Luo Lin stands up from fail­ure fu­ri­ously, a fist falls on the ice c terjemahan - Luo Lin stands up from fail­ure fu­ri­ously, a fist falls on the ice c Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Luo Lin stands up from fail­ure fu­

Luo Lin stands up from fail­ure fu­ri­ously, a fist falls on the ice cold thigh out­ra­geously, gets angry: „Must kill then kills!”
„Right? It seems like you do not want to work as this harem to hold flag Wei that dead!”
The ice raised the jib coldly, death roar­ing flame lingers, this fist got down, Luo Lin died in­evitably.
„Elder brother!”
The dis­tant place, hears An­gela's cry, de­stroys „clang” a bom­bard­ment on the ice cold shoul­der, rum­bles this dif­fer­ent demon king di­rectly flies to draw back, Ling Han flies high to stand, said in con­ster­na­tion: „? Is that is the de­con­struc­tion in fable? Ha, al­though in strength level far in­fe­rior des­per­ate, but also worthily is a han­dle god sol­dier girl, what is your name?”
An­gela is nip­ping the sil­ver tooth: „Bas­tard, shut up!”
Ling Han is angry, will con­tinue to make war, sud­denly be­hind a dis­tant sword spirit cav­alry sol­dier con­trols black Fei­long to come, to ride the lo­gis­tics depot to carry on the back in the dragon, salutes re­spect­fully, said: „Sir Ling Han, sky sharp knife blade Sir Dahlen trans­mits makes the edict, we were blocked in the at­tack in storm fort vi­o­lently, the army buckle of Sir Ge Wen is se­ri­ous, there­fore, sky sharp knife blade Sir Dahlen re­quests you to branch out an army to reen­force the at­tack of storm fort!”
Ling Han grips tightly the fist, clenches teeth say­ing: „I knew, since is Sir Dahlen per­son­ally or­ders, the sub­or­di­nate com­plies with in­evitably, walks, I dis­patch troops with you!”
Ling Han turns head, has a look at An­gela, Frost and Luo Lin, said with a smile slightly: „We one will play again!”
Gazes after Ling Han to fly to go far away, we can­not bear re­laxed, if Ling Han per­son­ally leads the army storm now, we are def­i­nitely the brace are about 48 hours, now Ling Han walked, we have a strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess of faint trace, al­though this strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess is not high.
Luo Lin under sup­port­ing by the arm of peo­ple, stand­ing up in an ex­tremely dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion, has cleaned the blood of cor­ners of the mouth, has grasped the long hal­berd of nearby knight, said: „Bor­rows, thanks”
The knights are as­ton­ished: „Your high­ness uses at will”
Above the city, the dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry is wreak­ing havoc as be­fore, but Luo Lin the se­vere wound, the peo­ple were al­ready heavy­hearted, the morale of troops also came under the ex­tremely se­ri­ous in­flu­ence.
NPC of com­man­der level walks to go for­ward, re­spect­fully to Lin­dau: „Your high­ness, re­moves to rest, mak­ing the Saint cure the mas­ter to cure the wound for you, oth­er­wise is un­able to fight again.”
In Luo Lin's eyes passed over gen­tly and swiftly a chill in the air, said: „No, we did not have Cooldown to waste, Rugge, you calls all cav­al­ries of pur­ple star reg­i­ment im­me­di­ately, should have at least 2 W to ride?”
„Yes, Sir, do we want to do?” Rugge asked as­ton­ished.
Luo Lin smiles lightly: „Is lead­ing this 2 W cav­alry, goes to the tour hunt­ing for moun­tain val­ley with me to­gether!”
„Your high­ness swims the hunt­ing for moun­tain val­ley, that is the place that the king gar­risons, there has the rem­nants of 5000 + fierce tiger reg­i­ments, do we go to there to do? This 2 W cav­alry should be keeps above city to par­tic­i­pate in the fight is right this is our final sharp” Rugge con­tin­ued to ask puz­zled.
Luo Lin turned around, looked at this sub­or­di­nate one eyes that let some­body cool off or calm down, said: „Lis­tens to me to order, im­me­di­ately call army!”
