Although the mechanism(s) ofaction of most probiotics remain unexplore terjemahan - Although the mechanism(s) ofaction of most probiotics remain unexplore Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Although the mechanism(s) ofaction

Although the mechanism(s) of
action of most probiotics remain unexplored, it is generally presumed that the molecular mechanisms of probiotics are triggered by microbe–epithelial cell interactions at the site of probiotic application (e.g., gut, vaginal). Major mechanisms by which probiotics are thought to act include inhibiting the growth or expression of bacterial virulence factors, preventing colonization with pathogenic bacteria, modulation of one or more mucosal and/or systemic immune responses, and improving gastrointestinal barrier integrity.
Experimental studies in vitro and in vivo are beginning to provide clues to how probiotics may act. Some data suggest that certain probiotics dampen nuclear factor kappa B activation and, hence, proinflammatory mucosal and/or systemic immune responses. Additional data suggest that select probiotics augment antibody responses to immunization and/or infecting pathogens. In some instances, cell-free supernatants of studied probiotics similarly dampen inflammatory responses, suggesting that probiotics may
release cell-free anti-inflammatory molecules. Consistent with the idea that live organisms may not
be required for probiotic activity, heat-killed probiotics or probiotic lysates have yielded clinical improvement
when used topically for atopic dermatitis or orally for diarrheal illnesses. 34 35 36 On the other hand, other
work suggests caution because heat-killed probiotics can promote inflammatory responses by inducing
interleukin-12 (IL-12) production and natural killer–cell activity. Although it has widely been presumed
that probiotics, through mucosal adherence, displace pathogens and prevent their ability to colonize and
initiate disease, experimental studies, in fact, have reported conflicting results on the ability of probiotics to
displace pathogens from epithelial cells or the mucosa. In human studies, distinct strains of
probiotics have shown differing capacities for colonization, based on fecal studies. Overall, the
mechanisms by which probiotics act should be presumed to differ among products and are likely strain
specific. Additional data are needed to understand the mechanisms by which specific probiotics act in
specific diseases to permit clinicians to make informed decisions about the appropriate probiotic choice for
use in differing clinical conditions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Although the mechanism(s) ofaction of most probiotics remain unexplored, it is generally presumed that the molecular mechanisms of probiotics are triggered by microbe–epithelial cell interactions at the site of probiotic application (e.g., gut, vaginal). Major mechanisms by which probiotics are thought to act include inhibiting the growth or expression of bacterial virulence factors, preventing colonization with pathogenic bacteria, modulation of one or more mucosal and/or systemic immune responses, and improving gastrointestinal barrier integrity.Experimental studies in vitro and in vivo are beginning to provide clues to how probiotics may act. Some data suggest that certain probiotics dampen nuclear factor kappa B activation and, hence, proinflammatory mucosal and/or systemic immune responses. Additional data suggest that select probiotics augment antibody responses to immunization and/or infecting pathogens. In some instances, cell-free supernatants of studied probiotics similarly dampen inflammatory responses, suggesting that probiotics mayrelease cell-free anti-inflammatory molecules. Consistent with the idea that live organisms may notbe required for probiotic activity, heat-killed probiotics or probiotic lysates have yielded clinical improvementwhen used topically for atopic dermatitis or orally for diarrheal illnesses. 34 35 36 On the other hand, otherwork suggests caution because heat-killed probiotics can promote inflammatory responses by inducinginterleukin-12 (IL-12) production and natural killer–cell activity. Although it has widely been presumedthat probiotics, through mucosal adherence, displace pathogens and prevent their ability to colonize andinitiate disease, experimental studies, in fact, have reported conflicting results on the ability of probiotics todisplace pathogens from epithelial cells or the mucosa. In human studies, distinct strains ofprobiotics have shown differing capacities for colonization, based on fecal studies. Overall, themechanisms by which probiotics act should be presumed to differ among products and are likely strainspecific. Additional data are needed to understand the mechanisms by which specific probiotics act inspecific diseases to permit clinicians to make informed decisions about the appropriate probiotic choice foruse in differing clinical conditions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Meskipun mekanisme (s) dari
tindakan yang paling probiotik tetap belum dijelajahi, umumnya dianggap bahwa mekanisme molekuler probiotik yang dipicu oleh interaksi sel mikroba-epitel di lokasi aplikasi probiotik (misalnya, usus, vagina). Mekanisme utama dimana probiotik dianggap bertindak termasuk menghambat pertumbuhan atau ekspresi faktor virulensi bakteri, mencegah kolonisasi bakteri patogen, modulasi dari satu atau lebih mukosa dan / atau respon imun sistemik, dan meningkatkan integritas penghalang pencernaan.
Studi eksperimental in vitro dan in vivo mulai memberikan petunjuk bagaimana probiotik dapat bertindak. Beberapa data menunjukkan bahwa probiotik tertentu meredam faktor nuklir kappa B aktivasi dan, karenanya, mukosa proinflamasi dan / atau respon imun sistemik. Data tambahan menunjukkan bahwa probiotik pilih meningkatkan respon antibodi terhadap imunisasi dan / atau menginfeksi patogen. Dalam beberapa kasus, supernatan bebas sel probiotik dipelajari sama meredam respon inflamasi, menunjukkan bahwa probiotik dapat
melepaskan molekul anti-inflamasi sel-bebas. Konsisten dengan gagasan bahwa hidup organisme mungkin tidak
diperlukan untuk perbaikan klinis aktivitas probiotik, probiotik panas dibunuh atau lysates probiotik telah menghasilkan
bila digunakan secara topikal untuk dermatitis atopik atau secara oral untuk penyakit diare. 34 35 36 Di sisi lain, lain
bekerja menunjukkan hati-hati karena probiotik panas tewas dapat mempromosikan respon inflamasi dengan menginduksi
interleukin-12 (IL-12) produksi dan aktivitas sel-pembunuh alami. Meskipun telah banyak telah diduga
bahwa probiotik, melalui kepatuhan mukosa, menggantikan patogen dan mencegah kemampuan mereka untuk menjajah dan
memulai penyakit, penelitian eksperimental, pada kenyataannya, telah melaporkan hasil yang bertentangan pada kemampuan probiotik untuk
menggantikan patogen dari sel-sel epitel atau mukosa. Dalam penelitian manusia, strain yang berbeda dari
probiotik telah menunjukkan kapasitas yang berbeda untuk kolonisasi, berdasarkan penelitian tinja. Secara keseluruhan,
mekanisme yang probiotik tindakan harus dianggap berbeda antara produk dan kemungkinan ketegangan
tertentu. Data tambahan diperlukan untuk memahami mekanisme yang probiotik tertentu bertindak
penyakit tertentu untuk memungkinkan dokter untuk membuat keputusan tentang pilihan probiotik yang tepat untuk
digunakan dalam kondisi klinis yang berbeda.
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