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Previous ChapterNext ChapterChapter 453: Distributing The Spoils, RecuperationXiao Yan was seated on a rock within the empty clearing. In front of him was a simple wooden table where piles of Fire Crystal Cards were placed orderly. Many of these Fire Crystal Cards had the same number on it.“2.”Clearly, the owners of these Fire Crystal Cards had all unluckily met older students and had their ‘Fire Energy’ stolen from them.Dozens of new students were seated cross-legged in the empty clearing in front of the table. Although their outer appearances were extremely weary and awkward, their eyes were filled with energy. Numerous gazes that carried excitement stared at the pile of Fire Crystal Cards on the table.On the other side of the empty ground, Sha Tie, Su Xiao, and the others rested against a tree trunk. The expressions on their faces were extremely dispirited. The gazes that they used to look at Xiao Yan on the rock were filled with a certain resentment.Xiao Yan did not pay much attention to their gazes. His left hand lifted a pale-blue Fire Crystal Card. After which, he repeatedly grabbed a black Fire Crystal Card. He rubbed both of them together and as a light was released, the number on the black Fire Crystal Card swiftly returned to the number when they had entered the forest. Moreover, Xiao Yan added 2 more days to the balance. Finally, the number on these black cards turned from 2 to 7!What Xiao Yan was currently doing was naturally splitting the spoils, an important matter that would hook people’s heart. Those new students’ Fire Crystal Cards, which had been depleted until there were only 2 days of ‘Fire Energy’ left, were not only replenished by Xiao Yan, but also gained an extra 2 days worth of ‘Fire Energy.’ Xiao Yan also generously gave the lucky ones, who had avoided having their Fire Crystal Cards snatched by the older student, an extra 5 days of ‘Fire Energy’. He clearly understood that if he did not have the assistance of the new students who bravely went all out, it would have been impossible for the few people in his group to complete this task of swallowing Su Xiao’s three groups as well as Sha Tie’s even stronger group.Light repeatedly flashed on the table’s surface. A long while after this, Xiao Yan finally exhaled and placed the final black Fire Crystal Card down. He turned his head toward Xun Er and Hu Jia by the side and said, “Hand all of these back to their original owners.”Xun Er and Hu Jia nodded their heads when they heard this. They immediately grabbed a bundle of Fire Crystal Cards each and flashed toward the new student group in an agile manner. After which, they returned the various Fire Crystal Cards, which had individual unique markings, back into the hands of those new students with excited faces."Ha ha, kami 'Fire energi' adalah akhirnya kembali di tangan kita." Beberapa murid baru memeluk kartu Crystal api mereka sendiri dengan kedua tangan. Mereka tidak bisa membantu tetapi bagian mulut mereka dan tertawa ketika mereka melihat nomor di atasnya.Xiao Yan sedikit tersenyum saat ia melihat kegembiraan dan penuh kebahagiaan wajah mahasiswa baru. Dia mengalihkan perhatiannya ke arah Wu Hao, yang sedang bersemedi dengan mata tertutup. Setelah pertempuran tersebut selesai, ia cepat dikonsumsi satu lebih 'energi pemulihan pil.' Oleh karena itu, kulit arus Wu Hao telah meningkat pesat. Luka-luka pada tubuh-Nya yang luka hanya eksternal. Untungnya, ia tidak melukai Qi jalan atau tulang. Sebaliknya, ia mungkin diperlukan untuk beristirahat selama jangka waktu untuk memulihkan diri sepenuhnya.Xiao Yan berdiri dari batu dan bermata berwarna biru pucat api Crystal kartu di atas meja. Setelah distribusi dari rampasan sebelumnya, ada masih lebih dari 270 tersisa 'Api energi' dalam kartu ini kristal api. Setelah mendistribusikan ini tersisa 'api energi' antara empat dari mereka, setiap orang akan dapat memperoleh sekitar enam puluh hari layak itu. Tuaian ini dapat dianggap sangat kaya.Setelah sementara mentransfer semua ' api
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