„Yes, the sub­or­di­nate is com­pli­ant!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Luo Lin stands up from fail­ure fu­ri­ously, a fist falls on the ice cold thigh out­ra­geously, gets angry: „Must kill then kills!”„Right? It seems like you do not want to work as this harem to hold flag Wei that dead!”The ice raised the jib coldly, death roar­ing flame lingers, this fist got down, Luo Lin died in­evitably.„Elder brother!”The dis­tant place, hears An­gela's cry, de­stroys „clang” a bom­bard­ment on the ice cold shoul­der, rum­bles this dif­fer­ent demon king di­rectly flies to draw back, Ling Han flies high to stand, said in con­ster­na­tion: „? Is that is the de­con­struc­tion in fable? Ha, al­though in strength level far in­fe­rior des­per­ate, but also worthily is a han­dle god sol­dier girl, what is your name?”An­gela is nip­ping the sil­ver tooth: „Bas­tard, shut up!”Ling Han is angry, will con­tinue to make war, sud­denly be­hind a dis­tant sword spirit cav­alry sol­dier con­trols black Fei­long to come, to ride the lo­gis­tics depot to carry on the back in the dragon, salutes re­spect­fully, said: „Sir Ling Han, sky sharp knife blade Sir Dahlen trans­mits makes the edict, we were blocked in the at­tack in storm fort vi­o­lently, the army buckle of Sir Ge Wen is se­ri­ous, there­fore, sky sharp knife blade Sir Dahlen re­quests you to branch out an army to reen­force the at­tack of storm fort!”„This”Ling Han grips tightly the fist, clenches teeth say­ing: „I knew, since is Sir Dahlen per­son­ally or­ders, the sub­or­di­nate com­plies with in­evitably, walks, I dis­patch troops with you!”„Yes!”Ling Han turns head, has a look at An­gela, Frost and Luo Lin, said with a smile slightly: „We one will play again!”Gazes after Ling Han to fly to go far away, we can­not bear re­laxed, if Ling Han per­son­ally leads the army storm now, we are def­i­nitely the brace are about 48 hours, now Ling Han walked, we have a strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess of faint trace, al­though this strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess is not high.Luo Lin under sup­port­ing by the arm of peo­ple, stand­ing up in an ex­tremely dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion, has cleaned the blood of cor­ners of the mouth, has grasped the long hal­berd of nearby knight, said: „Bor­rows, thanks”The knights are as­ton­ished: „Your high­ness uses at will”Above the city, the dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry is wreak­ing havoc as be­fore, but Luo Lin the se­vere wound, the peo­ple were al­ready heavy­hearted, the morale of troops also came under the ex­tremely se­ri­ous in­flu­ence.NPC of com­man­der level walks to go for­ward, re­spect­fully to Lin­dau: „Your high­ness, re­moves to rest, mak­ing the Saint cure the mas­ter to cure the wound for you, oth­er­wise is un­able to fight again.”In Luo Lin's eyes passed over gen­tly and swiftly a chill in the air, said: „No, we did not have Cooldown to waste, Rugge, you calls all cav­al­ries of pur­ple star reg­i­ment im­me­di­ately, should have at least 2 W to ride?”„Yes, Sir, do we want to do?” Rugge asked as­ton­ished.Luo Lin smiles lightly: „Is lead­ing this 2 W cav­alry, goes to the tour hunt­ing for moun­tain val­ley with me to­gether!”„Your high­ness swims the hunt­ing for moun­tain val­ley, that is the place that the king gar­risons, there has the rem­nants of 5000 + fierce tiger reg­i­ments, do we go to there to do? This 2 W cav­alry should be keeps above city to par­tic­i­pate in the fight is right this is our final sharp” Rugge con­tin­ued to ask puz­zled.Luo Lin turned around, looked at this sub­or­di­nate one eyes that let some­body cool off or calm down, said: „Lis­tens to me to order, im­me­di­ately call army!”„Yes, the sub­or­di­nate is com­pli­ant!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Luo Lin berdiri dari kegagalan marah, tinju jatuh pada paha es dingin penghinaan, marah: "Harus membunuh kemudian membunuh!"
"Benar? Sepertinya Anda tidak ingin bekerja sebagai harem ini untuk memegang bendera Wei yang mati! "
Es mengangkat jib dingin, kematian menderu api tetap hidup, tinju ini turun, Luo Lin meninggal pasti.
