mengambil waktu oppurtune untuk mengantarkan Orde Dunia baru dengan tanda 666 sistem binatang, dan kemurtadan agama dunia satu di bawah * Roma bangkit Kekaisaran Romawi lebih dikenal sebagai jatuh Babel besar 18 Wahyu.*Rome refers to the Religious Empire of the Roman Vatican that will betray Christianity unto The Islamic Antichrist System/Empire coming from the Medes and the Persians.To form the One World Religion Chapter of the New World Order.Revelation 13:1-3"Then I saw a beast coming up out of the SEA.One of the heads of the beast "seemed to have been FATALLY wounded,but the "wound had healed".The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast".Ye who have ears listen to these words.Let grace come.And let this world pass away.Hosanna to the Son of David!If anyone is holy,let him come,if anyone is not holy,let him repent.Maranatha!Amen.Which means,"Our Lord Cometh"Friday, 1 May 2015.Cape Town,South Africa.Disunting · Suka · Balas · Lapor · 6 jam yang laluMurad RakhimovAs long as the civil movement and civic consciousness in USA would remain in such a low and pitiful level, nothing will change in this country. Americans need to learn from other nations how to defend their basic rights. Unfortunately, they lack the sense of dignity, conscience and courage...Suka · 1 · Balas · Lapor · 2 jam yang laluIsobel SmithUnder Diplomatic Immunity at Geneva "Peace?" Talks with UK Penholder of "Peace?" Treaty Libya. Emir of Isis AbdelAkhim Belhaj and his Isis and Qaeda Thugs. Anyone who has read the Balfour Letter about the Transfer of Israel to USA please clearly see it never happened. It was an "Inclusion Letter".
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