" Saudara Penatua! "
The jauh tempat , mendengar teriakan Angela, menghancurkan "dentang" pemboman di bahu es dingin, bergemuruh raja setan yang berbeda ini langsung terbang ke menarik kembali, Ling Han terbang tinggi untuk berdiri, mengatakan dalam ketakutan: "? Apakah itu adalah dekonstruksi dalam dongeng? Ha, meskipun dalam tingkat kekuatan jauh lebih rendah putus asa, tetapi juga layak adalah pegangan dewa tentara gadis, siapa namamu? "
Angela menggigit perak gigi:"! Bajingan, tutup mulut "
Ling Han marah, akan terus berperang , tiba-tiba di belakang seorang prajurit pedang roh kavaleri jauh mengontrol hitam Feilong untuk datang, untuk naik logistik depot untuk melanjutkan kembali naga, hormat hormat, mengatakan: "Sir Ling Han, langit tajam pisau pisau Sir Dahlen mentransmisikan membuat dekrit tersebut, kami diblokir dalam serangan badai benteng keras, gesper tentara Sir Ge Wen serius, oleh karena itu, langit tajam pisau pisau Sir Dahlen meminta Anda untuk cabang tentara untuk reenforce serangan badai benteng! "
" ini "
Ling Han grip erat tinju, mengepalkan gigi mengatakan: "aku tahu, karena adalah Sir Dahlen pribadi perintah, dipatuhi bawahan dengan pasti, jalan-jalan, saya mengirimkan pasukan dengan Anda"
Ling Han ternyata kepala, memiliki tampilan di Angela, Frost dan Luo Lin, mengatakan dengan senyum yang sedikit: "Kami satu akan bermain lagi!"
tatapan setelah Ling Han terbang untuk pergi jauh, kita tidak tahan santai, jika Ling Han pribadi memimpin badai tentara sekarang, kita pasti penjepit sekitar 48 jam, sekarang Ling Han berjalan, kita memiliki siasat yang menjamin keberhasilan jejak samar, meskipun siasat ini yang menjamin keberhasilan tidak tinggi.
Luo Lin bawah mendukung dengan lengan orang, berdiri dalam situasi yang sangat sulit, memiliki membersihkan darah dari sudut mulut, telah menangkap tombak panjang di dekatnya knight, mengatakan: "Borrows, terima kasih"
para ksatria heran: "yang Mulia menggunakan di akan"
di atas kota, mengendarai kuda jijik kavaleri berat mendatangkan malapetaka seperti sebelumnya, tapi Luo Lin luka parah, orang-orang yang sudah heavyhearted, moral pasukan juga datang di bawah pengaruh yang sangat serius.
NPC dari tingkat komandan berjalan untuk maju, hormat ke Lindau: "yang Mulia, menghilangkan untuk beristirahat, . membuat Saint menyembuhkan master untuk menyembuhkan luka untuk Anda, jika tidak dapat bertarung lagi "
di mata Luo Lin melewati lembut dan cepat dingin di udara, berkata:" tidak, kami tidak memiliki Cooldown untuk limbah, Rugge , Anda memanggil semua cavalries resimen bintang ungu segera, harus memiliki minimal 2 W naik "?
" Ya, Sir, kita ingin lakukan? "Rugge bertanya heran.
Luo Lin tersenyum ringan:" Apakah terkemuka ini 2 W kavaleri, pergi ke berburu tur untuk lembah gunung dengan saya bersama-sama! "
" yang Mulia berenang berburu untuk lembah gunung, itu adalah tempat yang raja garnisun, ada memiliki sisa-sisa 5000 + resimen harimau sengit, kita pergi ke sana untuk melakukan ? . Ini 2 W kavaleri harus terus di atas kota untuk berpartisipasi dalam pertarungan yang benar ini adalah kami akhir tajam "Rugge terus bertanya bingung
Luo Lin berbalik, menatap ini bawahan satu mata yang memungkinkan seseorang dingin atau tenang, mengatakan: "Mendengarkan saya untuk memesan, segera hubungi tentara!"
"Ya, bawahan adalah compliant!"
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